I’m _just_ about to take off for the Historical Novel Society conference in San Diego, but wanted to remind everyone that I’ll be doing a signing at the Book Rack in Mesa on June 22nd, from 1-3 PM.
The Book Rack
1752 Signal Butte Rd.Suite 108
Mesa, AZ 85209
Our major crossroads are Signal Butte and the US60 and we are located in the Walmart Parking lot next to Cold Stone Creamery and Panda Express.
Our phone number is 480-380-0044.
And yes, to those who’ve been asking, I _will_ be at Bubonicon in late August.
I have a load of free Stuff described as “downloadables” (wallpapers, screen savers and the like) by Random House, which I’ll put up here as soon as I get a chance–way up past mid-eyeball in finishing SCOTTISH PRISONER, which will likely be done wiithin a week! {crossing fingers}
And then…I have an informal poll question for y’all, which I’ll try to put up tomorrow night, i I’m not too wiped from a six-hour drive, a dinner cruise, and a dress {ahem} rehearsal in the bar for the Late-Night Sex-Scene readings. (I normally do these in my nightwear, but Chris Humphreys, who is doing a literary three-way with me and Gillian Bagwell, tells me he requires a sword, one of which I have borrowed from my son.) SCOTTISH PRISONER is a two-man book–the men in question being Jamie and Lord John. At the moment, it begins with Jamie’s story, with a scene that caused my husband to write, “Can you even _print_ this?” in the margin when he read it. Now, I’ll definitely use that scene {g]–but not sure if I should lead off with it. It might cause new readers either to slam the book shut and throw it back on the table–or rush to the cash register with it. But I _could_ begin with Lord John’s part of the story, which is also very good, but a lot less…er…{cough}. But I’ll show you both beginnings and you can give me your opinions, if you’d be so kind!
Manana! (You’ll have to imagine the tilde over the first “n” there. I stink at putting in diacritical marks.)
Well, having not yet read the Lord John option, I’ll still weigh in. The book is titled “Scottish Prisoner,” shouldn’t it begin with the actual prisoner?
I’m looking forward to this!
alt 0241 = ñ
as in ma- alt 0241 – ana.
On a pc.
Not a mac-mama . . .
from MI
As someone who studiously avoids reading extracts I have no idea what the sex scene with Jamie in the stables is about, but everytime I read a comment on it I can’t help but think of Jamie’s dream about making himself the King of Ireland!
Looking forward to reading both and can’t wait for the book. I’ll be downloading to my Nook as soon as it is available.
Any more snippits to share on either Lord John or Outlander book 8? I check for them almost daily now.
I only look in here every so often but now I am very excited! Will be back in the morn
Whatever you write, I will ready but I am looking forward to participating as well!
Sooooo looking forward to this!! I agree with JaneEllen…start with the Scottish prisoner!
After reading the Outlander series and the Lord John Series, of course I’ll run to the register regardless of what you start it with.
Just wanted to let you know that I am a new follower, just got through Dragonfly…my husband has now ordered the rest of the series for me (not because he reads, he doesn’t read)…but because he loves hearing me laugh out loud while I read. He loves it when I read to him, though. We especially giggled at the Lord Lovat diagnosis and prescription. I haven’t enjoyed a book this much in YEARS.
For those of us that love both Jamie and Lord John equally….it will be dilemma to choose. As for Doug’s comment “Will they print that”…I’ve seen much more graphic scenes in print…that I couldn’t believe made it into print. Folks always have the choice of closing that book. Somehow that just doesn’t happen with yours though.
Looking forward (very much so) to reading both excerpts. Come to think of it, it was some of Chris Humphries sex scenes that were much more graphic ….maybe keep the sword! Wish I were there for the readings. Enjoy!
I am torn between wanting to read a sneak peak and wanting to wait to read the entire novel all at once. That said, so long as both scenes are included in the book, I am eagerly awaiting its publication. When I get new friends addicted to your books, as a friend once did to me (I feel it is an addiction well worth passing on), I always tell them your books are the best historical fiction, best steamy love scenes, jam-packed with action, mixed with a bit of fantasy, time travel, and the best characters and storyline you’ll find most anywhere. Looking forward to having another novel to hook my friends on as well. =)
If it involves Jamie, I am all for it right away. The more Jamie, the better!!
I would love to respond to the poll question. Can’t wait for the new book to see how a relationship goes from outright hatred and animosity to the best of friends!
I was only introduced to the outlander series a few months ago, so I had the luxury of reading all the books within a small time frame. Granted I couldn’t put them down and blew through all novels within a month. So I’m re-reading in case I missed anything in Outlander. …mmmhh:) Can’t wait for the next novel and looking forward to the new lord John, Jamie Fraser book; such a “unique” relationship. Glad I found your blog site too.
Keep re reading Heidi ! even after 3 to 4 re reads you will still find something.. then try the audio books and you will pick up more !
The stories are so go and there is so much detail, once you re read things become relevant that you didnt think where…
Cheers Jo-Anne
I agree with those who said begin the book with the Scottish Prisoner himself.
And I too am new to the series. I’ve read books 1-6 in the last month and am taking time before going on to Echo in the Bone to re-read books 1-6 AND the LJG series. I’m trying to put off the ‘ending,’ and the waiting for the actual ending, as long as possible! Best books and series I have ever read. And verra happy to have found not only the book series but Diana’s blog and her info and her love for the fans!
PLEASE When will books 5 and 6 be available unabridged on Audible? It is too hard to wait. I guess I could bring myself to actually read them, but I love listening to the fabulous Divina Porter read them! I could never do it as well, even in my head.
I can’t wait to …er…catch up
I ran into a bit of a snag a few years ago – bought Breath of Snow and Ashes, started it, then had HAD to put it down to finish my masters thesis. After that I had a really hard time being able to read for pleasure for a long time…feelings of guilt and “shouldn’t I be doing something else?” That’s right. I forgot how to read!
But I found my way back down to my library and was digging out the flotsam only to find your books resting comfortably on the shelf just waiting for me to pick them up again! Then later that day I saw an ad for Outlander (actually for the whole series) and knew it was a sign. So the only reason I can possibly wait for Scottish Prisoner is because I’m so stinkin’ far behind on the rest! Oh, and thanks for making me jealous that not only can I not make it to Mesa to see you at the signing, but also that I’m missing out on Panda and Coldstone as well!
Thank God I’m a teacher and have nothing better to do all summer, eh?
(wow, could my comment drip with any more sarcasm?
Thanks so much for years of entertainment and suspense!
I look forward to the Scottish Prisoner. oh and Mrs Gabaldon i’m guessing your husband hasn’t seen some of the romance novels out there, they can be quite racey. Not that your novels fall in that category your in a world on your own. Since reading your novels plain old historical romances which use to be my fave to read fall flat compared to the Outlander series. I really love the LJ series alot, it’s full of action..I love historical fiction. Everytime i reread your books it’s like watching an amasing movie or tvseries, the scenes play out in my head and i only put it down when i reach a part that feels like a commercial should pop in.
Oh my gosh…I can’t wait! Thank you for letting us help you decide!
Would you believe…..I actually giggled in anticipation?!!!