Ooookay. THIS weekend (August 26-28) is Bubonicon, which takes place in Albuquerque, NM, at the Airport Sheraton Hotel. I’ll be there from Friday evening through Sunday, and will be doing several different appearances: 8:30 PM on Friday night—a panel on “Beyond Goddess/Whore” 1:00 PM Saturday–a panel on Jules Verne 4:00 PM – Mass Autographing (with other authors) – I _think_ this is open to the public, but can’t swear to it, and 10:00 AM Sunday – a 70-minute talk/reading (with Sam Sykes) I’ll also be taking part in the Sunday afternoon tea, and will just be generally around most of the time. See you there! Or if not at Bubonicon…. NEXT weekend (Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-4), I’ll be at DragonCon in Atlanta. I’m doing two appearances there: Title: Whiskey, Haggis, & Madmen: Myths & Reality of the Scottish Highlands Time: Sat 08:30 pm Location: International BC – Westin (Length: 1) Description: The stories that made Scotland famous: why kilts, why Braveheart was an inspiring fairy tale, and how the […]
Tag Archive for ‘Bubonicon’ 
Quick Bits
I’m _just_ about to take off for the Historical Novel Society conference in San Diego, but wanted to remind everyone that I’ll be doing a signing at the Book Rack in Mesa on June 22nd, from 1-3 PM. The Book Rack 1752 Signal Butte Rd.Suite 108 Mesa, AZ 85209 Our major crossroads are Signal Butte and the US60 and we are located in the Walmart Parking lot next to Cold Stone Creamery and Panda Express. Our phone number is 480-380-0044. And yes, to those who’ve been asking, I _will_ be at Bubonicon in late August. I have a load of free Stuff described as “downloadables” (wallpapers, screen savers and the like) by Random House, which I’ll put up here as soon as I get a chance–way up past mid-eyeball in finishing SCOTTISH PRISONER, which will likely be done wiithin a week! {crossing fingers} And then…I have an informal poll question for y’all, which I’ll try to put up tomorrow night, i I’m not too wiped from a six-hour drive, a […]