OK. This is the new Starz TV tie-in cover for OUTLANDER—for the U.S. (The foreign markets may get slightly different covers; I don’t know for sure yet.)
No, the book itself hasn’t changed in the slightest; it just has a new cover to advertise the upcoming show (which as previously noted, airs on August 9th–in the US. If you’re not in the U.S.A., please check this page on global publishing or read my blog from November 15, 2013, where you will find out about international sales of the series.
This tie-in edition will be printed both as trade paperbacks (the large size) and mass-market paperbacks (the smaller size).
(Those who like the original cover(s) needn’t fret—those covers will all remain in print. This is an addition, not a replacement.)
Cool, huh? <g>
Awesome!!!! Will this edition be available at the Poisoned Pen signed by you? Absolutely love these books and you can never have too many.
I am almost finished with my 8th reread of the series and looking forward to MOBY and the TV show. Thank you for the story of Claire and Jamie. Historical fiction has always been my favorite and you include so much history into the story that it makes it seem even more real. These books have taken over my reading world. Nothing else can compare.
Have a wonderful summer in all your travels.
Absolutely splendid!! I’ll have it as soon as it’s available even though I’ve already collected the series in
hardcover, large paperback, mass paperback,audio and Kindle version for travelling.
Outlander became a significant part of my hectic life. I read a lot of other books too, but then I always come back to read Outlander series again…and again…..Should I start calling it an addiction?
I’d love to have a calendar with pictures from the TV series too!
I’m so excited for the new book,the Outlander T.V. Series, and meeting you June 11th in Pasadena for my first ever book signing. I’ve been rereading the series,on A Breath Of Snow and Ashes, now I have a visual of Claire and Jaimie to look at. Thank you for keeping this reader busy<3. Sylvia K
Diana, What do we have to do to get August 9th declared “Diana Gabaldon Day” in the US?
Seriously, thank you for all your efforts in creating this amazing story, and making it so real that the only way to do it justice is via a cable series. I can’t imagine how disappointing a 2-hour movie version would have been…ughhh!
(and indulge me here) KEEP UP THE FABULOUS WORK!
Tammy Campbell Curtis
I honestly don’t think it would have been humanly possible to pick two more perfect actors for these roles. This looks great.
Couldn’t agree more
I can’t wait!!!!!!!
I can’t wait either.!!!!
The part of the cover which shows the picture of the lead actor and actress is cut off on my screen. If the same thing is true for you you can see the full cover on Karen Henry’s blog, http://outlandishobservations.blogspot.com/.
All you need to do is click on the picture on this blog and it will show in its entirety.
Diana posted the graphic given to her by the publishers, which Diana’s website software didn’t like! So at first it did not show correctly on many devices.
As soon as I saw it, I fixed that by editing the graphic and posting only the front cover. It should show up correctly now. If not, send me an email and include what type of computer or tablet or smartphone you are using.
(Diana’s Webmistress)
Dear Diana, Fantastic Cover!!!! Will this be out sometime around the Starz airdate? I would also like to know if I can get it at The Poisoned Pen. and autographed. I know you are very busy right now, but can you tell me where I can get the bookplates for some of my other Outlander books? One more thing- Is the series going to be available on DVD-(fingers crossed)? Congratulations on book 8!!! Regards, Pat H
Dear Pat–
Yes, you’ll be able to get this book (and all the others) from the Poisoned Pen.
To be honest…
I am confused by the pictures and Videos. I have been reading your books (and each one at least three times) since 1995, that is, nearly twenty years. And over the years, all the characters grew into images in my mind, pictures that formed from your words… and twenty years is too long a time to look at those faces now and contentedly replace my own pictures. I understand that the film means publicity and money, and both are good and necessary and needed, and I hope you will get plenty of them. Still I would have felt gratefull if I had had a choice to look or not to look at the pictures. My fortune is a weak eye memory, so I hope to have forgotten the looks of the actors by next week.
Next month I will be sooooooo glad to cherish your new book!
Sincere Greetings!
Dirtsa…. The twenty year image of the characters from your imagination should be nearly carved in stone for you. A fleeting glimpse of the actors should not replace your own impressions unless you like what you see better. I do find my own pictures of them returning even though I have loved looking at SH. Read number eight and I believe your own Jamie and Claire will return as gloriously as ever.
As to her future fortune through the film, I really don’t believe she craves it or needs it. It is a nice bonus. The books that have sold already have given her all the fame and fortune she will ever need (I think-could be wrong, of course.) DD
Dirtsa—-simple solution. don’t read about the actors or watch the TV series. As you said the images you dislike will soon fade. I do hope you change your mind. It is going to be a great series.
Fame and Fortune? Diana Gabaldon already has it. The film is a happy bonus for us and recognition of her incredible work for the author. DD
I haven’t read the books yet but i want to! they seem so amazing
I was not going to direct my comments to anyone but Diana anymore. May I tell you to find Outlander today and no one will need to encourage you to read the rest of the series. I would like to ask Diana if she knew it would be a series or did it evolve as she found there was more to her story? And isn’t that an understatement! DD
While living in London in 1992, I started reading a book recommended by a salesclerk called “Cross Stitch”. I passed it on to numerous friends, hooking them all. Since then I have lived in Paris, Zurich, and Montreal and I have been reading and loving the same story. I can’t wait for the newest book!
Thank you for this series and I am looking forward to My Own Heart’s Blood. I have been listening to the stories on tape(and so likely have to wait some time yet for the novel) and would like to pass on my thoughts on the narrators. Davina Porter is the much preferred one by far, so I hope she will be the narrator for MYOHB and I also hope that you don’t leave some characters just hanging.
I do have a fairly good imagination but would prefer if you finished the story lines.
Thank you again.
There is method in her madness!! And do we not expect Written In My Own Heart’s Blood in just a few weeks? Thank goodness! DD
The Space Between – An Outlander Novella was a great read. At the end, your mind just went crazy imagining all the possibilities. It’s fun to know these characters and hope for them and wonder what will happen. I wonder if Diana knows herself!
Dear Diana, do you have any idea of when the book 8 will be available in French?
I don’t know where some of these people all over Facebook and Twitter are coming up with the idea that the new book is too short and even if they thought that, why put it on your blogs. You have to actually READ something before you can have an opinion on it. I really cannot see why you don’t become more irritated by some of the remarks made. I cannot wait to get the book and read and savor it but I won’t try to insult you or other readers with a negative opinion. I went back to all my hardback copies of your books and noted the pages in each:
Outlander 627
DIA 743
Voyager 870
DOA 880
Fiery Cross 979
Echo 814
Moby 825
This averages 840 pages per book. Keep up the great work, all of us will keep on buying and reading no matter how many pages are in them and just PIFF all the negatives.
Totally cool!
Maybe some of us are about to lose our minds as well as good manners and common sense in anticipation of number 8. I love Linda’s piff all negatives. DD
Hey Diana!! USA Today (5/29/14) – Summer Books recommended:
Written In My Own Heart’s Blood (B&N)
I saw the review and had a fit of joy. Smiles all around
Yes, the books – all of them – are too short /grin (this is facetious)
I picked up Outlander how many years ago, not being at all intimidated by the size of the book (huge, compared to others on the shelf) because I’m a fast reader. Got to the “end” and turned the last page, and said, “NO! It can’t be over yet! NOOOOO!!!!!!” Every book has been “too short” and I’ve been doing two- and three-year “sentences” waiting for each new book, “gobbling Gabaldon” (my spouse calls it) even though I swear I’m going to read slowly and draw out the pleasure.
Needless to say, everyone knows not to call or write or expect to hear anything from me from June 10 through June 15 (no matter how hard I try, I can’t read slowly the first time!)
Thank you for the wonderful story of MOBY both as itself alone and a continuation of the wonderful story of Jamie and Claire. I finished my nook copy today after reading as slowly as I could to make it last. Thankfully there will be a Book 9 although the waiting will be hard. I loved the ending! I’ll be rereading the entire series once again and entertaining myself with various possible story lines. I feel very much a part of the wonderful Outlander family. So grateful for the magic of your storytelling. Thank you. Margaret
Loved the book. Have enjoyed everyone of them. The ending was great and I look forward to finding out about William, Lord John and Hal, Ben’s wife, what happened to Buck, will Rob Cameron show up at the Ridge.?????? Really enjoyed the time travel and all the various story lines.