• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Publication Date Change – Sorry About This…

Well. I _really_ hate writing this, and I do apologize….but the pub date for MOBY is moving.

Two reasons for this:

1. The first—and by far the most important—is that I began to realize about a month ago that I needed a little more time in order to finish the book the way it needs to be done. I could get the necessary wordage on paper by the end of the year—but it wouldn’t be _good_. Good takes more time. And I’m really sorry, but you’re not getting a book that’s less than the best I can do.

2. The second thing has to do with the new Starz tv show. Two things about _that_:

a. While the original guess as to the date for the series release was April, that _was_ only a guess. In New York last month, the Starz people were telling me (and the assorted fans present; it’s not a secret) that it will be (take your pick), “June,” “July,” “August,” or “summer.” So, you know…later.

b. While I don’t have (and don’t want) “control” over anything to do with the show, I actually am (by contract) a consultant. And while I told the production people that I considered my main job to be staying out of their way, they are amazingly generous about including and involving me. And I am actually required to do promotional things for the PR side of the production. Sooo….am I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t be paying attention to all this fascinating stuff going on, and I’m not going to New York Comic Con, because I have to stay home and finish my novel?” Errr….no. (I mean, really—would _you_?)

So. I would have told you this a week or so ago, but once I’d made the decision that I needed an extra two months to do the book properly, all of the publishers needed to be officially informed. (Publishers hate finding out important things on Twitter or Facebook.)

Now, it’s up _to_ those publishers now to decide on a new pub date. They need to take into consideration all kinds of things, including the new date for the tv show’s release (not that there is an _official_ date as yet—and even if there was, it could move. Stuff Happens, as I’ve told you before), plus the usual considerations—where they can find a good slot in their existing schedule, what’s a good time of year for it, and so on.

I don’t have any idea what the new pub date might be. I’ll tell you the minute we know. But my immediate concern is for all the people I’ve seen this week excitedly making plans to come and see me in Portland or wherever.

Since the pub date is moving….I’m afraid (and my Deep Apologies to the poor publicists) all the tour events will have to be rescheduled, once a new date is chosen.

Now, I know a lot of you have been ordering tickets to the Portland event on April 6th. I’ll talk to the Random House people and the Portland people, and see what can be worked out. I’m happy to go and do that event, even if it’s not part of the official book-tour, if the organizers want that. But that’s up to them. I _will_ do my best to make sure you aren’t harmed by the change, though.

I’m sorry about this, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.

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243 Responses »

  1. Diana,
    I love every one of your books. The new one is much anticipated and I will rejoice when it arrives (prepaid kindle-;-) can it be tracked that long?). This makes me wish there was a gift package with all the previous books. I have many “in the cloud” and hard copies I have lent out and/or borrowed. Time to have a set. Maybe they can publish that for the original date. I don’t want movie covers though-those would not do your books justice ( PR May do that in the future anyway. Just a thought- I need to search -there may be a set published already.
    Your story of becoming a writer is amazing and wonderful. I am glad you prefer quality over quantity. I am also delighted you will grace us with another book. The few other series-time travel themed have a few then drop off – I will wait as long as it takes. Please take time to step back and enjoy who you’ve become, what you have achieved, it is truly wonderful. ( as you may be able to tell…. I am terrible at writing- for me it is like pulling teeth to put words to paper. I can, however, greatly admire talents I do not possess that others have. )

    God Bless,


  2. Diana, I am (unlike everybody else here) brand new to this series. I find your writing fantastic. Some nights, I have to drag myself away just to make sure I get a few hours of sleep! Please take your time with these books. I can’t imagine writing such novels. The length alone! Of course it’s going to take time.


  3. Great, looking forward to the release in Nov 2013, then pushed to March 2014, now June 2014. I’m disappointed with the crappy excuses.

    • Don’t you know that good things are ALWAYS worth waiting for???? The new book will be spectacular, and worth the wait……be patient!!!

  4. thank you to let us know , I am waiting and know it will be beautiful as usual ,do what you have to do, love from australia

  5. Dear Diana, Love your books, read them first in Dutch, started now to read them in English while I’m waiting for the new one… just read I’ll have to wait till June next year…. oh well all things that are good are worth while waiting for right? Hope you’ll read this, since I gather you’ll get so much response. Any way go for it dear, merry x-mas and a happy fruitful 2014 to you and your loved ones. groetje (regards!) Yolan

  6. Dear Diana, Like many others I was disappointed in reading of the new postponement. You are my favorite author, I don’t come to the website as often as I use to but I have always found your comments generous and appreciate the willingness to keep all of us as informed as possible. I love all the books in the Outlander series and Lord John, plus the other bits and pieces. I like to read or listen to them all at least once a year they are like old friends they make me laugh, cry and take me on a grand journey.Thank you so much for all the wonderful stories you’ve shared with so many. May God Bless and keep you as we wait for you to grace us with ‘Written In My Own Heart Blood’. Linda

  7. Last night I was daydreaming about how much my life has been improved by the Outlander series. I do hope Diana will leave Claire and Jamie living happily ever after somewhere. I’m off anti-depressants, so just maybe the writing will be even more vivid, as music certainly is now. I thought of all the wonderful characters . . . the little Chinaman, dear Ian with his tattoos, Stephen Bonnet, Claire’s dinner table surgery, Mrs. Bugg’s striped stockings (Wicked Witch of the West!), why Ian’s babies didn’t live, Lord John’s interesting alliances with Jamie’s womenfolk, Jamie’s comment to Briana ( “you’re huge”) on first meeting. So, will Roger get back? The last book left them so scattered! Will Gemmie get back? Will any of them get back?

    Diana, I don’t care how long it takes to do it right! We’re lucky to have you and your huge imagination and talent! I do hope you give Davina Porter a fair copy soon so she can get busy on the audio book. Meanwhile, I’m up for another listen all the way through. Here is where Gabaldon is better than Dickens or Courtenay, or Dumas or Austen! I’ve forgotten a lot, and there is always more to appreciate! XO

  8. Disappointed, but done right is worth waiting for.

  9. Diana

    My sister and I are awaiting the new release. The longer time will give us both time to reread the first ones again which we both do in anticipation of the new release. Our Mother turned us on to these and although she has been gone now seven years – we still read them. We have given them to many people and all have been enthralled with them. I am looking forward to the Starz series as well. My Mom actually wrote you about her enjoyment of your books – she said you were the only author she had ever done that with. And believe me we are all huge readers of many authors.

    Thank you Jeanne

  10. I love your books. I have been waiting at least a year for MYOB, thought the first date was a year ago but could be confused. I have had it on order forever. However, I don’t offer my own work until I’m satisfied it’s “done” and have to respect your decisions regarding your work. Just finished “The Scottish Prisoner” again. It’s my favorite of the Lord John books. Waiting with baited baited breath . . .

  11. Good afternoon, i am from holland and love the outlander serie. I would like to know when the dutch version will be published. When it takes to long, i will just read the english version. The best of your books are the number of pages, so you can enjoy the story for a long time. I don’t mind to wait any longer when you create some extra pages;).

    Yours sensirely,

    • Dear Gonnie–

      I’m afraid I don’t know when the Dutch edition will be published; usually, it takes the Dutch publisher about a year, following publication of the English original, to do the translation of the book. So I’d _guess_ that you’ll have it in 2015–but that _is_ up to the publisher. Hope you enjoy it, in whichever language you get it!


  12. How dare you keep us waiting any longer! Just kidding, quality product is always worth the wait, especially yours. The extra wait just means I won’t be anxious for the “next book”, as soon as I thought. :)

  13. Well… Guess this gives me time to reread the first seven before this one comes out! The new release date just *happens* to be the day before my birthday, so if it sticks I might just get it as a birthday present to myself!

  14. I am at the time in life where I can reread you series and it is brand new. :0) I will probable finish just as the next is available. Looking forward to your next.

  15. I never purchase books in advance but I did this one. I really wish I didn’t. Understanding that writing takes time and that you have to many irons in the fire, it still puts me off. The best part of the book’s is the old belief in honor and meaning what you say and doing it. I am horribly disappointed by the delay and lack of an actual release date. I found out about the delay through reading the reviews at Barnes and Noble web site. My e-book still sasy it will be down loaded to my library Dec 10 2013. I wish you luck but also wonder how many fans will be lost.

    • Creative processes take the time they take… While I understand you feel disappointed, it may help to focus on the reality that this is a profoundly creative process. Unlike doing something assembly-line, or following a recipe, this kind of work brings us joy and delight exactly because it is so creative – and therefore, beautifully unpredictable. Kind of like life itself. Ms. Gabardine is honoring the most important promise of all, which has very little to do with the calendar, it has to do with heart, and truth, and wisdom, and doing what is needful. It will come!

      • Gabaldon, not Gabardine — ‘darn you, Autocorrect!’

      • I understand the creative process, therefore if you can’t uphold to the date you put out don’t put a date on it. Regardless if it is the publishers doing or not they are still a reflection of her. My meaning is simply don’t put something in writing that you can’t deliver. She is a great author, but lacking in integrity.

      • Miss Anne! Unfortunately the publishing business demands that you give them an approximate date for publication, including editing, copywriting ( my biggest concern, hate typos), and any rewrite. In my opinion, integrity has nothing to do with an approximate for upwards of a thousand pages. You are being unfreasonable and bitchy. I have another pre-order just as late and they haven’t had the courtesy or real INTEGRITY to say a word. Thanks, Diana, for being so thoughtful and thanks to Random House for cooperating. See you at The Poisoned Pen! My birthday gift is a flight to PHX on tour years! Years ago I dressed the window of the now defunct Waldenbooks for your signing of Voyager in San Bernardiino, CA. Great fun and my friend and I ‘dressed’ including making pearl necklaces with filigree beads and the pearls!
        Go dunk your head in the loch, Anne.

    • I can answer your question about how many fans will be lost…………….ONE…. and her name is Anna S. Diana’s true loyal fans will patiently wait!

  16. Hi Diana
    I’m an avid reader from New Zealand. Thanks for such a brilliant series – I love them! The new pub dates coincides with winter in NZ so that will be something to look forward to during the colder months!

    Taker care

  17. I have had much heartache in my life your books take me away from this world and into one in which I can truly escape. They have kept me sane in a times that I never thought I could make it through. I just wanted to thank you for every word you have written and am excited for the further adventures of Jamie and Claire. Again thank you

  18. I just finished the Outlander series for the first time
    It’s like part of my life is gone lol! I can’t make myself read anything else!
    I normally don’t re-read books but that concept is changing.
    Think I’ll have to start over and wait for June!
    I’m just not ready to let Jamie and Claire go yet
    My mother’s ancestors were British and my father’s Scottish so although I am born and
    raised Canadian, I find the history facinating! Thank you so much for all these thrilling books!
    You are truly THE BEST ! I am in Az 6 months of the year and hope someday to get to see you in person.
    Thanks again!

    • Dear Bonnie–

      Thanks very much! If you should be in Arizona in June, you’ll have two chances to see me in person: at the launch party at the Biltmore on the 10th, and (I think; would have to check the date to be sure) on the 29th (ish) at Changing Hands.

      Hope to see you somewhere along the way!


  19. I’m happy to wait as long as it takes – good things come to us who wait, as you’ve proven time and time again! (No pun meant… Well, maybe a little.) With my red-haired Norwich Terrier, Frasier, at my side, I’m re-reading the whole shebang for the seventh or eighth time. I am always so impressed how it gets better with each fresh reading. (I read a LOT, but rarely re-read anything.)
    Frasier and I await MOBY with great anticipation! And I guess everyone knows how Frasier got his name…

  20. Dear Diana,

    I think the last and only time I wrote to you was just after Dragonfly in Amber. I understand your wanting the next book to be perfect, I will wait patiently, and I cannot WAIT for the TV Series ….. HOWEVER, dear marvelous author: I am going to be 80 years old on April 14th, and now you wouldn’t want me to croak before I have seen at least one season, and read the last (so far) book, would you? I have read the entire series three times and I thank you so very much for your imagination, intelligence, wit and talent.



  1. Outlander Addiction » ‘Written In My Own Heart’s Blood’ Publication Date Delay

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