• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Publication Date Change – Sorry About This…

Well. I _really_ hate writing this, and I do apologize….but the pub date for MOBY is moving.

Two reasons for this:

1. The first—and by far the most important—is that I began to realize about a month ago that I needed a little more time in order to finish the book the way it needs to be done. I could get the necessary wordage on paper by the end of the year—but it wouldn’t be _good_. Good takes more time. And I’m really sorry, but you’re not getting a book that’s less than the best I can do.

2. The second thing has to do with the new Starz tv show. Two things about _that_:

a. While the original guess as to the date for the series release was April, that _was_ only a guess. In New York last month, the Starz people were telling me (and the assorted fans present; it’s not a secret) that it will be (take your pick), “June,” “July,” “August,” or “summer.” So, you know…later.

b. While I don’t have (and don’t want) “control” over anything to do with the show, I actually am (by contract) a consultant. And while I told the production people that I considered my main job to be staying out of their way, they are amazingly generous about including and involving me. And I am actually required to do promotional things for the PR side of the production. Sooo….am I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t be paying attention to all this fascinating stuff going on, and I’m not going to New York Comic Con, because I have to stay home and finish my novel?” Errr….no. (I mean, really—would _you_?)

So. I would have told you this a week or so ago, but once I’d made the decision that I needed an extra two months to do the book properly, all of the publishers needed to be officially informed. (Publishers hate finding out important things on Twitter or Facebook.)

Now, it’s up _to_ those publishers now to decide on a new pub date. They need to take into consideration all kinds of things, including the new date for the tv show’s release (not that there is an _official_ date as yet—and even if there was, it could move. Stuff Happens, as I’ve told you before), plus the usual considerations—where they can find a good slot in their existing schedule, what’s a good time of year for it, and so on.

I don’t have any idea what the new pub date might be. I’ll tell you the minute we know. But my immediate concern is for all the people I’ve seen this week excitedly making plans to come and see me in Portland or wherever.

Since the pub date is moving….I’m afraid (and my Deep Apologies to the poor publicists) all the tour events will have to be rescheduled, once a new date is chosen.

Now, I know a lot of you have been ordering tickets to the Portland event on April 6th. I’ll talk to the Random House people and the Portland people, and see what can be worked out. I’m happy to go and do that event, even if it’s not part of the official book-tour, if the organizers want that. But that’s up to them. I _will_ do my best to make sure you aren’t harmed by the change, though.

I’m sorry about this, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.

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243 Responses »

  1. I am re-reading the series in anticipation for book 8…as a student of history, I am always impressed with the historical accuracy in which you write your books. I will (im)patiently wait for book 8 to be published by re-reading the first 7 books! You are a true talent and your books are my most favorite…my best friend and I are obsessed and planning our Claire and Jamie tour of Scotland for 2015. Take your time, true art cannot be rushed! Thank you for sharing Claire and Jamie with us…

  2. Darn, my wait will be even longer as I wait for the books to come out in paperback. Oh well, I have plenty of other books to read between now and then.

    • I too wait for the paperback version, Carolyn.
      But Diana…your books are so WORTH the wait. So I will wait!!
      I wish the publishers would print them simultaneous.

  3. Que sera, sera! The longer the wait the sweeter the anticipation. ;-)

  4. I have to say how dissapointed I am. I find 2 yrs hard to wait, let alone 4-5. Does this mean the next book will be 5 yrs away too? I do get needing to get the book just right and appreciated it. But, it is disheartening. I’ve already reread the last book 2 times in anticipation of the Dec release date. Not sure what to really think except dissappointed.

  5. Diana,

    I am fascinated with the stories you create and thrilled that you’ve written each one of your books. Outlander was extraordinary and truly outstanding; what a gift to find that you had not only a sequel to Outlander, but seven of them. You’ve given me and all of your Outlander fans, hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours of entertainment and eager anticipation. I thank you, and I look forward to book number eight, whenever it is ready. It is surely worth the wait.

    Much appreciated,

  6. I am disappointed that I will have to wait longer, but as many others have said, I want it to be the book you want and not something cranked out for the publishers deadlines. As to the naysayers–well tell them to write their own series, get it published loved as much as Jamie and Claire’s story. Imagine the screams if you put out a book that doesn’t meet the standard set by your previous books!

    I remember going into a period of mourning 1/2 way through book 3 thinking what will I read when I finish this series–nothing will ever live up to it. And nothing has!

    Only one request– if I don’t last long enough to get the entire series read, can someone cremate the last few books and mix them with my ashes. Maybe some sort of osmosis will happen and I can absorb the story that way!

  7. Well, now to restart from book one again, I can’t keep it fresh til June.
    Thank goodness I still laugh and cry in all the same places.

  8. Many, many years back I wrote a novel and sent it out to a few agents (you had to have an agent to even submit a manuscript to a publishing house in those days). All of them wrote back that my novel did not fit a genre…it was deeper than a romance novel, not quite mainstream, etc….

    Frustrated, I threw it in a drawer and never did anything with it.

    Now, many years later, I’m trying to write screenplays and it’s all about form rather than story. It has to be this way and that way and can’t be more than 120 pages long AND, according the the late Syd Fields, it should be three acts and off the stage (like “off with your head,” if you don’t follow the form). I always thought if the story was good, the rest would follow, rather than the other way around.

    A lover of history and literature, I am happy to read your books because they blow all of these stupid constraints out of the water. It is all about the story and in depth characterization and, needless to say, I am looking forward to more.

    By the way, I think the Starz series has been perfectly cast. Sam may not photograph well in some cases, but if you see him talking in an interview, once he smiles and puts on the charm, I can well imagine him as Jamie Fraser. I think all the detractors will be silenced once they see him on the screen.

    Caitriona as Claire is perfectly cast too, as is Tobias as Frank/Jonathan Randall.

    I am hoping Starz decides to do more of the books when they see the success of this one. I can hardly wait to see how they cast Lord John Gray. From the beginning, once he was brought to life by your writing, he has been one of my favorite characters. (very well rounded and written). I sense he is also one of yours, as well.

    Good luck (buena suerte) and continued happy writing, Ms. Gabaldon!

  9. I have read these for the 3rd time while listening to the audio files while driving. Consumed 2 months of my life and I feel deeply saddened by the fact I’m done. Again. And now have to wait. As an avid reader there is NOTHING worse than finishing an amazing book, well maybe finishing the series. Thank God here’s another one or I’d have to jump of a bern into the closest loch

  10. I cant wait for the new book im still on my first time reading echo in bone. and i live in canada and was so happy to see that show case is going to be airing the tv show. i cant wait. I love this series and your writing. I found my first copy of outlander at a yard sale when i was like 14 read it and then was hooked and bought all the rest of the series. Thank you Diana for sharing you gift with the world. one of your many fans. Diane

  11. Better you take the extra time cause Jamie and Claire deserve it. Anxiously awaiting the book whenever it come out. Good things are worth waiting for. Hopefully it will be in a Kindle edition right off the bat.

  12. When will book 9 come out? and will there be a book 10? Figure as we’ve been waiting this long for book 8, may as well be braced for when to hope to expect the following book(s) to come out.

  13. I hold you in high regard! Can imagine it is not that easy to stand up to so many different people (publisher, fans, maybe even friends and family) who want you to finally finish MOBY.

  14. Dear Diana,

    Your books are always, always, always worth the wait. That said, I will undoubtedly squirm like a worm on a fishhook until Written In My Own Heart’s Blood is in my hot little hands.

    Also, I just saw the Speaking Outlander: Sassenach clip. Nobody told me Sam as Jamie was actually in it. I am frightened by the intensity of my response and think I may swear off the program entirely. I think it could be the beginning of a terrible obsession. ;-)



  15. Dear Diana,

    I am a great fan from Holland. It’s because as you said yourself, that the books are written in the best way you can, that I am looking out and longing for the next fase of Jamie and Claire’s story. So it’s worth to wait for.
    I still have the Scottish prisoner to go. And I allready know it will be great.
    I just hope the Dutch release does come sone after the US release.

    Thank you for sharing Your considerations and for bringing this great story in my life.

    as one of my great hero’s used to say ” hang tough”

    Best regards


  16. Diane,
    Some of your loyal fans may not live long enough to see your next book. How about going back to what you do best, writing? Leave the TV shows and Musicals to those that know what is up.
    How long are we suppose to wait??? I would really appreciate an ending.

    • Dear Patrick–

      I’m not writing either the musical or the tv show, believe me. (Politeness keeps me from pointing out that it would not actually be any of your business if I _did_, but I don’t. [cough])


  17. Hallo diana!! Writing from sweden. Your books are the best books. I am so looking forward to read the next one:) take care D. And take the time you nead, to wright a good book again! Love from sweden and from me:)

  18. Will the audio version release be close to the hardcopy version date? If not how much lag do you see.
    Also will D. Porter be the narrator?

    • Dear Dan–

      It should be out at the same time, and yes–God willing and Davina doesn’t get run over by a bus or something–she’ll read it. Can’t wait to hear it, myself!


  19. Would love to know if there is going to be a book 9.

    • Dear Diane–

      Yes, there will be.


      • I just read your response to the question about a book 9 and your answer took my breath away! I am an avid reader and have been all my life! (I am 54) and NO book has ever measured up to your books, and I’m sure never will. They are the BEST!!!! I am eagerly awaiting book 8, and the anticipation is delicious!

  20. Dear Diana-

    dont be sad about the delay and enjoy the time to see your magnificent story come to life. I am happy for you that you get the chance to be a part of it. we’ll wait for you.

    Lia (germany)


  1. Outlander Addiction » ‘Written In My Own Heart’s Blood’ Publication Date Delay

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