Hope y’all had a happy holiday, too!
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We have some sharks in our family too!
Happy 2012!!!!
We have a shark too! Happy new year!
I am waiting, rather impatiently, for “Written In My Own Heart’s Blood.” I finished ‘The Scottish Prisoner” three days after it came in the mail, which happened to be the day it was released. I want you to know that you have inspired me to begin my own writing career. I know that my writing will never compare to yours, but I still feel as though I must write. I hope to one day write quality stories that readers will find enjoyable, stories in which the reader can form connections to the characters in the same way that I have connected to Claire, Jamie, Ian, John and so many of the others. Your words are magical and wondrous and paint a beautiful picture in my mind, and I want to, some day, do that for readers of my own. Thank you for that inspiration. Thank you for the gift of Jamie Fraser!
Happiness and safety in the new year to you and all that you love.
Dear Susan–
You never know what you can do until you try! Best of luck with your writing!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Diana and all the Outlander fans. Feels like family here. Am currently reading “Scottish Prisoner”, taking my time, savoring every detail. Very impressed with the unashamed use of “ya’ll” in the caption…..makes this North Carolina girl proud!!!!
How wonderful of you to be so patient and real with your fans.
In my life I have read two books twice , the first was Rebecca and the second Outlander
Thank you and happy times in 2012.
Thank for sharing your joy of writing, as well as your family life. I have had years of reading pleasure thanks to the Outlander and Lord John series.
I am writing a book about my son who has health issues and a learning disability. I am hoping to finish in the next year. I am hoping the resource list in the back will help other families as well as support systems.
Dear Judy–
Good luck with your book!
Happy 2012 to you and yours, Diana! Looking forward to WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD – maybe before December, just in case the Mayans were right?
Dear Diana,
It’s been so many years since we’ve been in touch, but I follow you on Facebook all the time! I hope you remember my name. I wanted to wish you a very Happy New year, to you and your family! Even though I haven’t been in touch, you are on my mind! Love getting to see your updates and all of you success!
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!
Lori Musser
Dear Lori–
Of course I remember you! Great to see you again! {g} What are you up to? Happy New Year!
Hi Diana!
I’m living in Virginia, I’m a nurse now. I’ve been raising my 3 boys by myself that last 10 years. Life is good, I’m happy and I have no complaints.
My Facebook page is: http://www.facebook.com/loritheladybug if you want to friend me!
I thought it funny when I saw the picture of your shark. Last week Jacqueline Carey had a pic of her Christmas dinner with a remote control Clown Fish flying around!!!! Happy new year to you and your family. Thanks for all the wonderful stories you give us!
Dear Diana,
Just a message to let you know I just read THE SCOTTISH PRISONER and loved it! I’ve read all the OUTLANDER series and can’t wait for WIMOHB. I’ve recently reread all your books on my NOOK and I can’t tell you the joy I have while using the “look up” function. Your stories are the richest in language and I have never felt a love story more deeply! Glad tidings to you and yours in 2012! Thanks for all you do with words!
I wish all kinds of wondrous things for you in the New Year ! All the company has gone home and I’m back into the daily routine, so now I can read “The Scottish Prisoner” that I got for Christmas.( started it this morning before I headed out to work) Thank you Diana for all the Daily Lines , Photos of you , your family and friends at Christmas. Happy New Year ! Ellen Vandeven
We have a shark, too! It’s amazing!
Dear Diana,
I am reading the Outlander series for the second time and it moves me as much (or more) this time around as it did the first. I cry, laugh out loud (literally), and of course sigh…often
Your words create very vivid pictures for me and I love them all. I’m a nurse myself and felt a connection with Claire from the start and Jamie….ahhh…well…he’s Jamie. I feel sure I’ll be reading these books again and again. Thank you so much for the joy of Jamie & Claire!
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is full of adventures!
I am a semi-retired nurse, who always kicked myself for not doing what Claire did–go back to get my MD. As an ‘older American’, I relate mostly to Jamie and Claire. Jamie makes me remember, fondly, that the old heart can still skip a beat for a good looking guy. ;D
After reading 2 of the books, I do not have any appreciation for the Lord John series, but to each his own.
I love your writing, your characters are so realistic, and I anxiously await the next installment in the series. During my travels, I have ‘turned on’ many other people to the Outlander series and your glorious writing, requiring only that they return the favor and introduce others to this simple pleasure.
You are a great writer, as you continue to prove, over and over again. Thank you. Have a wonderful, happy, productive year, and keep up the good work!
Hello Jan,
Like you I am a ‘Gabaldon Dealer’. My husband and I recently went on a two week cruise around New Zealand. I found myself scrabbling around as soon as we hit land on our first port of call to buy 4 copies of ‘Cross Stitch’ just to get my new shipboard friends started. On my return I purchased another 3 online to have sent to others.
I love it that your only requirement when gifting a book is that the recipient ‘play it forward’. I must do that.
I urge you to give ‘Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade’ and ‘The Scottish Prisoner’ a go in that order. There is a lot of Jamie in ‘Scottish Prisoner’. I about to start my first re-read.
Happy New Year
Dear Ms. Gabaldon,
I have listened to each one of your books in my lengthy car travels. Many times I have pulled into my garage, or parking space unable to shut off the car because I am so rapt with your stories. Thank you so much for giving me such blissful getaways with my imagination. I am looking forward to another. May this be a prosperous New Year for you and your family.
Happy New Years to You and Yours! All the very best of good health, happiness and contentment.
I remember picking up your very first book when it originally came out and I was then hooked. I’ve now just finished An Echo in The Bone for the third time. The first time I raced through it hungry for news of everyone, the second time I absorbed the details with complete satisfaction and the third time I simply enjoyed everyone’s company.
What a wonderful gift you have given us. Thank you.
Happy new year Diana. I am on long service leave from work for 6 months before I retire and am looking forward to catching up on some reading the last 2 of your books.
I come from a family of avid readers. For my mom, sister, several nieces and a couple of first cousins, thank you for offering up such sumptuous fare for us to enjoy! It’s been a nearly 20 year love affair (my daughter was a toddler when I got Outlander!) I’ve had to replace some of my books several times over (one was drowned in the tub, a couple were so well read they were falling apart, and my original Voyager paperback was a binding error copy with sections missing!) I’m still reading and loving the story of Jamie and Claire! I think it’s perfect that your final book comes out the year of my 50th birthday! What a great gift that will be!
Dear Robin–
Hey! Did _I_ say the next book is the final one? No, I did not. {g} I don’t _know_ whether it is or not, but let us not spread wild rumors; this leads to people who don’t read carefully leaping to Conclusions, and getting all indignant when the next book is _not_ the last one (though that makes no particular sense to me).
Many thanks, though–I’m glad your family has been enjoying the books, and hope they’ll continue to do so!
Hi Diana,
Heartfelt thanks from a compulsive reader for creating characters like Jamie & Claire & Lord John. I think Jamie is the best male character in any book I have ever read. When circumstances recently forced me to cull my library of several hundred books the Outlander series & the Lord John spin offs were the only ones I kept. I reckon I would save them in case of disaster above almost anything else in my possession.
Keep up the good work. Cant wait for the next one. Its a great exercise in patience building waiting for each episode. When I know one is due I read the whole lot from the beginning.
What great joy you have given me. Thank you so much