Many, many thanks to the kind folks at Recorded Books and, who rushed to put together a contract, and who pushed THE FIERY CROSS to the front of the 170-book queue waiting to be uploaded to!
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Guten Tag,
habe soeben ” Echo der Hoffnung” gelesen. Vielen Dank für die spannende Unterhaltung. Zum Glück ist noch kein Ende abzusehen. Ich freue mich auf mehr.
Herzliche Grüße aus Rostock
Ich nehme an das “Echo der Hoffnung” “An Echo in the Bones” (Buch 7) ist. Ich bin gerade dabei Buch 6 “A Breath of Snow and Ashes” zu lesen und muss noch ein wenig auf Buch 7 warten – es steht jedoch bereits in meinem Buecherregal. Heute morgen las ich die letzten Seiten des “The Scottish Prisoner” und dieses Buch war ebenfalls sehr fesselnd.
Viele Gruesse aud New York
I have been sending them emails for a while now and also looking for it in the search every time I go on Audible. They are propbably tired of hearing from me. I have the books downloaded on my ipod and re-listen to them frequently. They are the best knitting companion ever!
I have already downloaded the audio book! I would also like to purchase the CDs. Any idea when those will be available in the Unabridged version? Also, do you know when Drums of Autumn Unabridged CDs will be available?
Dear Jill–
The CD’s of THE FIERY CROSS have been available for the last nine years or so.
Sadly, they are not interested in customers outside the US or Canada.
I was so excited to read that The Fiery Cross and a Breath of Snow and Ashes was available to download in unabridged format………..but it would seem those of us in New Zealand are not allowed it! Can anyone explain why it isn’t available here, and what we might have to do to get hold of them? I love listening while I am working, it makes the time fly by.
Yours from the very bottom of the South Island of New Zealand,
Downloaded FC Friday and I wonder how they can call the old version abridged. 47 hours they took out that is not abridged that is butchered.
These books have ruined me. Every other book I read written by a different author is just too darn short. Most can be read in a day. Leaves one thinking ‘where’s the beef”
Regardless, I must thank both you and Dr. Who.
More real loooong stories please.
I had a character question and am not sure where to ask it…
Is Rab MacNab (Nessie’s husband in the Lord John books) the same Rab MacNab that was a stable boy to Jamie’s family back in Scotland in Outlander?
Dear HC
Yes, he is the same. Lord John mentions him in “The Scottish Prisoner” on page 435.
So glad The Fiery Cross is finally available on Audible. I was one of the people who called and complained/begged for it to be available!!! Please tell me the newest book “The Scottish Prisoner” will be available on Audible when it is released 11/29. It does not say anywhere on their website if it is coming soon!
Now after looking at your website more…I’m really confused. Is “The Scottish Prisoner” the 8th book in the Outlander series? (I just finished “An Echo in the Bone”) Or is it the next book in the Lord John series?
Dear Elizabeth–
THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is a hybrid novel–something between the usual OUTLANDER “Big” books and the Lord John novels. It’s set in 1760, and is an adventure/crime/historical novel featuring Jamie Fraser and Lord John Grey in equal measure. (But it’s not the sequel to AN ECHO IN THE BONE; that’s WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (aka “Moby”), which I hope to finish by the end of 2012.)
As soon as I finished AN ECHO IN THE BONE I started searching for the next book.. I found a site that stated the end of 2012. I was like NOoooooooooooooo lol I LOVE Your books. I read them over and over and…
You are a treasure. Thank You
Yay!! And now I head over to Audible to renew my membership. I quit in a huff when all that was left to download were the abridged versions.
Awesome!! I have only listened to your books on Audible as I don’t have time to read fiction. I started with Echo and thought that it was so amazing I started the series from the beginning. I even downloaded all the lord john ‘s too, and listened to them in the recommended sequence. I am so so so happy that Fiery Cross is not available unabridged (I kinda think they did it just for me) because I am on the last part of Drums of Autum!!! I was so dreading having to by the book or wait!
Okay, they need to start working on A Breath of Snow and Ashes! (if they haven’t already) I won’t download another book if they don’t!
You can get it on iTunes too :^ )
I, too, am very glad that FC is finally available on Audible. Like others have posted, I joined Audible just to get this series and now it can finally be complete
I am downloading as we speak!!
hi is this only available to download in USA I can’t find it on uk audible?
I haave been so enjoying the Lord John books available on audio book.. though Brotherhood of the Blade has me quite shattered. I am hoping and praying that The Scottish Prisoner will either be on audio or be text to speech enabled on Kindle. But do tell me.. whatever happened to the lock of Perseverance hair?
Nan.. met you in San Diego at the gay characters panel
Dear Nan–
That panel was hilarious! {g}
Yes, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER will be out as a Recorded Books audiobook, simultaneously with the print version (so far as I know; will check). It’s also definitely available for Kindle, and personally, I don’t know why it wouldn’t be text-enabled, but will check that too.
I _love_ Jeff Woodman’s reading on the Lord John books! THE SCOTTISH PRISONER will have Jeff, but will also have another actor named Rick Holmes, reading the scenes from Jamie’s point of view. Should be interesting!
Hello Diana,
Does Rick Holmes have a Scottish accent?
Perhaps if he does then I will be able to ‘get past’ my aversion to very British Lord John not sounding very British.
With kindest regards
Dear Diana,
I really loved both Jeff Woodman and Rick Holmes reading.
I absolutely loved “The Scottish Prisoner”. I just finished it this morning. I wanted to make it last but I just had to read on.
Lord John is really growing on me.
Diana, that’s wonderful – BUT just for your American readers/listeners/customers. It still is NOT available at Audible UK and therefore for the European market. I just checked their website and they still just got the (horrably) abridged versions of Fiery Cross and A Breath of Snow and Ashes. I’ve been trying for months now to get hold of the unabridged versions, to no avail so far. The answer from the UK branch being “we would consider…” and even more frustrating from the US “whatever you’d try, not for the Europeans”.
Don’t you think it is rather unfair to your European Outlander fans? I know we are a minority, but addicts and customers as well… Any help from your side will be very much appreciated.
Dear Lotte–
I’m going to be having dinner with some higher-ups from Recorded Books later this month, so will certainly ask them about this.
Diana, thank you very much in advance! That sounds like a very good opporuity to raise the subject. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and I’m wishing you every success – in my own interest.
Ms. Gabaldon,
I was introduced to your writings (quite by accident ) during an enemy attack while in Iraq (now in Afghanistan) … I found your writings to be very addictive and have attempted to read all the Outlander series, although not in order , as it is difficult in my situation to come by the books and then carry them throughout the theatere of operations. I have very limited use of the computer andhave no way to download your books—But I was wondering if you and or your publishers had any of your books on the PLAYAWAY audio books, as these can be found at our recreational facilities and I might be able to get the series through them…….Thank you for helping me to “escape” ….Looking forward to the next one !
Dear K-II –
Many thanks for your service! And I’m really pleased that the books could be a distraction for you in trying circumstances. {smile}
I don’t _think_ the books are presently available on Playaway audio, but let me ask the people who produce the audiobooks–maybe something can be done there, if they aren’t presently available.
We have Playaways of your books at our library, but when I look at the Playaway online store, I can’t find them. Odd.
On this Veterans day, please allow me to “Thank You” for your service, we are Indebted to YOU! For all the mothers out there that think of you always…we are also here thinking of you, and hoping and praying for your safe return…home.
Many hours have been spent in “escape” with our friends Jaime and Claire, by myself and many others…I hope that Diana will be able to make them available to you.
Thinking of you all…
Where can I buy your book entitled “Book Eight”?
Dear Nia–
Pretty much anywhere, I expect–after I finish writing it. {g} It has a title, btw–look for the blogpost that says, “Book Eight Has a Title”? WIth luck, I’ll finish WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (the title for Book Eight) by the end of 2012.
Thank Goodness!!!
I started this series on 10/11/2008 and have refused to go out of order or listen to the abridged version.
It was just last month that I gave in and downloaded the Kindle version of the book thinking between work and college I’d get through it.
Ahh sweeping and doing dishes will be so much nicer.
I just finished my second reading of the series last night. I can’t believe all of the details I missed the first time! The stories are so complex that it is hard to absorb everything in one reading.
I didn’t get how likeable Willie had become as he grows into a man (on the first reading). Sort of like Lord John–the character delvelopment is subtle but steady. The characters are not perfect, but they grow on you.
I imagine as an author that this is very difficult to do.
PS I wish that all the non-US readers could send me their mp3 players so that I could download the books you want, but unfortunately, has a limit on the number of players that can be active at any time.
Lovely Karen,
You are so sweet. It is nice to get some sympathy/empathy.
Hopefully Diana’s meetings with the ‘upper echelons’ of the publishers representing her will bring some results for us not in the U.S.
I just hate to think of the income Diana might be missing as a consequence of devotee’s doing ‘whatever it takes’ to obtain audio versions, when they would be only too happy to pay for the privilege.
With warmest regards and appreciation for your thoughtfulness.
Hi Karen, what a lovely idea, but unfortunately not possible. Might save you a lot of work, though. Thank you for thinking of us unfortunate ones, who are not (yet) able to get the unabridged versions. We hope for the best, i.e.Diana being successful.
I am excited to know the books are available in an audio format. I have all the books and want to reread them but now have a vision problem and it is difficult to read the small print. I am thinking about getting an ipod so I can download the books and re “read” them. Can someone suggest what type and size (?GBs) too get? I’d like to have all the books together on 1 device. Are they downloaded to your computer and then you transfer thm to the ipod? Don’t laugh, but I really don’t know ANYthing abbout ipods – I’m not into music so I never looked into them.
TIA for any info.
Mary Jo
Mary Jo, I think you will love having an ipod. When I first got mine (nano 4th generation, 8gb), it was with the intent of listening to music while working out. Well, once I discovered I could listen to books on it, I stopped listening to the music altogether (and, well, the working out didn’t last long either). You first of all have to get iTunes loaded onto your computer. Anything you want to put on your ipod must go in iTunes first. I found it to be fairly simple uploading audio cd’s to my iTunes, and once that was done it is really easy putting it on your ipod. I currently have Outlander on my ipod…it’s the only book in the series I do have on audio, although I plan to get a membership to soon so I can collect the whole series. Since I just have the one book, I’m not sure how many of the books I could get on my 8gb ipod. I do know Outlander is the shortest of the books (28 discs). Because of the size of the files, I’m certain there is no way I could get all books on my device, but it is an easy job to hook my ipod to the computer, access iTunes, and change books out. I do know there is a 16gb ipod… if you want to get as much on your ipod as you can at one time, I would suggest starting there. Good luck!
Thanks for the help Barbie. I really DO appreciate it. With Christmas coming I may just ak Santa for a nice one. :o)
Mary Jo
Dear MaryJo,
my husband gave me a 160GB iPod last year for Christmas. I can upload the Outlander as well as the Lord John series and still have plenty of space.
There are several options: the iPod Touch has 32GB and runs about $200, the iPod Classic has 160GB and runs about $250, the iPod Nano 16GB $150 and the Nano 8GB $129. My suggestion would be get the iPod classic. For $50 more than the 32GB one you have so much more space.
For the Outlander series combined at this point you would probably need the 32GB iPod Touch.
HHope this helps
Mary Jo, I don’t know how much iPods cost, but I bought an 8gB Sansa Clip mp3 player on eBay for $50. With an membership, after you buy the book you can load it straight to the mp3 player without any special software or anything. (you have to do an initial setup on so that it recognizes your mp3 player and they have great customer service people).
What I like about is that you own the book forever, so you can erase it and download it again as many times as you like.
My local library has quite an extensive list of titles for audiobooks. These can also be downloaded straight to the mp3 player.
Thanks Karen, i just can’t wait to take the big step and start getting the books. I’m going to check with my library too.This opens up a great new “world” for me.
Mary Jo
I was so happy I finally could purchase The Fiery Cross unabridged from However, when I tried this, I got the following message: “We’re sorry. Due to publishing rights restrictions, we are not authorized to sell this item in the country where you live.” Is there any way I can get around this? My permanent address is in Norway, but live in Spain several months during winter.
Dear Anne–
I’m sorry; I really don’t know. I’ll be having dinner with the Recorded Books people later this month, though, so will ask them what they know about it.
Hello Anne, that’s the problem of us Europeans which I complained about several days before. We cannot buy it at Audible US and Audible UK has not got it (yet). We’ll have to stick together and hope that Diana could help find a solution for us. By the way, it is not (just) The Fiery Cross, the other one concerned is A Breath of Snow and Ashes; this one has been available in US for months now.
Let’s hope for good luck, Lotte