• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Season 8 and Prequel Series Are Greenlit!

outlander-blood-of-my-bloodSo…. we got news!

OUTLANDER, SEASON 8 is greenlit!



Let there be rejoicing!!!

Season 8 – Ten Episodes

The Starz Outlander TV series has been renewed for Season 8. Ten episodes will be produced in this final season.

Click to watch the announcement video on Youtube in a new browser window.

What About Season 7?

Season 7 of Outlander is currently in production, and will have 16 episodes in total. It is slated to premiere in the summer of 2023, and is based on AN ECHO IN THE BONE, the seventh in my Outlander series of major novels.

Prequel: The Story of Jamie’s Parents

Starz has also greenlit a prequel series to the current Outlander TV show today. “Outlander: Blood of My Blood” will tell the story of Jamie’s parents, Brian Fraser and Ellen MacKenzie. I will serve as a consulting producer.

Read the first excerpt from my prequel novel about Brian and Ellen.

Matthew B. Roberts will be the executive producer and write episodes for “Outlander: Blood of my Blood,” along with Ronald D. Moore and Maril Davis of Tall Ship Productions. Roberts will also serve as the showrunner.

The Outlander TV series is produced by Tall Ship Productions, Left Bank Pictures and Story Mining & Supply Company, in association with Sony Pictures Television.

Stay tuned…


40 Responses »

  1. The big question for me, that I’ve been pondering for years….What about Claire’s family? Her parents? Their story? Were they able to travel? Did they die in a car crash or did they also travel back in time? We know nothing of her family history, yet we see that her daughter and some of her grandchildren have inherited the ability to travel. Is Master Raymond connected? Please don’t stop writing yet, there’s so much more to explore!

    • …and what about Fergus, can he travel? Since he’s the son of a traveler.

      • Hallo Colleen,
        Sorry, aber Fergus ist der Adoptiv Sohn von Jamie und Jamie kann nicht reisen.
        Er erzählt manchmal von Träumen in denen ER Claire am Spiegel gesehen hat und
        erzählte Ihr das das Licht wohl das elektrische war von dem Sie Ihm erzählt hatte.
        Auch hat er von Jem geträumt, wie er wohl einen seltsamen Apparat mit einem Ringelschwanz angefasst hat und dabei sagte “Will mit Opa sprechen.

        Liebe Grüße Johanna

        ——From Google Translate:———

        Hello Colleen,
        Sorry, but Fergus is the adoptive son of Jamie and Jamie cannot [time] travel.

        He sometimes tells of dreams in which he saw Claire on the mirror and
        told her that the light was probably the electrical one she had told him [about].

        He also dreamed of Jem, how he probably touched a strange apparatus with a striped tail and said “Will Talk to Grandpa.”

        Kind regards, Johanna

    • My theory is that they need not be. All that would be needed is that a time traveller change history so that Claire didnt die in the crash. It isnt genetic, it is a matter of belonging. If Claire was to die in that crash, she wouldnt belong in time since then, and so could travel. Any kids would be born after she shouldnt have existed, so also dont belong.

      If you do not belong, you are not bound.

      Gælis may be the first time traveller having forced her way through with ritual sacrifice.

  2. Cara Diana,
    ho visto nel blog che alcuni miei connazionali scrivono in italiano, quindi mi accingo a scriverti nella mia lingua madre poiché il mio inglese stentato non mi permetterebbe di essere efficace nel descrivere quello che mi è successo da quando ho conosciuto i tuoi libri e naturalmente tutto ciò che ne è scaturito in seguito.
    Nel 2017 a 48 anni ho deciso frequentare un istituto professionale di moda per conseguire un diploma di stato. Durante il corso era previsto un periodo di formazione in azienda e visto il mio interesse per i costumi storici ho effettuato tale percorso in una sartoria prestigiosa di Venezia. Qui ho conosciuto persone molto competenti e con esperienze diverse. Una donna più grande di me mi ha raccontato la sua esperienza straordinaria nel Regno Unito dove era stata inviata dalla Sartoria Nicolao per realizzare i costumi di una serie importante, Outlander. A quel tempo credo di aver visto uno o due episodi , ma non ero stata catturata dalla storia… non era il momento giusto, ho pensato in seguito.
    Nel 2021 sono in crociera sulle Isole Greche con mio marito e porto con me il primo libro della serie. Devo ammettere che la storia è intrigante e appassionante, la traduzione in italiano mi sembra all’altezza. Scoprire via via che leggevo il libro e vedevo le puntate che le battute dei protagonisti in molte occasioni sono prese tali e quali al libro, mi ha permesso di vedere attraverso la lettura. Inoltre i libri hanno un potere che va oltre ogni capacità dell’immagine sullo schermo. Tu descrivi i profumi, gli odori, dei luoghi ,delle persone e delle ferite dell’aria. Non ho mai incontrato una lettura di questo tipo, è straordinaria! Ovviamente ho comprato tutti i libri, tranne uno che non si trova più. Nelle edizioni italiane i tuoi romanzi sono stati divisi in due parti (tranne il primo e l’ultimo). La prima parte del romanzo The Fiery Cross non è più in commercio, ma l’ho trovata nella biblioteca comunale della mia città. Ormai da due anni non passa giorno che io non legga alcune pagine delle avventure di Claire. mi pongo le domande che si fanno tutti riguardo, al fantasma, alla fine della storia, ai personaggi secondari solo apparentemente, al fatto che tutti i viaggiatori di Outlander hanno avuto un genitore che lo fosse… quindi Claire rimane un mistero. So che tu avrai modo di raccontare questo e altro in seguito. non faccio ipotesi, attendo con trepidazione lo svelamento dei misteri da parte tua. Mi sono appassionata alle piante medicinali, alla cucina scozzese, e naturalmente al Tartan visto che fa parte del mio ambito professionale. il viaggio in Scozia rimane un desiderio proibito, ma forse se riesco a laurearmi (già… non mi sono accontentata del diploma) potrei sempre realizzarlo come premio.
    Grazie per quello che fai, che sei e per la pazienza e intelligenza che dimostri quando i fan sui social ti provocano volendo fare il tuo lavoro. Con immensa gratitudine e ammirazione.
    Carla Della Bianca di Portogruaro, Venezia, Italia

    Translation (via Google Translate):

    Dear Diana,

    I saw in the blog that some of my compatriots write in Italian, so I am going to write to you in my mother tongue as my broken English would not allow me to be effective in describing what has happened to me since I have known your books and of course all that which ensued later.

    In 2017, at the age of 48, I decided to attend a professional fashion institute to obtain a state diploma. During the course there was a period of training in the company and given my interest in historical costumes I did this course in a prestigious tailor’s shop in Venice. Here I met very competent people with different experiences. A woman older than me told me about her extraordinary experience in the United Kingdom where she had been sent by Sartoria Nicolao to make the costumes for an important series, Outlander. At the time I think I saw an episode or two, but I wasn’t hooked on the story… it wasn’t the right time, I thought afterwards.

    In 2021 I’m on a cruise to the Greek Islands with my husband and I’m taking the first book in the series with me. I must admit that the story is intriguing and exciting, the Italian translation seems to me up to par. Discovering as I read the book and watched the episodes that the jokes of the protagonists on many occasions are taken as they are in the book, allowed me to see through reading. Furthermore, books have a power beyond the capacity of the image on the screen. You describe the perfumes, smells, places, people and wounds in the air. I’ve never come across such a reading, it’s extraordinary! Obviously I bought all the books, except one that is no longer available.

    In the Italian editions your novels have been divided into two parts (except the first and the last). The first part of the novel The Fiery Cross is no longer on the market, but I found it in the municipal library of my city. For two years now not a day has gone by that I haven’t read a few pages of Claire’s adventures. I ask myself the questions everyone is asking about, the ghost, the end of the story, the seemingly secondary characters, the fact that all Outlander travelers had a parent who was… so Claire remains a mystery. I know you will have the opportunity to tell this and more later. I’m not making assumptions, I eagerly await your unveiling of the mysteries. I became passionate about medicinal plants, Scottish cuisine, and of course Tartan as it is part of my professional field. the trip to Scotland remains a forbidden wish, but maybe if I manage to graduate (already… I wasn’t satisfied with the diploma) I could always make it come true as a reward.

    Thank you for what you do, who you are and for the patience and intelligence you show when fans on social media provoke you by wanting to do your job. With immense gratitude and admiration.

    Carla Della Bianca of Portogruaro, Venice, Italy

    • Carla,

      What a beautiful letter, thank you so much for sharing. You put many of my thoughts into words.
      I enjoy Outlander, books and shows, immensely and am anxious for Season 7 to get here!

  3. YAY!!! That’s amazing!

  4. I love The outlander books but I really miss some great opportunities with Claire in relates of her uncle lam supposed to be this archaeologist who traveled the world with her in toe yet English / Britain and French is all she know .how did she not learn other languages I may be a little nitpicky but I just it’s something that kind of bothers me in Diana’s great books.

  5. This delay after delay is a new habit of the top shows is very bad!
    Outlander and Yellowstone are the two top shows who do not care about the audience!
    They just drag out the time between seasons or come up with nonsense for example,
    Splitting a season (season 5).
    Since you do not care for me your audience then I do not care for you!
    There are plenty of other excellent shows who do care about their audience!

    • Hi, Jill,

      Diana does not decide when the Outlander tv series will be shown or streamed in the U.S. and around the world…. Sony and Starz do! They bought the rights to make a tv show about Diana’s Outlander series of books and control the airing and streaming permissions and schedule.

      Some big delays over the past several years for Outlander as well as multiple tv series were due at least in part to the pandemic, no doubt.

      As to why Starz began splitting seasons into two parts, you’d have to ask them. I seriously doubt it’s because Starz and Sony don’t care about viewers. It has to be logistics of some sort.

      All best,

      Loretta McKibben
      Diana’s Webmistress

  6. Wow, Diana, this is amazing news! I am beyond excited to hear that Outlander has been renewed for Season 8, and the prequel series, Blood of My Blood, has also been greenlit. It’s great to know that we’ll get to learn more about Jamie’s parents and their story. Thank you for sharing this fantastic update, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for both Season 7 and the upcoming prequel series. Let the rejoicing begin!

  7. I just heard that season 7 on Starz will be split over so 8 episodes will be in 2023 and the other 8 episodes will be in 2024. Why would they do this except to do an old ‘bait and switch’ to get more subscribers. If this is true, it would have been more honest to have called it season 7 and season 8 instead of telling us there are 16 episodes in season 7. I absolutely love the Outlander series and am disappointed that this was allowed. I might just wait to get the DVDs from the library for season 7 or wait until they are on Netflix. I don’t want giving my money to Starz because of this trick.

  8. Rewatching, it becomes more and more clear that Monsieur Raymond is descended from Claire. He is alarmed when asking for birth control, but relieved once it wasn’t for her. He is cool with birth control, but not Claire using it. So is he one of Roger and Brianna’s kids or further down yet?

  9. Hello,

    I have so many questions.


    I’m Irish. I was born in Flagstaff, AZ.

    Hello, my name is Cecilia Mitchell McNeel. You probably have met my mother, Cecile Mitchell.
    Also, Connie Gibson.

    Just leaving space for Connie … and Scottie. Such a beautiful sweet boy.

    I have so many questions for Diana.., are you really a Flagstaff Girl? I am. Can’t take it away.

  10. Diana as always I have enjoyed season 7 so far. I would like to read book nine now. I have bought the DVD every time it’s released. I always hoped to watch them again one day. You are an amazing author.

  11. I love your books and now have my daughter hooked as well. I enjoy the TV series, but the books are so much better, as usual.

    Will there be a book published for the prequel, Blood of my blood?

    Can’t wait for book 10!

    • Susan,

      Yes, Diana has said that there will be a prequel novel about Jamie’s parents, after book 10. Starz apparently loved the idea and wants a new series about them too!


      Diana’s Webmistress

  12. Hello Diana,

    I’m looking forward to your next book! I can’t stop reading them and rereading some sections depending on where I am in life. It’s beautiful and rich…I guess I would never stop reading them.

    I was wondering if maybe you agree on the following though. Deep down…that…
    The biggest part of the series that helped to shape a visual image of your fantastically written, amazing books on the screen for us viewers was the impeccable taste and attention to the details, colors, and talent of Terry Dresbach…I know she doesn’t want to continue working on the show. But I really hope that some magical force can convince her to come back for the ending. It’s like a brilliant cut diamond lost one the its cuts.

    I hope you will read it…

    Thank you!

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