The German version of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER (now called, for some inscrutable German reason, DIE FACKELN DER FREIHEIT (“The Torches of Freedom”. Don’t ask me, I have _no_ idea…)) is now out! And…the trade paperback edition of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is now out in the US and—I hope—Canada! IF you’d like a signed copy (of either of these, or anything else, for that matter [g])…please go to You can order any of my books there, and if you’d like a signature or personal inscription, just note that in the “Instructions” box on the order page. (If you’re looking for one of the foreign editions, you may need to email They do have a few non-English editions of this and that, but I don’t think these are listed on the website.) Hope you’ll enjoy THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, in the language of your choice! [g] THE SCOTTISH PRISONER Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon John Grey leaned against a tree, a little distance away, enjoying the sense of temporary invisibility. He’d wondered […]
The SCOTTISH PRISONER now out in paperback!
THE SCOTTISH PRISONER is out TODAY (well, yesterday…sort of…I work late, OK?) in trade paperback, for the US and Canada! (It came out in paperback already in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.) Besides the story—half Jamie, half Lord John (and below is the beginning of the book)—this book also includes several preview excerpts from WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD, the next upcoming OUTLANDER novel. Some of you will already have seen some of these excerpts, some of you won’t. FYI, the excerpts include: Claire, Jenny and Mrs. Figg William meets a Whore What happened to Lord John after Jamie said, “Oh? Why?” And What Happened to Jem in the Tunnel And here is the beginning of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER: SECTION I: The Fate of Fuses Chapter 1: April Fool Helwater, the Lake District April 1, 1760 It was so cold out, he thought his cock might break off in his hand—i. If he could find it. The thought passed through his sleep-mazed mind like one of the small, […]
A Very Merry to You!
From THE SCOTTISH PRISONER Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon It was cold in the loft, and his sleep-mazed mind groped among the icy drafts after the words still ringing in his mind. “Bonnie lad.” Wind struck the barn and went booming round the roof. A strong chilly draft with a scent of snow stirred the somnolence, and two or three of the horses shifted below, grunting and whickering. Helwater. The knowledge of the place settled on him, and the fragments of Scotland and Lallybroch cracked and flaked away, fragile as a skin of dried mud. Helwater. Straw rustling under him, the ends poking through the rough ticking, prickling through his shirt. Dark air, alive around him. Bonnie lad… They’d brought down the Yule log to the house that afternoon, all the household taking part, the women bundled to the eyebrows, the men ruddy, flushed with the labor, staggering, singing, dragging the monstrous log with ropes, its rough skin packed with snow, a great furrow left where it passed, the snow plowed […]
Happy Release Day to the UK!
Theoretically, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER was released in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand today (well…December 1. I haven’t gone to bed yet, so it’s still Dec. 1 for me). I _know_ it was released November 29th in the US, because we had a delightful launch party for it, and people have apparently been enjoying it ever since. Hope y’all enjoy it! I did hear from several people that they had received emails from Barnes and Noble, informing them that their books hadn’t shipped yet, “because the release date had changed.” {ahem} Far be it from me to say that a respectable large bookstore chain lies like a rug, but I also have a number of photos sent me by readers, proudly showing off their new books–not a few of which sport B&N “20% Off Bestseller” stickers. Now, they may possibly not have ordered _enough_ copies, and thus be trying to prevent people canceling their orders and buying the book elsewhere while they scramble to get more–I’m sure couldn’t say as […]