P.S. WHERE ALL THE SHORT PIECES ARE: “Lord John and the Hellfire Club” (short story—14,000 words) – originally published in the anthology PAST POISONS, edited by Maxim Jakubowski. Also published in the collection titled LORD JOHN AND THE HAND OF DEVILS. This story _precedes_ the novel LORD JOHN AND THE PRIVATE MATTER. “Lord John and the Succubus” (novella – it’s around 25-30,000 words) – originally published in the anthology LEGENDS II, edited by Robert Silverberg. Also published in the collection titled LORD JOHN AND THE HAND OF DEVILS. This story _follows_ the novel LORD JOHN AND THE PRIVATE MATTER, and comes _before_ the novel LORD JOHN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE. “Lord John and the Haunted Soldier” (novella – 25-30,000 words) Written for and available _only in_ the collection titled LORD JOHN AND THE HAND OF DEVILS. This story _follows_ the novel LORD JOHN AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE. LORD JOHN AND THE HAND OF DEVILS is a _collection_ of three stories/novellas: “Hellfire Club,” “Succubus,” and “Haunted Soldier. […]
Tag Archive for ‘Diana Gabaldon’ 
METHADONE LIST – THE SECRETS OF PAIN, by Phil Rickman I’ve been just _wallowing_ in this book for several days. Rickman is one of my favorites; he has the sort of characters you know and treasure, who have reality and depth and get deeper as they go along. To say nothing of flat-out wonderful, evocative writing, terrific plots, and a marvelously creepy strand of the supernatural twining like smoke through the story. THE SECRETS OF PAIN is the latest in his Merrily Watkins series. The Reverend Watkins is an Anglican priest, widowed, with an unpredictable teenaged daughter—and is the official Exorcist (though the Church now prefers to refer to her discreetly as a “Deliverance consultant”) for the Diocese of Hereford. Merrily smokes like a chimney, is having an affair with the emotionally-damaged rock musician across the road, and wrestles constantly with the knowledge that most of the world thinks what she does is irrelevant at best and at worst, insane. THE SECRETS OF PAIN involves—as one might expect—secrets of various […]
Why, Yes, We Had a Very Nice Christmas
Hope y’all had a happy holiday, too!
“Auld Lang Syne” – A Season’s Greeting from Kevin Walsh
This lovely arrangement of the traditional Scottish song (words by Robert Burns) is by Kevin Walsh, the wonderful composer who did the music for OUTLANDER: The Musical. Kevin thought you might enjoy this, and I certainly agree! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aCZQhwkSwk&feature=feedu# If you’d like to keep the song with you for a little longer, it’s available here on iTunes. Happy Solstice!
Quick Update on Christmas Shipping!!
I got the following message from the Poisoned Pen late this afternoon (the 13th): “We’ve looked at the influx of new orders and even with working in double shifts I see no way we can accept any more orders for Christmas delivery. I’d rather be up front than make your fans angry by creating an expectation we can’t meet. If you agree, then would you change your website to make the cutoff date midnight tonight for Christmas, but assure them they can continue to order any of your books for delivery soon after the holidays. Will will note this information on the auto response the system generates to those placing orders, so they will get it from us as well as on your site. We’ve got over 500 to process with more coming in by the hour and realistically we can’t ship more than 100 a day, regardless of when the shipping systems shut down. We’re going to end up shipping some on Monday and eating the extra priority expense […]
Many, many thanks to the kind folks at Recorded Books and Audible.com, who rushed to put together a contract, and who pushed THE FIERY CROSS to the front of the 170-book queue waiting to be uploaded to Audible.com!