• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

“Did he speak?”

Whew… just back from a working cruise down the Danube (and getting up in the middle of each night on the river in order to write a script for the Prequel, needed in two weeks. Luckily, I made it. <g>). So—just in time for a brief excerpt in honor of Jamie’s birthday tomorrow (and a quick “Happy Birthday!” to Sam Heughan, whose birthday is/was today):

EXCERPT from BOOK TEN (UNTITLED), Copyright © 2024 Diana Gabaldon

[Jamie and Roger sitting outside the malting shed, discussing Jamie’s imminent departure to find Lord John.]

raven-copeterson“Are you afraid?” he said. Jamie gave Roger a sharp look, but shrugged and settled himself before replying.

“Does it show?”

“Not on you,” Roger reassured him. “On Claire.”

Jamie looked astonished, but after a moment’s contemplation, nodded slightly.

“Aye, I suppose it does. She sleeps wi’ me, ken?” Evidently Roger’s expression didn’t show complete comprehension, for Jamie sighed a little and leaned back against the wall of the malting shed.

“I dream,” he said simply. “I can mind my thoughts well enough whilst I’m awake, but… ken, the Indians say the dream world is as real as this one? Sometimes I think that’s true—but I often hope it’s not.”

“You tell Claire about your dreams?”

Jamie grimaced briefly.

“Sometimes. Some….. well, ye’ll maybe ken that sometimes it helps to open your mind to someone, when ye’re troubled, and some dreams are like that; just saying what happened lets ye step back from it. Ye ken it’s only a dream, as they say.”

“Only.” Roger said it softly, but Jamie nodded, his mouth relaxing a little.

“Aye.” They were silent for a few moments, and the sounds of the wind and the local birds kept them company.

“I’m afraid for William,” Jamie said abruptly. He hesitated, but added, in a low voice, “And I’m afraid for John. I dinna want to think of the things that might—might be done to him. Things I may not be able to save him from.”

Roger glanced at him, trying not to look startled. But then he realized that Jamie didn’t avoid things, nor the mention of them. He had simply accepted the fact that Roger knew the things that had been done to Jamie, and exactly why he might fear for his friend.

“I wish I could go with you,” he said. It was impulsive, but true, and a genuine smile lighted Jamie’s face in response.

“I do, too, a Smeoraich. But the folk here need ye—and they’ll need ye a good deal more, should I not come back.”

Roger found himself wishing that Jamie would avoid some things now and then, but reluctantly conceded that things must be said now, no matter how uncomfortable. So he answered the question Jamie hadn’t asked.

“Aye. I’ll mind them for ye. The family; the weans. And all your bloody tenants, too. I’m not milking your kine, though, nor yet looking after that damn sow and her offpsring.”

Jamie didn’t laugh, but the smile was still there.

“It’s a comfort to me, Roger Mac, to ken ye’ll be here, to deal wi’ whatever might happen. And things will.”

“Now I’m afraid,” Roger said, as lightly as he could.

“I know.” Luckily Jamie didn’t expand on this, but turned to practicalities.

An Deamhan Gael can mind herself,” he assured Roger, referring—Roger thought—to the White Sow. “And wee Frances will take care for the kine. Oh— as for Frances herself— ”

“I won’t let her marry anyone until you come back,” Roger assured him.

“Good.” Jamie let out his breath and his shoulders slumped. “ I think I will. But the dead ha’ been talking to me.” He caught Roger’s lifted eyebrow. “Not—well, not only—my own dead. That’s often a comfort to me, should my Da or Murtagh or Ian Mor come by. Once in a long while… my mother.” That made him shy; he looked away.

Roger made a small noncommittal sound and waited for a moment, then asked, “you said, not only your own dead…?”

“Ah.” Jamie straightened up and set his feet solidly in the dirt. “The others. Men I’ve killed. Sometimes killed for cause. Others—in battle. Strangers. Men who—” he broke off and Roger saw his whole body tighten. Jamie looked away, down the path that led to the lake, as though something might be coming. The feeling was so strong that Roger looked too, and was relieved to see no more than a small covey of quail dust-bathing under a bush.

“Jack Randall came to me, two nights ago.”

Roger’s stomach contracted so suddenly that he said “Oof!” out loud. Jamie stared at him, then laughed.

“Aye, that’s what I said, too,” he assured Roger. “A few other things, besides, but I wilna repeat them wi’ Jemmy in earshot.”

There was a long pause, filled with birdsong from the trees that shaded the malting shed, punctuated by the distant cries of ravens.

“I suppose,” Roger said at last, “that it doesn’t matter what you said to him—but what did he say to you? Did he speak?”

Jamie looked down at the ground, and Roger could see the pulse beating at the side of his neck.

“No. He just laughed.”

[end section]

Visit my official Book Ten (Untitled) webpage for more excerpts from this book.

And Many Thanks to CO Petersen, who made this photo of a flying raven and allowed it to be used under a Wikimedia Commons license!

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55 Responses »

  1. I always enjoy you excerpts and they leave me wanting for more. Can’t wait for the book to come out.

  2. Diana, I am worried about Young Ian at this point. Should I be?

  3. Diana,
    My daughter and I love your books and series. I just finished Bees and loved it. I actually can not pick a favorite as I love them all! I also hope the series goes on longer than originally anticipated. Thank you for your wonderful stories and oh goodness, the time it must take collecting the historical details! Thank you, Christiauna

  4. Hurry up on book 10
    I have cognitive impairmemt.
    I have to KNOW

  5. cant wait to get my hands on book 10 .. i just got finished with the 9th book even if it was audio .. i was laughing smilling an had tears come to my eyes as well.. your books are so amazing have all the dvds to season 6 will get all .. this series of movies an books are so amazing. season 1 was like ums oks going back an forth coulndt get in but then once i seen Jamie it took to me more so.. all the actors in this show are amazing . hated Murtogh to die i loved him so.. cuse he told Jamie how it should be but the way he was with him was so amazing as well … Sam and Caitriona just right for it from season 1 . thats what kept me watching more n more of the show…
    thank you so much for these books and all the shows you helped come alive..

  6. I thought that the 9th book was going to be the last but the ending made me search for the meaning. So glad I see a 10th book. I listen to your books while sewing clothes or quilts! I get to multitask!!

  7. Mrs. Gabaldon,

    I was wondering where I can get all your books individually & in hard back cover. I have tried to get some of them but most of your books are ebooks. I have noticed in the Lord John Gray series that some other books are within them, for example The Succubus is in the Hand of Devil’s book. I was curious if I could get “He’ll fire Club, The Sucubus, Haunted Soldier, Custom of Army, Plague of Zombies, Besieged, The Space Between, The Leaf on the Wind of all Hallows, & Virgins. I also was wondering if you could tell me the order all your books going in so that can read them all in sequence & the price for each book or if certain ones come together in a box. If you could send me the prices on all these books asap.

    Thank you,
    Ms. Brown

    • Hi,

      Well, authors do NOT sell their own books. Booksellers and publishers do. Some independent bookstores and online book sellers sell used books, too.

      Do you want new copies? Hardcover or paperback? Some of her earliest books have been reissued in anniversary reprint editions that are gorgeous (the first four OUTLANDER books). Available from the Poisoned Pen… see below.

      The order in time of all of Diana’s Outlander and Lord John novels and short fiction are placed in order on her Chronology of the Outlander Series webpage at:


      The Chronology shows how her short fiction and novels are entwined with one another.

      All of her short fiction, and which anthologies each short story or novella appeared in, is listed here by title:


      It takes some work to find copies of all of the short fiction. You just have to do some research and buy used copies of anthologies with her stories no longer in print on your favorite online seller. Or ask a local independent bookstore for help.

      As to buying new copies of Diana’s books online, the Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona, keeps most of her titles in stock that are currently in print. And many of them are signed by Diana! You pay the list price of the book plus shipping. There is no charge for her signature. The Pen’s online bookstore is at:


      where you can search by author or title.

      If you need help, send an email to the friendly staff at the Pen at sales@poisonedpen.com

      Or call the Pen staff during business hours (Mountain time in Arizona). Their phone numbers are on their website at


      Any other questions, feel free to send me an email.

      All best,
      Loretta McKibben
      Diana’s Webmistress

  8. ho scoperto tardi la bellezza dei libri outlander e della serie, grazie per questo viaggio che dura da tanti anni, scrivo in italiano, sperando in un po piu di considerazione per noi appassinati della serie libri , grazie mille

    Translation from Italian to English using Google Translate:

    I discovered late the beauty of the Outlander and the series books, thanks for this journey that has lasted for many years, I write in Italian, hoping for a little more consideration for us wins of the book series, thank you very much

  9. Long time fan here. I usually converse with you on Twitter (Elizabeth @nurseliz165 with the Beagle pic) but I’ve managed to drag myself away from social media. I came here to ask if you caught the “Gojira” performance at the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony?
    I wanted to hear your take on a heavy metal band’s interpretation of the French Revolution. The visuals were stunning! I’m now a new fan of the band.
    <3 Liz

  10. Dear Diana, I absolutely love your books, have all so far and waiting patiently for the one you are writing. However, I had an idea for a new book from when Frank discovers Claire missing, and from research how he ultimately discovers her relationship with Jamie prior to her returning home after Culloden. Further ideas for this book could delve into Roger and Bree research. What do you think?

    • Hi,

      Diana (and most all published authors) do not use book ideas from others for legal reasons.

      Plus, she has a list of books she is planning to write after Book Ten, such as the Prequel about Jamie’s parents, a Lord Raymond Book, and others! Diana has plenty of book ideas.

      Why don’t you write your own book with your own characters? Diana has some tips for new authors on her Writers’ Corner (What I Do) webpage.

      Good luck,

      Diana’s Webmistress

  11. Your books are a joy. I am 80 and when I read your books I am transported to the Colonies and share the lives of your characters. I am young again as I follow in their footsteps. Thank you and your family for the wonderful series. I live in Australia which has a vibrant colonial past and not so long ago. No one has written the way you do about this country. Thank you again.

  12. Oh man!!! Love this, I can’t wait for the book! Diana, you already have me on the edge of my seat!

  13. Greetings Diana, I’m a little late to the party, actually very late since it’s 2024. My sisters insisted I start the Outlander series. I live on a small island off the coast of Ma. So reading is my lifeline to the rest of the world.
    That being said I DEVOURED the whole series this past winter. I’ve read many series but nothing like Outlander.
    Outlander was all I talked about all winter as I was all in and felt like a voyeur inside your characters heads and lives.
    Your writing chops are unparalleled in my reading experience. Your sense of time and place took me along on Claire and Jamie’s epic bumpy journey. I learned so much which prompted research into Colloden and Scotland and the Colonies.( I’m a historical fiction junkie.)
    THANK YOU Diana for your gift.
    (You sound very busy, I hope you are able to exhale from time to time.)

    Take good care.

  14. Dear Diana,
    Your Outlander series has gotten me through my bathroom remodel, the 4 years of plague, and shared stories with friends. I don’t know how many times I have written the Prologue from Book One in an email to a friend who then replied, “I can see why you love it.” For those who complain that the books are too long, I say: if I love a book, I never want it to end!

    I read a book recently titled The Hundred Loves of Juliet by Evelyn Skye. I read it because it was labeled, “for those who love Outlander.” And it did not disappoint. Jamie and Claire are right up there with Romeo and Juliet.

    I am eagerly awaiting Book Ten and will happily add it to my Outlander collection of books to read, re-read, and savor always. A heartfelt thank you for sharing your stories with me.

    A Fan Forever,

  15. As an avid Fan of yours Diana ( having read and loved the entire Outlander series) Book 9 left me saying there has to be a Book 10 !!!!!! Thank you in advance and I cant wait to read #10

  16. Hi Diana,
    I love your books and notice the title in each book somewhere. How do you come up with titles to your books? What makes you select one over another? Thanks!

  17. Please take your time on finishing the book. Put in all the time and care it needs to be the best it can possibly be, and of don’t forget to take good care of yourself as well. You’ve given so much of yourself to your fans, be assured we can patiently wait. :)

  18. Diana!
    I finished ‘Go Tell tbe Bees…’ awhile ago, and am now waiting with bated breath for Book 10. Patience is required.
    Am very grateful for your blog, and the crumbs you’re dropping.
    During our last trip to Scotland, it was good fun exploring the old castles. What struck me was ‘walking through all that history.’I could also visualise Jamie, Captain Jack R in the courtyard of Blackness Castle. It had that eery, foreboding atmosphere.

    I read with interest from The Making of Outlander, of the Writers Room.
    The imagination to rewrite and create from book to screen. Have to say that my favourite rewrite was of Jocasta, and Murtagh. Throwing the whiskey in his face, did it for me.
    Not two young lovers , but our age.

    Many Thanks for bringing Outlander into our lives.

  19. You are such a brilliant writer. Even this short passage with Jamie and Roger speaking with one another made me feel as though I was right there in the scene with them! Thanks for all of your stories and especially for your excerpts from Book 10. They help to keep me from going crazy while I wait for for the continuation of Claire and Jaime’s story.

  20. Dear Diana
    You are amazing to write such wonderful stories. I have read them all and I am anxious for book
    10. I hardly cannot wait.

    Thanks so much R

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