Phew… is what’s on my mind…
VERY quick trip to a smoky New York five days ago for the Season 7 Premiere of Outlander! (Though we did fit in a quick visit to the Met…)
Wonderful to see everyone, and a Real Thrill to watch Episode 1 with a theater of Hugely Enthusiastic fans!
I’m sure y’all will be equally delighted to see it, too! Do let me know what you think!
Yes, I am short.
Outlander, Season 7
“In order to protect what they’ve built, the Frasers have to navigate the Revolutionary War. They learn that sometimes to defend what you love, you have to leave it behind.”
The first episode of Season 7 of Outlander is available from Starz in the U.S.A. through streaming online, the Starz app, or the Starz cable network.
The new season is also available on cable networks and streaming services around the world. (See below.)
Season 7 begins with episode 701, ‘A Life Well Lost,’, in which “Jamie races towards Wilmington to rescue Claire from the gallows, only to discover that the American Revolution has well and truly reached North Carolina.”
Click to watch the Season 7 trailer on Youtube, released a few months ago.
In the U.S.A. – Starz Network and Streaming:
Season 7 consists of sixteen episodes, with the the premiere released today on the Starz website and streaming app at midnight (Eastern time) in the U.S.A. The next seven episodes of the first half of Season 7 will be released each Friday in the weeks after on the Starz website or app for streaming at the same time.
On the Starz cable channel, the first episode will premiere today at 5 p.m. Pacific Time (8 p.m. Eastern Time). The next seven episodes of the first half of Season 7 will be shown each Friday in the weeks after on the Starz cable channel at the same time.
The second half of Season 7, another eight episodes, will be shown in 2024 in the U.S.A., with a release date to be determined.
For those who are new to the Outlander tv series, Seasons 1 through 6 are available for streaming on the Starz website and app.
Seasons 1-5 of Outlander are apparently available to stream on Netflix, also. A new season of Outlander is usually released on Netflix two years after the finale episode airs on Starz in the U.S.A.. So Season 7 may be available to stream on Netflix sometime in 2025.
Global Release of Outlander, Season 7
For viewers outside the U.S.A., please check with your local cable network and streaming services for all options, which differ from country to country (much like book publishing!). Below is information that has been announced for some countries for Outlander Season 7 by a CNET article:
Canada – W Network. Season 7 will premiere on Sunday, June 18, at 9 p.m. (Eastern and Pacific times).
United Kingdom – Lionsgate Plus. Streaming service Lionsgate Plus has the rights to show Outlander Season 7 exclusively in the U.K.. Like the U.S.A., the new season premiere will be released on Friday, June 16, with new episodes being added once per week. Lionsgate Plus is also available as a channel add-on for Amazon Prime Video in the U.K.
Australia – Foxtel and Binge. Outlander season 7 debuts Fox One on Saturday, June 17, at 7:30 p.m. (AEST). If you don’t have a cable package that carries Fox One, an alternative option is the streaming service Binge, which will have the new season on demand.
Countries including Belgium, France, India, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, Poland, South Korea, and Singapore will have access to weekly episodes of Outlander Season 7 on Netflix alongside its release on Starz in the U.S.A. (above), as was done with Season 6.
Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, and Sweden will have access to Season 7 on Netflix one year after its premiere on Starz, likely a June, 2024 release.
CNET’s article also mentions the use of VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) for streaming the new season, but that’s only for the very tech savvy to attempt, IMHO. <g>
The Outlander television series is produced by Starz, Sony, and Tall Ship Productions.
Information on the premiere and release dates outside the U.S.A. are thanks to CNET and Collider articles.
The first episode is awesome in my opinion. I loved each scene, but I especially loved the scene where Tom Christie confesses to Claire. It was so touching. Kudos to the writers of this episode. It did not disappoint.
Ms Gabaldon, I remember being touched by a time when Jamie worried that he was not enough, I cannot find it-can you help? I was very touched by it.
I loved the first and second episodes. I agree with Gloria Lee that the scene where Tom Christie confesses to Claire his love is magnificent! Grab the Kleenex box! And I was happy with the ending not seeing but knowing that Brown gets his due at the hand of Jamie!
The second episode had that scene with Bree and Jamie and the fireflies. Magical! And the scene of them going back to the future was emotional! Sophie gets an Emmy for her acting in that episode for sure!
I will see you at the Poisoned Pen on Aug 4, 2023. Always a thrill for me! I hope to be half the writer you are. You got me through and recovered from a stroke. You inspired me to write about what would have happened to Jamie when he was at Hellwater if he met a young girl named Bella, a telepathic time traveler from 400 years in the future!
Thank you for all you do!
Glendale AZ
Dear Starz,
When will we be able to see Series 7 of Outlander in Italy? Up to now, we have been able to watch it on Sky. It has been well-presented although the publicity and reviews have not been well promoted. You need a much better team in Italy to promote Outlander. Many people I know, both English speakers and Italian-only speakers, are quite hooked on the story.
The English language (original) version is popular with either English or Italian subtitles. The Italian language dubbed version is ok, but the translation level is not the highest. I feel the translators don’t themselves understand the background and history involved which doesn’t assist their ability to translate the story in context.
Please get Outlander Series 7 to us in Italy as soon as possible,
Chris Gilmore
Hi, Chris,
You wrote a web comment to Diana Gabaldon on her website, not Starz.
Starz is the American cable and streaming network that produces the series and shows it first in the USA.
Sony International bought the legal rights to distribute the Outlander tv series around the world (and they also are involved in the production with Starz). So Sony handles showing it in Italy (choosing which networks and streaming services it will show on, the DVD editions in Italian, etc.) and which cable networks or streaming services it will be on there. Also the editions with subtitles and translations. As to who advertises the series in different countries, Sony and the local broadcast/streaming services do that.
Each country has different copyright, broadcast, and streaming laws, and that is part of what affects when viewers in a specific country will see the series. It’s complicated as they say. Plus translations add more time. A ballpark time period is at least one year after it first shows in the USA for some markets.
I’d suggest that you send your input to Sky there in Italy. And Sony, too. I’ll forward your remarks to Diana and her staff, as well. She appreciates the input, but all the things you mentioned are up to Sony, methinks.
It’s awesome that folks are watching the show in Italy!
Tom Christie’s amorous confession and full-on lip press (yeck) on Claire in Wilmington was nothing short of eyebrow raising into the hairline! Ole Tom is not my favorite person; always thought him on the creepy side. No – all three Christies were creepy, all warped in some way. But Claire’s flummoxed look was absolutely priceless!!!
And the fireflies – what great computer magic! Now *Those* few Jamie/Bree moments made me misty eyed! Michael Mouse indeed! Full on gush of tears at Ocracoke as the MacKenzies exited the 18th century. Such great chemistry has developed between the actors over the many seasons. Ian/John Bell melted my heart talking, sparks aflying Rachel’s way. Teary eyed again when Ian meets the “child of his spirit” in the Mohawk camp. He is healing!
Going to be a long few months until second part of Season 7 airs……sigh…
Regards and hugs,
Sierra Vista, AZ
The first 3 episodes are wonderful. Touching and fulfilling. Made me cry. Really wish there was a way to convince Starz to do Bees
I’m sure they could do it justice. Your books and the TV show have gotten me through loosing my husband to Lewy-body dementia. He and I watched it from the beginning. After he got worse, he would have me read Outlander to him. Thanks.
Ms. Gabaldon,
You *must* not end Outlander with Season 7. Since they will have witnessed the birth of the United States in Season 7, send them to Australia for Season 8. The timing is perfect. They will witness the birth of another nation whose origins also are British.
Harlan Hague, Ph.D.
Diana has a Ph.D. also. Just sayin’.
The Starz/Sony TV series is based on her OUTLANDER series of novels. Up through BEES (Book 9), I don’t remember Jamie and Claire going to Australia! Here and there the series diverges from her books a bit in translating them to the screen, but I dunno if they’ll do that. Have to wait and see! Love your enthusiasm for Australia.
All best,
Never mind. I see season 8 is in the works, and I suspect you aren’t taking anybody to Australia. Looking forward to see how Jamie is going to navigate taking on the mantle of rebellion during the Revolution.
I am curious about who wrote the observation made near the end of Season 7, Episode 4 (“A Most Uncomfortable Woman”). Clair says:
“People who don’t believe in telepathy have never set foot on a battlefield or served with an army. Something passes unseen from man to man when an army is on the move. The air itself is live with feeling … half eagerness, half dread. It dances over the skin, knowing with every step death walks beside them. Each hoping to live or die well.”
Is this a quote from one of the Outlander books or was it developed by the writers of that particular TV episode? Or is there a different source? Thank you for your information!
Kathy, the quote is mostly from one of the books, just the last part of the last sentence is changed (The Fiery Cross/book 5, Chapter 63): “People who don’t believe in telepathy have never set food on a battlefield, nor served with an army. Something passes unseen from man to man when an army is about to move; the air itself is live with feeling. Half dread, half eagerness, it dances over the skin and bores the length of the spine with an urgency like sudden lust.”
Ms Gabaldon I love the Outlander Series, read all the books, twice. Sometimes it’s hard to wait for the next season, I must admit. The only issue I have is the song in the intro “sing me a song…” I’m not sure why it was changed from the first season, that one was the best rendition and then it went downhill from there. Maybe you can bring that version back?!
I don’t think Diana has control of the musical details of the series. But both my husband and I completely agree with you.
I have really liked every episode watched each one several times. But obviously some episodes liked more than others. No 2 a tissue box episode. William great in the Dismal Swamp.
I think they are doing a great job of sticking to the book. Not always going in the same direction to get to the same place as book. Missed out a lot of ship swapping, and battles probably non essential for story lines.
Ian going to Shadow lake and seeing Emily and Swiftest of Lizards happens in Book 9. But for different reasons, to make sure she is okay after a massacre occurs. And he does not go alone. But still a good scene. Only two more episodes of part one left, the drought lander again.
Charles makes a great William.
I have read all 9 books at least 3 times. Also two of the other not big Outlander books.
So we’re all looking forward to another glimpse of book 10. When will Diana share another excerpt? BTW I’m really enjoying season 7.
Diana, excellent series, but have you really looked into the Scottish history, I’m a Mackenzie from Inverness & series 5 sees Jamie wearing a red coat, that would never happen, are you saying the Mackenzie Clan or Fraser sided with the red coats
Hi, Derek,
For each of her books, Diana has researched Scottish history quite thoroughly (as well as histories of other countries). She has a PhD in science, and Diana is an excellent and very detailed researcher, as good scientists have to be. The University of Glasgow hosted an academic conference in July 2023 with more than 90 speakers on her Outlander series and how it has affected Scotland’s arts, tourism, economy, and also explored the history that she included in her books.
I don’t remember seeing Jamie in a red coat in the 5th season of the Starz tv series or in Book 5. Will check next time I watch it again and watch for it. The Starz TV series sometimes changes her books, plots and scenes around in adapting them to the tv-series format.
If you haven’t read the books, I hope that you will. Especially since OUTLANDER, the first book, begins in Inverness where you are from! Lots more history and details in the 700+ page books that they can’t include in a single tv series season.
All best,
Diana’s Webmistress
I’m assuming this commenter is referring to the trailer for season 5 which shows Jamie as a redcoat but hasn’t watched the series so doesn’t have the context as to why.
Will Claire’s family history be explored? Perhaps this is from where the ‘time travel gene’ originates?
I’ve enjoyed all your books very few have the I can’t put it down sentiment but yours have it . I just hope that I’m still around for book ten. Tapadh Leat ( Thank You).
Hi Diana,
I know that you don’t have control over what STARZ Entertainment does with their programming, but the fact remains that they advertised Outlander this season as having sixteen episodes, all of which have already been filmed as I understand the articles that I’ve read. Now, after I signed up for their service, they have cut off showing more episodes after only eight shows this season, saying we have to wait until 2024 for the rest.
It seems blatantly unfair that they should have lied like that at the beginning of the season! We all signed up expecting a full sixteen episodes. THAT’S FALSE ADVERTISING!!! I sincerely hope that you will call STARZ and tell them how upset your fans are because I am one VERY upset fan. I’ve read all the books you’ve written so far several times and I’ve watched the series at least twice, but I want more! I don’t like being lied to and they’ve done that to keep us hanging on. They want our money for another season! It’s outrageous that STARZ can get away with lying and false advertising.
There, I’ve said my piece. I don’t suppose there’s anything you can do, but I needed to vent. I’m very angry with STARZ Entertainment. Thank you for listening.
Love your books,
Alice Ouellette
Wallingford, CT
PS – Writing as Alice Mary Scott “Queso’s Story,” & “Queso, Kidnapped” + 2 Romance Novels so far sold only on
Hi, Alice,
There will be sixteen episodes. You’re not cheated, but have to wait for the second eight episodes. It’s what is called a “split season,” shown in two different groupings. Starz did it in previous seasons for this and other programs. Why do they do it? I have no idea. The pandemic supposedly played a role a few years ago with having to halt filming, maybe scheduling around actors’ schedules, and other production stuff, from unsubstantiated rumors I heard. Or it could be marketing. You’d have to ask Starz and Sony. The reasons may have varied from year to year. Who knows?
But it’s not “false advertising” if there’s a delay in the middle of a season, in legal terms. Shows on multiple cable and streaming channels do all sorts of unusual scheduling nowadays. I do know that competition is quite fierce, and they do their best to get the most media attention for their work.
You’re the one who should call Starz and tell them you’re unhappy about it IMHO, not Diana! Like you said, she doesn’t make those decisions, but Starz and Sony do. And they do listen to viewers.
The second half of season 7 will be great, even after the wait! Season 8 after that. And we have the Prequel tv series coming too! And, of course, book ten (publication date to be determined).
Everything will be okay. Yeah, I don’t like to wait, either!
But it will be worth it.
Diana’s Webmistress
Claire, relieved from a bloody table and walks alone displaying a thousand yard stare.
“On VE Day, the bloodiest and most terrible war in human history, grows fainter with each passing day. But I can still recall every detail of the day when I saw the life I wanted in a window. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I had bought the vase and made a home for it. Would that have changed things? Would I have been happy? Who can say?
I do know this: even now: after all the pain and death and heartbreak that followed, I would still make the same choice.”
Season 1 ep 1 Claire
I am an 80 year nam vet
Have not read a line but have watched the tv version through to droutlander.
I am desperately in love with Claire!
Un message pour vous remercier chaleureusement pour chaque petit extrait que vous publiez, car c’est une dose de bonne humeur offerte à vos lectrices et lecteurs passionné(e)s.
Pourtant parfois, je me demande si vous avez emprunté à Claire le goutte à goutte que Brianna a conçu pour instiller lentement l’éther lors des anesthésies? Vos lectrices et lecteurs sont bien exigeants et je suis bien trop impatiente!
Cela me rappelle l’anecdote vue dans une biographie de Charles Dickens: ses lecteurs New-Yorkais étaient si anxieux de connaitre la suite de son roman-feuilleton “Old curiosity shop”, qu’ils étaient allés attendre un steamer provenant de Liverpool afin de savoir si Little Nell était morte.
Heureusement, nous savons que tous les personnages des grandes oeuvres littéraires sont immortels. Il en sera ainsi pour Claire et Jamie: lois de la thermodynamique, foi profonde et bien sûr, beaucoup d’imagination et de talent littéraire de votre part.
Vous connaissez certainement le tableau inachevé “Dickens Dream”, où l’on voit l’écrivain endormi entouré de tous les personnages dont il a peuplé ses romans. C’est ainsi que je vous imagine, devant votre ordinateur, au coeur de la nuit, prenant un peu de repos à la fin d’un chapitre, entourée de tous les personnages que vous avez créés (sauf les “méchants” bien sûr!).
Je vous souhaite bien des jours et des nuits de création littéraire féconde et gratifiante pour vous. Pour ce qui est des publications à venir, nous attendrons, respectant vos temps d’écriture!
——–Translation to English via Google Translate——–
A message to thank you warmly for each little extract that you publish, because it is a dose of good humor offered to your passionate readers.
Yet sometimes I wonder if you borrowed from Claire the drip that Brianna designed to slowly instill ether during anesthesia? Your readers are very demanding and I am very impatient!
This reminds me of the anecdote seen in a biography of Charles Dickens: his New York readers were so anxious to know the sequel to his serial novel “Old curiosity shop”, that they went to wait for a steamer from Liverpool in order to to know if Little Nell was dead.
Fortunately, we know that all characters in great literary works are immortal. So it will be for Claire and Jamie: laws of thermodynamics, deep faith and of course, a lot of imagination and literary talent on your part.
You certainly know the unfinished painting “Dickens Dream”, where we see the writer sleeping surrounded by all the characters with whom he populated his novels. This is how I imagine you, in front of your computer, in the dead of night, taking a little rest at the end of a chapter, surrounded by all the characters you have created (except the “bad guys” of course! ).
I wish you many days and nights of fruitful and gratifying literary creation for you. As for future publications, we will wait, respecting your writing times!
Loved the first half of season 7 and looking forward to the second half. Watched from the beginning again how I have enjoyed the series. My sister got me started on the books and thenI rediscovered them when the series started. Also, thanks for the note about “Iain of New Scotland.” As today marks the 250th anniversary of The Hector’s arrival here in New Scotland (Nova Scotia), my home. The Hector brought my 5th great grand parents Alexander Fraser and Flora MacGregor, and my 4th great grandmother, Catherine Fraser.
Love the books more than the tv show. So much is left out because of time constraints. Can’t wait for the final book. I’m 85 and hope I get to read it before my demise!