Dear Readers and Fans of the Outlander tv series,
Thank you so much for all of your sweet birthday wishes!
My 70th birthday on January 11, 2022, was a very happy one, and I celebrated it with my husband and family.
Blessings to each of you,
Original post from Diana’s Webmistress:
Today is her 70th birthday. If you’d like to send her a greeting, there are two ways:
Send birthday wishes to Diana in a public web comment using the form below on this blog post, where it says “Leave a Response.” The comments are moderated so your comment will appear in a few hours. (“Moderated” means someone makes sure a human wrote the comment and it isn’t spam.)
And/Or send an email to Diana at Emails are not public.
Diana reads all emails and web comments and loves to hear from you.
Myth and Mountain Birthdays
If you haven’t read it already, Diana’s essay titled “Myth and Mountain Birthdays” describes how her young parents met and married, and tells the story of her birth in northern Arizona on “the coldest day of the year:”
Image at upper right: Diana at the Grand Canyon in winter. Photo by her husband, Doug.
Happy Birthday Diana, hope you have a great day! Love your books, I have all of them in paperback & I’ve read them over & over quite a few times
Becky Shabec
Loved reading your Myth and Mountain birthdays.
Happy 70th Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy 70th birthday! I just finished Bees. I loved it and am looking forward to book 10. I have read all of the books several times and hope to do so for many years to come. Best wishes to a great 2022.
lá breithe shona duit! (Hope I got Happy birthday! in Gaelic right)

Much love & blessings from one of your devoted California readers. Your work has truly brightened my literary life! May you have a wonderful year & can’t wait to see your next piece!
XO Natalie M
Happy Birthday to you, dear Diana!
Many happy returns of the day!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Best regards,
Happy Birthday to you, dear Diana!
Many happy returns of the day!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Best regards from my husband, too!
Happy Birthday Diana
I wish you a very Blessed day..
Happy Birthday.
I’ve been a fan since 1991, and still enjoying your books 30 years later. Thank you, you’re an awesome writer. The Outlander tv series is phenomenal. The casting of the characters …… it’s as if they walked out of your books, and said, ” here I am.” I’m reading “an echo in the bone”, so I’ll say thank you again and get back to Ian and William, they just met again!!
Happy Birthday, Diana!
I’m grateful for being in this world in your timeframe
- so I could enjoy your writing
Sorry I missed your birthday-hope it was happy. Just had my 70th birthday in December. I ordered bees signed, but could not wait for it to read the story, So I ordered it on line as well. On my second reading now.
Happiest Birthday wishes to you Diana!
My daughter Julie shares your special day (she just turned 28) I always remind her of this. She always responds with a roll of her eyes and a heavy sigh as she says….Yes Mother! I’m very aware of THAT!
Hope you had a wonderful day.
A wee bit late, but many happy returns, Diana. You have given so many of us so much joy. Like so many others I have read the series through several times, finding new details and surprising connections with every exploration. Your painstaking research is very much appreciated. Can’t wait for the next book, but dreading the end of the adventure.
Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday, Diana!
Capricorns rock!
My birthday is January 10 and you are exactly twenty years older than me!
I hope your day was amazing!
Happy Birthday, Diana! Thank you SO much for creating the amazing Outlander world. You rock!
Dear Diana….what a gem you are. Love the Outlander series.
I so appreciate you sharing your Blessing of writing skills.
You have entertained me with your books for many years. I look forward (hopefully) to many more. I can’t bring myself to think there would be an ending. I love the characters and it would be like losing a family member.
Peace, Health and Happiness to you in the new year from Washington state.
A bit late, but no less herzlich from Germany: Happy Birthday, dear Diana! From one Capricorn to another – I am just 8 days younger than you, turning 70 next week… how does it feel?!
Started reading ‘Outlander’ while still living in the US – all my books are still in storage in NY (very bad timing to move back to Europe just before the pandemic) – so now I am almost having a second set here … Luckily I can order/pick up English paperbacks easily and was the first to get “Bees” at my local bookstore! Many thanks for so many lovely hours of escape with Claire and Jamie!
Best wishes, Be well, Beste Grüsse! Ulla
Happy birthday, Diana. Your Outlander books are aweome!! Just finished book nine. Are you going to write another? The ending left me unsatisfied
Diana has said there will be a Book Ten, which might be the last one featuring Jamie and Claire, depending on how the story goes. Happily, Diana has other book projects planned after she finishes Book Ten, too.
Diana’s Webmistress
Happy birthday, Diana!
My birthday is the 12th!
Just like everyone else, I love your books!
- Larry
Happy birthday Diana! Hope you had an eventful day
Thank you for Outlander !!
Your books have brought me so much pleasure.
Thank you!