GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE officially went on sale on Tuesday, November 23, 2021!
For those folks who like chapter titles, here they are for BEES:
Part I
A Swarm of Bees in the Carcass of a Lion
1: The MacKenzies Are Here
2: A Blue Wine Day
3: Rustic, Rural, and Very Romantic
4: The Women Will Ha’ a Fit
5: Meditations on a Hyoid
6: Home Is the Hunter, Home from the Hill
7: Dead or Alive
8: Visitations
9: Animal Nursery Tales
10: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Part II
No Law East of the Pecos
11: Lightning
12: Erstwhile Companions
13: “What is not good for the swarm is not good for the bee” (Marcus Aurelius)
14: Mon cher petit ami
15: Which Old Witch?
16: Hound of Heaven
17: Reading by Firelight
18: Distant Thunder
19: Daylight Haunting
20: I Bet You Think This Song Is About You . . .
21: Lighting a Fuse
22: Ashes, Ashes . . .
23: Trout-fishing in America, Part Two
24: Alarms by Night
25: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi
26: In the Scuppernongs
27: Cover Her Face
28: Math-ghamhainn
29: Remember, Man . . .
30: You Should Know . . .
Part III
The Beesting of Etiquette and the Snakebite of Moral Order
31: Pater familias
32: Lhude sing cuccu!
33: Spoilt for Choice
34: The Son of a Preacher-man
35: Ambsace
36: What Lies Unseen
37: Maneuvers Beginning with the Letter “V”
38: Grim Reaper
39: I Have Returned
40: Black Brandy
41. Awkward Sod
42. Sasannaich Clann Na Galladh!
43. The Men Ye Gang Oot With
44. Beetles With Tiny Red Eyes
45. Not Quite Like Leprosy
46. By the Dawn’s Early Light
47. Tace is the Latin for a Candle
48. A Face in the Water
49. Your Friend, Always
50: Sunday Dinner in Salem
Visit my GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE webpage for more information about this new book, the ninth major novel in my OUTLANDER series of major novels featuring Jamie and Claire. And the BEES webpage gives you access to the more than 100 excerpts I have posted.
Thank You to Pam Onasch, who sent me the lovely top photo of bees having a pollen party in a poppy—and to her brother, who took the picture!
And Many Thanks to Jaimee Butters for the lovely bee photo! (bottom image)
This blog entry was last updated on Friday, November 26, 2021 by Diana Gabaldon or Diana’s Webmistress.
Hello Diana. Over 10 years ago I discovered your Outlander series of books and devoured them! Much as I obsessed over the TV series. But I only read the first four books and for some reason didn’t finish “Drums of Autumn”.
My question is would I be lost if I started reading “Go tell the Bees … “ now? I would love to become immersed in your Outlander world again.
As someone who loves her books, my advice is to read them in order because of the story lines and character development that carry from book to book. That being said, they can be read as standalone books. So it’s really up to you.
To me, reading only the first four then BEES would be like reading Tolkien’s RETURN OF THE KING before THE TWO TOWERS. But that’s my opinion.
I got to know the Outlander series by picking up A Breath of Snow And Ashes during a summer holiday in a tiny archipelago … I really enjoyed reading it despite the fact it was obviously not the first book of the series and went on reading the rest in the correct order. As the years go by, I sometimes read one of the books in a language I am not really good at and the mix from things forgotten and re-discovered and things read as if it was the first time is very enjoyable, too.
OMG, I’m on chapter 21 and Jamie is speaking to my 7th great grandfather, Isaac Shelby. I’ve never been one to fan girl but this is so awesome! And a wee bit surreal, to be honest.
Hi ladies
FYI I have today received an email from Amazon Australia to advise that they have no idea when the supply of ‘Bees’ will arrive for distribution to those of us who have pre-ordered copies and offering to cancel the order should I wish.
Bloody disappointing when some folk have already received their books from Amazon in other countries but nowt we can do but wait and hope that it won’t be too long
Incidentally I had a similar message about my pre-order of Sam and Graham’s Almanac.
Best wishes to you both and thanks for your hard work
Dear Leanne,
Thank you so much for letting Diana and I know. I have changed the pull-down menus with buy links for BEES to indicate that the Australian options are pre-orders.
I noticed that Amazon for Australia now says that BEES has a release date of January 2, 2022. I hope that is correct, and wish it was sooner for all of you there.
For future reference, the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, Arizona, sells signed copies of Diana’s books (U.S. editions), and they ship anywhere in the world. For BEES, they have sold their first shipment of 20,000 books, but are expecting 10,000 more they say, in a month.
Here is Diana’s webpage at the Poisoned Pen, which gives details on which of her books are available:
The helpful staff at the Pen may be reached for any questions at:
The Pen is Diana’s local bookstore in Arizona, and she has an arrangement with them to provide books signed by her to readers who want one.
Any other information about international editions of BEES, Diana and I are all ears! Please send it to us.
Diana’s Webmistress
I preordered my copy of eyes though Big W a local chain store in Australia and it arrived on November 26 delivered to my home because of COVID. Just finished it today. Can’t believe I now have to wait years for the next one!
Oh poor things. I preordered mine through Booktopia and received it in good time, in the week it was published. Give Amazon the flick next time and go with Booktopia as it is an Australian company. I’ve finished it now so at least you have the joy ahead of you!
Hi Loretta
An update to my message yesterday – I have just ordered BEES through Angus and Robertson in Australia who say it is in stock with their US supplier and give a delivery date of 10-15 days.
I hope that this comes to pass and wait in anticipation……
Thanks for your assistance and I hope that Diana has some quiet time at home after her travels.
Best wishes
Hi again Loretta
Angus and Robertson advise me today of a new estimated delivery date of 23 December for BEES
The saga continues…..
Kind regards
I am trying to purchase a download of the audiobook (Go Tell the Bees) from the UK itunes website but it shows the narrator as Janina Edwards (publisher WF Howes). I believe this is an error but am nervous of purchasing it as I want the narration by Davina Porter. I have contacted both itunes and WF Howes asking for clarification but have not had an answer from either. It would help me enormously to know whether there is a narration of Go Tell the Bees by Janina Edwards or not.
I am so frustrated at being held up from starting the book.
Can you shed any light on this?
I realise this isn’t a typical enquiry but thought you might know who has been authorised to narrate the book.
Many thanks for any help you can give.
Hi, Nicky,
I looked up the BEES audiobook on Amazon.co.uk (for kindle readers in the UK) at:
to compare it with the UK Apple itunes listing at:
Both editions have the exact same cover art with “WFH” on it for WF Howes as publisher in the UK. Recorded Books (audible.com) actually created the master recordings in the English language, I think.
The Amazon UK listing has a sample which is definitely Davina’s voice, and she is listed as the narrator.
The apple itunes page above does not have a sample that I could play.
Both the Amazon UK and Apple iTunes UK audio editions have the exact same recorded total length of 49 hours and 27 minutes. To me that indicates they are the same, and Davina is likely the recording artist in both.
I agree it is likely a typo. Davina Porter is so popular, I can’t imagine that they would hire another narrator in the UK just for the apple itunes UK version of the audiobook.
All I can suggest right now is to see if you can get a refund if you’re not happy with the audio book. Call a local Apple store where you live in the UK and talk to the support people there. Ask if you could get your money refunded if it’s not Davina that’s narrating it. Sometimes if you purchase something on a credit card and aren’t happy with it, the credit card company will refund the money.
I am going to forward this discrepancy to Diana, so her agent and/oror publishers in the UK can check into it since it looks like a mistake. Will let you know the response and also post it here.
Thanks for pointing out this out.
Diana’s Webmistress
Dear Diana,
Thank you so very much for the book 9 of the Outlander Saga.
I’m recovering from a sleepless night spent reading The Bees
but it was worth it!
Because of taking care of my husband recovering from a devastating
stroke, I don’t have much time to read, so every moment spent with
your book is very precious!
Even though my family and I celebrated Thanksgiving Day in October,
as it is tradition in Canada, I’ve belatedly counted another blessing
with The Bees in my hands!
My best, heartfelt wishes of a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for you
and your loved ones!
While counting your blessings think of this;
You are a blessing to all your faithful readers!
Be well and safe,
I devoured the book! And cried and laughed and cried while laughing and laughed while crying. I’ll spend the next several years preparing emotionally for Book 10.
I have just finished “Bees” and found it to be just as wonderful as all the rest. I have waited seven years, counting everyday. It was well worth the wait. You did, however, end the book right at the point I most wanted the story to continue. I turned every page hoping that William would finally find out how wrong his judgement of his father is.
I will spend the time until the next book is published, re-reading this and all the other books and trying to talk myself into liking Amaranthus.
Write fast honey. We’re both getting old.
It’s great for me to read the chapter titles here, I am a German English audio book reader (after I have enjoyed the German audio book). I find the chapter titles often a mysterios thing. Not only to find the point, the idea in chapters, sometimes plainly to understand the translation given in different translation machines. And I can follow the text really good, not every book comes to me so lightly. Knowing something about Diana‘s work she puts a lot of power in chapter titles, they talk only to an inspired reader a story line around the main one and mostly you guess wrong by understanding the title literally. I don’t know if that is only for me as a not native speaker or for everyone, but I am entertained anyway doing my „Research“ and thinking about.
Original English of Diana‘s story is worth to read for it’s own sake, to find the special bits and pieces having no word to translate.
For Germans wondering about I can tell, that the German book is not really the same, the translation is maybe a bit less mysterios. Even the counted words must be millions more
Ok, book 9 is consumated now, and only to put my fingers in the wound, the loose ends hold me excited for book 10. My best wishes to Diana, may she have a good writing, flying fingers on the keyboard to put all ideas together in a brilliant final. Stay healthy!
BTW: narration of Davina Porter is pure joy. Love Birgitta Assheuer too, the German voice.
I had the great pleasure of being at.one of your events in Dayton, Ohio!
I have read all your Outlander books, and I have received your newer book recently. I am anxious to begin reading.it in my cozy chair, with a cup of tea at my side!
Your books are filled with so much history! I have read the series twice now, and plan to read it again this winter….
Thank you so much for sharing your education and talent with ua, Diana!
I have thouroughly enjoyed every minute of reading.your books!
Ruth Ann!
Is there going to be a tenth volume of Outlander?
Yes. It will be the final major novel featuring Jamie and Claire.
Update: Diana has said since my last comment that Book Ten will “probably” be the last one, “depending on how things develop.”
So we’ll see!
After having just finished reading BEES I am bouncing from Oliver with his empty bowl out, begging, to the kid in the Maypo commercial yelling for more. So when is book ten coming out? Tee hee.
Have explored the rest of the website. Got my answer. Apologies and Happy Christmas.
Hello Diana,
I just finished Bees. Again a great story. I love it.
But:After the Battle at Kings Mountain I missed a little bit more details about how Jamie got home, a description of his wounds – specially the one of the knee the operation of that knee – why it is necessary and will he ever be able to walk without pain ? All the novels before, you told us those things – I remember the tending of Jamies right hand.I just like to know
Now I`m waiting for the last one. What will it bring?
I hope that William will make his peace with Jamie soon. And Lord John too.
Will there be more family coming from Scotland?
Will one of the MacKenzies go back to the Future?
What ever will happen – I hope Claire and Jamie will have some real good Years to come.
I hope you can finish the last one right in time for the filming – I really hope that Starz goes on till the last novel.
Thanks for Claire and Jamie
I thoroughly enjoyed Go Tell the Bees. It was exciting, spellbinding, and added to my beingness in the world. I first learned about you and your books in 2014 and bought them all, devouring them one right after the other. I’ve not read any author like this before. The Outlander is alive for me. That you can take Claire and Jamie through a lifetime in all the books is fascinating. When I read your books, I enter into the life of 1700s and earlier in the 20th century. Your characters are so vivid and alive for me.
I have only one complaint. I had to wait from 2014 until 2021 for Go Tell the Bees, this most recent book. I’m in my 70s. My sister-in-law, Lorna, who loves your books as much as I do, is three years older than me. For us to wait many, many years is difficult. I may be looking at the end years of my life and don’t know how many more I will have. I have enjoyed the video series of Outlander, but they still don’t come close to comparing to your books.
Please, please don’t take another seven years for the next book. Your books add to my well-being and the preciousness of my life. I so value you and your work.
Respectfully, gratefully, and appreciatively yours, Maren Borich (& Lorna McLeod)
Unless you are a time traveller like Claire, you’ll have to wait for Book Ten like all of the rest of us who love her books. Diana has said many times her creative process and the extensive background research, take a lot of time to do. Plus these are books in the range of 800 pages or more, four times as large as the average novel!
As to age, Diana will be 70 years old on January 11, 2021.
Hang in there!
Diana’s Webmistress
I’ll second this time request. The readers may not care as much what constitutes “a complete book”…just give us some final copy — half or a third as much at a time would be as equally well received!!
Hi, Ellen,
No, no, no, no. The publishers and Diana DO care about what ‘constitutes “a complete book.”‘ (See the answer I typed in elsewhere to the 73-year-old woman who fears she won’t live long enough for Book Ten for other reasons books are NOT released piecemeal before they are finished, except for small excerpts.)
Creating a book is a long process, not something Diana does in thirds, or quarters, or whatever you are imagining. No author works like that. And what if she finished the last “third” of the book first? You’d want to see the ending before the beginning and middle? And what happens if the section she released has major edits or changes in some of the storylines? Until they are published, all books by any author are in flux, being written, edited, updated, expanded, and worked until they are a cohesive whole.
It’s great you are waiting enthusiastically, but you gotta understand all the time, work, research, and editing that it takes for Diana to create an 800-page major novel. Plus the publishing end of a new book involves thousands of people and multiple publishers around the world in 114 countries and over 30 languages, and huge investments of money for a bestseller.
Diana will be releasing excerpts from Book Ten after she gets rested up from the final work of getting BEES published. Look for them here on her official website as well as her official Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Or you could go find a stone circle and find out if you could travel into the future after it’s published! I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland and try that, myself.
Diana’s Webmistress
Dr. Gabaldon,
A Wonderful listen is “Bees…” especially for me personally. Col Frederick Hambright was my distant Grandfather, I was born and lived my childhood within 6 miles of Kings Mtn, and in another career, I was privileged to work as a National Park Ranger at Kings Mtn National Military Park. Your writing brought me, not only vividly accurate images of landmarks on the battleground, but memories of working living history demonstrations of Tory and Militia encampments about 100 yards from Fergeson’s Cairn.
Now, I am wondering if I was ever in danger during my following assignment on the Blueridge Parkway. There is no telling how close I may have come to those standing stones up there!!!
I will repeat this listen and enjoy it, no doubt several times before your final book is released.
Warmest regards and thanks again!
Have just finished “GO TELL IT THE BEES great as usual. Any ideas when the next in the series will come?
Hi, Peggy,
Book Ten will be published after Diana finishes writing it, and then the publishers have to print and distribute it. She just finished BEES, so it will be a couple of years at least.
Diana’s Webmistress
I trult hope that working on pthe 10th Outlander book isa priority for you. I am now in my early 70′s, and I’m worried that I may leave this earth, not knowing what ginally happens to Claire & Jamie.
Diana will turn 70 years old on January 11, 2022.
I’m 67 and intend to be here for Book Ten! Geez…
Dearest Dr. Gabaldon,
Your books draw one in and don’t let go! I’ve loved them all!
I, too, worry that I will no longer walk the earth when Book #10 is published. This is a real concern for one who is 73 and in failing health. It’s probably much too soon for you have an outline, but when you do, I would seriously sign an NDA and hold it sacred. As a former healthcare professional, I know the importance of keeping confidentiality.
No pressure, of course. If you can, great, but if not, I totally understand.
I hope you are in good health and will remain so for years to come.
With warm regards,
Hi, Cherie,
Diana turned 70 years old on January 11, 2022. Daily she gets emails such as yours, as do I for some strange reason. And web comments.
There are numerous reasons that Diana does not send out draft copies of her books.
1) Diana does not use “outlines.” She has discussed this elsewhere on this website and in various interviews on the web.
2) No professional author wants the public to see a book until it’s finished and perfected. A new book is copyrighted material, and Diana does not release her books until they are the best that she can make them. Plus, seeing a story in pieces and draft form would not be the experience you think it would be, of any book by any author.
3) Would you send out your unfinished work to strangers, no matter how nice they seem? I wouldn’t. People may say they will keep it confidential, but the slightest slip or share with others could have dire consequences. Not to mention everyone is vulnerable hackers in this world of the web.
4) Copyright law prohibits sending large parts of a new book to readers, no matter the situation. Professional authors are under contract with their publishers and this includes not releasing ANY PART of a new book except for small excerpts prior to publication. Why? Because the publishers invest massive amounts of money in bestsellers, as well a lot of money in books by new authors, and they don’t want any draft pieces of them floating around out there. Non-disclosure agreements would be issued and approved by Diana’s publishers, and there’s probably zero chance of that due to the risks involved, no matter how worthy the request.
Excerpts from Book Ten will be posted here on Diana’s official website as well as on her official Facebook and Twitter accounts, and are where you should read them instead of fan or other websites, which copy them second-hand. Something to look forward to!
I hope your health gets better soon.
Diana’s Webmistress
I just finished Bees and I am so sad. I want to keep reading and several years for the next I want to cry. This is amazing book and the characters are alive. I am ashamed to admit one day I kept my PJs on for the day and read till bed time and went to bed in same PJs. I have read all the books and this one is by far my fav so far. Well until the next time. Perhaps I should re read series again.
I was one of those frustrated waiting for BEES. I also preordered. I thought I caught some editorial problems. I am desperately waiting for the daily lines for book ten. Please don’t make me wait as long.
Thanks for all your work.
Maybe this is an ‘editorial problem’ that you saw? I’ve heard from a lot of people who thought Diana calling a big wildcat a “painter” was a typo. It isn’t. That’s a common local name in the Appalachian Mountains and parts of the American south for a “panther,” usually referring to a Puma, or American Mountain Lion.
‘Painter’ is probably derived from the word ‘panther’ and developed and changed in local early American dialects.
If a book has printing problems or ebook problems such as pages missing or other problems, first notify the vendor you bought it from, and let me or Diana’s staff know, too so the publishers can look into it.
Diana’s Webmistress
I just finished “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone”. I thought it was extremely good, now one of my favorite reads. I now will wait patiently for Book 10! Thank you for providing us with such interesting characters and awesome love stories.