• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Days of the Dead…

Diana's Jack-o-LanternSocial Media Hashtags: #DailyLines, #Prologue, #MasterRaymondsBook, #NOitisntwrittenyet, #HappyHALLOWEEN

In the chilly season, when the air grows cold and the spiders die, comes a thin time. The days are short, so all the light of them is concentrated, squeezed between the dawn and dark. This is why the light is different, and each thing has a Shadow. This is when the other worlds draw close, and the barriers between grow thin. In a thin time, they say, you must be careful, because you might walk through a cobweb unthinking, and find yourself Elsewhere.

There is more than one other world; no one knows how many. Some beasts can see one; the dogs will sometimes stare at a blank space on the wall of a cave, and their hackles rise at what they see.

Sometimes, I think I see it, too.

Los Dias de los Muertos

Lit candleIn the Southwest, for those of us of Hispanic descent (or inclination), today and tomorrow are Los Dias de los Muertos—the Days of the Dead.

Today (Nov. 1) we celebrated the presence in our lives of those who’ve gone before and await us in heaven; the Feast of All Saints. Tomorrow (Nov. 2) is the Feast of All Souls, when we commune with our own beloved dead.

May all your own families be with you in love today, no matter on which side of the veil.

From November 2, 2018. Also posted on my official Facebook page.

12 Responses »

  1. Thank you for this. The veil is thin. My daughter died on her 22 Nd birthday last May. Your sentence May all your own families be with you in love today, no matter on which side of the veil has helped me so much. Thank you again.

  2. Dear Diana,
    I love your “Outlander” novels and cannot wait to read “Go Tell the Bees I am Gone”. I also love your “Outlander” series on Starz and have never been disappointed until the premier of season four. I hope that the Starz producers are not intending to impose more blaring, loud musical overlays into your series. I would have given anything to hear the dialogue in the finals scenes of the pirate invasion on the boat. The loud and intrusive music ruined the premier for me. Your writing is magnificent and does not need sensationalism and stunts, they just need to tell the story as you wrote it. I remain ever grateful for the countless hours of delight in reading your novels.

    Michelle Powel

  3. Love your books! I have read the series 5 times. I have all the novels on John Grey. I have all your Novella’s. I have purchased all that you have written so far. I even purchased the Audibles through Amazon, I enjoy hearing them read by Davina Porter, with her English Accent I feel like Claire is telling me the story. She was a very good choice of narrators, I have listened to others and they can really grate on the nerves, but Davina is excellent. I am indeed a great fan of your fantastic writing skills. The problem being and I have discussed this with two of my sisters, as we are all avid fans, after reading your books, no other author compares. I’ve tried to move on, and read other series by other authors and well after a few chapters, the book is boring, the characters feel fake, the plot is so evident, why read on, they have no depth, no historical substance, they don’t make you laugh, and cry and make you lose sleep for staying up and reading half the night because you can’t put the book down, or you have to put the book down because you’re sobbing so much you can’t read anymore!, and I must admit I quit reading and go back and start reading from the beginning all of the Outlander series again. I say I have read them all 5 times, but actually it’s been more than that. Your writing is so vivid, so detailed, so thorough, every character is described and defined. You get to know everyone. I did see the comments some have written about Raymond, and I too, am waiting for him to reappear. LOL My sisters and I NEED a new book. Something New to sink our teeth in, to discuss at family dinners! I have enlightened so many people to what a gifted Author you truly are, that they too, have to agree with me once they have started to read your books. I watch the Outlander Series on Starz and while I say it’s entertaining, my family and I sit and discuss all the differences from the books to the TV series, and we sometimes realize the reasoning for some of the changes, anyway it gives us delightful dinner conversations, again. Just wanted you to know how wonderful you are, and to let you know….. We’re waiting….

  4. When will tell the bees I am gone be released?

  5. Thank you Diana for sharing this. I am as WASPy (via Scottish conventers) as they come but Los Dias de los Muertos has always seemed to align with the reincarnation beliefs that make so much sense me from eastern religions while adapting to the Catholicism of the European conquerors. Honor all souls and those especially that brought about your existence.

  6. Master Raymonds book? ooooo can’t wait!

  7. I just read “The Space Between”. Now I am obsessed with knowing more about these characters. Will there be a continuation of this story? Michael Murray and Joan McKimmie? Master Raymond and the unexpected Comte?

    I love the Outlander series on Starz. Still reread the books all the time. The Lord John series is okay, but so far it hasn’t caught me up like “The Space Between” did.

  8. I have been carrying around a list of questions since I read MOBY that I hope will be answered in this next book.

    1. Where does William go and what are his next adventures? Does he go to North Carolina and reconcile with Jamie? Does he go home to England? Does he find a love interest?
    2. What has happened to Ben Grey? Do John and Hal find him? Is Ben a prisoner of Ezekiel Richardson?
    3. Does Ian go to work as a scout in North Carolina for the Continental Army?
    4. Do Dottie and Denzel have a child?
    5. How does the war affect the people on the Ridge?
    6. Is Jamie accepted by the people on the Ridge as their leader and protector?

  9. I have a list of questions that I hope will be answered in this next book.
    1. Where does William go and what are his next adventures. Does he go to North Carolina and reconcile with Jamie? Does he return to England to his ancestral estate. Does William find a live interest?
    2. Do John and Hal find Ben Grey?What happened to Ben since he wasn’t found in the grave? Is Ben a prisoner of Ezekiel Richardson?
    3. Does Ian go to work as a scout in North Carolina or the Continental Army?
    4. Is Jamie accepted by the people on the ridge as their leader and protector? How does the war affect the people on the Ridge?
    5. Do Dotttie and Denzel have a child?

  10. Husband gave me Blood of my Blood necklace as a wedding gift and I lost it. Does anyone have one for sale? Inh am desperate

  11. Is there any hope that the ninth book will be released soon? I was hoping to give myself a gift for Christmas but now I am wondering if there will be a new book released after the season 4 finale? We hope the book will help us endure the next Droughtlander. Your writing is spectacular!

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