• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor


MOBY official US cover

I’m pleased to announce that WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (aka MOBY) will be published by Random House (US) on June 10th, 2014.

To answer a few questions that I _know_ the answer to:

Canada always publishes on the same date as the US.

UK Cover

UK Cover

The UK (and its territories, Australia and New Zealand) usually publishes very near the US date, but not invariably on the _same_ day. It might be, it might be a few days earlier, it might be later, I don’t know. Will tell you as soon as I do.

Germany will likely publish quite close to the same date as the US, perhaps a little sooner. I don’t know about that yet.

Almost all other non-English publishers will publish about a year after the US/English edition, because they have to allow time for translation, and a Big Book takes a long time to translate. (Germany gets much faster translation because I have a close personal relationship with the German translator, and she works with me while I write.)

The book-tour for MOBY is being rescheduled as we speak. The launch party will be held in Scottsdale, AZ, by the Poisoned Pen bookstore, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, 6-10 PM, June 10th.

That’s ALL I know for now. As soon as the dates are re-set (spoke to the Random House publicist this morning and she says she thinks most of the dates and events previously scheduled will be the same), I’ll post the list everywhere.

426 Responses »

  1. I don’t care how long it takes for the next book to come out, because it will delay the sadness when it is all over! I envy all the people who get to read this series for the first time! Also, regarding the Methadone List, years ago I started readint the Jack Whyte’s Camulod series because it was recommended on the list and I LOVED it! It has just now come out on Audio and I am listening to it from the beginning. I have read the series several times (as I have with Outlander) and listening to it brings a fresh perspective. Thanks for the recommendation, Diana!

    Waiting patiently in Connecticut,


  2. Do we ever get to find out who the tall dark Scot was that was looking in the window at Claire in 1945 in the beginning of Outlander? I can’t seem to find where this went full circle.

    • Dear Jacquie–

      He’s not “dark”–it’s just at night. [g] But no; that’ll be explained (as I may have said now and then) as the last thing in the last book. We aren’t there yet.


      • Oh Lord, then if the night visitor’s identity is revealed at the very end of the last book, I will have to be restrained from flipping to the back to see “how it ends”, already a bad reading habit of mine at times.

  3. I am so excited t0 read this book! I’ll wait as long as it takes because the books are exceptional and I enjoy the world that has been created by Diana, the history and the characters make me happy. Good job Diana! Keep up the excellent work! I’ll be in the store buying the book whenever it comes out! :)

  4. As a writer myself, I know that some books are quicker and easier to write than others. I once wrote a 668 page epic first draft in 7 months, but took over a year to write a 250 page first draft of another book because personal life got in the way. After first drafts there are also countless revisions, which can often take longer than the first draft. There are also things like signings, interviews and book tours to take into consideration, not to mention also allowing the time to have a personal life as well.

    I think it’s very harsh to criticise Diana for delays to the publication of her next book. As she herself has said she wants to have the book as good as she can and as good ad her fans expect – and I would expect nothing less from a professional.

    I also think it’s daft to moan that someone might die without the final book being written or read. I doubt very much that anyone on their death bed would be thinking ‘Damn that Diana Gabaldon! Now I’ll never know how the story ends’.

    • As a British reader since Crosstitch came out I consider Claire & Jamie to be part of my life for the last 20 odd years. I am now 68 and hope to be able to reach their end before my own! As we do not have satellite TV I doubt that I Shall ever see Claire & Jamie on the screen but they live in my mind’s eye forever. Keep up the good work Diana. Ann Luscombe, Devon, England

  5. I have reread this series several times – just wanted to say – love your stories – Thanks. Melanie

  6. Hello Diana!

    So now I have at least 3 big books to read this summer! Thank you for your books. They have helped me thru some serious troubling times. Like watching over my dying mother and very ill husband (whom made it) and a beat up son (whom is well too). Some nights I was not able to sleep and your books helped me thru the nights.

    I read your books both in English and Dutch. Sometimes the Dutch translation makes me laugh for sometimes the Dutch sentence means something totally different in English.

    So at my local bookstore I have pre-ordered MOBY in hardcover and the Dutch version also in hardcover.

    What is happening with the musical? When is the TV series available in Europe?

    With love and laughter from my hearth and home,


    PS my mum was very down before she died but she loved the books I read to her

  7. Hi Diana, I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to finish Moby.
    I’m from the Netherlands but I don’t think I can wait another year to read the book in Duth while I know the book is already there, so I will read the English version this time.
    Thank you Diana for all the pleasure reading time. Right now I am re-reading “an echo in the bone”, just for fun and to freshing up my memory again and to prepare myself for nr. 8.

    Lots of love from Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands

  8. Realmente me he llevado una desilusión al ver el cambio de fechas, no se inglés por tanto tengo que esperar a que se traduzca al castellano, así que tendré que volver a leerlos lo cual no creo que me suponga un gran esfuerzo, me encantaron, de echo alguna vez vuelvo a leer episodios que por alguna razón se me quedaron grabados.

  9. I am so excited there is a new book coming soon. Your characters are in my soul and I will wait patiently for their next adventure! Thank thank you for your creativity !

    • Well said, Patty. I feel I have a better understanding of human nature through her characters and like you, everything about the Outlander journey is in my soul, too. I remind myself it is a work of fiction often. But I find myself reliving something from the books at odd moments as if it actually happened. Not a bad escape. I’ve said it before and will say it again. I love the author and her imagination and good heavens!! her energy and discipline. I do like that phrase–in my soul.
      No, I am not a patient person. If you live long enough you learn that that is very much what life is about.
      Waiting for that moment, that something you want–waiting, the key word. DBD

  10. Hi!
    I was searching on the Amazon website and I came across Red Ant’s Head which is available to pre-order. Is this the 9th book in the Outlander series? I ordered it in 2012 not realising that it had not yet been published!
    Your books are absolutely fantastic by the way, I can’t wait to read the latest installment!

    • Dear Rachael–

      No, RED ANT is the working title of a half-completed contemporary mystery–nothing to do with the Outlander books. With luck, I may finish it next year.


  11. Thank you for allowing the negative (whining, childish, absurd} comments even though they make my blood pressure rise. But not you, dear DG. You remain cool, open and understanding.
    As to crudeness and profanity? Your writing is never crude and the profanity is well within the context of the scene and used sparingly. This I have noticed and appreciated.
    I do sound riled and opinionated. I have read enough to recognize that the author of these books has no NEED or desire to pen trash and does not plan to in future. DBD

  12. Greetings to all from a German Reader, who – of course – also can`t wait for the new book to be published. I don`t mind the changed date so much, since thanks to you, Diana, we now know that it`s not “just” writing the book but the whole process of publishing that makes it difficult to keep a publishing date.
    Even though I read the books in english to be “nearer” to the original words I want to give my thanks to the german translator who does a really excellent job with the translating work. I was often disappointed by translations of other books in the past. Somehow the book would just not be the same. Not so with the german translations of your books, Diana. They have the same pace, the same humour, the same “flowing” of the story as your english books. You can feel that she is not just translating but really into the story. Your connection must really be a good one:) and I envy her for that. She must be one of the few people who know the contents of MOBY. I would love to bribe her into getting me some details…
    Usually I do reread all your books to make sure not to miss important details before the coming out of a new book. Unfortunately for me, over the years my books not only showed aging symptoms but worse, started falling apart. This is why last year I decided to buy me a Kindle and downloaded all books. It`s not the same though… There is nothing better than being pinned to your bed by a 2 pounds-book…
    Do you already know when the Kindle version will come out?
    In any case: keep up the good work and take your time. As long as the book will be published in 2014 I am fine with it. Please don`t make me wait longer! And give my regards to Barbara Schnell:))

    • Danke, Charlotte! Much appreciated. Baerbel is a _wonderful_ translator (as well as my dear friend; her daughter is my god-daughter); we’re all lucky to have her!


  13. Diana , you are the absolute best author in the world .I am disappointed theat are you not given the fame you deserve. Maybe after the Mini series , you will get the recognition you deserve .I hope the character theat plays Jamie is tall enough .It must be hard to find such a wonderful man .I read every day .I have never read a book twice .But I WILL ADMIT I AM READING THE OUTLANDER SERIES For the third time .Diana, thank you !!!!! Your most loyal fan , Evelyn

  14. Hi Diana

    Thank you for keeping us all up to date on the publishing date of MOHB.
    We are truly fortunate that your health has been excellent and that you are still able to write all these wonderful books for us. We are all waiting patiently and whats another few months. It will give me time to re-read the whole series again for the 3rd time and savour each book.

    God Bless You and Keep you.


  15. Diana…just watched the LA Fan Gathering and it is the first time I have seen your choice for Jamie and Claire and I have to say………..FABULOUS!!!! I am sooooo happy that you actually cast a Scotsman and not a pretend one….he is wonderful, his voice gives me goosebumps and he just IS Jamie. I do hope in the movie that he has red hair…..Jamie has always been a natural ‘ginger’ in my imagination! Claire is perfect and I can really visualize her as the person I loved in the books. I am just a wee bittie disappointed that your book has been moved back to June but, I will be waiting, with bated breath. I have just finished re-reading ‘Outlander’ again and it was just as thrilling as it was first time. I noticed when reading it, in one of the paragraphs you used the term ‘in my own heart’s blood’. I was taken aback and presume this is where you took your title from for book 8!!! Had to read it again to find that little bit of info.

    My last comment……will we have access to the movie in Canada!! Will it be a series of movies encompassing all of the novels in the ‘Outlander’?

    I have been a reader all my life, never happier when I am reading but your novels have taken me to a whole new level of reading enjoyment. Thank you.

  16. Just wondering is this the final book in the series or can we expect another?

  17. Just re-read the whole series all over again, and am so excited for the next book! Thanks so much for sharing your work! Been reading since 1997, and it never gets old!

    Looking forward to getting the book, and a great bottle of red wine and cracking the cover! I don’t usually pay attention to release dates… and I must admit I thought the fiery cross was the end of it all… so imagine my surprise when I found echo in the bone sitting on the shelves laughing at me in paper back! ha! what a day that was! I really should look at your website more often and keep up with the times.

    much respect!

    • Dear Xandra–

      Errr….I’m kind of hoping you found A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES up there laughing at you, too. [g] That’s the book _between_ THE FIERY CROSS and AN ECHO IN THE BONE.


  18. Do you know yet if the audiobook will be released on the same day as the book? Your writing is wonderful, and Davina Porter is an amazing narrator! (Plus if I listen while I work, my house won’t be a disaster area while I ignore everything to read!)

    Thank you!!

  19. Great! That will give me a chance to read the entire series for a third time, so that I’m finished “An Echo In The Bone” just in time to buy your much anticipated new release. :)

    Diana, you are a wonderful source of inspiration for me – so much so that I’ve written my own behemoth of a novel only to have spent the last year trying to pare it down enough for a publisher to give it a glance. For this, and for all you write, I want to say thank you. May the richness of your worlds and the spirits of your characters live on amongst those of the literary giants.

  20. Hello from Finland!
    I must wait 1,5 year more to get that book… Oh my Lord. Jamie and Claire are as members of the family to me. I miss them! Iwish I could be English speaking, but… must wait <3


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