Well. I _really_ hate writing this, and I do apologize….but the pub date for MOBY is moving.
Two reasons for this:
1. The first—and by far the most important—is that I began to realize about a month ago that I needed a little more time in order to finish the book the way it needs to be done. I could get the necessary wordage on paper by the end of the year—but it wouldn’t be _good_. Good takes more time. And I’m really sorry, but you’re not getting a book that’s less than the best I can do.
2. The second thing has to do with the new Starz tv show. Two things about _that_:
a. While the original guess as to the date for the series release was April, that _was_ only a guess. In New York last month, the Starz people were telling me (and the assorted fans present; it’s not a secret) that it will be (take your pick), “June,” “July,” “August,” or “summer.” So, you know…later.
b. While I don’t have (and don’t want) “control” over anything to do with the show, I actually am (by contract) a consultant. And while I told the production people that I considered my main job to be staying out of their way, they are amazingly generous about including and involving me. And I am actually required to do promotional things for the PR side of the production. Sooo….am I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t be paying attention to all this fascinating stuff going on, and I’m not going to New York Comic Con, because I have to stay home and finish my novel?” Errr….no. (I mean, really—would _you_?)
So. I would have told you this a week or so ago, but once I’d made the decision that I needed an extra two months to do the book properly, all of the publishers needed to be officially informed. (Publishers hate finding out important things on Twitter or Facebook.)
Now, it’s up _to_ those publishers now to decide on a new pub date. They need to take into consideration all kinds of things, including the new date for the tv show’s release (not that there is an _official_ date as yet—and even if there was, it could move. Stuff Happens, as I’ve told you before), plus the usual considerations—where they can find a good slot in their existing schedule, what’s a good time of year for it, and so on.
I don’t have any idea what the new pub date might be. I’ll tell you the minute we know. But my immediate concern is for all the people I’ve seen this week excitedly making plans to come and see me in Portland or wherever.
Since the pub date is moving….I’m afraid (and my Deep Apologies to the poor publicists) all the tour events will have to be rescheduled, once a new date is chosen.
Now, I know a lot of you have been ordering tickets to the Portland event on April 6th. I’ll talk to the Random House people and the Portland people, and see what can be worked out. I’m happy to go and do that event, even if it’s not part of the official book-tour, if the organizers want that. But that’s up to them. I _will_ do my best to make sure you aren’t harmed by the change, though.
I’m sorry about this, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hi Diana,
As excited I am to read your next “big” book, I really want you to make it fantastic. I know I will be re-reading it many times so take the time you need. I completely trust your judgement.
Sorry about the wait, but will just start re-reading from the beginning again!
One thing – The first thing I noticed about “Jamie” for the TV series is no red hair! What’s that all about???
Dear Alice–
I don’t know which photos you’ve been looking at, but obviously not the most recent ones from Starz. His hair is definitely red at the moment; I’ve seen it. [g]
I just saw pictures from the filming in Scotland on The Daily Mail site. Are you aware they are referring to it as a Sci-Fi series? How weird.
Dear Kim–
I see they called the book romance novels, too, which is even less accurate. [g] But newspapers are sort of Not Famous for getting things right, you know.
I am sorry for you, that these issues seem endless.
Of course we want the best Jamie and Claire story you can write, no matter how long that task takes. (hopefully by Christmas 2014, its a good gift)
I am also looking forward to the starz tv series. Any imput you give them will only enhanse the shows.
I will of course continue reading all seven books again and wait for number 8 to join them.
Take care, get some rest and give your family a hug.
Susie O.
I just finished A Breath of Snow and Ashes (for the fourth time) and realized at the end I had chills (in a good way). I want the next book to give me goose bumps too.
And just imagine how pissed your readers would be if you produced a sub-standard book! The internet would explode with indignation!
For many months, the first seven books on disc have kept me company as I drove the half hour to work and back and drove the three hours to my mothers every month for cancer doctors’ appointments. I have one disc left; it will be done by tomorrow. I did not even know there was another book in the works until I found this web site. I am so excited.
I will be going through aural withdrawal very soon. The books are wonderful. Thank you.
My heart yearns for more Jaime and Claire. I have noticed since I finished the last book I can’t do anything but wait in anxiety. (Seriously, I get a little sad somedays for “my” Jaime ; ) and have to remind myself they are only fictional characters.) I have been reading other books to help fill the void but nothing compares. I love the Outlander series! Thank you Mrs. Gabaldon.
I would rather wait for the book you want to wright, then read a hurried version. Besides, I try to remember in my eagerness for book 8 that I won’t be in such a hurry when it is the end of their journey (may it not happen for many more books) I do wonder how Jem and Mandy are as adults and if young Ian will get to be happy again. I try to think what will I do. So take all the time you need. I can read them with what hair I haven’t pulled out yet. I like hats.
A book has it’s own agenda. It can not be rushed. I look forward to the next book. you are very good keep up the good work. If you have not been introduced to Dame Dorothy Dunnett. do introduce yourself to her work. You are in her class. and she is my favorite you come second. I love your work.
take your time. the results will be all the better for it..
thank you so much for your work.
jonny C.
Oh Diana,
Cannot say that I am not seriously disappointed to have to wait…But I am excited to have something to look forward to.
Keep writing…we love what you do!
Aaahhh!!! The suspense is killing me! I had asked for a complete box set for Christmas (I have all the books on kindle and would like them in print as well), but I guess I will have to push that to my next birthday.
take your time, get it right. I, too, am looking forward to the tv series with mixed feelings. I am sure it will not be as good as the books, these things seldom are. On the other hand, I will be able to share Jamie and Claire with my husband, who does not read for pleasure. God bless, and have a wonderful Christmas.
I just got all but Dragonfly in Amber and had them sent to my daughter in Montana. so, by the time she reads thru them (while raising 2 young boys on a ranch) book 8 will be ready and believe me, she does not have the patience of everyone above. Your timing will be perfect and I won’t have to hear nag at me for book 8. In the meantime, I’ll continue to re-read along with everyone else and enjoy every minute of it! Thanks Diana
As one of the people who had purchased tickets to see you in Portland in April, I was soooo disappointed to get the email canceling the event. I’m glad to hear that it will hopefully be rescheduled when the book is eventually published. My mom and I have really enjoyed this series and were looking forward to celebrating her birthday by seeing you in Portland. I am sure we will find an equally good excuse to come see you in the future!
We are definitely looking forward to the next novel and the series!
It will be well worth the wait, Diana!
Good grief, you’re only human. You can do only so much. I’ll make sure to put you in for superhuman status with the Great Maker as soon as possible — we mere mortals, ye ken.
I would far rather have the best book possible than a half-assed attempt. To paraphrase Jamie, “[we'll] do.” But thanks for letting us know. A lot of authors wouldn’t even do that much.
Darn darn darn!! Oh well the anticipation will only make me want to read it worse!! I know everyone on here loves your books and we will all eagerly wait the arrival of book 8. I know for me the characters you’ve created in these book have become almost as dear to my heart as real people. You are so gifted in your ability to bring to life that I actually miss my Claire and Jamie when I’m not reading an outlander book!
Enough gushing heheh! I’m wondering if you can give any thoughts or opinions on how you feel about the tv series?
I’ll wait no matter how long it takes. That is how much I love your books. I haven’t ready any book so captivating as your books are. I was drawn in to the Jamie & Claire drama instantly and haven’t been able to put the books down since. Like everyone else, I would love to visit Scotland and see the beautiful country you have written about. Maybe…….one day. Have a wonder holiday.
I know my response is extremely tardy, and not important. But, Thank You so much for letting us know where you are with it all and keeping us in the loop. You do what you need to do; I would rather read it knowing you were happy with the details and satisfied enough to share it with us. It’s not the end of the world, if so; I’m still not disappointed because you’ve given us all so much already. I’m absolutely grateful for you, your books…Jamie and Claire will live on, no matter what. I hope you will grace us with your presence in Australia, when the time comes. Thank you once again for everything.
The post I put up earlier doesn’t show, either in moderation, or on the thread. ??? I came back to check on it.
Anyhow, I’d said that I hoped you, Diana, were right that MOBY would be out in 2014…not the feared 2015 or 2016 mentioned by a poster.
I will say that this entire “publication fiasco” has been very off putting. I’m cancelling my kindle and hardback copy until y’all can make up your collective minds.
Dear mitty–
I sympathize with your frustration. I did explain my reasons for asking for a delay, though–and this is the only delay that’s _my_ doing, I’ll say that much. Hope you’ll enjoy the obok when you get it. (Don’t know why your earlier message hasn’t showed up; it may be a little further down the moderation queue…)
I put down book 7 because I couldn’t bear to finish it without book 8 and I’m going through withdrawal. I’d rather read a really good book, than something imperfect. So write fast. LOL I’ve created another addict at work who is on book 1. I have truly enjoyed the books. Thank you.