The State of the Wicket* – as of New Year’s Day, 2013
This is a quick run-down of everything I know about that y’all might possibly want to know about. [g]
1. The cable-TV series of OUTLANDER.
a) It _is_ an agreement for a cable-TV series.
i. It is NOT a mini-series.
ii. It is NOT a movie.
iii. It is not regular network TV.
iv. Yes, if it gets made, unless you already subscribe to STARZ, you will have to pay to watch it, sorry.
b) The cable-TV series is being developed by STARZ.
i. It’s being _developed_.
ii. It’s not (yet) being _produced_.
iii. There is no casting call at present.
a. If there was one, I’d have nothing to do with it.
b. Please stop sending me pictures of your male relatives that you think look like Jamie.
c. Please stop sending me photos of yourself, even if you’re _sure_ you look just like Claire.
d. _Really_ stop sending me photos of that grotesque Irish wrestler with the clown hair.
e. Yes, Kevin McKidd, Gerard (not Gerald) Butler, Kate Winslet and Alex Kingston are all wonderful actors.
f. All these people are about twenty-five years TOO OLD to play any of the main characters in OUTLANDER.
g. Jamie is 22. Claire is 27.
h. Makeup and special effects do have limits.
c) No, I don’t know when the series will air.
i. The pilot script is still being written.
ii. The pilot script is not yet approved.
iii. If it is approved, STARZ might or might not agree to confirm the whole series or they might shoot the pilot first; we don’t know.
iv. When I _do_ know, I’ll tell you.
d) Ron D. Moore is the developer, writer, and show-runner for the OUTLANDER cable-TV series.
i. Yes, I like him.
ii. He came out to my house and spent a whole weekend with me, talking over the books, characters, etc.
iii. I believe him when he says he cares about doing a faithful (but effective) adaptation.
iv. I liked his ideas and suggestions.
v. Yes, I’ve seen the outline for the (projected) first season.
vi. Yes, I think it’s good.
vii. No, I haven’t seen the pilot script. But
e) IF the series does get produced, I can pretty much guarantee that it will have a lot of sex in it.
i. If you are one of the readers who reads the books with a black marker in hand in order to cross out naughty words and scenes of intimacy, you might want to make plans to watch something else.
2. MOBY. Aka WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD. Aka Book 8 of the Main (Big Book) Series. Aka Yes, it’s about Jamie and Claire. (My Own Heart’s Blood = MOHB = MOH-B = MOBY. Geddit?) Also, it’s probably going to be fairly large. (Precedent, you know?)
a) No, it isn’t on bookshelves today, even though it –is- now 2013.
b) No, it won’t be on sale this month, either.
d) Yes, it _will_ (God willing and the creek don’t rise) be published this year.
e) In the Fall, OK?
f) I live in the Northern Hemisphere. I mean MY Fall. All y’all Australians and Kiwis are smart people; I have complete confidence that you can make the mental adjustment.
f) No, I don’t have a pub date.
g) The publisher sets the pub date.
h) The publisher certainly wouldn’t set a pub date without some reasonable expectation of having a manuscript in hand by said date.
i) They don’t have a manuscript in hand yet.
m) No, I can’t tell you that I will be finished writing it on X date.
n) Because it doesn’t work like that.
o) And for heaven’s sake, what possible difference could it make? (Talk about OCD…)
3. Other Stuff.
a) Novellas. There are several novellas, dealing with secondary characters from the main series. Most of these were originally written for various anthologies, but as I get the reprint rights back, are now being made available as print collections and/or standalone ebooks.
b) Which form you, personally, can get hold of easily depends where you live. Printing rights are sold and managed on a geographical basis: i.e., print rights are sold _separately_ in the US and in other English-speaking countries. In practice, it usually works out that the US and Canada have the same rights and timing, while the UK/Australia/NewZealand group of countries may have something different.
c) Now, I do urgently need to go back to writing MOBY, so I’m not writing up all the ghastly details of where/when/what about the novellas AGAIN. I’ve done it on Facebook and on my website, _and_ as a special “extra” for the UK edition of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER. You can find the complete (mind-numbing) explanation on later this week. However—
d) IF you live in the US, you can get “The Custom of the Army” as a standalone (i.e., cheap
and likewise “A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows,” which is the story of Roger MacKenzie’s parents in WWII.
e) IF you live in the UK/Australia/NewZealand end of things (OR you want to go to the expense of getting an imported book), you can get A TRAIL OF FIRE, which is a print volume containing both the novellas noted above, plus two others: “Plague of Zombies,” and “The Space Between” (which deals with Michael Murray, Joan MacKimmie, the Comte St. Germain, and Mother Hildegarde, among others).
f) “The Space Between” _will be_ released in the US/Canada market IN AN ANTHOLOGY (that means you should look up the title OF THE ANTHOLOGY on, not the title of the story) in February of This Year. Right soon now. The ANTHOLOGY is called THE MAD SCIENTIST’S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION. (I’ll be doing an appearance to sign this—and anything else anybody wants signed—on Feb. 20th, at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, along with John Joseph Adams, the editor of the anthology.)
g) For information on getting autographed copies of any of my books, see
Right out of the mouth from Claire herself!
Too all those who need books to pass the time in between rereading the Outlander Books and waiting for the next book(come on folks it always takes her a painstaking long time to write these books that is why they are so good), here are a couple of suggestions to help pass the time.
A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night (Harkness)- a lot have probably already read them but if not due so very good.
The Eight (K. Neville)- This is a old book from the late 80′s/early 90′s. I joke and say that it is a Female Indiana Jones book. It takes place during several different historical time frames and involves a historical chess set and a human chess games. There are a bunch of famous historical figures in the book as characters. I have a hard time choosing between this book and Outlander as my all time favorite books.
I totally can not believe that people have been sending Diana pictures of their family to be cast in the tv series. No wonder her blog was soooooo funny.
Happy New Year! I promise I will not send pictures of myself, or suggestions on who I would like to see play our beloved Jamie and Claire. I love your sense of humor.
I’m just here to say Happy Birthing Day!
Dear Sandi–
Thank you!
Dear Ms. Gabaldon,
I just finished the audio recording of Echo In The Bone. I love Davina Porter.What an incredible storyteller. Each character she does is exquisite . I have listened to all 7(I am addicted). Will you be writing more than the 8th book? You are a magnificent writer.Thank you so much for creating the characters,they are all fabulous. Best regards,Rosanne
Dear Rosanne–
Yes, there will be a ninth book. And a prequel about Jamie’s parents (and Murtagh).
Dear Diana,
Will Davina Porter be reading MOBY in an audio book version? If so, when do you expect it will become available in the U.S.? I think she should be the only one to read all of your books! She has a beautiful voice and exactly the right style for the Outlander series. Besides, we’ve come to associate only her voice with Claire. Any other reader would simply not be Claire!
Dear Tony–
Yes, certainly Davina will read the new book. It should be out in audio at approximately the same time as the print edition, unless I’m terribly late with the manuscript; producing the audiobook takes some time, and they can’t start reading without the whole thing.
what can i say but yay?
Just wanted to say a Big Happy Birthday to you!
You are the most wonderful writer of all time!
Good health and many happiness to you!
Happy Happy Birthday Diana! Have a wonderful day.
I hope today of all days you experience some of the joy that you have given all your fans.’
Thank you for wonderful journeys with Jamie and Claire and the rest.
Again Have a Happy Happy Birthday
Oh, Happy Day. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very happy birthday Diana. May your family spoil you, and may you not have a lift a finger to do anything that you do not want to do today.
We are of the same vintage (like fine wine, we get better with age), so hide the birthday candles and don’t let them set fire to your dessert. Unless of course it is Cherries Jubilee!
Warm Hugs
have been reading all the comments for the first time and, as i can see, i am not the only one ‘jamie&clairemaniacodependant’. i have finish reading the Oulander serie since 3 weeks and still obsessed about it. i’ll read the Scotish Prisoner to keep contact with the ambiance. sending you hello from Province of Québec, Canada.
You are such a fine writer! Between your books I must tolerate others. Life is too short for love and fine art. Thank you for sharing your great gift! I have a humble suggestion for circles you influence and the cable-TV series. Actor Chris Hemsworth from Australia (movies: Thor and The Avengers). He has at least 2 brothers who are also actors and he is young enough I think.
Sorry I put my original comment further up in the wrong place in my enthusiasm. Just wanted people in the UK to know that Audible UK have the unabridged version of A Breath of Snow and Ashes at long last. I have been checking the website regularly it wasn’t there Thursday but it was there today
I guess that I’m one of the few men who will admit to really, really enjoying your books. I’ve read all of your books at least twice, once in hard back and once in my kindle e-reader. As a former history teacher who has ancestors who go back to the American Revolution and French and Indian war, I appreciate your attention to detail. Some of them were at Ticonderoga and Saratoga and Fort William. Thanks for your books!!!
Hi Diana,
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading your books, everytime I finished one I felt I lost a best friend , I loved all of them. Thank you and I wish you all the best and can’t for the latest book, you’re unequaled!
Funniest update ever — I chuckled through the whole thing! Hopefully Ms. G understands that our excitement about ANYTHING that’s done in terms of the series comes from a good place
Have a great new year Diana, and all fans!
Okay, I am just browsing in a hurry and came across some nice antique looking art posters. There were some with old ballads and music scores as a back ground and one with lovely red octopus holding a bagpipe. I instantly thought of your up coming book. I know you have expressed intrest (sp?) for an octopus on the cover and don’t know if the finished product will reflect that. It gave me a giggle (as you and your books often do as thought of them infiltrates my life) and was inspired to share the moment.
Thank you for all your information about the proposed film type version of the Outlander series. I wouldn’t presume to suggest a male lead for Jamie but I will presume to suggest who is not suitable! Just make sure it’s not Tom Cruise! Producers need to take note of the fact that he is not tall. In fact he is short. (what was Lee Child thinking?)
If I see how many questions you reply, I think you get this questions many times.
If I get so many questions to my work it will paralyzes my entire energy (like my boss rushed in my office shouting: did you get the current data)
It would paralyze my entire energy.
I wish you the rest to write…., I dont need TV-series …they never show story so like the film in my hat
and I know no one who looks like my Claire and Jamie and Fergus and so on !
If I see how many questions you reply, I think you get this questions many times.
If I get so many questions to my work it will paralyzes my entire energy (like my boss rushed in my office shouting: did you get the current data)
It would paralyze my entire energy.
I wish you the rest to write…., I dont need TV-series …they never show story so like the film in my head
and I know no one who looks like my Claire and Jamie and Fergus and so on !
My husband was impressed with your mention of kiwis
so many people don’t even realise new zealand exists, let alone know the people are nicknamed kiwis. i’ve lived here 8 years myself. although i’ll never be a real kiwi; i might be considered an honourable one by now. they’ve got me trained to drive on the left and write the date their way, but realise still looks funny with an s instead of a z. i do use most of their vocabulary instead of american english just so they can understand me. and i must admit the metric system makes a lot more sense than imperial
tangent finished. lately, i’ve been rereading your books starting with outlander and very much look forward to the new one
Dear Sacha–
I’ve been to New Zealand two (or maybe three, I forget) times on book tours. Beautiful place! Would love to go back. [smile]
Diana, thank you for the comprehenive chronology! I’ve read/listened to everything except the newest novellas more than once, and I *still* can’t keep them straight by title!
On a different topic, I made myself stop reacting to this after the second book, but did you ever have any luck getting the copy editor to stop changing “an” (= if) to “and” in dialect passages? That makes me crazy!
Your characters have been good company through some bad times. Thanks for all the hard work (and don’t cave to anybody about finishing MOBY–so what if it’s 2014…or later!).