Hope y’all had a happy holiday, too!
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Recent Blog Posts
- “Being Weird Together” (Book Ten) 10:24 PM Feb 12 2025
- Holiday Enchiladas! 07:30 PM Dec 24 2024
- Fourth Sunday of Advent 01:33 PM Dec 22 2024
- Third Sunday of Advent 12:30 PM Dec 15 2024
- Second Sunday of Advent 08:10 AM Dec 8 2024
- Signed Christmas Gifts From the Pen! 07:28 AM Nov 22 2024
Recent Comments
- Loretta on Second Sunday of Advent
- Mary Ann Jarvis on The Shape of Things
- Jackson M on Happy New Year - 2024!
- Maureen on Holiday Enchiladas!
- Robert L Gurley on Holiday Enchiladas!
I hope you will continue writing as long as you have a story to tell, and the strength to type! I came to your books late, despite my advanced age, but have made up for lost time. It actually was a joy to read one after another, without that interminable wait that so many suffered through. Now, of course, I join the suffering horde.
Lord John is a complex and interesting man, and I enjoy his stories as well. He is so different from Claire and Jamie (as they are from each other, aren’t they?) but he rings true to me, and I would have liked to meet him and perhaps become a friend.
I would like to join with all your other fans in wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year.
Dear Diana-
You (and my sister) made my Christmas this year! Her gift to me was a signed copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of OUTLANDER. When I initially opened it, my husband exclaimed, “Another one?!?! How many copies of one book does a person need?” I did not realize it was signed until my sister encouraged me to open it and I read your message:
Amanda- I appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made (showering, sleeping, family) to immerse yourself in Jamie’s life. Tell your husband he’s missing out. Read him some of the ‘better’ passages. Diana Gabaldon
I don’t know how you came to write that particular message, but it got the best snort out of my husband I have ever heard!
Gratefully, Amanda
Dear Amanda–
Your sister suggested the inscription. {g}
I, too, am re-reading the series for the 5th time. I am about a fourth of the way through A Breath of Snow and Ashes. I sincerely hope that Written in My Own Heart’s Blood is NOT the final book. I have looked forward to your next novel for so long, it will seem odd when there is not another one to anticipate. The Scottish Prisoner was great – filled in a lot of detail. The excerpts at the end were wonderful also.
There is one question I would like to ask, though. I read once where you said that the series would end back in Scotland. Is that still your plan? I would love to see a reunion of Jamie, Claire, Roger, Brianna, Jemmy and Mandy. I don’t know how Jamie would cope with the 20th century, though. Oh, well, you know best, Diana, whatever you write, I will read.
Happy New Year!!!!
I have a lot of unanswerd questions regarding An Echo…. So,I’m really looking foreward to the next book
I’m re-reading An Echo,but not to fast,I want it to last as long as possible until next book 
You’re a great writer and I love the Outlander!!!!
Happy new year to you
Just finished the last of this year’s Gabaldon Fudge, tasty as always. Think I’ll make Drunk Chicken with Pasta for the weekend. Then I’ll be ready to start the immersion phase of the diet, after the five pounds of fudge!
Happy Hogmanay, Diana and family! Just a note to say that I’ve never heard of any author who makes herself more available to her fans than you, even to answering the same mindless questions (seriously, people, don’t you ever read what Diana posts?) again and again. I love all the Outlander characters so much that they feel like family to me and I miss them terribly between books. That’s why I go back and re-read the others over and over. Sadly, “An Echo in the Bone” and “The Scottish Prisoner” are both on my Kindle for Mac application and my MacBook up and died!! I had only read Scottish Prisoner once and wanted to do my second, savoring read right away, but now I can’t get at it! Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhh! A perfect miracle of bad timing!
I keep hoping to hear that you’ll be in Chicago or St. Louis or Indianapolis sometime: I would so love to thank you in person for the wonderful world — or is that worlds?! — of the Outlander series.
Wishing you a healthy and happy 2012!
~Amy xoxo
I have to take exception to your comment regarding “mindless” questions. If a person does not or cannot remember the answer to something, the only way to find out is to ask. If Diana does not mind (and I don’t think she does) answering any question, I don’t see why you should. I have read and reread the Outlander Series since the first book was published and I still can think of things that are not entirely clear to me and I do read everything that Diana posts!
Diana, please keep answering all the questions (even if they are repeats). I read this blog faithfully and all the comments are interesting to me. Thank you.
Happy New Year Dianna,family and fellow fans,
I really like your dinning room, it has the clean, crisp look of the Southwest- mission influence I’ve always admired. I keep looking at the large print of what appears to be industrial cargo shipping boxes with a tower and something on top. What’s it about and what might be the meaning behind it? Sentimental or artist conception of something unknown to the casual observer?
I wanted to mention, my husband spent a good amount of last year recovering from knee surgery, it was slow going physically but, recovery brought us something to share together.
It was 20+ years ago near the end of my first Outlander reading, I declared you to be my all-time favorite Author. Since then, I’ve raced to the nearest bookstore on the first day of new D.G. B’s . Every book confirmed my book #1 reaction. I’ve read thousands of other books and never been so attached to another author’s works.
I guess my words wore on my husband over the years because, as he lay there on the bed, he decided to read Outlander! Listening to him as a new Outlander fan was surprising and touching all at the same time. He’s normally a Tom Clancy Fan of mystery and daring exploits. He discovered all of that and so much more in Outlander. Imagine my surprise as he picked up and read the entire series, He talked about all the books from a different frame of mind than I . As he made his way through the series, it opened new concepts to me, His different insight has become a new part of why you’re books continue to be so special to me.
On another note, Hurry those presses, and publishers along, the new book can’t come soon enough for us!
I would love to see Jamie come forward and cope with our time? Any way the family travelers could carry him across?
Dear Judy–
Nope, not a chance–sorry!
There is a reference in the Scottish Prisoner (which I loved) about what Lord John had said to Jamie that he could never take back. I believe he said it at Helwater but it didn’t go into details. I looked back in Voyager but I could not find it. Could you tell me where to look?
Dear Lori–
It’s toward the end of THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE. Though John does in fact repeat the basic remark in SCOTTISH PRISONER.
I started re-reading An Echo.. last night Cried for Mrs. Bug….. I have also wondered if Claire would find a way for Jamie to come forward. Now I know……….
I have been reading your books for over 19 years and have loved all of them!! My husband bought me Scottish Prisoner for Christmas, which I must say I had a hard time waiting to open. My husband didn’t think I would make it until Christmas morning but I did. I have read all of your books several times and never get tired of reading them. I love how you write, I kind of feel like the “Elf on the Shelf” sitting in each one of your books and watching the scenes unfold. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us.
I am a devoted fan! I read most of the ‘Outlander” series several years ago, lost the books, and have just repurchased and reread them all, finishing with ‘An Echo In The Bone’. I’m not sure how I’ll manage until the next one comes out. Though I’ve not been a fan of Lord John Grey, devoted to Clair and Jamie as I am, I may be forced to read the series you have written based on his character, just to get me by!
I look forward to all that comes next and thank you so much for your gift to us all!
Dear Sharon–
Love devoted fans! {g} I dunno–you may end up liking Lord John better than you think. Glad you have something to read for the next little while, at least.
Okay, I have made your enchiladas…..oh my what a mess (I am just messy, it being my first time to make them). I think it will be okay, they look and smell great. I had to throw away the first three, but I think I got the knack of it now. Would really like to see you make them. Won’t you make us a video? Your directions are wonderfully written but a video would be great!
Yours in enchilada sauce,
Dear Christina–
Enchiladas just _are_ messy. {g} But I have a new Flip-it video thingy; once I have it figured out, I’ll see if I can do a podcast about making enchiladas.
Feliz Navidad y Ano Nuevo!
That would be great! Mine turned out to be more of a soupy enchilada casserole but tasted wonderful. Was quite warm to the tongue, but not too hot. I used El Pato also, had never used that before…very good. My family was impressed. Thanks for your recipes.
How did I miss your recipe for Enchilada’s? Must of been Christmas or something! It’s January, need something to “Spice” things up!
Happy New Year!
Hi Diana,
Are there any plans for an Outlander movie? Since I read the book I have run different actors through my mind but nobody worked as Jamie – until now! Scott Speedman, Canadian born of Scottish parents. Just caught him in a movie on late night television and thought, oh boy, there he is!
Your Arizona neighbor,
Kat Meeks
So, how was your New Year??
HA! We got an “Air Shark” too! It has been a LOT of fun chasing the dogs and cat with and we have some hilarious “Jaws” moments from out New Year’s Eve party. Love, love, love your books. You are a very talented writer, the craft of your story telling is wonderful and I always love a strong woman. The best compliment I have been paid lately is when a friend called me “Claire” after I taped up a singers knee during an opera performance.
Hi Diana,
Your picture of the flying shark was the first one I had seen. I don’t know if you read a news report about one in New Zealand which startled a pilot. i don’t think he had seen one before either. Here is an extract
A ROGUE shark has been spotted by a New Zealand pilot flying into Christchurch International Airport – cruising at an altitude of several thousand feet above the ground.
A passenger jet was descending and was about 9km from the airport on Boxing Day when the pilot radioed ground control about his unlikely sighting, stuff.co.nz reports.
It was identified as a remote-controlled, helium-filled shark – which has proved a popular Christmas gift this season.
Designed for indoor use, the $NZ99 ($75) 1.44-metre-long Air Swimmer can be operated by remote control over a range of 15m.
Airways spokeswoman Monica Davis said the pilot had reported the shark on December 26 but its altitude and how close it came to the aircraft were unclear.
Source – http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/flying-shark-stuns-new-zealand-passenger-jet/story-e6frfq80-1226236281364
Excellent post.. I had to look it twice to comprehend it all though, haha!