I got the following message from the Poisoned Pen late this afternoon (the 13th):
“We’ve looked at the influx of new orders and even with working in double shifts
I see no way we can accept any more orders for Christmas delivery.
I’d rather be up front than make your fans angry by creating an expectation
we can’t meet.
If you agree, then would you change your website to make the cutoff date midnight
tonight for Christmas, but assure them they can continue to order any of your books
for delivery soon after the holidays.
Will will note this information on the auto response the system generates to those
placing orders, so they will get it from us as well as on your site.
We’ve got over 500 to process with more coming in by the hour and realistically
we can’t ship more than 100 a day, regardless of when the shipping systems shut
down. We’re going to end up shipping some on Monday and eating the extra priority
expense ourselves in our best effort to get orders in place to their destinations.”
[me again]
I’ll be going into the store on Thursday to sign books–and will do more early next week. So you _will_ get your signed/inscribed books, even if not by the 25th. Thought of giving a signed book as a New Year’s gift? Ground Hog’s Day, or Valentine’s?
Our apologies, and we hope you’ll enjoy the book(s), as soon as can get them to you. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, a Jolly Kwanzaa, and a Blessed Winter Solstice to you all!
This is GREAT news that they are overwhelmed with orders for your books…I would imagine that most people will not mind waiting…I wouldn’t…good things come to those that wait…but Congratulations Diana on the success of Scottish Prisoner…I read it last week and loved it…wish it could have been longer! Happy Christmas to you and your family and here’s hoping that 2012 will bring blessings and book #8 before the end of the year! A girl can dream…right?
Congrats on the overwhelming response; I was one of the first day buyers, having been teased
with segments on FB (and loving every minute of it)!
I am structuring a literature course on fiction published serially, and would love to include your latest 21st c approach to keeping us (who love your books!) at bay and satisfied by publishing those pieces on FB. Is there a vehicle you might have (that we could sell to the students) collecting the daily pieces so they could see past and present how this has played/ is playing out? It is such an innovative publishing technique (for want of a better word) that I’d like to include it as the latest innovation in serial publishing….
Dear Linda–
Fascinating idea! Let me talk to my agent about it; we’ve been contemplating the wealth of new possibilities opened up by the changes in publishing and talking a lot about different things; I’m sure he’d be most intrigued by your idea.
I ordered two of each The Scottish Prisoner and Outlander 20th Anniversary Edition on the 4th, I called them just yesterday to check the status and they were AWESOME! Thanks for having such a great relationship with them! I can’t wait to surprise both my Mom and MIL this Christmas!
Dear Trina–
The Poisoned Pen is a great bookstore, and the people are Just Wonderful–I’ve known them all for twenty-odd years. I’ve been going in every few days to sign orders, though, and ever since SCOTTISH PRISONER came out, their backroom (where things are collected and readied for shipping) has been so stacked with books (about half of them mine ), there’s hardly any floor _or_ wall-space left. This close to Christmas, they’re literally drowning in books; I can only hope I don’t go in tomorrow to learn that one of my friends has been squashed by a falling tower of OUTLANDER 20th Anniversary editions. {g}
That is wonderful for you and the Poisoned Pen that there are so many orders for SP. As for the suggestion to have the book to give for Valentines or Easter….most of your readers wouldn’t want to wait that long. *G* I’d rather a late Christmas present than have to wait another couple of months.
Congratulations on being on the best sellers list. I was amazed that it took as long it did. I figured it would hit the list December 1st!
Have a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the scent of pinion and all the festivities.
So glad that the SP is such a success! Just as a note to all those who may not be getting all their lovely Diana Gabaldon books by December 25 – it REALLY is ONLY the first day of Christmas — with 12 days to follow. Anyway, that is how I usually end up starting my Christmas cards and letter – that may arrive by January 1 or 2. Hope this helps!
Just wanted to drop a quick line to say that the suspense of reading this book is killing me. I actually have two copies of Scottish Prisoner IN MY HOUSE… but they’re not mine. They’re Christmas presents for my Ma and MIL as well, and suffice it to say, I’m having to live off the Daily Lines on Facebook until I can afford to get my own copy. It’s driving me bananas!!!!
Oh, and Joyeux Noël from Ottawa.
Dear Nadine–
You wouldn’t consider just washing your hands real good and reading one of the gift copies before wrapping it? {g} You’re a woman of Strong Will!
Joyeux Noel!
I’m a terrible spine-cracker of books, since I tend to leave them face-down on the open page where I’ve left off. I never really got into the whole bookmark thing as a kid, and I stopped dog-earing pages after a stern talking-to from my mom about desecration of book pages after I dog-eared one of her Grown-Up Novels (IIRC, it was “The Midwife” by Gail Coulter) when I was 9. So I generally leave it open or try to remember the page number. Can’t risk damaging soneone else’s gift!
Dear Diana, I am so in love with your novels , I am working on several different books of my own about none other than the Jacobite rebellion in scotland of 1745. I have thirteen books planned including short stories, novellas, and spin-offs just like what you’ve done so far. I have to say I’ve enjoyed reading your books through the years and if you can do it— I can too.
Dear Pam–
Best of luck!
I also think it’s great news that the Poisoned Pen has been so overwhelmed with orders! It’s also nice to let you know about possible delays. There’s nothing like a good local bookstore.
Being a small business owner myself, I understand Poisoned Pen’s problem.
That said, I’d rather be so busy and not be able to fill all orders, than to sit around looking for something to do.
I just finished reading the Scottish Prisoner!!! I was so excited to get it in the mail and enjoyed every bit of it. It was a great escape from the rigors and monotonous reading required from medical students (which I am by the way). BTW, I have managed to get quite a few of my friends hooked on the Outlander series!
To all those who are waiting to get their copy, you won’t be disappointed.
Also, looking through the website, I realized Written with My Own Heart’s Blood will be released sometime in 2013, if everything works out, so it will be an early graduation gift for myself.
How about gift-giving for the feast of Epiphany, 0n January 6, the holiday commemorating the arrival of the “Wise Men” or “Magi” who presented gifts to the Christ-Child? I always try to buy cards depicting that part of the holiday, since I get an extra couple of weeks to get them out …
Congratulations on the great sales figures!
Hi Diana,
I am very happy that your new book is selling so well and look forward to reading it in the Christmas holidays.
I have a request unrelated to this thread (couldn’t find a better way to ask, sorry if I missed it!)
I love reading your blog, but I check it only every now and then. Would it be possible to have an archive page which lists your past entries (maybe by Month/year) so that I can go ‘back in time’ and read what I’ve missed?
I think your old blog used to have this.
Thanks and Seasons Greetings.
Dear Nicki–
I think they _are_ archived (I know there’s a random list of older blog posts visible to the lower right), but not sure how or where. Let me inquire. {g}
Very pleased to hear your books are doing so well Diana. I’m waiting for my 20th Anniversary edition from you, but there’s no rush, I’ll be so happy when it arrives. I’m not expecting it before Xmas, as it’s coming to NZ. It will be a great way to start the new year though once it’s here.
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and plenty of time to rest and relax with your family.
I’m so happy for you that your book is doing so well, due to sircumstances beyound my control I have to wait to get my copy. But I’m so looking forward to reading it.
I hope you are doing well.
Thanks for the update! I put in an order for a signed Outlander as a gift to my dear friend that introduced me to your books.
I have just reread the earlier Outlander books so that I could refresh myself for the final installment: Echo In The Bone. It has taken me about 5 months to finish all and I enjoyed each one passionately!
I am looking forward to reading the Scottish Prisoner on my new Kindle Fire. But please hurry….don’t leave Jem in the tunnel too long and I need my next Jamie and Claire fix!! Thank you for the wonderful reading. I didn’t want to turn the final page and have it come to an end. Thank you, thank you.
I am expecting a package that is my Christmas gift from my son, and have all fingers crossed it is coming from AZ!! I told him if I didn’t get “The Exile” for Christmas, I would not be happy. Glad to hear your local independant bookstore is doing so well this holiday!
Just finished reading the SP. Awesome! I enjoy the Lord John Books every bit as much as the Outlander books. Thank you so much for the years of wonderful reading.
I hope that your schedule allows for a wonderful Holiday season for you and your Family!
Dear Erica–
Well, they _are_ all part of the same enormous story. {g} Glad you’re enjoying it all!
I am and have been for years a devoted fan. I have gotten my sister and several friends hooked as well. My daughter in law is from Colombia and now living in Texas. While I was visiting Texas from Pennsylvania in November I went to the Barnes and Noble bookstore locally with her and discovered she enjoys reading. Although her english is coming along very well for just relaxed reading she of course finds spanish enjoyable. We did get Twilight in spanish there but they did not have Outlander in spanish. When I asked if they could order it they replied that they could not which suprised me as I have never had a problem in Pennsylvania with orders. So I went on to your website and found the phone # for Poisoned Pen, called them, and they shipped out the first 5 books, signed, in spanish to me in Texas and they are now wrapped and under her tree for christmas. I know that she will love them as much as I do. Poisoned Pen was wonderful and I appreciate their help.
Diana – this is indeed good news for your sales – not that you have a problem finding an audience now! Is there any word on overall sales for The Scottish Prisoner?
Dear Dave–
Well, the original print run was 120,000 and it went back to press within the first week, so I guess it’s sold that many copies, at least. {g}
We got our autographed copy here in Stuttgart today, posted by the Poisoned Pen on the 14th. I can’t wait to surprise my wife! Thank the Poisoned Pen folks for their great service.
Merry Christmas!
I ordered the 20th edition this past summer when it first came out and now I’m really glad I did. I have all of the Outlander series in paperback but they are getting a bit worn as I’ve passed them around to many friends and relatives. I asked Santa (my daughter and hubby) for all of the rest of the Outlander series in hardcover for Christmas and am anxiously awaiting Christmas Eve when my family all gets together. I’m currently reading SP and loving every word!!! Can’t wait for MOBY!!!