• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

A Very Merry to You!

Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon

It was cold in the loft, and his sleep-mazed mind groped among the icy drafts after the words still ringing in his mind.
“Bonnie lad.”
Wind struck the barn and went booming round the roof. A strong chilly draft with a scent of snow stirred the somnolence, and two or three of the horses shifted below, grunting and whickering. Helwater. The knowledge of the place settled on him, and the fragments of Scotland and Lallybroch cracked and flaked away, fragile as a skin of dried mud.
Helwater. Straw rustling under him, the ends poking through the rough ticking, prickling through his shirt. Dark air, alive around him.
Bonnie lad…
They’d brought down the Yule log to the house that afternoon, all the household taking part, the women bundled to the eyebrows, the men ruddy, flushed with the labor, staggering, singing, dragging the monstrous log with ropes, its rough skin packed with snow, a great furrow left where it passed, the snow plowed high on either side.
Willie rode atop the log, screeching with excitement, clinging to the rope. Once back at the house, Isobel had tried to teach him to sing “Good King Wenceslaus,” but it was beyond him, and he dashed to and fro, into everything until his grandmother declared that he would drive her to distraction and told Peggy to take him to the stable, to help Jamie and Crusoe bring in the fresh-cut branches of pine and fir. Thrilled, Willie rode on Jamie’s saddle-bow to the grove, and stood obediently on a stump where Jamie had put him, safe out of the way of the axes while the boughs were cut down. Then he helped to load the greenery, clutching two or three fragrant, mangled twigs to his chest, dutifully chucking these in the general direction of the huge basket, then running back again for more, heedless of where his burden had actually landed.
Jamie turned over, wriggling deeper into the nest of blankets, drowsy, remembering. He’d kept it up, the wean had, back and forth, back and forth, though red in the face and panting, until he dropped the very last branch on the pile. Jamie had looked down to find Willie beaming up at him with pride, laughed and said on impulse, “Aye, that’s a bonnie lad. Come on. Let’s go home.”
William had fallen asleep on the ride home, his head heavy as a cannonball in its woolen cap against Jamie’s chest. Jamie had dismounted carefully, holding the child in one arm, but Willie had wakened, blinked groggily at Jamie and said, “WEN-sess-loss,” clear as a bell, then fallen promptly back asleep. He’d waked properly by the time he was handed over to Nanny Elspeth, though, and Jamie had heard him, as he walked away, telling Nanny, “I’m a bonnie lad!”
But those words came out of his dreams, from somewhere else, and long ago. Had his own father said that to him, once?
He thought so, and for an instant—just an instant—was with his father and his brother Willie, excited beyond bearing, holding the first fish he’d ever caught by himself, slimy and flapping, both of them laughing at him, with him in joy.
“Bonnie lad!”
Willie. God, Willie. I’m so glad they gave him your name. He seldom thought of his brother; Willie had died of the smallpox when he was eleven, Jamie, eight. But every now and then, he could feel Willie with him, sometimes his mother or his father. More often, Claire.
I wish ye could see him, Sassenach, he thought. He’s a bonnie lad. Loud and obnoxious, he added with honesty, but bonnie.



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51 Responses »

  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our favorite author.

    • Diana,
      Your Outlander series has been my salvation from depression this year. After suffering the unexpected losses of both my dear mother and dear sister-in-law within a week of eachother this past April, I needed something desperately to keep my mind off the “what if’s”, “if only’s” and “why’s” surrounding the circumstances of their deaths. Your writing , and Claire and Jamie, have been my obsessive distraction, both at home, reading late at night to deal with the insomnia, and in my car, on audio books with Davina Porter (Bless her voices!), while I travel the long road to work and back. Hurry, hurry and write some more! I will be starting the last book soon, and won’t know what to do when I finish!
      Your ever grateful fan,

      • I’m very sorry for your loss, but I understand you very well, these bokks have been my anchor too in bad times. But for your last question what to do when you finish the last… what we all do: start rereading*g*

      • I’m very sorry for your loss, but I understand you very well, these books have been my anchor too in bad times. But for your last question what to do when you finish the last… what we all do: start rereading*g*

      • I know all about rereading the Outlander series–I do it every time the release date for a new one gets to be within about 5-6 months! LOL, I’m on pins-and-needles wondering where I am in the queue (sp?) at my local library for a chance to check out LJ&tSP!

      • Lori,
        Sorry for your loss. I too used Diana’s books this year to see me through, to escape, to dream of might have beens. My husband of 40 years passed away suddenly four months ago. Thanks for sharing and thank you Diana.

    • What is that wine that you’re drinking in the picture on your blog. Looks yummy.

    • You should check out Hunter Parrish. He stars in Weeds..Would make an awsome!! Jamie Fraser as a young man..Awsome..

  2. I loved this part. I could feel Jamie’s pride and joy of his son. Although it was heartbreaking at the same time.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  3. Loved the Scottish Prisoner – so much Jamie! The best of the Lord John books. Your writing always makes me feel as though I’m right there and that’s a gift I’m so happy you share with all of us. Merry Christmas to you and your family Diana and I hope the new year is a happy and healthy one for everyone.

  4. FELIZ NAVIDAD y muchas bendiciones a usted y su familia.

  5. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family. Thank you for yet another fabulous book!

  6. God bless you & your loved ones with the merriest Christmas ever!

  7. Diana, your writing is a gift you give to each one of us every time we open one of your books. Thank you so very much! May you and your loved ones have a blessed Merry Christmas.

  8. I spent a lovely Xmas eve with my daughter/son n law and grandson…son/daughter n law…parents…nieces…nephew…brother n law…sister n brother n law. Family is so important no matter what! Bright Blessings for a abundant and prosperous 2012!

  9. Merry Christmas Diana ….and blessings to you for the New Year!

  10. Thank you so much, Diana, for posting this beautiful excerpt.
    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy Christmas!

  11. Merry Christmas! I just finished “The Scottish Prisoner.” It was fabulous. This morning under the tree was a signe dcopy of “Outlander.” Then to top it all off my husband and kids ordered the rest of the series in hardback for me. I can’t beleive they listened to me…that’s all I wanted for Christmas. Thank you for writing your great books. I’ve read them 3 times in 2 years. (I was late to the party, but what a party it is.) Now I have can’t wait until the next book comes out. Thanks again! Have a happy New Year!!

  12. Merry Christmas, Diana! Thank you for this lovely excerpt – so very fitting, for the holiday season.
    But, I suspect you knew that….

  13. I just finished the book and it was great as always! One question though: Does William ever escape the corset?

  14. While waiting for the final book ..I have been lost in Scots history. Thank you for the delight full books and the inspiration to know more.

  15. Thank you for the excerpt, and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Diana!

  16. Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to you and those you love.

    I have a question, Would your publisher let you attend and speak at the Springfield Mo. literary Festival
    this coming year? It’s still in its infancy and a great writer such as yourself, would be a bonus!
    Plus, I dearly wish to meet you, I’ve collected all the books since Outlander first came out.
    And Thank you so much for this excerpt, it’s lovely!

  17. Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to you and those you love.

    I have a question, Would your publisher let you attend and speak at the Springfield Mo. literary Festival
    this coming year? It’s still in its infancy and a great writer such as yourself, would be a bonus!
    Plus, I dearly wish to meet you, I’ve collected all the books since Outlander first came out.
    And Thank you so much for this excerpt, I bought Scottish Prisoner and this peice is something to look

    • Dear Vickie–

      I don’t suppose my publisher would have much to say about it, frankly. I’m very flattered by the invitation–but I’m trying _very_ hard not to travel much this year, so I can stay home and get WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD finished. See you in 2013, maybe?


      • Ohhhh Diana,

        Thank you, thank you, thank you!

        99.9% of us swell with delightful anticipation when we read of your intention to stay at home as much as possible in 2012 to work on ‘Written in my Own Heart’s Blood’.

        We thank you for your constant gift to us; your imagination, your creativity, your fastidious research, your ability to enthrall and entertain and educate us simultaneously.

        We wish you all the blessings of the season with your family around you.

        Good health and happiness always to you and yours.


  18. Diana. Happy Holidays to you as well. I have been an avid follower of all the Jamie & Claire books and, too, Lord John. I am so looking forward to book 8!. :You are an amazing lady. I do hope you take time for yourself! Happy Solstice

  19. A very merry Christmas to you too. Thank you for entertaining, educating and providing us with the perfect escape. If writing talent was a jewel, yours would be the one the old lady threw in the ocean in the end…

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