• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

46 Responses »

  1. How DO you find the time?!!

  2. Welcome to the bane of the internet, my lady. But the interactivity is what I like best. Well, that and the games. But only when I’m stuck on something. Mindless entertainment gives me space to think. Nice to see you there. However often you post. :-)

  3. Oh, it’s nice!!!!!!!! I like how everything is condensed on it. They do need someone new doing the quiz, it’s very easy, but then again we all get a “genuis” rating! *g*

  4. I was surprised to see you in my feed today but very happy too! welcome!

  5. Welcome to Facebook :-) and I was so trilled today to get the Amazon email about Scottish Prisoner!!!

  6. Diana,

    I know this will seem really weird, mainly because I’m writing in a post about your Facebook page, but you really look like my mom. Every time I look at that picture of your Facebook page, I smile. You two could be sisters, even though you are half a world away :)

    I’ll “like”your page, and will follow your posts.

    Hugs from Brazil

  7. Oh no not ‘Face Book’

  8. This makes me happy!

  9. Wow! What a surprise I just got to see THE Diana Gabaldon in my “feed” this afternoon – immediately had to come here to insure it was legitimate.

    All I can say is Yay!! I, along with the rest of the literary world , am a devout fan! Looking forward to updates on your new work. (I’m still sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens! If you keep me here much longer – I may just fall!) Please, please, please release a teaser for the new book sometime soon – that should curb the craving for Jaime and Claire addicts like myself!

    Blessing to you and yours DG !!

    Natalie – FL

  10. I’m the only one left on the planet I think that isn’t on Facebook. Will you be posting on this blog still?

  11. all that you do and Facebook, too. You are a wonder.

  12. I was thrilled to see your name in my email. I have ordered the new Scottish Prisoner book. Maybe it will help tide me over while I wait for Jamie and Claire. They are an important part of my life. Please don’t let anything happen to Jamie or Claire, I don’t think I could stand it. No matter what anyone says, you take your time and write us a good book. Love those love scenes. It must be wonderful to be loved by so many people Diana. I imagine we put way to much pressure on you, please forgive us. We all just love the way you write. Thank you Diana.

    • Kay, fancy finding a fellow fan just across the river… if you crossed the St. Johns, you’d be in my territory. Sorry to use Diana’s blog to say “hi”, but when I saw Orange Park I couldn’t help myself.

  13. So thrilled to see you on my homepage feed! I liked you on facebook as soon as I found you! :o) I have had the wonderful fortune of meeting you and getting a photo taken with you AND you signed a couple of my books! With all the recent ‘changes’ to FB I was considering cancelling my account and then what do my eyes see???? A post from DG?! Thank you!!!

  14. So glad to see you FB. Just can’t seem to work Twitter into the day! Lots of “Ladies of LB” on there too!

  15. I have read all these books so many times I feel that I know them by heart. I have more them one copy of each book, so that my friends can borrow them and learn about the exciting world of Jamie and Claire. I recently started to listen the them on audible and see the The Fiery Cross is the only one not available. Davina Porter does a woonderful job. When will The Fiery Cross be ready on Audible.

    • Dear Sally–

      THE FIERY CROSS will be (I’m told) available in UNabridged form in November. There’s an older blog post titled something like “Availability Issues” that has the details as to why.


  16. Hi Diana,

    How are you? This is Elaine who offered to send a photo since the Fergus Scottish Games. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Facebook (I’ve resisted so far) so it’s not meant to be a response for posting but it’s the most direct way for me to get a message to you.

    I sent a photo to your AOL email address that you gave me in your Fergus blog (I also made an additional response recently but you probably don’t monitor the older blogs). I’m thinking that my email and photo may have ended up in your junk folder. If you would like me to resend please let me know.

    Bye for now,
    Elaine (you can reply to my email if that’s convenient for you, sorry I don’t have Twitter either)

    • Hi Elaine,
      In case Diana has missed your post just wanted to assure that YES, she did receive the pic and email. Lovely picture so thanks! (She looks wonderful in red, doesn’t she?) :-)

      Susan – The Elf ;-)

      • Thanks for your message Susan, I just hate wondering if things are lost in cyberspace. Yes, Diana is beautiful in red; doesn’t she look so calm and relaxed despite the heat of the day and she’s just about to begin her second presentation and book signing of the day!

  17. Heard rumor that Outlander was going to be a movie? True? That would be fabulous!

  18. I’m so happy to have the Real You an FaceBook! I finally joined last year just to follow some of my favorite authors, and you most definitely fall into this catagory! Welcome!

  19. Facebook is a great way to keep up with multiple communications. My family has used it as a way of keeping in touch. However, a word of caution. It is possible to put too much of yourself out there. Even though some might want to know what you had for dinner last night, I would recommend paying attention to the saying, “Discretion is the better part of valor.”

    I am sure it will prove to be a very useful channel for keeping in to be in touch with your readers. Certainly looking forward to it.

    • Dear Paul–

      I’m not sure I even _remember_ what I had for dinner last night. {g} A fair amount of wine, I remember that much…

      No, I take your point, and thank you very much for your concern. As it is, Facebook is mainly just a way for me to impart book news to a ton of people in the most efficient manner.

  20. Greetings from Germany!!!

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