WELCOME to the All-New, Completely Redesigned, and—with luck—Totally Updated Diana Gabaldon Official Website!
Many, many thanks to the very talented Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios (www.clockpunkstudios.com), who did the new design (and guided me through the maze of learning to work with WordPress).
And many thanks to the lovely Rosana Gatti, who designed (more than once {g}) the original Diana Gabaldon website, and has run it for more years than I care to count.
(Thinking especially of longevity these days, as a) it’s my birthday {g}, and b) OUTLANDER (the novel) was published twenty (yes, 2_0) years ago!)
Now, there will be a few spots where I’ll add new material, links, excerpts or whatever as we go on, but I think the new site is essentially complete.
(There will be a link to a Facebook page, for instance, but that’s not quite available yet.
And my blog will now be an integral feature of the website, as well.
I hope you enjoy exploring the new site!
Do please let me know—there’s a place for comments, below, and on other parts of the site—if you see anything that doesn’t work, or have suggestions for things we may not have thought of that you’d like to see.
(And you can use the “Follow” links to talk to me via Twitter, if you’d like.)
hi i was wondering if you could tell me how roger and brianna found the letters written to them by her parents in “an echo in the bone” thank you
Dear Mary–
Roger found the box in the Reverend’s garage. It’s at the end of A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES.
It’s a wonder Rev. Wakefield hadn’t discovered the box, to show Claire and Frank when they visited.
It probably wasn’t there — we’ve seen the past change before, after Bree and Roger got back to the 80s. (Lots of problems with time travel!)
Hi Diana,
Congratulations on the birthday, as well as the new website.
I’m re-reading the series (a third time for some of the books, second time for others) and enjoying it as much as the first. I’m reading it on my kindle, which is lovely because of the dictionary function. Your vocabulary is expansive and I’ve enjoyed looking up some of the more obscure words.
Do have a question, though – I notice that sometimes you use the word “miles” and at least once (I think), “pounds.” Those terms seem at odds with the location and date of the story. I thought then that perhaps your editor included those for those of us Yanks who so love your books.
Just an idle curiosity, nothing more. Looking very forward to the next installment!
Auch von mir Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! And many happy returns!
This new site is great, still have to check it all out.
Thank you so much for your Outlander series.
Waiting patiently,
Your German/American fan Hilde
Hi Dianna,
I love the new website.
I just thought I’d tell you how we (Dave, my husband) got into the Outlander Series. Dave is an interstate truck driver and I used to borrow audio books from the library for him to listen too. As you might imagine, he sometime struggled with the discs, bumping over the Australian Outback roads, so I discovered ipods and Audible.com.
Dave drives up to 14 hours per day, so I was always on the look out for long audio books. I found “Drums of Autumn” saw how long it was and just bought it, absolutely no idea what it was about. I started listening to it, quickly realised this was somewhere down the line in a series and found the first 3. Dave started at the beginning and that was is for us! Loved them.
Our phone conversations were all about Jamie and Claire, LOL and we still refer to them often. I read the two books that aren’t in the unabridged audio, then got Echo in the Bone.
I’m an aspiriring writer, I’d love to complete a teen novel I’ve started, but I’m not sure that I have the discipline it takes. I get about half way and get lost in my real life. Or I get stuck into the writing and forget my real life, not good when I’m trying to run a business LOL
Anyway, enough of my ramble. I’m looking forward to the next edition, and love the Lord John series too. Though not quite so much as Jamie and Claire. :))
Dear Paula–
THE FIERY CROSS and ABOSA _are_ available as unabridged audiobooks–just not from audible.com (yet). There’s a long explanation somewhere in here {g} about the licensing situation behind that. But you can certainly get both, from Recorded Books, Inc. (www.recordedbooks.com).
Glad you and Dave are both enjoying the books!
All great people are born in January…you, my grandson on the 10th and son on the 13th. If not for you there would not be a Jamie and Clair…Bless you…
Love the Outlander series. Read all 7 books in about 3 months this year and now have several folks at work addicted. We have had many lively discussions of movie casting. My thought is a mini/maxi series similar to what was done with Centennial would be great. I can’t imagine getting enough of the story and the details into a 2 or 3 hour movie.
Plan to re-read the first seven books in early 2012 so I’ll be ready for #8 when it is published.
Thanks for hours of enjoyment.
A belated happy birthday, but if you’re like me you celebrate for at least a month!
A relatively new reader (since last June) I’ve totally adopted Jamie, Claire, Ian, Brianna & Willie into my family — can’t wait to hear what the “future” brings. I’m on the third time reading the series, (just finished Voyageur) and beginning Drums. Amazing how I pick up so many things I missed the first time around when I was so anxious about the outcome of the current crisis!!
Have started a new group of readers in Safety Harbor and Tampa Bay, FL….and we are all anxiously awaiting #8….whenever it comes out….Will you be coming to Seattle to promote it?
Heard a rumor today about a movie? It would have to be a series, of course, as an 8 hour movie might be too long for most people!!!!
Oh, and the website is so appropriate — you have super great helpers and you have marvelous taste !!
Dear Maggie–
Many thanks! Both for the compliments and birthday wishes, and for the new readers! As my first editor used to say, “These have to be word-of-mouth books, because they’re too weird to describe to anybody!”
Outlander on Kindle for CANADIANS is HERE!!!
Two happy coincidences: January 11th is also my birthday and I found, while looking at Kindle’s New Releases, that Outlander is available for sale to Canadians! Thank you!
Dear Peggy–
Happy (late) birthday!
Love the new website!!!! It really looks good. Look forward to all the new writing you are doing
Frances Lucia
Dear Diana,
On New Year’s Eve, while browsing in a local bookstore that was closing down, I walked past “Outlander,” read the back cover, and thought, “Hmmmmm, sounds pretty good.”
Twenty years after its debut, you have yet another Outlander reader. I couldn’t put it down.
These are the books that I wish I could have written. I only wish my mother in law had lived to read them with me because I know she’d have loved them as much as I do. She and I discovered Scotland together.
I just finished “Dragonfly in Amber” today and am ready to dive into “Voyager” as soon as I wrap up this message.
PS My late mother in law has a son named James (Jim,) who has red hair and who is “caurry handed”
to boot – my husband of 32 years. I dinna think I can get ‘im into the kilt, tho’!
PS Like other readers here, I would love to see movie versions of your novels, and boy, would it be fun to help cast them! The Twilight Saga’s got nuthin’ on Outlander!
Recently fell in love with the books after a friend nagged me for years to read them. Enjoying the new website.
Happy Birthday to you – many more.
This past year you have provided me with a new addiction – The Outlander series. OMG, I love these books, the bigger the better. I have read them all and read the last one two times. You have seen me through a very difficult year and now I cannot wait for the next book to come out. You are one terrific story teller providing us with pleasure across the board.
As for a PG version of your books – heck no! Jamie and Claire have provided my fantasy life with some fine moments – as well as those provided visually by The Exile.
Now stop lollygaging about and get to work on #8. An addict can wait just so long and I know I am not alone in this particular scenario.
Thanks so much,
Reva Kelly
So the story of Roger’s parents will this be a separate story in and of itself?
The first books I bought for my new Kindle were the Outlander series. I’ll always have my “hard copy” books, but I want to re-read from the beginning, and it’s so much easier to carry around the Kindle than the heavy books!
I see you’re going to be at the Tucson Festival of Books. I’m new to AZ, and planning to go. How is it setup? Will you be doing a signing? A reading? Very much looking forward to it.
Dear Catherine–
Well, let’s see…the Tucson Festival (I’ve done it once before) is set up all over the U of A campus. There are vendor books, small stages, and signing venues all up and down the central Mall, and the bigger readings are held in auditoriums and lecture rooms. I’m doing _three_ events at this one. The biggest will probably be the solo talk/interview (i.e., they’ll have somebody to ask me questions, but I’ll be able to launch and riff on anything I like), which is at 10 AM on Saturday. Then there’s a panel with a couple of other authors on Saturday afternoon at 2:30–I _think_ that one is about “genre wars”. The last one is at 11:30 AM on Sunday, and is with another author about graphic novels. Or else vice-versa on the two panels; I don’t have the schedule in front of me. But they hand out newspaper-like schedules all over the place, so you’ll be able to see where and when things are.
Each event usually has a signing afterward–the author(s) decamp to a table/tables and sign books for some specified period of time. So I imagine I’ll do three of those, too–and in addition, I agreed to go do a signing at 2:30 PM on Friday at the Clues Unlimited (mystery bookstore) booth. May very possibly do a quick signing for Mysterious Galaxy (sf/f bookstore), too, if they have a booth there, but that’s not arranged, yet.
See you there! It’s a HUGE book festival, and _very_ well organized and run.
Thanks for the info on the festival – I’ll definitely make the trip down from Peoria.
Hi Diana,
The new website is beautiful! It was well worth the wait. Hope that you had a good birthday.
Happy belated birthday! And thanks for all the enjoyment that your wonderful books have given me and ALL of your readers. I got hooked first and then got my sister and 2 neices into reading them and in turn they have gotten many, many, others to read them too. These are very definitly ‘WORD OF MOUTH” books. All of your beautifully crafted characters are like old friends. We can’t wait for the next one.
First, Let me say Happy Birthday albeit 5 days late. I hope you had a great day.
I was so surprised to see that Outlander has been out for 20 years. I got a kindle in
October. After answering questions about what kind of books I like to read Amazon
recommended Outlander. I must admit I can’t get enough of your writing. My husband says
I am addicted, but I say I just have a “good habit of reading Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander Series”!
I am currently reading The Fiery Cross, and have already purchased A Breath of Snow and Ashes so
it will be ready for me when I finish The Fiery Cross. Thank you for having your books on Kindle. Are they on the Nook too? (My daughter has a nook )
I am new to your writing and I so hope you will be writing this quality of book for the next 20 years to come! I am enjoying looking through your website as well. I will come back often. It’s nice you care enough of your readers to have such a site.
I love he new website! Good job! As for a suggestion- I would really like to see a section (and forgive me if there already is one, but I have not seen what I am thinking about) where you list your favorites, such as your favorite books (other than your own), your favorite character suggestions for your books, etc. That would be cool.
Dear Heather–
Check “The Methadone List” under “Resources.” {g} If by “your favorite character suggestions for your books,” you mean the constant stream of suggested actors…may the good Lord deliver me. {g}
Ha ha! Ok, thank you! And, adding to that constant stream of suggestions (please don’t hate me, but my pride has got the best of me)-I believe I have found the perfect candidate for Jamie….yes, the chaos can end, because I do not think there is a better suggestion out there. Drum roll please…..Pinter Tibor:
In case you haven’t already heard of him, he is the actor that portrays Jack Jackson’s father in Pillars of the Earth.
God be with you Diana…
Hi Diana! I loved the outlander series, but in South Africa we are not permitted to buy all of your books. I tried with ebooks.com but still I cannot buy them. Now I don’t have all the outlander books..Do you or somebody have advise how I can get hold of the rest of the books?? Love to hear from you!
Dear Renette–
Well…you could order them from the Poisoned Pen; they’ll ship anywhere in the world. The link is under the “Resources” tab. Good luck!