• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Welcome to the New Website!

WELCOME to the All-New, Completely Redesigned, and—with luck—Totally Updated Diana Gabaldon Official Website!

Many, many thanks to the very talented Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios (www.clockpunkstudios.com), who did the new design (and guided me through the maze of learning to work with WordPress).

And many thanks to the lovely Rosana Gatti, who designed (more than once {g}) the original Diana Gabaldon website, and has run it for more years than I care to count.

(Thinking especially of longevity these days, as a) it’s my birthday {g}, and b) OUTLANDER (the novel) was published twenty (yes, 2_0) years ago!)

Now, there will be a few spots where I’ll add new material, links, excerpts or whatever as we go on, but I think the new site is essentially complete.

(There will be a link to a Facebook page, for instance, but that’s not quite available yet.

And my blog will now be an integral feature of the website, as well.

I hope you enjoy exploring the new site!

Do please let me know—there’s a place for comments, below, and on other parts of the site—if you see anything that doesn’t work, or have suggestions for things we may not have thought of that you’d like to see.

(And you can use the “Follow” links to talk to me via Twitter, if you’d like.)


322 Responses »

  1. Dear Dians,
    Congrats, the New website is great. I Love the colors. But it’s weird ,sometimes the Background is totally green(then it is hard to read the Text) and sometimes it’s a Little part that is green. What would be the reason for this? Could it be my iPads’ fault? Anyway, I Love it !

    Best wishes

  2. Cool! Stayed up past my bedtime last night taking it all in. :-) Blog access is great, also! Am I first to comment? Wow! Cheers!

  3. I love it! I’m a bit adverse to change – long story!! but this is great!! So easy to find everything. So glad you have a Yorkshire connection – I was born there but emigrated with my parents and sister to Australia in 1964. Love your books – keep writing!! It is surely a gift!!

  4. The previous design was more aesthetically pleasing, but this one seems to be more user- and reader- friendly. It is easy to navigate, and the information I am usually looking for seems to be easily accessible. Thank you.

  5. Hi Diane,

    The new web site is up-beat and bright. I’m glad that you are continuing to blog. We share a birthday, so “Happy Birthday” to you. (And Alexander Hamilton, for whom Hamilton College is named. My husband teaches here, and I am an administrator.)

    Best, Mary

  6. Wow!!! I love the new site.
    Now get in there and go write ’til your fingers fall off… well not really until they fall off cause then we wouldn’t have anymore of your marvelous work, but until they hurt REALLY bad. LOL Hope you had a great birthday.

  7. Hi Diana,

    Just noticed Lord John’s last name is written ‘Gray’ instead of ‘Grey’ in the heading. Otherwise: fantastic new website!


  8. Hallo Diana,
    I like the website so far. I will look into even more, but the layout is beautiful.
    You’ve been doing a good work.

  9. Love the new site! The only thing I really miss is the excerpts all in one place…it was an easy way to get to them. Will you possibly be adding that later?

  10. Nevermind …found the excerpts. :)

  11. Diana,

    I love the new sight. it’s easier to get to and to read. I don’t get to it as often as I would like but am going to try more now.



  12. Diana,

    Happy Birthday a day late!! I always remember your birthday as it was my birthday also yesterday!! Love the new website…..

  13. First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To you and ” Outlander”! I love you both. The new sight is great and the musical is wonderful. Can’t wait to get my CD. I also very much appreciate the “methadone”! Not that I don’t read anything else – if I’m breathin’, I’m readin’! But I do get a little itchy waiting for more Jamie and Claire! I could talk to you ffoorreevveerr but I’ll be brief this time.

    (and Jamie and Claire and Bree and Roger and Jem and Ian and Jenny, etc…)

  14. Congrats on the new website! It all looks wonderful and as I browse through it, while listening to “Voyager” on my iPod, I think it’s a pretty great day. Hope yours is just as pleasant! On a side note, Davina Porter is amazing.

  15. Very fancy! I’ll make sure to update my news feed with this one. :)

  16. Hi Diana,
    Hope you are doing well and that life is good for your and your family.
    Are you still planning on continuing the story that ended with Jemmie in a tunnel and Roger on his way back to America? I sure hope so as I must tell you what my 93 year old Mother said to me tonight-(honestly) “I hope she writes another book before I die, so I know what happens to Jemmie!” I had to laugh as she’s still in fairly good health and reading about 5 books a week. Hope you can find the humor in this and please know that we love your writing and wonderful descriptive imagination. You have a gift for storytelling.
    We’d love to hear from you and to know of your plans for the future-book wise especially!

  17. YAY! I’m so excited your site is updated and what I’ve seen so far, it’s beautiful! I’m liking the colors and the background design. Oh, and Happy Birthday! I just finished Echo in the Bone and I tried to savor every last page, knowing it will be quite some time before book eight is available. I meant to move right into the Lord John series, but I couldn’t help myself, I had to reread Outlander first. :) Happy writing…

  18. Happy Birthday Diana & congrat’s on the new site. We’ve been looking forward to it.

  19. Congratulations! Beautiful site

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