• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Welcome to the New Website!

WELCOME to the All-New, Completely Redesigned, and—with luck—Totally Updated Diana Gabaldon Official Website!

Many, many thanks to the very talented Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios (www.clockpunkstudios.com), who did the new design (and guided me through the maze of learning to work with WordPress).

And many thanks to the lovely Rosana Gatti, who designed (more than once {g}) the original Diana Gabaldon website, and has run it for more years than I care to count.

(Thinking especially of longevity these days, as a) it’s my birthday {g}, and b) OUTLANDER (the novel) was published twenty (yes, 2_0) years ago!)

Now, there will be a few spots where I’ll add new material, links, excerpts or whatever as we go on, but I think the new site is essentially complete.

(There will be a link to a Facebook page, for instance, but that’s not quite available yet.

And my blog will now be an integral feature of the website, as well.

I hope you enjoy exploring the new site!

Do please let me know—there’s a place for comments, below, and on other parts of the site—if you see anything that doesn’t work, or have suggestions for things we may not have thought of that you’d like to see.

(And you can use the “Follow” links to talk to me via Twitter, if you’d like.)


322 Responses »

  1. I wish I could be as eloquent as Diana in describing how I feel about her books, especially the Outlander series. I just finished An Echo in the Bone and so love her books, from every perspective: she’s an incredible writer – I just love how she spins tales within tales, the historical perspective really brings it alive, you just fall in love with the characters, relish the words and descriptions she uses, and she weaves in every aspect of humanity in a very tasteful yet real way. I must admit that I’m having anxiety that the series is nearing the end. Once it’s done, I’m going to miss it incredibly. I will go back and read it for the third time, I know I will. Diana, thank you for sharing this beautiful creation.

    • I can only say the exact same words as this fan has over the content of your books. I am a recentlt new comer to the Diana Galbaldon fan club but I await the next book with gusto & a litle sdan ess at the tale is coming to a close. However the books will be re read constantly & the family ignored yet again while my head is buried in the advetures & a fantastic tale that carries you away
      Thanks Diana for the hours & days of pleasure you bring thru your writing.
      Regards Andrea

  2. WHOOO HOOO I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for including The Author’s Attic site too! It’s a little birthday gift for all of us! *g*

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Just a test to see if I can post a comment or not.


  4. I know it’s late, but I’ve been gone all day and just noticed that it is your birthday. I hope it was a very happy one and that all is well with you and yours. That’s your typos are few, your blessings many and that your 8th book comes into you head so swiftly that you barely have time to type it up before Random House prints it and puts it out into the book stores! I have all of the series (signed), the Lord John books and the anthologies. Anything else I can do to hurry you along?

    Have a wonderful year,
    Mary in IL

  5. Hello Diana,

    The website is absolutely beautiful! And I can’t even begin to tell you how happy it made me to see my “Pumpkin Homage” mentioned on the Fan Art page. Thank you so much!


  6. It looks lovely, thank you for the birthday present to us!

  7. Website looks great !! Was very interesting to read about your very busy life :) I have enjoyed your books FOREVER and love the characters and the depth you give them . I am soo excited for your new books ! I usually read your books in a few days because I CANNOT put them down ! I have reread the series numerous times and have enjoyed them immensely ! Thank You :) I did want to mention that I do not blame you AT ALL for your stance on other people writing about your characters . The idea of it is just wrong . I look forward to your banter and reading about upcoming progress you make. Sincerely A Fan , Lisa Hagen

  8. Love the new site! Congrats on getting it up and running! And Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day. Was happy to hear the possibility of a 2012 date! I have always respected your writing, but having recently taken a go at doing it myself, I now totally know why one of your books would take a few years to write! lol but they have all been worth the wait as I know this one will be!

  9. Excellent! Happy Birthday!

  10. Gorgeous! Now to browse around….

  11. Diana, this new website is beautiful. The colours are rich, and it seems easy to navigate too.

  12. Congratulations on the 20 year birthday of Outlander and the NEW website
    AND Happy Birthday to you!! You really know how to celebrate!

  13. hi, diana–

    i worked as perry knowlton’s assistant for a few years after college back in the early ’80′s, and met jackie cantor through that job. i left new york and moved to san francisco, where i remember a very fun visit here with jackie, but eventually lost touch with the old gang after going to nursing school.

    two years ago a friend at work gave me “outlander” and i was hooked. imagine my delight to see that perry was your agent and jackie your editor! this has happened before with other writers, and always takes me back to 575 madison avenue (before the move downtown) and the bright orange boxes. i love your books, and i’ve been meaning to send you this message for some time. here is my one question:

    do you enjoy writing one character’s voice especially more than the others? of course they are all so distinct, but some of the lines you come up with make me imagine you grinning with pleasure as they come to you and i wonder if there is one character you especially like to “speak” for.

    thanks for the wonderful reads,


  14. Well geesh Diana, you know us die hard fans will follow you anywhere………..but, the new site looks very nice, and I thank you for sharing so much with us! I am an unofficial pusher of your books, and am patiently waiting, (you know whats coming here), for the next book. I will be good, I know the story will come about as you see it, and who am I to try to rush you along! You MUST be so TIRED of hearing us whine & plead for more. As always, I am your Number One Fan! (Now THAT should freak you out!) LOL

  15. Diana,
    I emailed you a while ago, to share a link of some fan art of mine. You told me to send it again when your website was updated, so…here it is!

    I would be honored if it could appear in the fan art section of your website.

    Keep writing for us!


    And here is a direct link:



  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new website!!! I check your blog daily to see what (always interesting) tidbits you have posted. I was very excited to see the new site loading. Whilst exploring said site I discovered a couple excerpts that I had yet to read (though how I missed them previously I’m not sure. (g)). The site is nicely organized and very easy to navigate.
    Hope to see more teasers soon!

  17. It looks beautiful. I love the colors and style. I like having the Recent Blog Posts and navigation links at the top, too. It all works great.

    I especially love how you stay connected with us. A lot of authors don’t take the time to do that. You Rock!

    So it’s a WordPress but it looks like your own website? Does that mean it’s hosted at WordPress but you have your own URL? Just wondering since I’m wanting to connect my own site and blog better.

    Great job Diana & clan!

    ~ Melody

  18. Wow, nice to see the new site, I will let the ladies at Goodreads know. If any of you want to join us, we are an active group and love to talk about Jamie and Claire!


    Also, it’s nice to see you have male fans (I just saw the gentleman with the Claire-inspired tattoo).

    • Dear Elizabeth–

      I have quite a number of male fans, and appreciate them quite as much as the ladies. Since the books were marketed for so long (thanks in part to desperation on the part of the publisher, who couldn’t think _how_ to market them, and then to the boneheaded behavior of Barnes and Noble) as women’s fiction, it’s taken a bit of time for the gentlemen to realize that the books are in fact safe for them to read. {g} I get mail from a lot of servicemen (and women), in particular; they identify with Jamie, love Claire, and find the books an escape–one I’m really grateful to be able to provide.


      • Weighing-in as a normal (?) hetero male who has been a fan for just about all of those 20 years, I too want to assure any man who’s not afraid show excitement over a novel… or even shed a tear when confronted by an especially poignant passage… that Diana writes gripping drama about men and women who aren’t afraid to get dirty or bloody, and often do, in a style that is both easy to read while always leaving me wanting more! That said, I’m a 70 year-old who fell in love with Claire at the first… “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!”. It’s somewhat of a curse to be a fast reader, for then I’ve no recourse but to wait the 2-3 years for the next installment to be published. Oh… I re-read each of the previous books (well maybe skim a few passages that have become indelibly written on the inside of my eyelids) trying to time it all with the release of the latest offering.

        Just an anecdote that may get a chuckle from some… a year ago last summer I took a road trip from my home in Oregon, with my Jack Russell Terrier, dragging a 19′ fifth-wheel trailer, to see the Carolinas and Virginia. Anyone who has gotten to “Drums of Autumn” and its next two sequels will not need any explanation as to why I would go on a mostly back-road, 8,000 mile trip to satisfy the itch those 3 books afflicted me with! ( lol) Lacey and I did the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway (Spruce Pine, Boone, the original Mast General Store… (even a farm not far down the road called ‘River Run’… and yes, I know it’s the wrong location), Shenandoah Skyway, then back south through the Piedmont country, Outer Banks including Okracoke, and finally Wilmington and then Charleston before turning toward home. It’s the longest and most rewarding trip I’ve taken, among many, and I’ve now got those beautiful highlands permanently etched in my mind. (Referring back to the end of the last paragraph…I actually timed my arrival in Greensville, NC, to coincide with the September release date of ‘An Echo in the Bone’. When the doors at Costco opened I headed straight for the book tables. It wasn’t there! I finally found someone to check and see if they were still in their boxes, and 15 minutes later I was back at the trailer and getting my first peek! WHEW!)

        Thanks, Diana!!! For the wonderful ride, your vibrant prose, and the aching-pleasure… reminiscent of this child’s days leading up to Christmas mornings… of anticipating your next installment. My most fervent wish is that I live long enough to read the final installment!

        Buidheachas, mo charaid!

        “Mac” (McMillan)

      • Dear Mac–

        Many thanks for your lovely letter! And I strongly suggest you take your vitamins, {g} though you sound pretty hale and hearty. Definitely want you to be in good shape for Book Eight, though!


      • Oh dear Lord…what are you going to do to us in Book 8??!

        Love the new website, congratulations.

      • Dear Mac,

        I read a number of the blogs on Outlander and for me you are the first man in my age group. Way to go! We need a lot more men interested in Jamie and Claire.
        Thank you and I hope you come back this way again. I live in Tennessee with all of the Scottish/Irish influence around me.


  19. Happy Birthday,

    I’m one of the lucky readers. I only discovered your books last year..and spent all last winter through the summer reading one after another. Not a simple accomplishment, as the nearest well stocked “Outlander” bookstore is at least 3000 miles away from my doorstep. (I may be wrong on the distance.. I never really counted). I relied on plane crews, an assortment of visiting relatives and friends, and finally Amazon (for “The Exile”) to keep my fascination satisfied.

    So THANK YOU…for being such a prolific writer and for reminding me how wonderful it is to get absorbed in EIGHT (!) novels.

    LOVE the picture of you sleeping with dogs.


    • I was lucky, too. I discovered the first book not long before Christmas a couple of years ago, devoured it, and immediately sent my daughter back to the bookstore to buy the next one for me. Devoured that one, too. Meanwhile, my daughter had thought it would be a nice Christmas surprise to give me all the books in the series. After I finished the second book, and begged her to get me the next, she smiled wryly, went to her trunk and got it out for me. She joked that by Christmas, I would have no gifts left under the tree!

      After I finished Echo I immediately reread them all a second time! Then started patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for MOBY like the rest of the fans.

      I am now going through the Kindle versions with “immersion reading”, listening to the Audio Books as I read. What fun! Davinia is terrific.

      Also following with great dedication the evolution of the STARZ TV series.

      I preordered MOBY on Amazon the minute it was available. I was so happy to hear it is done and will come out on June 10 as scheduled.

      Thank you, Diana, for so many hours of undiluted reading pleasure.

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