WELCOME to the All-New, Completely Redesigned, and—with luck—Totally Updated Diana Gabaldon Official Website!
Many, many thanks to the very talented Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios (www.clockpunkstudios.com), who did the new design (and guided me through the maze of learning to work with WordPress).
And many thanks to the lovely Rosana Gatti, who designed (more than once {g}) the original Diana Gabaldon website, and has run it for more years than I care to count.
(Thinking especially of longevity these days, as a) it’s my birthday {g}, and b) OUTLANDER (the novel) was published twenty (yes, 2_0) years ago!)
Now, there will be a few spots where I’ll add new material, links, excerpts or whatever as we go on, but I think the new site is essentially complete.
(There will be a link to a Facebook page, for instance, but that’s not quite available yet.
And my blog will now be an integral feature of the website, as well.
I hope you enjoy exploring the new site!
Do please let me know—there’s a place for comments, below, and on other parts of the site—if you see anything that doesn’t work, or have suggestions for things we may not have thought of that you’d like to see.
(And you can use the “Follow” links to talk to me via Twitter, if you’d like.)
I love the website, and Happy Birthday! I can’t believe OUTLANDER is 20. I’ve loved Jamie for a long time.
I look forward to reading your blog, and of course, your future novels.
I’m hitting reply because I screwed up my password/name at the Writer’s Community. I wanted to give a piece of info on rolled oats/ ground oats from Granny Taylor. Let them soak (now a days that doesn’t take long) when the mixture has thickened somewhat it can be spread on a hot surface, bit of fat, and cooked/fried like flatbreads. Put a spoonful on the griddle and spread. A useful thing if no bread is available….thought “Claire” should know.
Granny has been long gone…but we still do this.
mrs. gabaldon, why am i having a hard or diffcult task of finding your books? the first book i read was echo in the bone , you had me hooked. felt like i was there. please if you can direct me to a source to find your books. thank you so very much. mark bennett ,7953 paschal street. jacksonville,florida,32220. again thak you.
Dear Mark–
I can’t imagine why you’re having trouble finding my books, assuming you live in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, or New Zealand. If you live in South Africa or the Seychelles…[g]. No, really; _any_ good-sized bookstore (Barnes and Noble, any large independent) will have the whole series–and so does Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk. Amazon.ca, barnesandnoble.com, iBookstore, and just about any other online retail book outlet. For that matter, if you click on the “Writing” tab on the home page of _this site_, you’ll see descriptions of all my books, each one with several “buy-links” listed.
Best of luck, and I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the books when you get them!
this a reply to the fact that the books should be more available in these large book stores . I wanted to recently replace my outlander books because of a recent move and losing them. B& N dont seem to be a good carrier. Sometimes you can find a few but not a large selection and it would just be easier to just order them for myself. I found the smaller book version the last time I was at B&N after I had asked . I beleive he called it a promo. I was not aware of the small ones there but I dont read that size anyway. I read paperback novel size . I love all of the books just wish they were more available and announced when a new one came out or another story line. I feel like I dont see them when a new one comes out. I am eager to read the next story line. Hope this is a little helpful.
Dear Toni–
I’ll be Really Surprised if you don’t see WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD when it comes out on June 10th. [g] As for B&N–their “model” generally calls for them to stop carrying the hardcover of a title after X weeks or months–but my books have NEVER gone out of print in hardcover, and even a Barnes and Noble store could order any of them for you at any time. If you should happen to want a signed or inscribed hardcover, though, you might want to order it from the Poisoned Pen bookstore. They’re my local independent store, they stock ALL of my books in ALL the formats, ALL the time [g], and would be happy to ship anywhere in the world.
Here’s the link to their order page.
Wow, I saw all the book you have written it amazing how ever do you have the time although I have been to flagstaff and it seems that time is slower there than the rest of the known world. beautiful works of course I wanted to know more of my Scottish heritage and everyone said READ ” Diana Gabaldon” so I thought if you want information go to the front of the horse (lol) all I know is I intend to read a Scottish trilogy by you. seems as good a place to start, anyway I could not believe all your works you are amazing they say everyone has a story to tell you must has done vast research in order to write so prolifically. am working on a fiction about internet dating it’s called “Keyboard cowboy “deals with internet dating and the lost glory of young men and women and their trek through the internet dating world of today don’t mean to doddle on that though I am interested in Scotland and my trek to explorer my past I paint and for years I have painted the same mountains and have done this I suppose from as long as I can remember I was born 01-01-1949 so my memories is long the paintings as I can to find out as I grew up and saw more of the world were of Scotland I have never been there so I could not have seen the land or the mountains or the fords and yet there I was painting scenes as if I were looking at a picture crazy right , well I personally think there genetic memories and just like the preferences we have in us inherited from our ancestors I think the memories are passed on to us in our genetics. Well, I would love to know more of your works and then to read as much as possible are any of your books on audible?? I know it cheating to listen to books but I only have so much time and I lost my wife 6 years ago so I have to be the chief cook and bottle washer as it were. Thanks for all you dedication and pleasure and jot you bring to the world.
Daniel McCampbell
Dear Daniel–
No, of course it’s not cheating to listen to books! I do it all the time. Glad you’re enjoying mine, however is most convenient for you.
In mob, what does brianna’s p.o. box stand for?
Dear kery–
Err…it’s a PO Box. It doesn’t stand for anything.
Happy B’thday Diana!
All the best from Spain.
Oh, Diana, the new website is just BEAUTIFUL!!
Dear Diana,
I am a huge fan of your Outlander series. They are my all time favorite series and I reread them in anticipation of every new book you put out. I am thrilled that there will be two more in the series.
As a Christmas present to myself, I ordered the The Scottish Prisoner and The Exile from Barnes and Noble. The Scottish Prisoner is wonderful, but there is a problem with The Exile. Many of the unnumbered pages are out of order. For example, Claire repairs Jamie’s arm several pages before he dislocates it. I plan on returning the book to the store, but I know that books are printed by the thousands, and this could be a widespread error. I hope they will have a good copy for me.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought you should know. Perhaps you already did know. Anyway, the artwork is fabulous and Claire is much as I imagined her to be.
Dear Robin–
I’m sorry there was a problem with your copy of EXILE. I’ve heard here and there of occasional binding errors, but not many, so I think there probably aren’t a _lot_ of copies out there with that error. Thanks for telling me, though, and I hope you’ll enjoy the book when you get your new copy!
It may be your birthday but it’s a gift for us! Thanks – and Happy Birthday…
Dear Diana,
Congratulations!!! Your new website looks marvelous!!!
I’m so excited…
Moreover: Happy Birthday to you… or as we say in Germany: Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!
Kind regards
Sandra (one of your German fans)
Yay! Love the new look and the fact that your blog is on here as well. Less clicking around.
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations! Love the new site. (I also loved Voyages of the Artemis).
The new website is wonderful. Happy Birthday, Diana!
Hello Diana,
Fist I’d like to say that this website is beautiful! However I did have a question for you, I was wondering if you have considered creating pg versions of your novels? I ask because I know a ton of people who would read your books, but they don’t because of some content in them.. I also know a ton of young people too and I have recommend your novels to people who wouldn’t mind them as they are. I personally love them as they are. But I was only curious..
Thanks a lot, bye!
Happy Birthday! The new website looks great!
I realized Outlander turned twenty a short while ago. A stress fracture in my hip had me looking for serious reading–and I decided to reread the Outlander series from the start. This was in October. I’m just starting “An Echo in the Bone.” It’s great to see the whole scope of the story and I must say they’ve held up well…and not only the writing. (which has been a delight, always)
I’m not easy on my books–I haul them everywhere with me, tossed in backpacks and purses. I read in waiting rooms, while eating lunch, while knitting (my favorite), in the bath at night–not always book-friendly places. And I think I’ve probably read Outlander four times completely through and I’ve skimmed it here and there, too. The physical book–one of the small paperbacks–has held up wonderfully. Your printer did quality work.
I have the first four books in this small paperback format and there are no loose pages. I do wrap the spines and corners of paperbacks with clear tape (I used to work in a library), but the covers are still all on tight–something the tape doesn’t help with if it starts to loosen. The pages are still strong and not fragile.
I’ve also noticed, and appreciated, the care you’ve taken to balance writing for newcomers to the series and not irritating people like me who’ve read the previous book. I was a bit more aware of it this time, reading the books in such close sequence, but it was never bothersome–and in fact (given my aging memory, even in the short term), I sometimes found it welcome. Thanks!
Happy birthday!! Congrats on 20 years with Jamie and Claire. Outlander is a truly awe inspiring series.
Happy Birthday wishes! I like the new website, and I’m also surprised that Outlander has been out so long! It seems like only yesterday that I was wandering through the bookstore and found something wnderful to read!
Wasn’t actually looking for the new website so it was a nice surprise to find it up. Have enjoyed looking around; it’s nice to look at and I like the way the blog has been integrated into it. I hate to criticize it right off the bat but one teeny little error jumped out at me (can’t help it, was an editor for years).
At the top of the page there are the headings
If you drop down in WRITING, you see THE OUTLANDER SERIES
Should be GREY, not GRAY!!
When I clicked on a link for the series, the spelling was again wrong in the heading, but then correct immediately following in the description of the book !
It’s a nice, eye-catching site. I’m enjoying looking around.
What I’ve seen so far looks fantastic!
Congratulations on the launch of the new site! It looks fantastic, and I’m just delighted to be mentioned on the Links page. <g>
(This is really just a test to see if posting a comment on the new blog works….)
Dear Diana
Great New website. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you for Outlander. Wow 20 years is a long time and it’s growing with new readers daily that’s so exciting.
I hope you have a fantastic celebration for both occasions
Michelle K
Happy birthday Diana! Thank you for many amazing years with Claire and Jamie! I hope you have a great day!
Diana, this is lovely but very hard to read on my iPad. Looks like some color problems. I am getting black type on a dark teal background?
Me too on the iPad. Dark teal with small, black letters. Weird.
Dear Peggy (and other iPad users)–
That’s very odd, but I think it must be something to do with the iPad’s display, since no one else is mentioning visibility problems. I have a new iPad (got it for Xmas!), so will play around with it and see if I can detect a fix.
My iPad has the dark letters on teal background as well. It is a little hard on the eye…
I did find … Going to settings> brightness and sliding the button to “brighten” it up helps…
Dear Barb–
Oh, good! Thanks for telling me.
I’m afraid that on my full-sized HP with Windows I also see it as deep teal. It is extremely hard to read (the entire website) and I must use a lamp to my left and an overhead so as to illuminate it sufficiently to see the black letter contrasts! I’ve had no luck changing the background color to enhance readibility.
I like it! The colors fit perfect and it is laid out very user friendly!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite books EVER! ;o)
Wow! Looks great. Loves all the Christmas pictures and then the days after with you asleep on the couch…that was me only insert 1 Great Dane and 2 cats!!