• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

And to Entertain You While I’m Gone…

Here are some brief video clips from the live launch of “Outlander: The Musical” in Aberdeen last month!


(Apologies for the poor sound; these were done with a small hand-held camera.)

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12 Responses »

  1. Thats really great I'd go see it .But who's the guy sitting on stage in street clothes?he seems very out of place!

  2. Lovely! Though I need a little more red in our Jamie, hair and tartan alike.

  3. *Susie*
    I was at the performance in Aberdeen. It was held in a church and there was no actual "stage" as such. The man you're referring to is actually Mike Gibb the writer….he narrated in between songs. That's why he's getting up and sitting down. It was a showcase of some of the Outlander The Musical songs…not an actual stage production.

  4. Yup, this will definately keep us occupied.
    I enjoyed that very much. Both actors did a lovely job of channelling the characters.
    Thanks for the video!

  5. What impresses me is how much Allan and Sue sound live as they did on the CD. They both have amazing voices and they deserve a verra big stage production. Even though they are only at the front of a church, they have such a presence. To see a full production musical of Outlander would be magical. It would have to be Allan and Sue though. I'd fly to see it for sure.

  6. Thanks Cairine ..I would so drive miles to see this if it ever came to the US!

  7. *Susie*

    Keep your fingers crossed…like I am :0)

  8. What a beautiful voice Allan has!
    Now… what's up with the dude in blue jeans? Did he just step through the stones from the present?

  9. Hi Sandra

    That is Mike Gibb who wrote the lyrics. During the performance he narrated the storyline. He did move out of the way when they did there singing.

    And def right about Allan…great voice!

  10. Dear Tiffany–

    I've met Allan in person, and can assure you that his hair is very red indeed, though a dark red. [g] It's shaved pretty close here, though–he said that his hair was purple the night before the launch (having been dyed for a previous role), but that he didn't want to play Jamie as an 18th century punk, so shaved it back to its essential (though very short) red-headedness. If you go look at the earlier blog-post titled "Pictures, You Say…", you'll see a shot of Allan in kilt that makes that evident.


  11. Ha! Okay good. I guess buzz cut IS preferable to 18th century punk. The red is much more evident in those pictures. These things are important. See, I am with a red headed man myself. And I knew from your books that you had to be too because nobody else would notice that those red heads have blonde eyelashes that melt into a dark red at the tips and it's a detail that I see pop up in your books. I get all giddy because I've always loved that little trait! ;)

  12. Dear Tiffany–

    Oh, I'm a total sucker for red-headed men. [g] But yes, I've had one to hand for the last 38 years. Good to have a body-model handy!


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