• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor


Well, now–here’s a question to keep you entertained while I’m gearing up to visit the UK: What sorts of things might you like to see in THE OUTLANDISH COMPANION, Volume II?

I’ll be working on this book during 2010 (yes, yes, along with Book Eight, and a few other things, no doubt), but am just beginning to form up an idea of the potential contents. There will of course be

Detailed synopses of

“Cast of Characters” listings for all the aforementioned books. These lists note which books each character appears in, and give a thumbnail description of each character (for those readers who have trouble remembering who’s who).

A Comprehensive, Alphabetized and Phonetic Glossary of All the Gaelic in All the Books (so far). [g]

Interesting Features on Writing in General (chunk writing vs. outlines, how to organize scenes so you can find them again, the Fine Art of Backing Up, etc.) and Writing These Books in Particular (the “shape” of each book, internal structure, and interconnections)

Reader’s Guides (book-club discussion questions and commentary)

Features on Costume and Cookery of the 18th Century

A Truly Massive (but well-organized!) Bibliography, of allllll the References used in writing the more recent Books.

Many Inspiring and Beautiful Photographs of the Scottish Highlands (and perhaps a few less inspiring ones of the author) taken by Barbara Schnell, the German translator for the books.

A Selection of the most Piquant, Poignant, Offensive, and/or Hilarious (whether deliberately or inadvertently) Letters received–and the Author’s Unexpurgated Responses to Same.

Controversy: Commentary and discussion on the more controversial scenes, themes, or incidents in the various books.

So….what else? All suggestions welcome!

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162 Responses »

  1. If it wouldn't mess up what's to come in future book(s?), I'd love to see plot lines/side stories that didn't make it into the book for some reason – assuming there are things you haven't kept in there. :)

  2. maps with points of interest and battle locations along with travel routes of the characters if possible.

  3. A list of curious facts you have tripped over in your research, especially any that did not make it into the books on the grounds you thought a reader would never believe it LOL


  4. This might be a strange one but a Fraser and a McKenzie Family tree.

  5. Great news from Greece!
    Just discovered a book from "Lord John" series AND the "Breath of Snow and Ashes" – English version both of them – in one of the major bookstores in Athens….they were right there waiting for the people to buy them….without having to order them. Either your agent in Greece does a perfect job, or i've ordered so many of your books that i made them think again of their policy !

  6. I'd be interested in 18th century medicines/illnesses/treatments

  7. I was thinking that a comprehensive list of ALL characters from ALL books would work best. Perhaps that would come as an addendum to the "final" book. (Wow, even typing that sentence was painful.) I had a friend reading Echo and texting me for summaries of past characters and the problem arises that you may not know which book an individual first appeared in. (Your website would be a great place for a list that is easily update-able.)

  8. One thing I want to see above all others: your writing process. What's your writing day like? Do you have a routine? How do you organize your plot?

  9. I would love some pictural diagrams of the costumes/outfits. Also, a diagram of the timelines would be nice. I also second the family trees… so I can see how everyone is related. I am a visual learner. And the interesting medical treatments sound like fun too. I love your books! Keep up the good work!

  10. How about some more drawings of the characters.

  11. A timeline of major events would be cool… or family trees…

    Maybe any side note ideas and hope you have for characters. Like where you see them going even if you don't actually take them there.

  12. Oh my, I won't be able to lift it! But I'd love it anyway. Yes, family trees are a good idea. I have totally lost track of all Jenny and Ian's descendants.

  13. How about including some of the more impressive fan art?

  14. Dear Diana, would it be possible for you to upload unpublished parts from book 1 and so on. It would be great to get an insight into the whole book from your original prespective and not just what was published. It would help keep the fans going until the next outlandish offering :)

  15. ooo yes – maps. I likes maps precious.

  16. It would be great to read about where/how people bought shoes in the 18th century, especially odd sizes (thinking of Brianna :) Also, the weaving looms and wheels of the time would be great to see.

  17. Family trees and timelines, definitely!

  18. Methadone List, Part II.

  19. Okay, I must confess, my memory isn't the greatest, but I don't remember reading in vol. I of the companion, if you ever mentioned why Jaime was out in the storm at the beginning of book one looking up at the window while Claire brushed her hair just before the storm hit and the power went out. Frank sees him on his way into the bed and breakfast house where they're staying, and sees the stag pin on his garment. Was there a reason why Jaime's "ghost" was there? Was he time traveling? Thanks.

  20. Vancouver Voyeur, I am pretty sure that we will have an explaination for that scene in the final book. Well, at least that has always been my assumption. lol

    I would also like to see family trees included in volume II. A list of common illnesses and treatments(both useful and illogical ones) would be intersting as well. A map of the Ridge and surrounding areas would be great.

    Pardon my saying so, but I don't really feel like the Lord John books are part of the Outlander series, which then begs the question of whether they should really be included in the Outlandish Companion, book II. Lord John, surely, in the context of how he appears in the Outlander books. But, I feel the Lord John series is a spin-off of Outlander, and therefore, seperate. So, mayBe just a small section would suffice?

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