When I was telling you about my brother-in-law’s new book last week, I forgot to include his website address. My sister says she’s been getting lots of requests for the enchilada recipe [g]—hope you enjoy that, btw!—but that several people have been asking how they can get in touch with Rob himself, presumably to tell him how much they liked the book (if by some peculiar chance you didn’t care for it, I imagine he’d rather you kept that to yourself).
Anyway—should you want to talk to Rob or ask about his other books or whatever, his website is www.robpalmerbooks.com. I think he has a German section on the site, too, as his books are also published in
I’ll check his book out. I just finished the last Voyager series book. I am having Jamie, Claire, Roger and Brianna withdrawals! I truly enjoy your books and wanted to say thank you. (I’m going to buy the first Lord John book today!)
oh my gawd. You have a blog. I am officially in blog heaven now. :0) You are definitely going to the top of my blogroll, Yay yay yay
xoxo melzie your #1 fan.
I just finished reading Rob’s new book. It’s quite interesting and has a unique story line. I couldn’t help but notice — even though there is no comparison to be made at all here; Diana’s books and Rob’s book are of a completely different genre — there are little things — I’m sure *completely* unintentional — that correlate, and it made me giggle.
I got Rob’s new book for my birthday and LOVED it! The first one is on order, and I can hardly wait to have it in my hot little hands!!