(Don’t panic; I’ll be posting the US tour dates tomorrow.)

Friday June 20

Toronto Reference Library, Bram & Bluma Appel Salon
789 Yonge St.

This is a free, ticketed event. To reserve your ticket or for more information please visit:

Saturday June 21

Chapters, 1037 Wellington Road

This is a free event. For more information please visit
or phone 519-685-1008

Sunday June 22
Chapters, 76 Barrie View Drive

This is a free event. For more information please visit
or phone 705-735-6735

Monday June 23
47 Rideau Street

This is a free event. For more information please visit
or phone 613-241-0073

Thursday June 26
11588 Sarcee Trail NW

This is a free event, open to all Costco members.
For more information please phone 403-516-3701

Friday June 27

Alix Goolden Performance Hall, 900 Johnson St.

Tickets are $10. For more information please visit or phone 250-595-4232

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60 Responses »

  1. You’re going to be very busy in Canada! What airline are you flying? I want to buy some stock. ;)

  2. What!. No Winnipeg visit?

  3. Nothing in the Greater Vancouver area? I won’t be able to get over to Victoria to see the show. Bummer!

  4. Diana! Delighted that you’ll be in Ottawa!

  5. Winnipeg would love to see you back again.

  6. I know that you certainly are not going to have time or energy to stop everywhere, but I do see a wee gap. Any chance it’s being held for Winnipeg? I’m going to ask Random House the same thing :-)

    • Dear Sandi–

      If you mean the 28th/29th…that will be my first weekend at home in three weeks. Much as I love Winnipeg …I love my husband more.


      • I understand,Diana. I missed seeing you on the last book tour (I was actually too nervous to meet you and now regret it). We as fans sometimes have to be reminded that you get to have a personal life

      • I like to think that there is much of you in Claire. And yes, swoon, lucky lady, you are married to the closest replica of Jamie. DBD

      • Hi Diana,
        While I’m disappointed I won’t be able to make it to Victoria, I hope you have a great visit. It’s a gorgeous city.

  7. Will begging for a Vancouver date help? It is much easier to get to Vancouver from Calgary than to Victoria…

  8. just thought I’d let you know…. Edmonton is known for its incredible enthusiasm/ support in all things creative, and artistic. And even though we get over looked for most concerts/ book signings and art shows, as apposed to Calgary, We really do have some of the most passionate fans! Just check out our concert/event reviews on fans:) (sorry, just hoping to win over your promoters/ book signing overseers hearts, so we could bring you closer to our home) I know your very busy, and I’m glad you’re coming to Canada either way:)

    • Dear Bobbie Lee–

      I’ve been to Edmonton many times, and have always enjoyed it. [smile] But I can’t be everywhere, and it’s up to Random House Canada where they want me to go.



  9. Good afternoon,

    Will you be able to stop by Montreal?



  10. Hello
    A big fan of your books. Are you comming to Montréal or maybe in Québec city?
    Anyway I’m so exciting of the new book comming out. And so exciting too for the tv serie comming out soon. Wow for sure will be in front of my tv.
    Continue your great work…

  11. Definitely worth the trip from Montreal. Thank you for all your Ontario stops!

  12. Cannot wait for Barrie event!…and to see you again Diana, hopefully!

    Is there any chance for you to be at Fergus highland games this year?

    All the best for you Diana!
    I cannot for your book.

  13. You’re coming to Victoria??? Hoorayyyy! Buying a ticket for sure, I can’t wait :)

  14. Hi Diana
    Any plans for Halifax, Nova Scotia in your itinerary?


  15. Not Winnipeg this time? I’ve been to your reading/signings (at McNally Robinson) for the last three books! Well, not reading last time – you had a terrible sore throat so it was ore a Q and A – you were wonderful anyway!

  16. Since you’ll me close to the U.S. border, come on down to Billings, Mt.

  17. ………..and what’s wrong with visiting Edmonton?

    • Dear Ann–

      Well, you’ve got rather hostile immigration officials…no. [g] It’s just that there’s only one of me, and I can’t be everywhere. The Canadian publisher chooses which cities they want for their book-tour.



  18. I am so excited about book 8, the tv series, and that I may get to meet you when you come to Toronto. This series has been amazing, the characters so rich and memorable. It will be extraordinary to see them brought to life on the screen. Thanks Diana for your all your talent and hard work. S

  19. Oh Thank you! Just got my tickets for Victoria, can’t wait.

  20. Eastern Canada gets left out again. There are many fans here too!

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