Scotland Visit and Thistle Award

2019-03-Gabaldon-Thistle-AwardA few weeks ago, I travelled to Scotland to receive a special “International Contribution to Scottish Tourism” award at VisitScotland’s Thistle Awards ceremony, which I was Very Honored (!) to receive for services to Scottish Tourism (VisitScotland being kind enough to credit me with—doubtless single-handedly <cough>—increasing Scottish tourism by 67 percent by means of “the Outlander Effect.”)

Mind you, the Outlander Effect is you guys, my readers and fans of the Outlander TV series, so this is really your award, as well!

Many, MANY thanks to all the great people, from Hamish, Louise, Jennifer and Lord Thurso from VisitScotland, to the staff of Hopetoun House, to Jamie Crawford and Marie from Publishing Scotland, and all the lovely journalists, bloggers and photographers—and, of course, the fans (Viva Barcelona!)—who made the week so memorable—and last but by NO means least—the wonderful people of Scotland!

What Happened In Scotland…

These news media aricles give some details about my recent visit to Scotland, the award, and other events:

“Diana Gabaldon: On Superfans, Whisky and the ‘Miracle’ of Outlander,” by Alison Campsie for The Scotsman. Explores the effects of Outlander on a town, as well as some ‘superfans’ from Barcelona. (Note from Diana’s Webmistress: I LOVE this article!) Published on March 17, 2019.

“JACOBEAN QUEEN: Outlander Author Diana Gabaldon Hits the Tourist Trail and Visits Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe’s Filming Locations Ahead of Season Five,” by Matt Bendoris for The Scottish Sun. “Fans mobbed the American as she visited Scottish locations ahead of season five of the hit telly show.” Published on March 18, 2019.

“Outlander’s Diana Gabaldon: The Story of the First Lady of Lallybroch,” by Lorraine Wilson for The National. Published on March 23, 2019.

“Outlander Author Receives Top Tourism Award, a press release from VisitScotland. Released on March 14, 2019.

“Outlander author Diana Gabaldon to be honoured in Edinburgh,” by Brian Ferguson for The Scotsman. Published on March 13, 2019.

Click here to read/download a copy of “The Outlander Effect and Tourism” by VisitScotland.

“Thistle Be Our Night,” by Anne Sykes for VisitScotland. This article lists the fifteen individuals and businesses that received a 2019 Thistle Award for promoting Scottish tourism. Published on March 15, 2019.

“Outlander author Diana Gabaldon calls for greater protection of Scottish heritage sites,” by Brian Ferguson for The Scotsman. ‘Outlander creator Diana Gabaldon today called for greater protection for Scottish heritage sites from the impact of over-tourism and threats from housing developments.’ Published on March 15, 2019.

VisitScotland and the Thistle Awards

For those not familiar with VisitScotland, it is the official national tourism agency for Scotland, “an executive non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government,” according to Wikipedia. Tourism is an important part of the Scottish economy, and VisitScotland maintains a network of tourism websites with resources for visitors including the main webpage,

The Thistle Awards are given by VisitScotland to recognize the best businesses or individuals who benefitted Scottish tourism each year.

6 Responses »

  1. Congratulations!

  2. I have read all 8 books 3 times.. re-reading MOBY now in preparation for BEES. This morning as I walked into school, (I teach Middle School) a young man who is subbing (college student) was carrying DRUMS. I commented on it, and he replied his mom got him watching the TV series and now he is reading the books! So cool! It is amazing how the series has sparked such following for Outlandish things! [g] Although those of us who were there from the beginning (well, circa 200) are like what took ya so long!! :-)

  3. Hello Diana,
    I am a Canadian who has just started watching Outlander. Thank you for creating such a beautiful story line. I am not a history buff, but I look forward to seeing the history, language and art of Scotland, England and the New America brought forth from this beautiful series. The actors chosen for their roles are magnificent, truly artists and very enlightening. The scenery and portrayal of other countries and the history has been so exciting for me to see and hear. Thank you.
    Would you at all consider having “Jamie, Claire and their families live in peace, contentment and be able to grow old together in the 1900’s”?
    I am so involved and enamerd by the Jamie and Claire story that I would love a wonderful ending to a beautiful story. Just saying……..
    Thank you again for all your hard work, your talent and artistry in writing novels.

  4. Congrats! Because of your Outlander Series my daughter and I visited Scotland in 2015. We went to Doune Castle (Castle Leoch) and Culloden Field. We stood on the same spots where the movie was filmed and saw the view from on top of the Castle. Toured Culloden Field, the museum and saw the well of the dead along with the Clan markers. I must say it was a very moving experience. Your series is so historically accurate it was spooky reading the history of events on the museum walls. Thank you for such a wonderful adventure we will never forget.

  5. Wow, CONGRATULATIONS! Couldn’t happen to a better author.

  6. Congratulations! A very well deserved award, not only because of your books but also because thanks to you the Scottish actors got the opportunity to promote their country.

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