TIMELINE Barbara Schnell, who maintains the German version of this website (to go there, just click on the German flag at the top of the Home page), has compiled an elegant and helpful timeline of historical and fictional events from the books, and has helpfully provided an English version as well! To visit the English version of the Outlander timeline by Barbara Schnell, go to: https://dgabaldon.de/timeline_eng/ In addition, she has a link to a constantly-updated list of interesting interviews and reviews, which you can find here. Danke, Barbara! Change History: This blog entry from Diana was originally published on April 17, 2012. On Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 12:10 p.m. (CST) an updated link to the current version of Barbara’s Outlander timeline was added by Diana’s Webmistress.
Tag Archive for ‘German website’ 
I’m delighted to announce that we now have a German-language version of the Diana Gabaldon official website! Thanks to Jeremy Tolbert for the design, and to Barbara Schnell, who is the German translator for the Outlander novels, for not only translating the relevant information from this site, but adding a lot of special bits, such as the many photographs she’s taken of German book-tours, fans, and readings (Barbara is also a wonderful photo-journalist; be sure to check out her own website at www.bschnell.de for her gorgeous horse photography!). Even those of you who don’t speak German may want to visit the new site to check out the great visuals. {g} And for those who do speak German—Willkommen! Oh–there’s upposed to be a German flag on the home page that will take you to the German site. If it’s not there yet, though, here’s the URL: http://www.schnellphoto-2.de/dianagabaldon.de/