JOIN ME IN FERGUS, ONTARIO NEXT WEEKEND! I’ll be at the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games next weekend, August 9-11! (Well, I’ll actually be in evidence only on the 10th and 11th, but there are public events on Friday—the “Heavy” competitions, and the Tattoo—that you may be interested in as well.) The official website is here, but the part of the schedule that applies specifically to my own appearances is listed below: Saturday, August 10 Doors Open: 8:00am 8:30am- Fergus Scottish Festival, Diana Gabaldon & the Ladies of Lallybroch through the ages. ~ Lynn Boland Richardson 9:00am-10:00am – Diana Gabaldon 10:00am- Booksigning and Photo Opportunities 1:30pm- Fergus Scottish Festival, Diana Gabaldon & the Ladies of Lallybroch through the ages. ~ Lynn Boland Richardson 2:00pm-3:00pm- Diana Gabaldon 3:00pm- Booksigning and Photo Opportunities Sunday, August 11 Doors Open: 9:00am 9:30am- Fergus Scottish Festival, Diana Gabaldon & the Ladies of Lallybroch through the ages. ~ Lynn Boland Richardson 10:00am-11:00am – Diana Gabaldon 11:00am- Booksigning and Photo Opportunities 2:30pm-3:30pm- Diana Gabaldon 3:30pm-6:00pm Booksigning […]
Tag Archive for ‘Fergus Highland Games’ 
Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games: Dingbats and Whale Penises
Had a wonderful (if very busy!) time at Fergus last weekend! Thanks to everyone who came, and my apologies to all the Very Patient People who waited in line for _hours_. (Not that I was slow signing, but there were a heck of a lot of people, and many of them took me at my word when I said I’d sign anything they felt like lugging through the fairgrounds. {g}) And speaking of such Patient People, here’s a charming blog post from MichelleK’s anotherlookbookreview, on her own Fergus Experience. {g} I had a good time speaking to y’all–and for those who asked about the whale penises {cough}– I was explaining about what-all goes on with a book _after_ I deliver the manuscript (and why the book doesn’t appear instantly on the shelves the moment I finish writing it), and had got to the part about the book designer–that wonderful person who decides what the pages will look like, what typeface will be used, how wide the margins are, how the […]