This blog is also a post on my official Facebook page, in response to a spirited debate there: Well, let’s see now. What you’re looking at are the cover of a free giveaway edition of OUTLANDER, at left, and the cover of a recent edition of Entertainment Weekly, further down on the right, featuring a shot of Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan as Claire and Jamie Fraser. (BTW, the cover on the left was written by me. Random House, a few years ago, decided to do targeted giveaways of OUTLANDER by street teams at public events, and they asked me what I thought about the cover for this promo edition. I didn’t like any of the sketches they’d shown me. They got fed up with me/ran out of time and asked me what I’d like on the cover, so I wrote that little thumbnail run-down of the contents, and the resident genii of the art department promptly turned it into an appealing cover.) OK. 1. What I’m seeing in the […]
Tag Archive for ‘Cover art’ 
And…We Have a New Cover!
OK. This is the new Starz TV tie-in cover for OUTLANDER—for the U.S. (The foreign markets may get slightly different covers; I don’t know for sure yet.) No, the book itself hasn’t changed in the slightest; it just has a new cover to advertise the upcoming show (which as previously noted, airs on August 9th–in the US. If you’re not in the U.S.A., please check this page on global publishing or read my blog from November 15, 2013, where you will find out about international sales of the series. This tie-in edition will be printed both as trade paperbacks (the large size) and mass-market paperbacks (the smaller size). (Those who like the original cover(s) needn’t fret—those covers will all remain in print. This is an addition, not a replacement.) Cool, huh? <g>