The Fiery Cross

Cover art for THE FIERY CROSS by Diana Gabaldon

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THE FIERY CROSS is the fifth book in my OUTLANDER series of books, and follows DRUMS OF AUTUMN.

Set against the War of the Regulation in North Carolina (the first tax-payer’s rebellion in the American colonies, and a precursor to the full-blown Revolution), the story deals with Jamie Fraser’s efforts to protect his family, build a community on Fraser’s Ridge, and keep his land—this last requiring him to walk a delicate tight-rope between the pressing urgency of the rebellion and the increasingly unsteady but still dangerously powerful government.

Jamie and Adzo the cat from Season 5In these efforts, Jamie is mostly aided—and occasionally hindered—by his wife Claire, who has become the conjure-woman for the Ridge; his daughter Brianna, whose 20th-century inventiveness may possibly kill them all; his new son-in-law, Roger MacKenzie, with whom he has a rather wary relationship, owing to his having at one point sold Roger to the Iroquois (under the misapprehension that Roger had raped his daughter, but still…); and to Roger’s sense of inferiority, comparing his own budding skills at swordcraft, farming, and leadership with the man he refers to privately as “The Great Scot.”

It’s a story about loyalty—in which people find what’s most important to them, and just how far they’ll go to protect it.

Outlander TV Series — Season 5

wedding2-season5The fifth season of the STARZ Outlander TV series is an adaptation based on this book, and debuted in the U.S.A. and around the world in February, 2020.

Images on this page from season 5 of the STARZ Outlander TV series are © copyrighted by STARZ. All rights reserved.

This page was last updated on Monday, February 24, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. by Diana Herself or Diana’s Webmistress.