• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Signed Christmas Gifts From the Pen!

Diana signing books on November. 6, 2017What’s on my mind? Well, turkey, natch…

but not far behind is <gasp> CHRISTMAS!

To wit…

I was chatting with Barbara Peters (owner of the fabulous Poisoned Pen bookstore), who tells me that if you plan on giving (or acquiring for yourself <g>) a new, signed/personalized OUTLANDER book (any or all of them) for Christmas, the cutoff dates—this means that orders placed after these dates below can’t be guaranteed to arrive BY Christmas (you’ll certainly get them, just not for sure before Christmas)—are:

December 16th, for U.S. orders, and

December 3rd or December 4th for foreign orders (owing to longer shipping time).

The Pen normally carries ALL my books (also oddities like the new Outlander trivia game—yes, I’ll sign those, too) in all available formats. And yes, I’ll personalize books (there’s no extra charge for that) if you like. [Personalize means I will write a short message, such as ‘To Jill,’, and also sign my name.]

Click on the link below to visit the Poisoned Pen’s online store and their stock of books by me (The Pen’s store webpage and other links will open in new browser windows):


The Pen also has a webpage with news about my books that they sell, including those signed by me:


You pay only the price of the book plus shipping. The Pen ships to addresses around the world.

Again, there is no charge for my signature.

Mysteries, Book Chats Online, Author Events, and Other Pen Things… Oh, My!

Nor do you need to limit your Christmas book-gifts to my work. <g> Check out what else the Pen has to offer on their home page:


If you live near Scottsdale, Arizona, check out the Pen’s calendar of in-person author events!

Contact the Pen

poisoned-pen-logoIf you have any questions, or would like advice on a gift you wish to buy, contact the friendly staff of the Pen by email at:


Or call them during the business hours listed on the Pen’s home page.

Merry Christmas!


This blog entry was also posted on my official Facebook page on November 24, 2024.

Please leave a comment below if you wish. Be aware that comments are moderated by myself or Loretta, my Webmistress. So it may take an hour or two, or even a day or two to appear. Note that these web comments are publicly displayed. <g>

3 Responses »

  1. I was wondering why there hasn’t been any latest excerpts from book ten left on the website for a while. I was really surprised when one wasn’t released for Claire’s birthday October 20th ? Supposedly it’s just seems to be all about the TV series at present and I am really sorry I am not a big fan of it as it’s taken away the essential of the focus of the books and as I live in the UK and I don’t pay for any extra channels I don’t get the outlander’s series and when I have been at friends that do I have been so disappointed. Please bring out BOB as a book or a who’s who mark 3 instead for those loyal readers

    • Hi,

      For some years now, Diana has planned to write at least one prequel novel about Jamie’s parents some time after Book Ten of the Outlander series of novels (focusing on Jamie and Claire) is published. Here is Diana’s webpage for the future book(s) about Jamie’s parents with an excerpt released a few years ago:


      And she wants to write a book about Master Raymond, too. On November 3, 2018, she posted a short excerpt from the Prologue of this book on her blog at:


      This year Diana has been busy writing Book Ten as well as contributing to the Outlander and Blood of My Blood tv series. Keep in mind that the tv series are *adaptations* of her books, not the other way around.

      As to new excerpts from Book Ten, those are coming. Diana does not release them on a set schedule.

      Happy Holidays!

      Diana’s Webmistress

  2. Ms. GABALDON, I am currently in a medical rehab center recovering from a bad auto accident. Since I have been confined, I have come to truly enjoy your film series, Outlander. After finishing it I have actually committed to watch it a second time . I have only ever repeated two books before: The Swiss Family Robinson (7 times) and Robinson Crusoe. I would like to say that you have a real gift toward writing historical-action-romance. Thank you for brightening my difficult time while a resident!

    God’s blessings!

    John T.

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