Yankees – First Pitch!

A Big Honor

September 14, 2018

2018-09-14-Diana-warming-up Life gets weirder by the minute—but in a GOOD way! Today I was honored to throw the first pitch at the Yankees game. (They beat the Toronto Blue Jays 11 to 0 in Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.)

Thanks, Yankees! It was the thrill of a lifetime!

From the celebratory wine:

“Growing up in distant Arizona, without a hometown team to follow, young Diana dreamed of one day playing for the Yankees. As the years passed, she dabbled in different fields: marine biology, zoology, hoping the phone would ring. Finally, with the playoffs in sight, Gabaldon was called up to anchor the bullpen. Joined by family and friends, Diana tossed out the first pitch for the New York Yankees.”



Photos on this blog post by Diana Gabaldon and her husband, Doug.

14 Responses »

  1. What a lucky girl you are!

  2. That is so awesome! What a thrill…

  3. Congratulations Diana on your first pitch! I’m from Toronto. Too bad Blue Jays lost. I don’t watch them very much anyways. I am glad you had a great time.
    Maybe other baseball teams are asking for you next as it seems you have a special pitch ! Smile!

  4. What a thrill! You didn’t mention if the ball made it across the plate —but I’m confident it did. Congratulations!

  5. What a wonderful experience for you. Glad you had a blast. Nice artistry for the wine bottle labeling. Not a Yankees fan but I’m sure throwing out the first pitch for my Orioles this season would not be a thrill.

  6. Not a baseball fan, but ANYTHING you do is a hit with me, Diana! Have read every syllable you’ve written (at least twice!) and longing for more. Made a pilgrimage to Scotland in August to Outlander territory (incl. Culloden, Inverness, western Highlands and Skye), followed by five days in Edinburgh during the Festival. Immersing myself in that breathtaking, glorious landscape and culture was thrilling — a dream trip! You’ve opened up a whole new universe for me, and I’m deeply grateful. “Bees” can’t get here soon enough for me!

    I remain your most humble and adoring servant,
    Charleston, South Carolina

  7. Dear Diana,

    my brother gave me Outlander as I was heading to Scotland to research our Murray
    family from Dunbar. I began it in the Glasgow airport in 2016 as I was heading home
    to Washington state.
    I have now completed all your Big Books and it took me almost 2 years!

    my counselor asked me why I Love your books and I told her ~ it’s the
    loyalty, the family Love, the passion of the couples for each other and
    the sex! as well as how Jamie always rescues Claire and Claire saves Jamie
    more than once.my counselor then listened to the audio book of Outlander.

    I am a minister and sometimes I preach. I love the story of Roger’s sense of
    calling. I was very upset with you when he was hung and almost lost his life
    and his beautiful voice.
    I have quoted Jamie telling of his “silent moments”
    as he secretly watches young William by the campfire.

    after reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes,
    I called both my grown children to tell them how much I love them.
    After completing, Written….I called Annelle, my Outlander sponsor (it’s our
    joke) to talk with her. we were both so surprised by the lovely heart warming
    cliff hanger ending on the very last page!
    You are a masterful writer!!! THANK YOU! Deanna

  8. hi, again,
    I am voting for Outlander on the Great American REad daily!


  9. That’s awesome Diana! Congratulations! Where, in “distant Arizona” did you grow up? I live in Mogollon Rim country, Heber-Overgaard, AZ.

  10. What a thrill. Wish I’d been watching on Friday. Not the loyal Canadian fan I should be. The game results may explain that. Love your books and series. As new characters are released in the series I recognize them right away just from having read your books, great casting so far. Sir John is a little more gorgeous than I’d pictured. LOL
    Love from Guelph, Ontario, Canada

  11. Congratulations. Hard to think of baseball when we are expecting snow Saturday in Saskatchewan. Maybe hockey!

  12. So, how did that first pitch go? Was it a good one? : ) I’m a hockey fan myself.

  13. Dear Diana,
    I just finished reading Lord John and the Private Matter. I am just dying to know what happened to Trevelyan and Maria? Did they die, live, and up settling with different partners??? Also, I am wondering about the ghost in Outlander…clearly it is Jamie…But how could he possibly come to be in Claire’s time since he was unable to…hear the thum of the stone in Jem’s hand, or be unaffected by the stones each time Claire went through? I know you said all will be explained in the last book, but my brain is bursting trying to figure this out.

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