We have an air date for the new OUTLANDER TV series!
OK. Let me start off with a few brief facts (in hopes of staving off reams of stuff about “But when is it showing in Outer Mongolia?”):
SONY is the corporation that actually owns the film rights.
STARZ is the American production company that is _making_ the tv show and who thus has the US licensing rights to air it. Sony will license the show to other countries individually.
This is the announcement about the Starz showing, which is why it’s for the US. The UK, France, Germany, Sweden, etc. are NOT being discriminated against; they (and a few hundred other countries) just don’t YET have licensing deals.
(Australia and Canada DO have licensing deals already: Foxtel SoHo will show it in Australia, Showcase in Canada. Neither of those channels has announced an air date yet, which is why it’s not here.)
OK. Y’all still with me? Good! [g] In that case…
STARZ’ production of OUTLANDER will air in the US on August 9th, at 9 PM EST, as the poster above says.
This is a regular cable-TV show (not a movie, not a mini-series), with a first season (and we hope there will be more) running 16 episodes. The first season covers OUTLANDER only; subsequent seasons, if we get them, will cover the other books.
Hang onto your seats: it’ll be FUN!
I am just overjoyed at the prospect of finally seeing “Outlander” on TV and thank goodness Starz is presenting it. This is a dream come true. I’ve read and reread all the books at least 3 times and am waiting for the newest one to come out. Diana, you have done (and are still doing) a body of work here that will live forever. I cannot thank you enough!
Just saw it advertised last night and I am sooooo excited. I have set a reminder on my phone and will be waiting with excitement!
The poster made me excited! Claire between Frank and Jamie… I love it. How long should we have to wait to see the season 1 here in Tokyo?! Sob…
Claire between Frank and Jamie. I love this poster! I’ll be a good girl waiting for the time we can see the season one here in Tokyo. Sob…
HOW WONDERFUL…pardon my yelling….
My birthday and now the ultimate birthday present…I can’t wait, I will have my DVR set and ready to go…
Best wishes for a very successful season and many more to come.
Am so glad I found your books. It is like reading my history. I have only read two of them. Am on the third one, the Voyager. I am also reading the Scottish Prisoner at work during down time. So glad to hear that they will have a series on these books. I do get Starz and I shall be watching faithfully. Right now I have al the books you have written and will contune to buy them as they come out. Our local bookstore lets me know when there is a new one coming. Thanks again.
All I can say is PTL – Praise The Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so HAPPY about this show. I have tried to pass on the “Outlander” bug to any who will listen: family, friends, strangers in lines I’m in.
I finished book seven not long after its release and have re-read and listened to all of them again.
So excited about book eight too!
Thanks for the wonderful story telling Diana!
Just got Starz and our kids, ages 20, 18, and twins 15, are so excited to have movie channels for the first time.
I was happy to share with some of the Florida Gabaldons the timeline for the book and series. We all love your books and can’t wait for June and August. It will be hard to decide between watching or reading.
This is awesome, I have read all the books and I must say that there are not many books that have made me laugh,
cry and feel anger….The Outlander books have done this. Diana you are truely a gifted writer. I am soooo looking forward to seeing the series on television. Lets hope they don’t mess it up…
Good Luck to you Diana
Lets hope we see eight plus seasons….
I am starting on the third book and am hooked on this series. I hope that STARZ does the book proud. I hate it when movies and shows deviate too far from the book. I don’t get STARZ, but that may have to change. Lol. Love your books in this series so far, Diana. Can’t wait to read the rest of them!
Olá Diana!
você sabe se a serie passara no Brasil?
comecei a ler o primeiro livro agora.
google tradutor sorry
Hello Diana!
do you know if the series happened in Brazil?
I started reading the first book now.
Thanks so much for the details.
I can’t wait to watch it here in Edinburgh.
Because of your books I’ve married a Scot and moved from London to Scotland
and we have a lovely little boy called (yes you guessed it) Jamie.
Much love
getting very excited about the prospect of seeing our heroes on the small screen but just wondered where it will be shown in the UK please. I don’t subscribe to satalite tv so wondered if it might be available either by dvd as a whole series or if not, can we pay to see it online?
Meanwhile…. bring on my new book!
I am so excited!! I have been anxiously awaiting the eighth book and now the stars release date is around the corner!!!!! Thank you Diana for all your hard work and keeping your fans in the know as always
If we are unable to purchase Starz, do you think the series will be on a video disk for purchase in the near future?
Dear Marianne–
I can’t see why it wouldn’t be. Do you know _any_ TV show that doesn’t come out on DVD? [g]
Diana I do hope this happens. We are in NZ and Starz isn’t available. I will be the first in the very long que to purchase a of the series DVD!
Yep. Will be, or I think maybe already available. Telecom, now Spark, have the rights on their Lightbox package. $15 pm. I don’t think you have to be a Spark customer either. I’m just in the process of trying signing up for it myself, but I’m going to have to call in the family troops to sort me out, oh dear, lol. Facebook page Spark Lightbox! Have info.. And Google Spark lightbox Outlander.
Best books I have ever read, fell in love with Jamie immediately! I come from a Scottish background, and even the book “sounded right”. At my first read I said this would make a wonderful film or series! And who I would cast for Jamie! And now at last we will see a Jamie Fraser in the flesh!
I thing with the books that I found difficult was my inability to find a place where I could actually put the thing down, either to eat or to sleep! Hence some very bleary eyed mornings at work!
I went to a Scotland on a Jamie Hunt. I found fantastic postcards, shaped like bagpipes, or a tammy, or a kilt, and then boots. I sent them gradually home, saying, look he can’t be far away, I’m hot on his trail.., .. Oops getting closer.. Etc , the girls at work loved them, as I had introduced them to the books as well, and were also avid fans!
Unfortunately, I never found him, but returning to the books time and time again has been as pleasurable as the first reads.
Great stuff Diana, from way down here in Kiwiland!
Diana, I live in Spain and I love your books. Can I see the T.V series in Spain?
Can’t wait for the tv series. Loved the books and was so glad to see you may be writing another one think there is so much more to tell wondering what will happen to William and Roger, Bree and children Love your books.
For Australian viewers, Outlander will start on the SoHo channel on Foxtel on the 14th August – I am SO excited!
Diana – my mom sent me Outlander many years ago. I started to read it and put it down. Then, a few weeks later – picked it back up…..and was hooked for good! Went thru them as fast as I could get them. Thank you for writing such a great series. I surely hope we’ll be reading the tales of Claire and Jamie and their offspring for a long time to come! And – a tv series. Wow. That’s awesome and reflective of what the public thinks about your work. You must be very proud! I’m trying to figure out how to persuade the hubby that we NEED to subscribe to Starz…… VBG! Many many congratulations on this and MOBY (just finished this morning!)