It’s DONE!!!
As my husband says, “Finished” is a relative term to a writer. For me, there’s a sense of completion when I’ve seen the shape of the book; I know what I’m working with. Then there’s the BIG “Finished,” when I’ve done with the writing–the story is All There, and in the publisher’s hands; at this point, there _will_ be a book, even if I get run over by a train.
Revisions–usually very minor, and they were _really_ minor in this book–are generally done as I go along. I send my two editors (US and UK) chunks of the manuscript, and they send me their comments, and if there looks like anything that should be tweaked (often there’s not), I do that just as part of the daily writing.
So the next major “Finished” is the copy-edits. The copy-editor is the unsung heroine who reads the finished manuscript One. Word. At. A. Time, looking for typos, continuity errors, infelicities (like using the same word three times in the same paragraph, or using six clauses all separated by dashes <g>), and so on. This is god-awful tedious stuff, and it’s not a lot more fun on -my- end, when it comes back and I have to check through all of the copy-editor’s queries and either answer them or do something about them.
And once the copy-edits are done, the manuscript goes to the typesetters, and then we get galleys. That’s short for “galley-proofs.” These are typeset pages that look exactly as the pages will look in the book, including page numbers, gutters, decorations, etc.
The final “Finished!” is when I’ve read through the galleys, correcting any typos that escaped during the earlier processes (there are _always_ escaped typos, no matter how many people have combed through a manuscript, always), and errors introduced during the typesetting process (words hyphenated in the wrong place at the end of a line, lines transposed–very rare, but it happens–lines accidentally broken in the middle, and so on). This is also my Very Last Chance to change or fix anything, and for this manuscript, also the last chance to make sure all of the Gaelic and French and German phrases were correctly spelled. <g>
But I made it! The very last batch of corrected galleys went out of here by FedEx this afternoon. I’m FINISHED!!
Whereupon my husband took me out to celebrate, and after two bottles of a nice cold Austrian wine, a lobster quesadilla (divine), a bowl of Chama chili and a four-hour nap…I was Nicely Mellow. <g>
We’re done–and there _will_ be a book on June 10th! (in the US and Canada; I believe the UK/Australia/NZ are saying they plan to release it June 5th, and Germany is saying July 21st.) Hope you’ll enjoy it!
Oh–I’ve had a lot of inquiries lately about getting signed copies of WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (My Own Heart’s Blood = MOHB = MOH-B = MOBY. Geddit?). For a list of places where I’ll be going and doing signings visit my official Appearances page on this site. If you don’t live in one of those places I ‘m visiting, but do want a signed book, the simplest thing to do is probably to order it from The Poisoned Pen bookstore, here in Scottsdale. They’re my local independent bookstore, always carry ALL my titles in all available formats, and will ship anywhere in the world. Just tell them how you’d like your book to be inscribed; I normally go by there every couple of weeks to sign their orders.
(Note from Diana’s webmistress: You can also request free, signed bookplates for your copies of MOBY. Click here for more information.)
Congratulations! Have a great trip to Disneyland!
I can’t wait! I have it pre-ordered.
Well then, I hope you’re enjoying your “new freedom”
- I just went and pre-ordered the book – unfortunately, it will be published too soon :-))) (I am still re-reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes and may not get to re-read the Echo soon enough
Such is life.
So excited !!!! Thank you for all the work that you do. I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this book!!!!
Congratulations! We look forward to your Germany tour when it’s announced.
Love your icon. I miss The Tick. Spoon!
Congratulations! so excited to read. is this the last book of the Outlander series?
Dear Michelle–
No, it’s not the last book. There’s one more (I think), and a prequel, about Jamie’s parents.
My vacation and the publication of this book are at the same time….how blessed odd is that? Oh and I can’t wait for the prequel….
Really excited about both the one more book and the prequel about Jamie’s parents.
YEA!!!! So happy to hear the ride isn’t over yet!!!
Thanks so much!!!
O thank the Good Lord and you Diana, I was so anxious and looking forward to MOBY but then woke up in a cold sweat a month or so ago .. realizing it could be the end of the story.. YIKES !! talk about apprehensive anticipation.. Now I can breath again and really look forward to my preorder.. btw.. don’t know if you have ever been a Gordon Lightfoot fan or know his music ..but please check out ” If you could read my mind” .. most of the song/story fits.. makes me cry everytime a lot of it reminds me of Jamie & Claire.,.. Congratulations !!!
I had pre-ordered it too – it arrived and I just finished reading it for the first time. I got to the end, and I held it over my heart for a few minutes (I’ve never felt the urge to do that before with a book!) and then re-read the last few pages. What a wonderful roller coaster ride this book was! Thank you Diana for giving us some closure at the end of this one – it was so hard to wait from Echo in the Bone (worrying about Jem in that tunnel and afraid he would travel by himself unexpectedly) – MOBY was such a beautiful book, I just can’t say enough about it. The Fiery Cross was my favorite up to now, but it’s got to be book 8 for me now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!
I pre-ordered MOBY and have not been able to put it down since it arrived 6 days ago. My eyes are bloodshot and gritty! I’m nearing the end and suspect there must be a sequel as there are a few loose threads to be tied-up. Of Course there are still a hundred pages or so to go and anything can happen. Its a wonderful story full of life (both when its smooth and when its a struggle) and love, of course! Best yet in my opinion. Thank you Diana for the effort to bring another great book to fruition.
Dear Diana,
thank you so much for writing such extremely beautifull, touching, moving fiction!
I am more than half through the new book by now, and feeling quite a bit hopeless, knowing it will soon be over, leaving more questions then answering, bringing more characters close to my heart over which to worry… and another 3 to 6 years of waiting and worrying in front of me… but eased immensely by the knowledge that there will be an ending, should nothing happen to you, which God forbid!
As I have meanwhile shifted from my native German to your original English (to get my hands on your writings faster *g*), I do not know about Mrs. Schnells translation any longer (she did a great job with the books that I first read in German and later in English). But I may remark that she either did not read all the parts of your book that included german sentences (or phrases or words…) or looked over some of them before the book was published. The Soldiers who knocked William down said something that did not make much sense, and there was at last one more thing I remember frowning upon, but have, alas, not memorized. Maybe I will find it again while reading your book the second or third time, and then add it here.
Thank you again for arising and binding my interest anew – and I hope sincerely that you will not be discouraged or bored by the subject or otherwise brought to give up writing of Claire and Jamie, Roger and Bree and their little ones, Ian and Rachel, Lord John and Hal, Denzell and Dottie, Fergus and Marsali, Germain and all the others until you can at least bring the storylines of these main characters to a satisfactory end.
Sincere greetings,
SO Glad it won’t be the last book! I’ve read all the others TWICE and am almost finished with the First book for the third time.. Have been anticipating this MOHB for SO long. I thought no one could top Stephen King as my favorite Author, but YOU are right up there with him with your own Beautiful Style of writing! I LOVE the Outlander Series.. I feel like the Characters are real and I love them all.. Especially Jamie and Claire of Course.. YOU are a Genius.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can’t wait to read and see Outlander on Starz this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a trooper, finished and still writing at 4 in the morning.
YAY!!!!! Party and vacation is WELL DESERVED.
Cannot wait to read it!
So, what color towels this year?
Reading the series through the second time, and am now halfway through Echo. Perfect timing! Can’t wait to read MOBY and meet Diana on June 11!
I’m looking SO forward to this and to meeting you in Dallas to have you present it in person to us! Your schedule is packed in June so I hope you get some rest and that we don’t have a heat wave going on when you get here; meeting you will be a highlight of my life
I’m listening to the series this time around, and the audio version brings even more depth to the stories, but I guess I need to hurry up–I’m only halfway thru “Drums of Autumn”…will MOBY be out in audio as well (and will Davina Porter be narrating? She Rocks!)?
The story of Jamie’s parents will be quite welcome, and I’m anxious to see how you are tying all the threads together since you say there may only be one more. I personally also want to learn more about Michael and Joan (“The Space Between” left many possible story lines open, which is of course something you do better than any other author I’ve ever read).
Thank you so much Diana! I’ll schedule my vacation for the week MOBY comes out and send my family packing!
hi Linda
A couple years back I tried to find FIERY CROSS on audio. Did you find that one also?? If I remember correctly there was a long wait on that one due to licensing or some such.
Hi, I’m listening to “Fiery Cross” again right now. You can get it on They have all the books and have the best prices. I’m listening to the entire series again and love even more this time! Hope this helps.
I love the audiobooks too. Davina Porter and Dianna are a perfect marriage. I had written Dianna on Goodreads a couples months ago about the audio release and she said it would should be out at the same time. I’m sooooo excited. My birthday is June 6th, couldn’t ask for any better gift!!!
HIP HIP HORAY!! I don’t blame you for celebrating! A job well-done deserves a reward.
Enjoy your accomplishment.
Congratulations to you, Diana! And I hope the copyediting process isn’t too painful…..
Dear Diana,
Wow!!! So excited to read this book. I’ve read all of them twice so far and will most definitely do so again. Thank you for all of your fabulous books. Please keep up with your wonderful work.
Congratulations on your new release and just cannot wait to see the Outlander series on Starz!!! I was so thrilled when you posted the news on your website!!! I pray this new chapter in your life brings you above and beyond all of your hopes and dreams!!!!
Wish you much more Success and Happiness!!
Dear Diana,
My congratulation on your finishing writing another masterpiece!!
Heartfelt thank you for doing so!!
All the very best to You and Yours,
Congrats!!!!! Can’t wait for the book, have already preordered 2 books, 1 for myself and 1 signed copy as a birthday gift for my daughter. One question, will the TV show be available on Canadian networks, as I am unable to locate the “Starz” network anywhere. Hope you’re having a wonderful rest before you start the next one.
Just fantastic! Congratulations and happy Relaxation Time!
Looking forward to taking this book to the beach and reading with the waves in the background!!
Thank you for all your hard work on these books!! They are the BEST!!
I am so happy the book is finished, I can’t wait to start ready MOBY and pick up my signed copy in Pasadena. You are my favorite author and I know this new book will be GREAT. Next is Outlander on STARZ this summer.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my hands on it, I’ve read read all the others and I’ve just finished up the latest installment of Sharon Kay Penmans’s Plantagenet series “A Kings Ransome” So now my summer will be complete and what will I read next???….LOL.
Hope you have a wonderful summer