I’m pleased to announce that WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (aka MOBY) will be published by Random House (US) on June 10th, 2014.
To answer a few questions that I _know_ the answer to:
Canada always publishes on the same date as the US.
The UK (and its territories, Australia and New Zealand) usually publishes very near the US date, but not invariably on the _same_ day. It might be, it might be a few days earlier, it might be later, I don’t know. Will tell you as soon as I do.
Germany will likely publish quite close to the same date as the US, perhaps a little sooner. I don’t know about that yet.
Almost all other non-English publishers will publish about a year after the US/English edition, because they have to allow time for translation, and a Big Book takes a long time to translate. (Germany gets much faster translation because I have a close personal relationship with the German translator, and she works with me while I write.)
The book-tour for MOBY is being rescheduled as we speak. The launch party will be held in Scottsdale, AZ, by the Poisoned Pen bookstore, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, 6-10 PM, June 10th.
That’s ALL I know for now. As soon as the dates are re-set (spoke to the Random House publicist this morning and she says she thinks most of the dates and events previously scheduled will be the same), I’ll post the list everywhere.
I found these books by accident. I have read all seven in the last two months. They are on my tablet because I can’t lug oxygen around AND big books! I read the smaller ones aloud to my 90 year old mother while sitting at her bedside while her Hospic Nurses do what they must. The stories help keep her sweet mind engaged in the here and now where we hope to keep her as long as possible.
I am anew fan and have NO idea how I missed you all this time! Next to painting, reading is my favorite indulgence. You are one hell of a writer, Lassie, really! I do not think I have ever been more intertwined, educated on history (my mothers ancestry is Scotch-Irish, my father,s Native American. Don’t ask, its a most interesting combination! I have been recovering from a serious illness and your Jamie and Clair have been with me every step of the way. Your new book will be my reward for following doctors orders. I wanted to let you know, you do make a difference. That is always enough, is it not?
Dear Jennifer–
It is! Thank you so much for telling me–and I wish you all the best with your recovery. Will hold you and your mother in my prayers.
Hi Diane,
I live in Australia and do not have a permanent home, we just move our caravan to where ever the view is the best at the time of the year. I have purchased all the Outlander Series in hardcover and lovingly have them packed under my bed where the can remain in pristine condition and have the series on my ereader and often just pick up one of the books and reacquaint myself with the story line. I can’t wait for MOBY to become available but do not regret the what at all as I know that Jamie and Claire deserve the time and energy it takes for you to put together their story.
Thanking you for a truly magnificence story.
To w Polsce książka ukaze sie dopiero za 2 lata? Pozdrawiam.
To znaczy,że książka w Polsce ukaże się dopiero za 2 lata?Pozdrawiam.
I was introduced to the Outlander books whilst waiting for the Queen to arrive in Nottingham on her Julilee tour. If the young woman responsible ever reads this – thank you, thank you, thank you! The series is one of the best ever and the next book is out in time for my summer holiday. Bring it on Diana – you are an inspiration to us all!
Nottingham UK
I can believe some of the comments I have just read. Go read a different book while waiting you silly people. I can recommend The Book Thief absolutely beautifully written (couldn’t put it down). We have some wonderfully talented writers in Australia. I am the same with the Outlander stories. Beautifully detailed with history and characters that are so lifelike. I believe the stories are going to be filmed I hope with all my heart the main characters are the right actors for the parts. That wonderful English actor from the Homeland series comes to mind for Jamie (unfortunately I can’t remember his name) but he’s redheaded and beautiful and a fabulous actor. Put a dark wig on Cate Blanchard and there you have Claire, strong, feisty and beautiful. Can’t go wrong!! Thank you Diana for such wonderful books.
It’s been almost 20 years and the Outlander has gathered quite a following – any chance there will be a Polish-language website for them?
The books haven’t been particularly well advertised, but that may change with the new release and the TV series, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people got pulled into the stunning world of Jamie & Claire, and if everyone had access to the Outlander metastory?
My own literary life BC (before Claire) had lacked something vital, which I realised only after I stumbled upon The Fiery Cross (why on earth was it the first book published in Polish?), and now I feel as many Polish readers as possible should have a chance to discover the story for themselves. [I'd like to donate my time and skills towards that end (if there aren't any better candidates).]
I know you must have heard it like a million times before, but thank you for bringing Jaime & Claire into my life!
Cannot wait for the latest book to hit NZ shelves. Adore Jamie Fraser and all of the clan. Keep them coming Diana
Dear Diana. Just wanted to say I’m a big fan. Waiting patiently for number 8 here in sunny South Africa. Crossing all fingers and toes that we will see the tv series here as well. Lots of love.
When is the audio book going to be available on iTunes?
Dear Jeanese–
It should be out at the same time as the hardcover.
I am thrilled for the released date of “Written” but I only find it available in hard cover and ebook format. As I lug my books around to my various doctor appts & physical therapy, paperbacks have always been better suited for me. Not to mention the rest of my collection is all short paperbacks. Is there a later release date for a paperback version?
Scarlett M
Dear Scarlett–
Paperbacks are published anywhere from 6-12 months after the hardcover. (And there are two sizes; the trade paperbacks are published first, then the mass-market (the small one).) An e-reader is a lot easier to lug around than even a paperback. (Just sayin’.)
Dear Diana,
I am from Argentina and follow you since 1999 thanks to the sggestion of the grandmother of muy librarían, whojust read you previously.
Since that moment i fell passionately into your Outlander history.
It is so har to acquire your books (translated to spanish ) in our country, at least in the last years, so wait for an entire year tothe spanish version could be so hard for my heart.
with my best wishes,
Bom dia Diana! Estou muito triste com o tempo que vai levar para o livro ser publicado no Brasil, pois já li a série 2 vezes e estou morrendo de vontade de ler o final. Mas, acho que vai valer a pena esperar pois o seu trabalho nesta série tem sido maravilhosooooo.
Are you coming out with a paperback edition too??
Dear Lori–
The trade paperback (the larger size) usually comes out about six months after the hardcover, and the mass-market paperback (the small size) about a year after the hardcover. Hope you enjoy whichever edition you get!
Dear Diana
Can’t believe people are having a moan about having to wait for the next book in the series! What do they think you are, a machine? I have really enjoyed following the series over the years and really admire your imagination, the research you have done, and the sheer storytelling genius you possess. Your characters live for the reader as real people – people we wish we have met (or not, in some instances!).
Anticipation of the next book is part of the fun and some people making some of these complaining comments would do well to learn that looking forward to something has its own charm. And yes, I buy your books, not borrow them, as I treasure my collection. All power to your pen – or your computer keyboard – and you have my sincere thanks for all the enjoyment all of your books have given me.
Don’t let the whingers into your head. Obviously some people still haven’t learnt that patience has its own rewards.
Dear Diana,
I started reading the Outlander books when I was a senior in high-school and just turned 40 this year. While I was eating dinner with my husband and two children last week we went around the table, as usual, answering one of my usual dinner-time questions. That night it was, “who is your favorite author?” My husband could not guess mine and, when I finally mentioned you name, he said he had forgotten because it had been such a long time since he had seen me reading one of your books. I do not mind the wait–you are such a beautiful writer (and I have read plenty: I am a high-school English teacher and a community college professor).
I decided to “warm up” for MOBY by reading, for the first time, the short story about Roger’s parents tonight (so tragic!). I am SO GLAD there will be another book after MOBY.
With gratitude (throughout the decades),
You realize you are rather like a drug dealer. I just discovered the Outlander series last summer, have read them all up to date and now I am anxiously awaiting another fix… dang you Diana Galbaldon… you have made a junkie out of me!!

Don’t listen to those wincers about your publication date moving. Goodness gracious. Some people (says the woman comparing you to a drug dealer…)
You are just so gracious! I can’t say Id be so pleasant to people after constant negative petty feedback. I AM however glad you are, because your logical and mannerly responses to these people crack me up! If they don’t see how you put them to shame- well I sure do, and I love it! I was introduced to your books about 2 years ago and now own all of the books connected with the Outlander series. I love that you are historically accurate and don’t romanticize the past. It was hard, cruel, and unpleasant… Which is why the beauty, companionships, and family were seen as such light, something that many people these days won’t ever understand due to the times in which we live. I am a history nut, such a nerdy thing to be I know, but that is why I am so overwhelmingly impressed that you take such care for historical accuracy in your writings. Im quite glad you reached that career path that had always appealed to you, to have never used such talent would be very sad indeed. The literary world is much emhanced by your writings. Im sad Im at the end of the line now and will have to wait for your new books to come out, I have been spoiled not having started reading your books until I was 27. I am 29 now, and although patience has never been my virtue, I think I have plenty of time left to wait it out! You rock!
Dear Diana:
Thank you!
MOBY is a beautifully written book.
You are the Shakespeare of the 21st Century…only better!
Your work is a pure pleasure to read.
PS-Did I read the above correctly; will there be a book nine? I thought this was the ending but wow, if not, I can’t wait to read the next one four years from now.
Dear Amie–
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! [g]
Yes, there will be a Book Nine. I haven’t started formally working on it (having been GONE for the last month on the US/Canada book-tour), and have no idea what happens in it–but yes, there will _be_ another book.
Hi Diana,
I felt so lucky to be able to “meet” you at the book tour (although I know this is part of your profession and is to be expected the hours of signing books and smiling looks grueling). I appreciated the writing advice–very helpful!
I am wondering what your secret is–you are both brilliant and beautiful. I can see that “Claire” aspect in you: she is also brilliant and does not tell people her age so they do not think she is a witch (which book was this mentioned in?)–she looks nowhere near her age and neither do you. Not that there’s anything wrong with aging (we have a youth obsessed society). And of course brilliance can be an innate trait….as villainous traits can be. Mentioning all characters are you was slightly frightening but a refreshingly frank insight about human nature.
MOBY was wonderful. Tears streamed out effortlessly (and somewhat to my embarrassment since I rarely cry) when I read the last page. My husband chastised me for reading the book so quickly saying, “you know she [our daughter] will be in high-school by the time the next once comes out.” (Our daughter is eleven.)
With gratitude,
I just finished Moby and with tears drying (sort of) I would like to simply say thank you, Mrs. Gabaldon. After 3 years of writing I tried to savor your words, but chose instead to gorge. Thank you!!! My God you are an insanely gifted author.