I’m pleased to announce that WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (aka MOBY) will be published by Random House (US) on June 10th, 2014.
To answer a few questions that I _know_ the answer to:
Canada always publishes on the same date as the US.
The UK (and its territories, Australia and New Zealand) usually publishes very near the US date, but not invariably on the _same_ day. It might be, it might be a few days earlier, it might be later, I don’t know. Will tell you as soon as I do.
Germany will likely publish quite close to the same date as the US, perhaps a little sooner. I don’t know about that yet.
Almost all other non-English publishers will publish about a year after the US/English edition, because they have to allow time for translation, and a Big Book takes a long time to translate. (Germany gets much faster translation because I have a close personal relationship with the German translator, and she works with me while I write.)
The book-tour for MOBY is being rescheduled as we speak. The launch party will be held in Scottsdale, AZ, by the Poisoned Pen bookstore, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, 6-10 PM, June 10th.
That’s ALL I know for now. As soon as the dates are re-set (spoke to the Random House publicist this morning and she says she thinks most of the dates and events previously scheduled will be the same), I’ll post the list everywhere.
Dear Diana
I am a 56 year old housewife who read the first book when I was pregnant with my now 21 year old daughter. I read, on the average, about a book a day. Aside from the most wonderful story I have ever read, the fact that the books are so long and detailed, and that I cannot read them (nor would want to) in a day, is fabulous!
Like many of the posters, I have spread the word to anyone who would listen that this series will be, by far, the best that they will ever read. But my biggest joy is that my 25 year old son, a history major, has just gotten into the series. Luckily he reads almost as fast as I do, because we are having the most fun together discussing them with each other.
As I write this I am halfway through “The Fiery Cross”, as I re-read the series for the umpteenth time. Each time I read the entire series I realize how much I forgot (probably due to my age, lol).
I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing story, and for giving my son and I this gift to share with each other. First time in years we have agreed on anything!
I apologize if this has been asked before….will the audio version of MOBY be released on the same date? I am hoping that it will be narrated by Davina Porter….I just can’t think of Claire sounding any different.
Dear Penny–
Yes, it should be out at the same time, and yes–God willing and the creek don’t rise [g]–Davina will once again be reading it!
WOW this interchange is amazing! I am stunned at the number of folks who are angry at you and think you owe them something. Luckily the maajority of us appear to hold a more mature and realistic view regarding timing.
What your writing brings is unique – at least I’ve not found it anywhere else – outstaning quality, historical accuracy, flawless use of the English language and characters so well developed that it deeply matters to me what happens to them! I have been constantly surprised at your ability to touch me emotionally with your writing.
So, no matter how long it takes I can hardly wait for you next publication.
Diana–Can’t wait for MOBY!! However I do have a question–by the time it is published I will be living in Scotland (can’t wait for that either!)–what is the difference between the UK and the US editions besides the covers (since I will be buying a UK edition when it is published)? Ever since I first read Outlander I have wanted a Scotsman of my own, and now I have one–I no longer have to read about Jamie and wish (though I will still read about Jamie). Write on Diana!!!
Dear Linda–
There won’t be any difference beyond the covers. The UK publisher buys the offset (the “guts” of the book) from the US publisher, so they’re identical.
Hope you’ll enjoy it!
But I keep reading that the British versions have maps included, and I’m so jealous!
Dear Ann–
I don’t -think- they do…
Ironically, June 10 is my birthday, so I guess I have a wonderful gift to look forward to.
I have most, still looking for “Dragon Fly in Amber”, of the Outlander series, and have read them twice. Though my home is in foreclosure, and I may soon be living out of the back of my truck; your books will go with me.
You are an artist! The way you can take a reader to the edge of a valley filled with passion, or violence, or love, and let the reader see it through their own eyes, and then gently take their hand and step across the valley to the next chapter is truly beautiful.
I have not had cable TV in my home for over eight years; I am considering getting it just to see your series.
Thank you for you beautiful works.
Thank you
It is wonderful to find that the real reason for publication date extension is your fault! I was blaming the publishers thinking it was a ploy to increase interest and ultimately sales. You I can forgive. I’ll wait al long as it takes for you to create another wonderful adventure and if I die before it’s ready (I’m almost 70) I’ll read it over my daughter’s shoulder as an apparition.
THANK YOU seems inadequate but_ it_is_ heartfelt.
Dear Diana,
I look forward to your next book, whenever it comes I will be most happy.
My biggest fear, as a lover and reader of your books, is that you will let Jamie die. I don’t think my heart could stand to read it. I know I could not bear it, not after all the thousands of pages from which he has spoken, and lived.
As many of your ardent fans have done, I have read the series more than once. I have come to love and cherish the characters you have created.
Please, let Claire and Jamie just be. As readers let us just leave them hand and hand……together.
I, for one, am happy to wait however long it takes in order to follow Claire and Jamie on more adventure. I relish every excerpt that you provide and love all the characters, even the ones I love to hate. I started reading the series as part of a reading challenge on Good Reads, my girlfriend recommended you, and I thank her all the time.
Wish you were coming to Ohio on your tour but I guess we are not a literary hub.
Merry Christmas!
I had just about given up all hope that I’d ever delve into the world of Jamie and Claire again and also long since stopped reading for the umpteenth time, the entire series, out of order at my discretion
And then out of curiosity I did a Google search on Diana and lo and behold……a NEW book coming out right before my birthday?!?
I am more than elated and a bit apprehensive because it’s been so long since you wrote another book in this series and well…. are the characters still as much alive to you as they were several years ago?? I fervently hope so!!
I also searched for info on the characters zodiac signs and wanted to know if anyone was a Gemini or a Scorpio in the series???
Thanks and Much Love to you & yours Diana!
I hadn’t realised that I could pre-order via amazon, you would not believe how excited I am over that! Yes, I know MOBY won’t be out until June, however I’ll it’ll download to my kindle as soon as it’s available! Yes, I’m ecstatic about something that simple….
Diana, you owe us nothing. For myself, the hours of reading pleasure and enjoyment that I have gained from your books is worth the cost of them ten times over. Please ignore the whiners and snipers. Relax, take all the time you need. Your fans will be waiting when it is published.
Side note: I’m not concerned that I might die before the end of the series. If that happens I won’t be caring, I’ll be dead. What I am concerned about is something happening to you, and all of us would never know the end! Take care of yourself!
Hi Melinda
Yes it’s all well and good those fans complaining having to wait for the 8th book to come out before they die etc, well I have been reading these books for the last 20years or so and have enjoyed every one of them and now have my aged friends reading them so I hope that I wont die before Dianna finishes them or I try and come back from the grave (smile) if I can. My daughter in law gets fed up when I tell her another book is coming out as she usually gets me a copy for either Christmas or my birthday but that didn’t happen this year. Oh well roll on June it’s some thing to look forward to.
Cheers Frances
Dear Diana,
I am very much looking forward to the new book release. Infact, I am quite glad of the six months wait as it gives me some time to read the whole series again for the fourth time!
It was my mother who introduced me to the Outlander series a mere twelve years ago (I was but 15 years old) I bought the last book for my mom for Christmas three years ago, sadly she died August 4th 2011 but I love remembering how we used to discuss different parts of the book, we found ourselves talking to each other as if we were in the novels. Sometimes I still find myself writing my diary in your descriptive amusing dramatic style, I love it. I can’t wait to start reading the series from the beginning again, and relive all those memories I have with my mother! Thank you for giving me that.
I don’t mind the wait at all, it is definitely worth it!
Keep it up. Your writing is legendary!
Gosh! Some people can be extremely rude and demanding. I don’t think anyone should be complaining about how we have to wait an extra couple of months for MOBY to come out, it’s just a couple of months for goodness sake.
Diana doesn’t have to write the remainder books but she will anyway and why? For her fans. Well I have to wonder about some people the way some are acting. Diana takes time out of her day for us, we should appreciate that more. She doesn’t want something half finished to come out and to be honest, neither do I. I would rather Diana took 5 years to finish the book and get it right than 2 years and have a book that’s not as enjoyable.
Diana, you are doing a phenomenal job and even though in some ways it does suck that we have to wait longer for MOBY to come out, I can accept that and at least I know it is going to be something great!
Hi Diana
When I started reading the series over 20 years ago I was a 40 something working mother of 2 living in the UK. I am now a 60 something retiree living in Spain. Each book has been long anticipated and diarised as soon as soon as I have seen a release date.
This time I saw December and made sure my son who knows what a fan I am was aware if he wanted to buy something for his old Mums Birthday & Christmas. He offered a Kindle but no, I love to have a real book!
Then it was March, great, I am due a hip replacement operation and would have recuperation reading.
Now it is out in June ,and part of my Birthday and Xmas Amazon voucher has been used to pre order, but living in Spain I have to wait ages for delivery and wont have the book until July. Aaargh!!
I think I will just have to start reading the series again from the start and by July I may be ready for the next installment!
One thing is sure though, as soon as I have read it, I shall be checking your website on a regular basis for the next one…………..
Keep up the good work.
Whilst I am a tad disappointed about waiting another 6 months for Heart’s Blood, I will just do what I do every 2 years during a holiday period – start off reading Crosstitch/Outlander again book by book to keep me occupied. I also love Rosina Tipi or Sarah Donati as she uses both names and loved that she used the characters of Jamie & Claire in one of her books. I look forward to the release of Heart’s blood and will sms my friend as soon as I buy it here in Brisbane, Australia as I know she will rush out the same day and purchase it in Adelaide. It would be great to have some of your other books released in Australia. Will Moby be released here? Trish Spencer
I, too love both Diana Gabaldon and Sarah Donati/Rosina Lippi (not Tipi). I was introduced first to Sarah Donati’s Wilderness series many years ago by my mother and introduced to the Outlander series 3 years ago by a recently-deceased friend and coworker, with whom I enjoyed many lunchtime conversations about the books and characters, whether already in print or awaiting publication. We were over the moon when Echo in the Bone was published. I am very curious about how the two writers met and some of the times they shared!
The wait for the next book is always difficult as there is so little that measures up in the meantime. Many of the books and authors on the “methadone list” from Outlandish Companion simply don’t come close in comparison to the Outlander series.
My best friend and I attended a book signing in Surrey, BC in October, as #3 and 4 in line, respectively, and spent the wait in line talking with #1 and #2, comparing notes, recommending our own “methadone list” to one another. A delightful conversation! Perhaps there should be a reader’s methadone list on a corner of the website…..
I was pleasantly surprised when I heard about the mini-series, as I never anticipated a movie or mini-series would develop so many years after the first book was published, so that in itself just seems like a great bonus. LOVE getting a look at Claire and Jamie in the flesh, as it were!
Basically, I am just so grateful for all of the Outlander and Lord John books, even if the wait seems long at times. All that creativity combined with meticulous historical research has to take a lot of time! But I am also now grateful that publication is now just 2 confirmed months away!
I ordered the newest book on 16 April 2013 – was told at that time the publish date would be 10 Dec 2013; now 10 June 2014??????????? Really????????????????
The series has held my interest, but I do not like prepaying for something to be told now it will be over a year that I have paid for nothing tangible at this time….not a good way to treat your readers.
It’s not her fault you’re incapable of understanding the situation. I can’t believe the number of rude, entitled, and irrational people who can neither read nor comprehend the information provided to them. It’s a work of art, not an industrial business deal. I can see why the series merely ” held your interest”. It requires a certain threshold of emotional intelligence to thoroughly enjoy it.
I hate to be harsh, but I’m simply astounded that people are literally hounding and berating this fantastic author. I’m just glad she doesn’t get so disgusted she gives up altogether. But I know she’s smart enough to know that people like you are far outnumbered by understanding and appreciative true fans who think of more than themselves and their own petty disappointments.
In summary – yes, really. Deal with it.
WONDERFULLY put!!! High five to Anna!!
Well, I am eagerly looking forward to the next (last?) book in the series. Everytime a new book is released, I read them ALL again…the first two books in the series I had to replace because they were falling apart from so much love
Not at all feeling like you should rush…quality reading is what we have come to expect from you. I’ve never been disappointed yet.
I love your books! Mum and I started reading them and would fight over who got to the new book first – then tease the other one with snippets! I promised her that I’ll tell her the ending even though she’s no longer with us – I’m certain she’ll be listening out for it. It makes me feel so connected to her; I can’t thank you enough for writing your wonderful books and giving us many hours of shared happiness and such good memories!
I must go back to writing my PhD because I now have until 10th June to finish it as MOBY will be my reward!
Yours in delightful anticipation
Thank you, Ruth!
I’m glad the books could be a bond between you and your mother. [smile] Best of luck with your Ph.D. thesis! (How well I remember…)
It needs to come out when YOU are happy with it and not a moment before. I have read and re-read the whole series and am looking forward to the next book. Also, as a gay man, I’m hoping you’ll do some more ‘Lord John’ stuff. Keep up the good work.
Dear Art–
Thanks very much! Appreciate the sensible support. [g]
Yes, I do have further stories about Lord John (who will also–of course–be visible in MOBY as well)–so pleased you enjoy him!
I have been disapointed more in the repeated delays. Just keep the pub date off the message boards until it a sure thing. Really this has been a complete let down but I must say I have gone in search for better reading and turned my attention away from the book websites all together after Christmas only to check in today find another delay June. But plan to start reading the whole series again and then be ready for the eighth book. Hey heres a splendid idea write the end of the book as if it were the last. This story line has great way of picking it up again anyway and spinning off a new tail. The seventh book ended with so many cliff hangers going on that two years was expected as it has taken each previous book. Even longer wouldn’t have been hard to deal with but the posting and excuses again and again just made me feel the author had no interest or more to the point other interest more designing. This book I am sure will be worth the wait. But I hope Diane, the lanuage has not gone even more crude with the prophanity it simply is not needed for much of the work and shows lack in skill when used. But next time leaving the ending so that way you can exercise your much need writers social connections and take a good long break from Outlander to see if you have another story to tell, beside Lord John (my most favorite character next to Jamie). Most great writers have more than one extremly long novel story. I can tell from your posts you itch to do other work.
Dear Di–
As I may have mentioned a few times here and there…but just in the interests of general clarity: _I’ve_ asked for the pub date to be moved ONCE, and I gave y’all an explanation, not an excuse. (See previous posting, if you missed that.)
I do indeed have more stories to tell, but I’m not done with this one. To be quite honest, I feel that my only obligation _is_ to the book. Hope you’ll enjoy it when you get it! (And in the meantime, if you’re looking for something good to read, allow my to recommend The Methadone List (I think it’s under “Resources,” though it may be under the “Books” tab–can’t look while I’m in this section of the website). That’s a list of books I keep for people who write to me asking what they can read while waiting. [g] All of them are books that I particularly liked myself, and feel good about recommending.