I’m pleased to announce that WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD (aka MOBY) will be published by Random House (US) on June 10th, 2014.
To answer a few questions that I _know_ the answer to:
Canada always publishes on the same date as the US.
The UK (and its territories, Australia and New Zealand) usually publishes very near the US date, but not invariably on the _same_ day. It might be, it might be a few days earlier, it might be later, I don’t know. Will tell you as soon as I do.
Germany will likely publish quite close to the same date as the US, perhaps a little sooner. I don’t know about that yet.
Almost all other non-English publishers will publish about a year after the US/English edition, because they have to allow time for translation, and a Big Book takes a long time to translate. (Germany gets much faster translation because I have a close personal relationship with the German translator, and she works with me while I write.)
The book-tour for MOBY is being rescheduled as we speak. The launch party will be held in Scottsdale, AZ, by the Poisoned Pen bookstore, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, 6-10 PM, June 10th.
That’s ALL I know for now. As soon as the dates are re-set (spoke to the Random House publicist this morning and she says she thinks most of the dates and events previously scheduled will be the same), I’ll post the list everywhere.
Cool beans!! Cant wait am reading the series for the 16th time in prep for the new release
Can’t wait!!! Please try to include the Deep South on your book tour! I’m in N.O., but I’ll travel!
I am so excited to read the new book. I have read them all and can hardly wait to see what my “friends” are up to.
I like the UK cover version better than the US one. Why is there a difference and is it possible to purchase the UK one in the US?
I like the UK cover better, too. But having to wait till June so that Diana can be satisfied with the final product, and we will, too,I don’t think I could wait any longer. If only I knew when the UK version is coming out!! Regards, Pat H.
The cover of MOBY is different in the U.K. version because it is printed by a different publisher. Authors sell their U.S. publication rights to a publisher in the U.S.A., and then publishers in other countries purchase the rights from the author for their bookselling region. In Germany, the book will be translated and offered with a cover designed by the publisher who bought the rights there. Ditto for other languages and countries or regions. Each publisher designs a cover that they think will sell the best in their region. As for buying a copy of the U.K. version of MOBY, ask your local independent bookseller if they will special-order a copy for you. The Poisoned Pen bookstore would be a good place to try, too; you can order books signed by Diana from them. If the Poisoned Pen can’t get you a copy of the U.K. edition, they probably know who could. More information on the Pen is at: http://www.dianagabaldon.com/resources/the-poisoned-pen-autographed-books/ (I wonder if someone in the U.S. can go to http://www.amazon.co.uk or other U.K. online seller and order the U.K. version of MOBY directly? Hmmmm. Might be fun to try!)
Dear Loretta–
Thanks for explaining! [g] Yes, that’s entirely right. You _can’t_ buy the UK version from amazon.co.uk (or vice-versa), though; Amazon respects publishing territories and won’t sell to customers outside each one. You _can_ get a UK edition from the Poisoned Pen, though; they import books all the time, and can always get mine for you (by “you,” meaning anybody who wants one, not you, personally [g]).
Dear Joy, I thought so too, so I pre-ordered the UK version from The Poisoned Pen, so not only will I get the cover I like, they are going to ask Diana to autograph it for me. Be advised, though, they told me it would cost a little more. Happy Reading, Pat H.
Looking forward to the last book. How long does it usually take for the audio book to come out after the publish date?
Dear Satya–
Well, this isn’t the last book [g], but the audiobook normally comes out at the same time as the hardcover.
Dear Diana: I am thrilled to just discover that the audiobook will come out at the same time… Is Ms. Davina Porter narrating again? She is truly remarkable. I have spent many happy (and sad) hours commuting to and from my place of employment in Anchorage, Alaska listening to these wonderful books. I have circled the block on numerous occasions because I just had to hear the next chapter, and I have arrived home, teary-eyed, with my husband wondering just what had me so emotional. I have joked with my friends that I should start a 12-step program (Outlander Anonymous) to help people fight the addiction to your books! You have “ruined” it for many, I’m sure, because to find another writer of your caliber is a true challenge. Thanks again.
oh the agony of sweet anticipation! i am confident it is going to be worth the wait. i can wait til next summer easily especially since i know there will be a release and you so kindly give us excerpts of what is to come. your work is so very appreciated by so many of us and we easily become greedy for more and sometimes inconsiderately forget the process it takes and that you have a life too. thank you again.
Ouch !!!!!
On 1 Jan 1901 Australia became the “Commonwealth of Australia.”
I think that it was in 1986 that New Zealand shed the last legal ties with the United Kingdom.
Lenna Harkett
Dear Lenna–
_Publishing_ territories, not political ones. [g] Orion Books is my UK publisher, and they have subsidiaries in Australia and New Zealand who print and distribute the books in those countries. That’s all; absolutely no offense intended to the sovereignty of either country.
All the best,
E in Italia quando arriverà? Non vedo l’ora di avere il libro tra le mani…
Dear Ornela–
Non lo so. Di solito ci vuole un editore circa un anno per fare una traduzione.
Yes. I too am so disappointed…I am dying for this elusive saga to return once more. I am sure that it will be well worth waiting for Diana….thank you for your wonderful stories.
I am very disappointed in you – Mrs. Gabaldon . . . you have a responsibility to your loyal readers – not to a new TV series. To leave a novel off as you did with “Echo in the Bone” and then to dally in getting the next one written. Postponing it several times to peruse other adventures when you should have been finishing the writing of it, is a true sign of irresponsibility on your part. This of course is my opinion – which I am entitled too. Having the hopes dashed by even the readers who say “Oh I can wait”, the work that publishers have done to apologize that the book is delayed . . . pash to you and your excuses madame.
As for the person who says they can live with the new dates . . . woman . . . you give us no other course if we wish to find out what has happened to the characters you have us caring about. Humph . . . stay home, finish your work!!
Dear Bobbie–
Really? You honestly think that? [g]
Madam– I owe you nothing. Certainly not excuses, which I do not make. Nor a wad of paper with words on it, delivered to satisfy your whim.
My only obligation is to the books I write. And that, I keep.
Cordially yours,
Even though it is difficult to wait,…I am so looking forward to Claire and Jamie’s return…I can respect your attention to the quality of the story. This is your story and we are privileged to be able to read it. BTW for me at least (because that is so important to you..lol) the timing is great. I am taking the summer off from my hectic schedule and will be able to fully enjoy your story.
While I am also impatient to learn the characters’ next steps, I agree with MichelleO that it is a great privilege, not a right, to be able to read your stories. And you have a strong record of finishing and publishing your (big!) works, which isn’t an easy feat at all! I admire your work ethic, and do not doubt that there must have been a good reason behind the delay.
Please keep up the great work, and I’ll fondly look forward to the new release in the next summer.
WOW! I am so angry I am in tears. I am ashamed and embarrassed to be in the same group of readers as you commentators who are tearing into Diana. Who do you think you are? You all should go write such a hauntingly gorgeous story!!! Jamie himself would never condone such behavior. Shame on you all! I will take whatever, whenever Diana allows me and be grateful.
A sincere fan,
Right On Target, Diana! You don’t owe us anything! The fact that you choose to share your marvelous talent with us, and by us, I mean all your many fans, is something I, at least, am very grateful for(as I am sure the rest of your fans are).
Wow Diana that was harsh. While I wait eagerly for the next volume I certainly don’t want your “other” and most likely more important life (family, friends etc) to be put on hold.
I hope she was writing that tongue in cheek, but it didn’t come off that way.
Waiting, albeit somewhat impatiently, but willing to wait for the next installment of one of if not the favorite series ever.
Thank you for your talent and sharing it with us.
Geeze get off her back. She has provided each and everyone of us countless hours of entertainment. We are all looking forward to the series and the next book (s). SHE owes no one anything, and puts her art out there for OUR enjoyment! Have a little respect!
A well written reply! My question is as it does take years for a GOOD book… I was wondering if you could suggest similar authors as yourself. I have found a good writer s subject matter does not usually matter. The part of your series to do with the Revloutionay War showed what history books don’t “real daily life”. Thank You and looking forward to delivery of my book in June. Pam
Dear Pam–
If you click on “Resources” (on the home page), you’ll see “The Methadone List”. This is a list of authors from a huge variety of genres that I personally can recommend for quality and engaging stories. Hope you enjoy some of them!
Wow! That has to be one of the rudest comments I have ever seen posted. From what I’ve seen, Diana never dallies. She has explained multiple times how the original release dates will not dates that she ever set. If you want to call her explanations excuses, go ahead. But how on earth can you call yourself a fan if that’s your attitude? Diana owes us nothing but a well-written book. She doesn’t have to abide by some arbitrary deadline that anyone may have set. My goodness! As excited as I am to read the next book in the series, I have a life. There are millions of other books out there to be read while I wait. There are several other books that Diana has written that I haven’t read yet. My world hasn’t stopped since the end of the last book waiting anxiously for MOBY. Has yours? Do you read no other author besides Diana? If that’s the case, I highly recommend you broaden your horizons. Better yet, try writing a book yourself and see how easy it is. Maybe you’ll be a little more understanding.
Hell is crowded with ungrateful crows….
While waiting for the book, read a copy of Strunk and White….
Twaddle I say, DES, (and a few others of like mind.) DBD
Hey DES,
You and adrienne hebbing must be related. (such similar personalities). With one exception…..
She wreaks of “spoiled brat” syndrome.
You effortlessly belching-out a foul stench.
Close your mouth, your making me gag.
P.S. Contrary to your comment that you have the “right” to your opinion….. You are wrong.
NO ONE… has the right to be deliberately and unfairly hateful.
You do NOT have the “right” to talk to Diana (or any person) in such a condescending manner.
You do NOT have the right to accuse anyone of being irresponsible (unless you know them personally and
know all the FACTS of a given situation ).
Shall I point out the obvious? You don’t know Diana or her situation. You don’t know Jack!
You just want to slander, lie and spew hate. NO ONE has that “right”.
I am excited for June!! I have so much going right now and so much Other Reading to finish, I welcome the extra time to “get ready” for it. I do also want it the “Best it Can Be”. It’s done when it’s done!
I have to say, I always enjoy the UK covers better than the US. It’s still simple, yet more appealing. Whoever does their cover art is awesome. But it matters not! It’s a June visit for Jamie!! Yaaay!!
If folks wouldn’t badger you for release dates, before the book is even finished, then they wouldn’t be disappointed. You are so generous to all of us, keeping us up to date with all aspects of Jamie and Claire. I can’t think of another author that keeps their readers happy with updates, daily lines, blogs, twitter, tweets and all the other social media. Now if Amazon had not posted that the book would be available sooner than it was even written, then there wouldn’t be false expectations. That, of course, is out of your hands.
Just wanted you to know that lots of us are pleased as punch with the new date and are so looking forward to everything that you share with us. You and your writing have gotten me through some mighty rough patches, so a heartfelt thank you doesn’t begin to cover it.
As I have not been following your web site, I did not even realize there was a delay in publishing dates. I just wait until I see your next book in the book store. And as I always purchase the paperback version there is the additional wait until those reach the stores. Looking forward to the next installment of this enjoyable series of books.
Dear Carolyn–
Yes, that’s what I do with books, too–very sensible of you. [g] Hope you’ll enjoy the book when you get it!
That’s my approach as well. When the book is published, it’s published. I preorder the hardcover and the Kindle version, so when the Kindle version is published magically shows up on my device. I really pay little attention to publishing dates.
I am 2 hours and 10 minutes away from the end of #7 on audio. I am so in love with the books. Do you know when an audio edition of #8 will be available, and will Devina Porter read it. The combination of your words and her voice is incredible!
Dear Cynthia–
The audiobooks are normally available at the same time as the initial hardcover publication. And assuming that Davina is not hit by a bus (God forbid) or has a conflict that would prevent it, we certainly do desire and expect her to read MOBY as well.
I was also coming to ask about the audiobooks -will it be released on Audible the same day as well? I hope so, because at this point my subscription is pretty much just for this series!
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! (Lol)
I’ve always wanted to reread the whole series, and now have even more time to do so before the new June release date of “MOBY”.
But oh please take this light-heartedly, Diana, have you started writing book 9? :o)
Keep up the phenomenal work! As a fan, I will gladly wait for the release of Moby. I think some people fail to realize that you are indeed a person, not a work horse, you are entitled to have your life and to be able to do things other than writing 24/7. As your dedicated readers, we should be understanding. After all, what a privilege to live in a time where we can just turn on the computer and get “up to date” news from you regarding your work. I think we all sometimes forget how fortunate we are to live in such an era with instant access. As opposed to the past where we had to wait for someone to ride out to deliver a letter/message, or by carrier pigeon.
Your patience and dedication to your fans is admirable. Thank you for the wonderful novels, keep up the amazing work!
Best wishes,
Hi Diana
I was wondering if MOBY is also coming out in audio book form the CD kind and if Davina Porter will be narrator
As I have listened to all your books and would like to keep doing so thank you so much for this series it’s brought me much joy Fan for life.
Dear Lynn–
Yes, it will–and God willing and Davina doesn’t get hit by a bus or have some major conflict, she’ll be reading it. [g] I certainly hope so, anyway!
I too have been a fan of Davina Porter, and almost my entire experience with your Outlander series has been in audible form. Over the holidays, we visited our daughter in Scottsdale and of course the first place I visited was the Poisoned Pen. I bought signed copies of Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber, and plan to buy the rest of the series with your autograph in the next few months. My husband said I smiled the whole time I was there. I am relishing the printed versions of these stories with a new view, in that I am “seeing” many details in explanations I missed in the audible form. Though I am now very familiar with the story, these little things are adding an unexpected dimension and surprise that is like a brand new treat. By the way, the nice lady that attended me in the bookstore said you were one of the nicest authors she has ever met and she is amazed, as we all are, at how open and available you are with your fans. I cannot believe the disrespect some people have shown you with their unbelievable comments and sense of entitlement, but your use of your writing talent has come in quite handy in your responses back. Nicely done! Though I would like to claim that I am YOUR MOST AVID FAN, I expect everyone feels like that, so I am content to say that I am one of a great big bunch of people who really love your work. I am so looking forward to the book, the series, and your tour. I hope to attend the Sacramento event, if tickets don’t all go before I can get one. May you have a wonderful year. This one will certainly be exciting and busy for you with all that you have planned. Just don’t get too exhausted or overwhelmed with all this fan adoration. And I know you won’t even give the time of day to the jerks who complain that the world isn’t spinning around their universe, i.e. books not coming their way fast enough. Good things come to those who wait.
Carol Tessmer
I think I will plan my summer vacation for that week! Nothing like sitting on the beach reading a good book….
I can live with this! I was agonizing over the March release because it was a few days before another book I am waiting on.
It takes me a month to read your novels because they are so detailed, you put so much time into them, it’s only right that I should take my time enjoying it. Rushing the other wouldn’t be fair to the other author either.
You’re doing a fantastic job, and if we have to wait for you to make the novels the best you can make them, it’s ok, it’s worth the wait.
Diana, l am very upset with some of these post. Who has the nerve of demand a book? I love the books and your work. Do I wish the book was here already? Yes I do, but I don’t expect people to tell me how to do my job I wouldn’t tell you how to do yours. Please keep your joy of writing. I figure this work is a work of passion. To other fans back off the book will be here when she is done .