Well. I _really_ hate writing this, and I do apologize….but the pub date for MOBY is moving.
Two reasons for this:
1. The first—and by far the most important—is that I began to realize about a month ago that I needed a little more time in order to finish the book the way it needs to be done. I could get the necessary wordage on paper by the end of the year—but it wouldn’t be _good_. Good takes more time. And I’m really sorry, but you’re not getting a book that’s less than the best I can do.
2. The second thing has to do with the new Starz tv show. Two things about _that_:
a. While the original guess as to the date for the series release was April, that _was_ only a guess. In New York last month, the Starz people were telling me (and the assorted fans present; it’s not a secret) that it will be (take your pick), “June,” “July,” “August,” or “summer.” So, you know…later.
b. While I don’t have (and don’t want) “control” over anything to do with the show, I actually am (by contract) a consultant. And while I told the production people that I considered my main job to be staying out of their way, they are amazingly generous about including and involving me. And I am actually required to do promotional things for the PR side of the production. Sooo….am I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t be paying attention to all this fascinating stuff going on, and I’m not going to New York Comic Con, because I have to stay home and finish my novel?” Errr….no. (I mean, really—would _you_?)
So. I would have told you this a week or so ago, but once I’d made the decision that I needed an extra two months to do the book properly, all of the publishers needed to be officially informed. (Publishers hate finding out important things on Twitter or Facebook.)
Now, it’s up _to_ those publishers now to decide on a new pub date. They need to take into consideration all kinds of things, including the new date for the tv show’s release (not that there is an _official_ date as yet—and even if there was, it could move. Stuff Happens, as I’ve told you before), plus the usual considerations—where they can find a good slot in their existing schedule, what’s a good time of year for it, and so on.
I don’t have any idea what the new pub date might be. I’ll tell you the minute we know. But my immediate concern is for all the people I’ve seen this week excitedly making plans to come and see me in Portland or wherever.
Since the pub date is moving….I’m afraid (and my Deep Apologies to the poor publicists) all the tour events will have to be rescheduled, once a new date is chosen.
Now, I know a lot of you have been ordering tickets to the Portland event on April 6th. I’ll talk to the Random House people and the Portland people, and see what can be worked out. I’m happy to go and do that event, even if it’s not part of the official book-tour, if the organizers want that. But that’s up to them. I _will_ do my best to make sure you aren’t harmed by the change, though.
I’m sorry about this, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Now a problem here…it will be well worth the wait. I am listening to all the books on CD right now. I returned from a trip to Scotland & Ireland this fall and am enjoying them in a whole new light. Davina Porter is WONDERFUL! Listening to your words and her voice is amazing! Maybe I will be finished with all 7 books by the time #8 come4s out. Take your time and get it like you want it…Jamie and Claire deserve it. Thank you Diana!
Ms. Gabaldon,
At the risk of excessively repeating previously expressed perceptions ad nauseam…all the time you need…top notch quality…WELL worth the wait…et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Remember the old saw:
“You know how to make God laugh?”
“Tell him your plans for the future!”
Best of luck and tanx for a truly marvelous “Family History” to incorporate into my own!
I was wondering if you were superwoman, lol. I am so proud that you have the guts to do this. So many (very well-known) authors just push out their books, regardless of whether they are ready to. Diana, you are the best! Not only are you the most hard-working and gifted writer I’ve ever read but to think of your readers so much just makes me want to cry. And I’m sure all of us die-hard fans can wait.
Merci pour tout ce que vous m’apportez. Je lis et relis vos livres depuis des années et j’attend toujours avec impatience (et patience) vos livres.
Prenez le temps qu’il vous est nécessaire pour nous transporter (comme chaque fois) dans l’univers de Jamie et Claire. Sachant que nous le recevront encore bien plus tard en Français. Bien cordialement
Thank you so much for the series. One of my favorites….however…. having just just finished re-reading the series (as in minutes ago) I need book 8 now…as in..right this minute! Maybe I should have paced myself.
Having described the characters looks in such detail it will be interesting to see how they fit my minds eye when the TV series starts.
Oh well. I’ll go make a cup of coffee while I wait.
hello from England. As a first timer for any sort of comment, I would primarily like to say profound thanks for introducing Claire and Jamie’s story to my life. Secondly, re-reading the published books allows for a greater depth of understanding and I do believe that Anticipation is a big part of looking forward to any special event. So I look at it as, the longer I have to anticipate the release of the new book, the better I will appreciate it when it arrives.
Dear Linda–
Thank you!
Hi Diana,
I have just realized what a rabid fan I am (not the stalker type, honest). I just charged into battle to defend your books to a person that I frankly called a narrow minded prig (and a few other things) for her nasty review. Your books are wonderful; I have been reading since 1991 when I was lucky enough to find Outlander. I have all the books and they are all in frankly pitiful shape after reading and re-reading so many times and then lending them to friends. they make us laugh and cry and wonder and feel like we are in the eighteenth century with Claire and Jamie. You take all the time you need, we’re not going anywhere!
Dear Janice–
Haha! Always in favor of rabid fans [g]–thanks very much for your support!
Wee! I got a response from Herself! I am honored. I’m hoping to get to meet you at a conference sometime. I write too-I am a fan of great style and dialog-your books are just….delicious, there is no other description.
Diana, once the book is published the words in it stand forever. In the long run, what will matter is not the extra time we have to wait, but the quality of the story. As one who rereads each book and listens to the audio versions continuously, I want the very best you can give us… not rushed words on the page to meet an unrealistic deadline. Your generosity with the daily lines and special excerpts help get me through the wait, and I suspect I’m not alone. Thank you for your candor.
Hi Barbie,
Totally agree with your comments. I would rather have a great book well written than an average book that I would only read once and put away (unlike the other books).
Take all the time you need Diana to get it to your satisfaction. Die hard fans will always wait.
No worries. Better late than never and we know its coming and we know it will be fantastic. I will have to slow my re-read of the series a bit. The excerpts will keep me going. Thank you!
We have waited years for this book, another couple of months ain’t gonna kill us.
We all know how things don’t turn out the way we plan. You are my favorite author and I know you are doing what you can in the time given. No matter when MOBY is released or the TV series premiers I stand behind you.
Take care.
Dear Diana, I found Outlander in 1991. It was at Barnes and Noble on Wahington St. in Boston. I saw the paperback with the clock and tarten, and then the cover opened up to a picture of Jamie and Claire and walked out. I thought I wanted a more “serious’ book. But, I swear that book called to me. I came back the next day and bought it. I read that book and could not put it down. At the end I swear I felt like someone I loved, died. I did want to let the characters go. I reread it right away. Then I sent that copy to my friend in Kansas City who was in law school. She was on law review and she and every person on that review read the book, before the review was written I gave it to my best friend who lives in Maine, an English major, she and all her friends in the high she teaches at read it, Loved it. I bought Outlander about 10 times. I handed it to so many people. Your books have never dissapointed me. Ever! I hope you take all the time you need to make your book as insanely great as the ones before it.
Hi Janet,
I love your comment that “the book called to you”. I also couldn’t put it down, none of the others either. I have to say that over the years (since first reading Outlander) I have struggled to put it into words as to why I feel so strongly about the books. I now know why.
I am looking forward to MOHB and hopefully future books.
Diana, Janet, Lynne and all
I just found the blog and love all the comments. I was introduced to “Outlander” just six months ago when one of our Book Club members suggested we read it as our monthly choice. I am now reading number 7 and looking forward to 8 whenever it gets published. Never thought I would read 6 books of around one thousand pages in this amount of time but can’t stop. Love the Characters, history, and mystery.
I have gleaned so much from your research and imagery Diana. The books definitely call to me.
Thank you.
As a lung cancer survivor who has spent many,many hours happily lost in your awesome imagination, I am in a bit of a hurry, here. I would like to be able to read another 8 books in this series before I check-out! Seriously? I’ll just have to start over with book One,,,,AGAIN!
Take all the time you need to get it right, Diana. And is there anyway I can get my hands on the booklet that contains the fist seven chapters. Thought I had signed up for a copy, but it never came in the mail.
go ahead and delete my post.. I won’t be any more offended than I already am
Dear Cat–
[blink] Umm…you’re _offended_ that a book you want to read will be available a couple of months later than you want to read it? Goodness…
No, not about that. I love your books. I’ve ready every one of them several times. I am very much looking forward to MOBY whenever it is published.
I’m offended that a message I posted yesterday stayed in moderation and never got posted. I can’t imagine why it wasn’t.
However, as I said in that post… take all the time you need. Your books are worth waiting for.
Oh dear. I just now noticed that my previous message about deleting my post was out of line. My post from yesterday WAS finally accepted. Please accept my apology for being such an ass. (and please delete this and the other posts above this one so I don’t feel even more an ass. )
I’m truly sorry,
Wow… um… thanks for not deleting my posts, even though I asked nicely. Was it your intention to embarrass me further?
You are a brilliant author, Diana, and I have loved reading all of your books, but in my opinion, you are not a very nice person. I doubt now if I’ll be able to read MOBY without being reminded of that.
Dear Cat –
In reference to your post of 17 November, 2013 @ 1:51 am
Diana’s probably writing right now, and hasn’t got a chance to delete your posts. Most probably it might be done when she takes a break and gets a chance to catch up here. In the meantime, this might be a wee lesson in weighing your words wisely prior to clicking the “SUBMIT COMMENT” button.
I have had the rare pleasure of dining with Dr. Gabaldon, on more than one occasion, have met her family, and pet her dogs (the ones that would allow, of course…) and can tell you, first hand, that she is one of the most gracious, generous, cordial people I have met. I do not presume to be anything more to her than a friend made through the joys of writing, but I will tell you one thing. The Lady does not suffer fools lightly. There is a vast difference between this and not nice.
Have a nice day
Elaine, the one from Michigan
Dear Diana,
We live in a society today that everything must be done quickly with little regard to no for quality. Therefore I am thankful that you are strong enough to say that the book will be done to YOUR satisfaction and not to our greed in wanting the next installment. Thank You
I am feeling fortunate that I only just found your series in the fall of 2012 because the wait for the next book is excruciating and I have only been waiting a year! I am currently on a re-read of the series and I am taking my time this go around. After reading the first 3 books again, I have determined just how much detail I missed in my rush to get to the “what happens next”. I have made a pause after Voyager simply because I wish to read the Lord John series in their proper place between Voyager and Drums of Autumn. I have not read the Lord John series yet (still waiting on 3 of the books to come in the mail and when they arrive I will be like a kid a Christmas) and I am excited to learn more about not only Jamie’s time away from Claire, but also about Lord John himself.
Best Regards,
I am devdstaed that I have to wait even longer for the next book…..although they do say “the best things in life are worth waiting for” I’ll wait in line along with all of you fans.
if this book is anything like [and i know it will be] all the others then be at peace with your decision
Je suis prest
god bless the frasers
Dear Diana,
Thank you for all the books you have given us! I love them and
I don’t mind waiting!
Wishing you all the best,
OH Please, everyone is writing these nice little comments about take your time, the book will be ready when it is ready. If this was the case then why did you have Barnes and Noble place the date and the pre-0rder for that date. It was first in 2013, then in March 2014 and now it is just sometime in 2014. Let’s face it, it will be released when the series is ready. The series is primarily based on the books already out, so by the time the series end the 8th book should be out. Yes, I do love the story. I have turned a lot of people onto the books and they also love it. But give me a break. I am amazed at how you entwine Jamie and Claire’s story into the history of our land and countries. At present they are in the United States. Could it be that you have decided to rewrite parts of the book to reflect upon our current activities in this country? We have no choice but to wait because it is what it is. But there is nothing nice about it! It’s like telling be my birthday will be there on the day of my birthday only to learn that you really do not know when it will come. Publisher’s control? Probably why a lot of authors are going self publication.
Dear Pat–
It’s the publishers’ decision when to set (and move) pub dates.
biensur que nous allons attendre … mais nous les Français plus que les autres … mes livres de vous ressemblent a de vieux grimoires a force d’ètre lus . Ne nous faites pas trop languir ..ayez une pensée pour nous .. j’ai donné le virus a ma fille et a ma petite fille qui elles aussi attendent . Voila donc dans un petit bout de France trois ames dans l’attente ..
la traduction de mon e.mail est nulle
rectification c’est parfait
Good things ARE worth the waiting! It does sound as if we, your multiple-times readers, are willing to wait for the next in line of those amazing good books you’ve given us!
Thank you!
Well, that just gives me more time to re-read the series (I’m only on book 2!). Your books are the best EVER! Can’t wait for the book and the series
(And I would totally go to New York too!)