Well. I _really_ hate writing this, and I do apologize….but the pub date for MOBY is moving.
Two reasons for this:
1. The first—and by far the most important—is that I began to realize about a month ago that I needed a little more time in order to finish the book the way it needs to be done. I could get the necessary wordage on paper by the end of the year—but it wouldn’t be _good_. Good takes more time. And I’m really sorry, but you’re not getting a book that’s less than the best I can do.
2. The second thing has to do with the new Starz tv show. Two things about _that_:
a. While the original guess as to the date for the series release was April, that _was_ only a guess. In New York last month, the Starz people were telling me (and the assorted fans present; it’s not a secret) that it will be (take your pick), “June,” “July,” “August,” or “summer.” So, you know…later.
b. While I don’t have (and don’t want) “control” over anything to do with the show, I actually am (by contract) a consultant. And while I told the production people that I considered my main job to be staying out of their way, they are amazingly generous about including and involving me. And I am actually required to do promotional things for the PR side of the production. Sooo….am I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t be paying attention to all this fascinating stuff going on, and I’m not going to New York Comic Con, because I have to stay home and finish my novel?” Errr….no. (I mean, really—would _you_?)
So. I would have told you this a week or so ago, but once I’d made the decision that I needed an extra two months to do the book properly, all of the publishers needed to be officially informed. (Publishers hate finding out important things on Twitter or Facebook.)
Now, it’s up _to_ those publishers now to decide on a new pub date. They need to take into consideration all kinds of things, including the new date for the tv show’s release (not that there is an _official_ date as yet—and even if there was, it could move. Stuff Happens, as I’ve told you before), plus the usual considerations—where they can find a good slot in their existing schedule, what’s a good time of year for it, and so on.
I don’t have any idea what the new pub date might be. I’ll tell you the minute we know. But my immediate concern is for all the people I’ve seen this week excitedly making plans to come and see me in Portland or wherever.
Since the pub date is moving….I’m afraid (and my Deep Apologies to the poor publicists) all the tour events will have to be rescheduled, once a new date is chosen.
Now, I know a lot of you have been ordering tickets to the Portland event on April 6th. I’ll talk to the Random House people and the Portland people, and see what can be worked out. I’m happy to go and do that event, even if it’s not part of the official book-tour, if the organizers want that. But that’s up to them. I _will_ do my best to make sure you aren’t harmed by the change, though.
I’m sorry about this, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Do what you’ve got to do! You (and your marvelous books) are well worth the wait. And thank you for choosing to take more time to write MOBY to your satisfaction instead of releasing something on time but disappointing. I’ve reread the books many times over the years, and it’s more important to me that they hold up well over time than that I find out what happens a few months earlier. This just confirms my sense of you as a fabulous writer.
Good for you Diana! Put out a product you are proud of, and I know I can wait… I love all of your books and have been rereading them. You are an amazing author and I am fully behind your decision.
I’m on my 4th re-reading of your wonderful books and was hoping to finish in time for your next book..but I’ve been “nursing it for months now”. I wish I had written what Lisa did, though. I couldn’t agree more.
I have you on Kindle but realized that as I grow older I MIGHT not be able to even remember how to use the buttons. So my recent re-reading has been done by gathering up all your books in hardcover, as I feel confident that I will always remember how to turn the page. This will always be my FAVORITE story to read.
In 2001, I stayed at a B&B in Inverness that is owned by a man named Jamie Fraser and his wife. The very first thing she asked me was “have you read the books by Diana Gabaldon?” It was a very magical time of finding my own heritage in that area (being of the clan Fraser) and visiting all the historical sites that are there. Going to Culloden field was truly like visiting the graves of those I would have loved, had I had the chance to know them.
Thank you for your incredible investigation of the past…and for making that PAST so tangible to all of us who are so curious about where we came from.
Hi Beth, I couldn’t agree with you more about Diana and her fabulous books. Because of them I also visited Inverness and visited Culloden. It is truly a moving and spiritual place to visit and I felt everyone of the soldiers around me. It must have been quite horrific at the time of the battle and of course in the years afterwards. I have also visited Edinbough several times, again due to Diana’s books. I love Edinbough and will be going again in September of this year for a few days. Without Diana’s fabulous books I would never have thought to visit Scotland.
Thank you Diana for bringing the past to life.
I am sure many people as well as myself, want to know…what is the name of the B & B you stayed at in Inverness that is owned by a man named Jamie Fraser…even though it is not “our” Jamie. we would all enjoy staying where his wife knows our books by Diana.
Well said Beth. I have quite reading novels by those authors who are writing for quantity, and forgetting about quality.
I have all books and have re read each to prepare myself each time a new book is due. I never tire of the story and your descriptive writing makes me feel I am there in the story.
I live in NZ and had the chance to come to the last book launch in Auckland. I am hoping that you will come again.
Will the TV series come to NZ. I can’t wait/ I am very hopeful that the series will be released on DVD so that I can watch it over and over again.
Thanks again
Take all the time you need. You are worth the wait!
Dear Ms. Gabaldon,
From one professional to another – understood and, what’s more, appreciated.
Your books are worth waiting for – Thank you for continuing to provide us with tales of Claire and Jamie.
We can all re-read the Outlander series again for the 4th or 5th time:-) Including the Lord John series, all are outstanding! Jane Austen wrote that she saw her characters and their action when she wrote, I think you said someting like that once, that takes time and energy! Take care and thank you for your outstandingly creative books and all the hard work that goes into their research, writing, publishing and promoting!
In reference to Blog on 11/12/13-What if Starz decides the suggested dates won’t do so they decide not to air the show until 2015 or 2016? Should this happen does this mean that book 8 would not be published until 2015 or 2016? I do understand that you feel you need to work on this book more:however, as a person who pre-ordered the book for the 12/13 release, it would be disappointing if publishers decided
to wait until 2015 or 2016 to publish book 8! Since none of these decisions are up to me as a reader ,I
would normally not ever comment. Just would like to say I love the books & wish you well-J Huskey
Dear J–
No, I’m pretty sure I can state that _that_ won’t happen. You’ll get the book in 2014, no matter what else happens.
I just wanted to know if it’ll show the new publication/release date?
I pre-ordered the book on Amazon, and it still shows that it will be shipped March 25, 2014. Will this date change show once March gets closer? I don’t mind waiting because I love your books.
Dear Pamela–
Yes, it will change. There’s no difficulty with pre-ordered books from Amazon; you don’t need to change your order. They’ll just ship the book on the correct date, when it becomes available.
I sincerely hope you are right. It was fairly discouraging when the first postponement took place. This one is no fun at all.
Although I do understand it is no fun for you either. /sigh/ drat.
Thanks for a fantastic series.
Dangit! My birthday book(October release) turned into a New Years’ release, turned into a St. Paddy’s dayrelease, to a Memorial Day release. AAAARRGH! Trying to be Patient. Really need this book. Prayers for an easy ,quick finish of this greatly anticipated book. Mama always says patience is a virtue. Take your time and whenever it comes out I WILL BUY IT and read it straight thru.Hmmm, June release . Prayers are answered that’s enough time to re-read the entire series. Thank You ! Diana, take your time . I’m good with that
Life happens while we are busy making plans!
We will wait as long as it takes for your book to be ready, and no complains.
Good luck with everything you’re doing, Diana.
Hmmm well I’m getting a bit fed up to be honest……..maybe too many fingers in too many pies has something to do with the delays?
Dear Caroline–
And maybe the situation is exactly what I told you.
You tell her Diana! We’ve lived these stories and can wait a few more months! Thank you for sharing Claire & Jaime and their families with us! And, Lord John Grey and his series, too!
My Scots/Irish Grandmother always said “Patience is a virtue” and “All good things come to those that wait”. She was a very patient person. I think some of that was handed down to me.
Take all the time. I’ll wait.
Thanks for the notice! Had planned my rereading to end in time for the new book, but guess I’ll have to slow down.
Down here in South Texas we say “ain’t nothing but a thing” and so it goes with publication dates and movie productions. Take your time, Diana. You had me at “Well…”
Give me more time to read through all the books again! Can’t wait for the book and the show.
Any serious fan of yours wants you to take all the time you find necessary to produce a work of which you can be proud. Personally I hate to see the TV series have any effect on the release date as I’m not interested in it.
You may want to rethink disinterest in the TV series. Watch one of the trailers and you may just change your mind!
That’s true… I don’t know if I want to watch it I’m so in love with the books and my beloved Jamie I don’t think I can watch!
We support you!!! All of your fans understand & sympathize about all the deadlines & dilemmas, obligatory contracts, etc. that you’re facing, so take all the time you need….. I’m sure in the end it will all fall into place as it’s meant to. I can’t wait!!!!!
I started a re-read of the whole series when you first announced the date. No worries, if I finish my re-read before your newest novel comes out, it won’t hurt me a bit. I love your writing and am happy to wait. I can’t say I’m a patient person, but I do live by “stuff happens”.
No worries! It’s worth whatever you need to do and however long you need to take! Actually, if it came out now I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from reading it…and I’m sorta hoping to save it for my vacation cruise in the new year! Good luck with the writing and the show PR! You got this!
If we’ve learned nothing else being fans of the series, it has been patience – for the next big novel – to see a visual depiction of the work – to read any little snippet or scrap you produce. So, no big deal, this has become a lifetime gift to all of us!
Hum, I hate to see the hold up. I’ve been a faithful fan since the original publication of OUTLANDER. I am going to reserve judgement until I’ve seen an episode of the series before I decide if it’s worth the wait or not for the book. I just hope that we don’t have a turkey on our hands, book or series.
Hum, I hate to see the hold up. I’ve been a faithful fan since the original publication of OUTLANDER. I am going to reserve judgement until I’ve seen an episode of the series before I decide if it’s worth the wait or not for the book. I just hope that we don’t have a turkey on our hands, book or TV series. Best wishes for a successful series and hopefully a great new addition to an addictive guilty pleasure. Come back to North Carolina sometime we would love to see you!
I understand and appreciate that you need to write the book to your amazing exacting standard,s which is great ’cause they just wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t, but the part of me that loves the books, wants it now!
I recently loaned the series to my 16 year old son, who has now finished them with the comment, ‘I’m going to miss Jaimie and Claire’ Quite an achievement Diana as he’s a heavy metal lover!
Thank you for your efforts with these books, they are excellent. Take as long as you need (so long as it’s quick!).
Diana, I’d rather you take the time to produce something you’re proud of – TV series (even as a consultant) or book – than release anything you consider sub-standard. I’ll wait patiently (more or less!) for everything to gel the way you want.
In the last couple of months I have reread every one of your books and loved every moment. My Father always said “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. We will be here when your ready.
I’ve always appreciated the way you put your heart and soul into your novels. Not just throw them out there to get as many books out as possible. They are certainly worth the wait, but I can’t say that I’m not a little disappointed. I wasn’t all that excited about them making a movie, or series about Outlander, but the more I’ve read about it, and seen the actors, and how much effort is being put into it, I have been getting very excited. That I can certainly wait for. The next book?…hmmmm, of course I’ll wait patiently for it, but I am having Jamie and Claire withdrawal symptoms. I might even go into DT’s, but hey, like they say, I can always go back and read the series over again. It will be worth the wait. Thank you for your wonderful books, because of your great books, it has made me look deeper into my own Scottish heritage.
“Gut Ding braucht Weile” – Good things take time.
And it´s not good for your feeling when say you ready with a bad feeling in the belly.
I understand it very well!
Chapeau ! for writing over 20 years books in this high quality with all this historical details!
WHAT??? OH NOOOOOOO!!! I am totally DEVASTATED!!! How can I go on???
(Just kidding!!)
Take all the time you need. Your books are worth waiting for, Diana.