The State of the Wicket* – as of New Year’s Day, 2013
This is a quick run-down of everything I know about that y’all might possibly want to know about. [g]
1. The cable-TV series of OUTLANDER.
a) It _is_ an agreement for a cable-TV series.
i. It is NOT a mini-series.
ii. It is NOT a movie.
iii. It is not regular network TV.
iv. Yes, if it gets made, unless you already subscribe to STARZ, you will have to pay to watch it, sorry.
b) The cable-TV series is being developed by STARZ.
i. It’s being _developed_.
ii. It’s not (yet) being _produced_.
iii. There is no casting call at present.
a. If there was one, I’d have nothing to do with it.
b. Please stop sending me pictures of your male relatives that you think look like Jamie.
c. Please stop sending me photos of yourself, even if you’re _sure_ you look just like Claire.
d. _Really_ stop sending me photos of that grotesque Irish wrestler with the clown hair.
e. Yes, Kevin McKidd, Gerard (not Gerald) Butler, Kate Winslet and Alex Kingston are all wonderful actors.
f. All these people are about twenty-five years TOO OLD to play any of the main characters in OUTLANDER.
g. Jamie is 22. Claire is 27.
h. Makeup and special effects do have limits.
c) No, I don’t know when the series will air.
i. The pilot script is still being written.
ii. The pilot script is not yet approved.
iii. If it is approved, STARZ might or might not agree to confirm the whole series or they might shoot the pilot first; we don’t know.
iv. When I _do_ know, I’ll tell you.
d) Ron D. Moore is the developer, writer, and show-runner for the OUTLANDER cable-TV series.
i. Yes, I like him.
ii. He came out to my house and spent a whole weekend with me, talking over the books, characters, etc.
iii. I believe him when he says he cares about doing a faithful (but effective) adaptation.
iv. I liked his ideas and suggestions.
v. Yes, I’ve seen the outline for the (projected) first season.
vi. Yes, I think it’s good.
vii. No, I haven’t seen the pilot script. But
e) IF the series does get produced, I can pretty much guarantee that it will have a lot of sex in it.
i. If you are one of the readers who reads the books with a black marker in hand in order to cross out naughty words and scenes of intimacy, you might want to make plans to watch something else.
2. MOBY. Aka WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD. Aka Book 8 of the Main (Big Book) Series. Aka Yes, it’s about Jamie and Claire. (My Own Heart’s Blood = MOHB = MOH-B = MOBY. Geddit?) Also, it’s probably going to be fairly large. (Precedent, you know?)
a) No, it isn’t on bookshelves today, even though it –is- now 2013.
b) No, it won’t be on sale this month, either.
d) Yes, it _will_ (God willing and the creek don’t rise) be published this year.
e) In the Fall, OK?
f) I live in the Northern Hemisphere. I mean MY Fall. All y’all Australians and Kiwis are smart people; I have complete confidence that you can make the mental adjustment.
f) No, I don’t have a pub date.
g) The publisher sets the pub date.
h) The publisher certainly wouldn’t set a pub date without some reasonable expectation of having a manuscript in hand by said date.
i) They don’t have a manuscript in hand yet.
m) No, I can’t tell you that I will be finished writing it on X date.
n) Because it doesn’t work like that.
o) And for heaven’s sake, what possible difference could it make? (Talk about OCD…)
3. Other Stuff.
a) Novellas. There are several novellas, dealing with secondary characters from the main series. Most of these were originally written for various anthologies, but as I get the reprint rights back, are now being made available as print collections and/or standalone ebooks.
b) Which form you, personally, can get hold of easily depends where you live. Printing rights are sold and managed on a geographical basis: i.e., print rights are sold _separately_ in the US and in other English-speaking countries. In practice, it usually works out that the US and Canada have the same rights and timing, while the UK/Australia/NewZealand group of countries may have something different.
c) Now, I do urgently need to go back to writing MOBY, so I’m not writing up all the ghastly details of where/when/what about the novellas AGAIN. I’ve done it on Facebook and on my website, _and_ as a special “extra” for the UK edition of THE SCOTTISH PRISONER. You can find the complete (mind-numbing) explanation on later this week. However—
d) IF you live in the US, you can get “The Custom of the Army” as a standalone (i.e., cheap
and likewise “A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows,” which is the story of Roger MacKenzie’s parents in WWII.
e) IF you live in the UK/Australia/NewZealand end of things (OR you want to go to the expense of getting an imported book), you can get A TRAIL OF FIRE, which is a print volume containing both the novellas noted above, plus two others: “Plague of Zombies,” and “The Space Between” (which deals with Michael Murray, Joan MacKimmie, the Comte St. Germain, and Mother Hildegarde, among others).
f) “The Space Between” _will be_ released in the US/Canada market IN AN ANTHOLOGY (that means you should look up the title OF THE ANTHOLOGY on, not the title of the story) in February of This Year. Right soon now. The ANTHOLOGY is called THE MAD SCIENTIST’S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION. (I’ll be doing an appearance to sign this—and anything else anybody wants signed—on Feb. 20th, at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, along with John Joseph Adams, the editor of the anthology.)
g) For information on getting autographed copies of any of my books, see
Just finished the Scottish Prisoner and absolutely loved it, couldn’t litterally put it down, neglecting all other aspects of my life… oh well its the summer holidays here (yes I’m a kiwi!). I’m sorry that people seem to be hounding you about the actors; you are the one who started the casting call on facebook posting picture of who you think would be a good idea! Can’t wait for the next book, take your time, so it’ll be just as awesome of all your other novels, my book shelf needs to be extended with my Diana Gabaldon shelf now full!
Dear Dale–
Oh, no, I didn’t! I’ve always said–the truth–that I personally have NOTHING to do with casting. The Random House administrators who built my Facebook page, though, thought it would be a popular topic to get the page going with a lot of members, and it did that, for sure. [rolling eyes only slightly] But if you look at postings, if one has
“[admin]” next to it–it’s NOT me, even if my avatar picture is showing. If it says “Diana Gabaldon” then it’s me.
Thank you for all the information Diana, however I am sorry you had to write all of that up, especially since you have posted all of that on this website, on Facebook and a couple of other places as well. I remember when you told us we could get the stand alone ebooks as well and it has been on Amazon for quite awhile.Which leads me to believe that there are some really lazy people! Come on fans-do the work-it is not hard!!!!! Happy New Year Diana, and thank you so much for all the pleasure you give us with the gifts of your wonderful books!
A pal of mine has just come back from Scotland with a present from Santa. I started reading a Trail of Fire tonight! Can you say goosebumps! Oh my goodness…Thank you for the gift that you share with us! Teresa x
I was cracking up reading all this. We love you Diana and we will try to be patient. Happy New Year!
Thank you for all the information. Not all creators keep this in-touch with their fans and it’s very refreshing that you do as well as very helpful to know where in the process MOBY and the TV series are. I look forward to both, but understand I’ll have to wait a bit for them. =]
Having only discovered your books in the past three weeks (I have ignored my sisters insistence that I read them for many, many years) I find myself obsessed! I am currently reading Drums of Autumn, and I find each time I have put any of the first three books down, I can`t wait for another moment of peace to escape into them again.
I can wait for MOBY because I will surely re-read the first 7 again
My gorgeous 6` 3″ husband thanks you personally, for after reading some of your love scenes, he has benefited from a great deal of attention…he thinks maybe he should have a read too! Now where is that kilt we bought him…
This is absolutely marvelous!!! After all, YOU are the author here, it is YOUR story!!! How anyone thinks that they can improve on it amazes me. If they don’t like it, they don’t have to buy your books or read your blogs, etc. Your patience is amazing also and I think it was wearing a little thin with this post and I think it is about time!! Please keep sharing with all us die-hard fans and I will be the first in line to buy your new book when it comes out.
Lol, Diana! I find it hard to believe that people are sending you pictures of their relatives/friends as possible cast members! As a long time reader of yours since the first Outlander with the oldish clock and tartan on the cover, I’m amazed at the constant questions you get of when will MOBY be published and/or released, questions about the cable series, etc. etc. I have to tell you-your I’ve-had-it responses like Friday’s post, is very entertaining! Since I live about 2 hours from Scottsdale, I’m very tempted to drive on down with all of my books to have you sign them. I just may do it!
BTW, to all the others-I found Trail of Fire on Amazon as used and to be shipped from the UK. It arrived just a day after Christmas (almost a month in transit) and in like-new condition. It’ll be one of my new years’ reading. I’ve got to finish the book I”m reading now that I started last month-A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. It’s pretty good!
Happy New Year to all!
It is books like A Discovery of Witches that keep me going in the meantime while waiting for Diana’s next book. The second book Shadow of Night does not disappoint either. Happy reading.
Thanks Diana let’s hope you can stop sifting through photos and get back to the day job! it WILL be worth the wait,we ALL know that really!!!
Oh Diana,
Thank you for the answer to all those questions, and what a lot of them too.
I am glad you are still working on MOBY, I read book seven again its great.
I can wait for the finish of book 8.
Take your time and make it the best !!!!!
Have a nice New Years !!!!
susie O.
I have been reading the history of Jamie and Claire Fraser for over 20 yrs and this is my first time on this website. Over the yrs I have only turned one sister and one close friend onto the Outlander series and subsequently the other works. I had no idea there were so many of us out there! In anticipation of the latest book (dare I say last? Just when you think it must be, there is another) I have gone back to book #1 Outlander, and started the series from the beginning. I am now on Drums of Autumn. As I have done this time and time again since the end of the third book, you can do the math and see how many times I have read Outlander and then, all the rest, up to whatever new book I had finally gotten. It can be no secret among her fans that although we know great thought and depth of heart and soul go into this story, it must be agreed upon that it is very hard to be so patient. So, I would like to say, with all due respect, PLEASE try and hurry. I am suffering with impatience to finally find out what has been happening to my beloved Fraser, Murray and MacKenzie families.
Happy New Year! Sounds like you need a vacation – from all your fans! Will watch for news on MOBY.
Thanks for the books you write and the great stories you have written!!
I you have become one of my favorite writers.
I met you in P, Arizona for a book signing you were having.
Pleasure to meet you! :>)
Take your time on the 8th book, no worries!
Thanks again Janice from Montana :>)
You are hilarious Diana. Take your time, it’s going to be worth the wait! Happy New Year!
Ohhh just reading that made my day!!! You are brilliant! I look forward to reading the next book (I will try and be very patient) BUT in the meantime I look forward to seeing you in Fergus this summer!!!! And booooo I can’t get Starz
hahahahahahaha! Diana – that was awesome and very very funny!
Gee….are you saying that you get asked the same questions more than once?!?!? lol!
I just started rereading the series at book one. I plan to pace myself so that Book 8 is on the shelves by the time I finish rereading Echo. I kept wearing out copies of book one so, I just bought a copy for my new Kobo.
Happy New Year!
Gosh, I WILL read anything you write and this was read in my head using the voice I have given to Lord John
. My hubby also thanks you for your talented writing ….. all he has to do is mention putting on a kilt!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much. I’m very excited and looking forward to fall 2013. Happy New Year from your Florida fans!
I hate it that people just don’t get it – and continue to bug you even when you’ve told them not to. But I love the way you so plainly spell things out! Keep up the good work. Yes, I will (patiently) wait for the information on the release of MOBY!
Awwww…….. Diana… we say Down Under….”you crack me up”! You are undoubtedly the best at telling people to “go away” every so politely. LOL
cheers to 2013