A couple of publishers asked me this week to write a brief bit of catalog copy for them, describing MOBY–so I did. For those of you wondering What to Expect from the eighth book in the OUTLANDER series:
WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD is the eighth novel in the world-famous OUTLANDER series. In June of 1778, the world turns upside-down. The British army withdraws from Philadelphia, George Washington prepares to move from Valley Forge in pursuit, and Jamie Fraser comes back from the dead to discover that his best friend has married Jamie’s wife. The ninth Earl of Ellesmere discovers to his horror that he is in fact the illegitimate son of the newly-resurrected Jamie Fraser (a rebel _and_ a Scottish criminal!) and Jamie’s nephew Ian Murray discovers that his new-found cousin has an eye for Ian’s Quaker betrothed.
Meanwhile, Claire Fraser deals with an asthmatic duke, Benedict Arnold, and the fear that one of her husbands may have murdered the other. And in the 20th century, Jamie and Claire’s daughter Brianna is thinking that things are probably easier in the 18th century: her son has been kidnapped, her husband has disappeared into the past, and she’s facing a vicious criminal with nothing but a stapler in her hand. Fortunately, her daughter has a miniature cricket bat and her mother’s pragmatism.
The best of historical fiction with a Moebius twist, WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD weaves the fibers of a family’s life through the tapestry of historical drama.
NB: I’m still _writing_ this. With luck, it will be published in fall of 2013. (Update from the webmaster: This book will be released by the publisher on June 10, 2014, in the U.S.A.) Hope you enjoy it! (In the meantime, if you’re the sort of reader who likes to see bits and pieces as we go along, I do post brief snippets–from this book and other works in progress or coming up for release–most days, on both Twitter (my ID there is @Writer_DG) and Facebook.
NB2: I told my editor I want an octopus on the cover of this book. (There are eight main characters whose stories are told–and they’re all linked together.)
NB3: I call the book MOBY for short. My Own Heart’s Blood = MOHB = MOH-B = Moby. Geddit?
From the webmaster: Visit the MOBY home page for the latest information.
I was given the first Outlander book right after my son was born, and I have devoured them ever since. I am currently re-reading the series for the second time, having hoped the next book would be released just as I was finishing Echo. Buts since I’m about 800 pages from the end (again), I guess I’ll just start re-reading them again right before your next book comes out
SO excited to see a mini series type show is being made!!! That’s the only way I could see these books on the screen. A movie would be too short!
While I have never “read” any of your books, I have “listened” to all of them three times, and I only have two requests:
1. That you insist that Davina Porter read MOBY. Her voice takes your words and makes them come alive.
2. That you don’t let the screenwriter for the mini-series destroy the story line. Too many wonderful books have been butchered and have fundamentally changed the story that it no longer resembles what the author intended.
Thank you for the wonderful hours I have spent listening to your creations.
I too have read all 7 novels and am a devoted fan. I had foot surgeries (2) this summer and so have read the entire “Lord John” series. I loved it–especially ” The Scottish Prisoner”. I am SO looking forward to MOBY and am re-reading the Outlander series to keep myself occupied until it is published. Also, it was very exciting to read that your series may become a cable tv series. If they are faithful to your books and do it justice, it will be wonderful!
I recently gave my daughter who is a registered nurse a paperback copy of “Outlander” so she could read it and then share it with her nurse friends. (I refuse to share my wonderful 20th anniversary hard copy!!) I hope some day in the future to travel to Scotland and visit the highlands, Culloden field and perhaps Craigh na Dun (is there really such a place?)
Diana, you are a wonderful writer. Your beautiful descriptive writing transports the reader right into the scene.
Congratulations on all your well-deserved successes. I will try to be patient but am very much looking forward to MOBY!!
Thanks for the update, Diana, MOBY looks like another rollicking ride! From reading your catalog copy, it sounds like we’re guaranteed at least one further book – huzzah!
Your books are fantastic, and finally they gave me an insight into why North American writers use “verra” when depicting Scottish speech. I’ve seen it in many books and “nae body I ken says that”. It is all in the reading and pronouncing of “A” and “a”. We say verr-ray as in day, way ,say and I was reading “verra” as verr-ah like in Ah Ha!! Hope I have not confused you. Now that I live and work in Canada it has helped me to understand. Thanks again for your excellent works – what a story teller – can hardly wait for the next one to be published.
I am in love with your Outlander books! I have been reading and rereading them for over 15 years now. I am really looking forward to your next book. Your stories are magical.
GO, Mandy! Diana, I (like thousands of other Outlander fans) am SO ready for the next book! Even though I have read the series several times over, I always manage to get something I missed the first/second/etc. time. Thanks for your attention to detail.
And, I just have to say what a cliffhanger the last chapters of “Echo” contained–I think I actually became quite upset the first time I read it and yelled (scared the stuff out of my husband)! Thanks for making us laugh, making us jump in surprise, and for most of all, making us love Jaime and Claire’s story so much.
Diane, you are a gifted writer. I cannot wait for fall 2013!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful gift to weave fantasy/sci-fi with historical fiction. You are a treasure.
I am so excited about the next book! I discovered the series after Drums of Autumn and got 4 ladies at work hooked. One of my friends even got an Irish Wolfhound because of Rollo. Whenever the subject comes up I’m afraid I sound like a broken record because all I can say about Echo is, “But…She left Jemmy in the dark!”
Hi Diana
Thank you so much for your series. I have read it 4 times now. This series has seen me through good and bad times. I just love the simple love that you portray between Jamie and Claire. I am at the moment reading The Fiery Cross – this is the book that you signed for me when you came and spoke to us in Wellington NZ.
Anyway just wanted to say that I love your work and can’t wait for your new book to come out.
Thanks for keeping me sane!
Thank you so much Diana for these fantastic books.
As everybody else I’m fascinated by your descriptions of the historic events combined with the love and family story of Claire and Janie (I love him). I’m very excited looking forward MOBY but there is another question left: Is it the last book about Claire and Jamie?
Could you guess when MOBY will be published in Germany? Perhaps in spring 2014?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes from Germany and ab big hug for your writing!
Maybe the octopus on the cover could wear a kilt and have a dirk in one tentacle and an American flag in the other. Do they even have octopusses in Scotland and is the pleural of octopus, octopusses or octopi?
This is what I wonder about at 6 am when I should be sleeping.
An octopus? Not a whale? As in a whale of a tale?
2013 is sure a long way away!
I was going to spend the run-up to the MOBY release re-reading books 1-7… And then I spent this summer re-reading 1-7! I suppose I finished a bit ahead of schedule. I couldn’t help it! They were too good. Ah, well. By my calculations, I can finish the series at least FIVE more times before book 8 is released! (Yes, I KNOW it’s six, technically, but I have to leave SOME time in there for lesson plans! Maybe if I just work them into the curriculum…
The octopus looks like Al, the mascot of the Detroit Red Wings.
Fall 2013! Well, at least it will make Christmas shopping for my husband easier! He’s a big fan and has been reading and re-reading the series at least twice a year since he was 15 including all the Lord John novels. I won Christmas last year by getting him a autographed copy of the 20th Anniversay Edition of Outlander. After years of bugging me to read the books, I finally gave in around 2 years ago and have read the series a few times myself. I love them and can’t get enough of the snippets on facebook. Who am I kidding, this book will never make it Christmas. We’ll get it that day and then argue over who gets to read it first!
Diana – I am slightly(mind you…only, slightly) relieved to hear that MOBY will not be published until the fall of next year. I am re-reading the Outlander series for the 2nd time and am only half way through the Fiery Cross. If the God’s are willing..I may even be able to squeeze in a Lord John novel in between. You are an amazing writer…..well worth the wait, for certain! Thank You!!
Hi Diana! I have loved your books for years now, and have probably read them over twenty times!… seriously… I have found that just rereading them is not always enough, and have taken to reading them out loud to my husband. He claims to not be interested in what he has dubbed, ‘chick books’, but there have been several times he has referenced points in the book, or has, in a very manly voice, asked me if I wanted to read some more. This is always followed by, “I mean, you don’t have to, but if you wanted, that’s fine.” Ha! Gotcha! Anyways, for your adoring readers that are looking for a way to pass the time til the release, tell them to start that. Its a lovely together time, and no matter what the guys claim, they just can’t help but love the story as well!
I was extremely excited to hear that MOBY was comming out in the fall….until to my horror I realized it was still 2012! AHhahahaha I just can’t wait! I’ve read the entire Lord John series as well, and have been reading select literary classics to fill my time, but nothing seems to fill that void quite like a good Outlander novel!
Dearest Diana,
What a captivating novel. I have just finished book seven and I am on tender hooks!!!! I will be reading the Lord John series until book eight and I know I will love these too. I recommend you books to all my clients and they love the stories too. I do hope that the novels will be made into a TV series.
As an English woman living in the USA I love the usage of language, you have made the characters so real.
My honeymoon was in the Highlands and I know just how mystical that place can be. Good luck with your future writing, as always I will be ready to read it.
My admiration to you. Cheers!