A couple of publishers asked me this week to write a brief bit of catalog copy for them, describing MOBY–so I did. For those of you wondering What to Expect from the eighth book in the OUTLANDER series:
WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD is the eighth novel in the world-famous OUTLANDER series. In June of 1778, the world turns upside-down. The British army withdraws from Philadelphia, George Washington prepares to move from Valley Forge in pursuit, and Jamie Fraser comes back from the dead to discover that his best friend has married Jamie’s wife. The ninth Earl of Ellesmere discovers to his horror that he is in fact the illegitimate son of the newly-resurrected Jamie Fraser (a rebel _and_ a Scottish criminal!) and Jamie’s nephew Ian Murray discovers that his new-found cousin has an eye for Ian’s Quaker betrothed.
Meanwhile, Claire Fraser deals with an asthmatic duke, Benedict Arnold, and the fear that one of her husbands may have murdered the other. And in the 20th century, Jamie and Claire’s daughter Brianna is thinking that things are probably easier in the 18th century: her son has been kidnapped, her husband has disappeared into the past, and she’s facing a vicious criminal with nothing but a stapler in her hand. Fortunately, her daughter has a miniature cricket bat and her mother’s pragmatism.
The best of historical fiction with a Moebius twist, WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD weaves the fibers of a family’s life through the tapestry of historical drama.
NB: I’m still _writing_ this. With luck, it will be published in fall of 2013. (Update from the webmaster: This book will be released by the publisher on June 10, 2014, in the U.S.A.) Hope you enjoy it! (In the meantime, if you’re the sort of reader who likes to see bits and pieces as we go along, I do post brief snippets–from this book and other works in progress or coming up for release–most days, on both Twitter (my ID there is @Writer_DG) and Facebook.
NB2: I told my editor I want an octopus on the cover of this book. (There are eight main characters whose stories are told–and they’re all linked together.)
NB3: I call the book MOBY for short. My Own Heart’s Blood = MOHB = MOH-B = Moby. Geddit?
From the webmaster: Visit the MOBY home page for the latest information.
May have missed it somewhere on the sight, but do you know when the “Written in my own heart’s blood” audio book is coming out? I travel a lot for work and have been listening to them non stop for weeks now. I am so in love with this series and desperate to find out what happens next but really want to continue with the audio books (love the vivid accents).
Dear Betsy–
The audiobooks normally come out at the same time as the hardcover and ebook editions–or as close to it as can be managed. Sometimes, if the manuscript is delivered very close to the pub date, the recording people have trouble getting their recording done in the constricted time available (they need to schedule studio time and deal with the actor(s) availability as well), and then it will be a couple of weeks later than the print version–but mostly, it comes out at the same time.
Hope you enjoy it!
You have seriously ruined all other books for me. I am in eager anticipation for MOBY. I know you recommended Into the Wilderness which I read. Do you offer any other recommendations? Frankly, I am left sad with every purchase after your series. And I have read all of your books. Let me know if you think anyone else comes close to your writing style. Because I will buy in a second.
Thanks and keep them coming!
Dear Erin—
If you go click on the “Resources” tab at the top of the page, you’ll see “The Methadone List.” This is a list of books I can strongly recommend, in answer to questions like yours. Hope you’ll enjoy some of them!
I am anxiously waiting for the book to be ready for purchase. I do not read the excerpts as that will spoil it for me!
My husband was from Scotland and since he died (two yrs ago) I have been devouring your Outlander Series. I can hardly wait!
When do you think the book will be ready?
hi diana
was wondering where i might be able to get the 7 chapter preview from in new zealand, i saw info on it on one of the pages and have been searching again without luck, also is moby still due out in fall? Thanks for all the amazing books so far makes you apreciate how easy life is nowadays
Dear Mel–
MOBY is due out March 25th–the publishers wanted to time it to come out shortly before the new cable-tv series (which will–if everything goes according to plan–come out around April). As for the 7-chapter booklet, the US and Canadian publishers are using those as promotion for the new book–but the UK publisher is certainly welcome to do the same thing (they control distribution in Australia and New Zealand, as well as the UK). If they do, though, chances are that they’d wait ’til closer to the pub date.
Dear Diana,
I LOVE the series!!!! I don’t think that I have ever read a set of books so fast in my life or enjoyed them more than yours!!! I can’t wait for the newest one to hit the stores and I hope there will be another to follow the eighth one !!!! LOVE YOU!!!!! Nancy
Thank you, Nancy! [g]
Will there be an audio version of In My Own Heart’s Blood and when will it come out? Davina Porter does a super job and I’d be disappointed if you two didn’t pair up for this book.
I just saw your answer to Betsy above. I’d been look for the answer and hadn’t found it so I decided to post the question. Wouldn’t you know it – as soon as I posted I found the answer.
I`ve just finished reading book nr.7 and now I look forward to read the next adventures of CLaire and Jamie Fraser and family.
I ABSOLUTELY love this series. I just found it and finished ALL 7 books in 2 months. It am now declaring it my #1 favorite book(s), and my favorite books list is long. Jamie and Claire are timeless. You are a master of creating a scene so vivid that I found myself ACTUALLY crying at my desk (as I sneak to read at work). I hated that I read so fast and it ended. I would have liked for Claire to comeback earlier than the 20 years though. I would have liked to see them back together in their mid to late 30s and all the possible dramas returning with Brianna and of going thru a successful pregnancy together. I felt Jamie deserved that after he endured SO much. He never got to raise any of his children. That is truly sad to me. Great work and I thank you for the gift of the series.
First introduced to the series in 1995, fascinated with it, have read every one and always anticipating the next. I had promised myself that one day I would begin at the beginning and read the entire series – in order – and did so over the last 3-4 or so months. Needless to say, with the story “fresh” in my mind, I am sorry to see the delay in release of #8 until March of next year. The level and variety of the research is mind boggling with well drawn characters and – yes the details in every book and how those details blend so beautifully and naturally together. AWESOME! Please: How can I get the seven chapter excerpt? PS: Does the Kathy Lord referred to in the acknowledgements have ancestry on the east coast of the US?
Dear Mellen–
Er…how on earth would I know whether Kathy Lord has ancestry on the east coast of the US?
I hope you’ll enjoy the new book when it’s out–but you can’t read it until I’ve finished _writing_ it, you know. [g]
Hi when I ordered Written In My Own Hearts Blood, Amazon gave me a December ship date. Was that incorrect or has it been changed?
I am re reading the series and trying to time my finish with the release of the new book, help…
I can hardly wait for the release.
I finally got my older daughter to read Outlander with the…Don’t be offended if I don’t read the rest, well she is waiting for the new novel release also. She couldn’t put them down.
Love them, got me to search my Scot heritage from my grandma’s Grahams, it has been really interesting. Imagine how surprise I was to be so excited to find Fraser’s in our line also.
Keep up the great work,
So sorry I dribbled on again about my Scottish family search etc.
I had forgotten that I had mentioned it all months ago in a previous note to you.
But hey it has been entertaining to look into.
I always see older actors in the role…Andie McDowell as Claire, LIam Neesom as Jamie Jeremy Irons as Frank/BlackJack. Not sure I have wrapped my head around the ones chosen yet, but you know the characters best. I trust you with this.
Get writing girl, I need some new Jamie, Claire and the rest of the group.
Will the new book Written in my Own Heart’s Blood be released in Audiobook version upon release March 25, 2014?
Dear Laura–
Probably–or as close as they can get to it. They _do_ have to wait to get a complete manuscript before they can record the audio version,though.
Hi Diana,
I’ve just got the information from Amazon that the German edition of Moby will be released on 28 Feb. next year. Is that really true ? If so, how can it happen to be that a translation will be released 4 week earlier than the original ?
Dear Kathrin–
Well, we _hope_ the translation can be done that fast. [g] It’s possible, because I have a very close (and unusual) relationship with Barbara Schnell, my German translator. She’s a good friend as well as a brilliant translator, and we’ve worked together for a good many years. As I work in “chunks” (rather than linearly), some years ago, I started giving her chunks, as soon as I was sure that nothing substantive would change within said chunk. This means she can more or less translate directly in my tracks, rather than wait for the entire manuscript to be finished and go through production–which is the case with all the other foreign translations. This means that the German translation is usually finished very soon after _I’ve_ finished writing, so is able to be released quite close to the English edition. (Not always before it [g], though this has happened once before, with EIN ECHO DER HOFFNEUNG.)
Dear Diana,
thank you very, very much for your long and detailed reply.
Dearest Diana,
Your books hold a very special place in my library. I devour each one that comes out in your main series including the graphic novel. I have also enjoyed the Lord John books, they are such great side adventures! I have yet to read the other short stories in the other anthologies but I look forward to reading whatever you publish. Your writing is outstanding and captivating. I am so happy to have found this series. I found Outlander at my local library and bought it for 10 cents! It had a picture of Claire holding the reins of a horse and a scene from the battle of Culloden. What a treasure!!! That was five years ago and I am absolutely hooked. Your characters are a part of my life; crying, laughing and hurting along side them. I look forward to book eight because I am so frightened for Jem and I pray (how silly
) for Roger’s safe passage. I don’t travel much but your stories are a wonderful escape to exciting places I will never go but I can see clearly in my head as if I have seen every place personally. Such description, your words take me away from the humdrum of my life and your humor makes me laugh so much. Sometimes I will think of some quote from your book and giggle at odd moments throughout the day. You have an amazing talent. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Whatever I say it’s just repeating. But I’ll do it anyway!
I found in your books a new, wonderful world. Not easy to read/listen to something else, to brake with the dream. But I have to do it sometimes, just to find myself drawn back to your world of here and there, now and then. Of old and new entwined in a catching story that won’t let you go . Of people that are more alive sometimes than the ones I meet, of comments that make me take a secondary look and listen carefully to the world around me.
Thank you! A deep bow for the wonderful mind and soul all this came from!
Now, to my question and my heart’s worry: is the new book “WRITTEN IN MY OWN HEART’S BLOOD” going to be published in audio form too, read by Davina Porter?
I am afraid of your answer at the same time that I do hope the answer will be a simple YES.
Thank you for your time and if the energy and happiness your stories give me, can be transferred, I’m sending back lots of love and power so that you can keep this world alive for all of us!
Keep well!
Dear Mariana–
Yes. [g]
And thank you so much for the kind words!
Is MOBY the last book in the series??
I started with the first book one month ago yesterday and just bought the 7th book yesterday. I’m trying not to read too many of the comments on this post because I don’t want to read spoilers…a cliffhanger is going to kill me though.
Dear Pepper–
No, there will be a ninth book–but I’m pretty sure that one is the last. (Though there is also a prequel, about Jamie’s parents, Brian and Ellen.) Hope you’ll enjoy them!
I only worry that at 73, I won’t live long enough to finish the series.
Thank you.
Dear Peggy–
I have faith in you! [g] Take your vitamins!
hello help!
I can not find any information about when ‘written in my own hearts blood’ audio book edition is to be released, only kindle info. Is it coming out in audio book format? Audible have not listed it and I have just re-listened to them all again in preparation!!
Dear Debbie–
Yes, the audiobook will be out at the same time as the hardcover–and Davina Porter is reading it! which is great news. [g]
OH BUT THEYDID find a perfect JAMIE! and a perfect CLAIRE with the first movie and I am already in love with Jamie and Claire just after 3 episodes and cant imagine anyone else playing either of them!! PERFECT CASTING!!
the costumes are great.. the scenery is awesome.. the acting is strong.
but this poor thin droopy breasted girl is not my fiery Claire.
I introduced my stepdaughter to your books in 2010. Much like me, she devoured each word. When she was not attending school, she would raid my library of books, which always included the next book in your series. Due to my own busy schedule, I never managed to read The Fiery Cross. During Spring break in March of 2011, my stepdaughter and her husband came over to the house to share the news that we were going to be grandparents. Before she left the house that night, she grabbed “The Fiery Cross” from my bookshelf.
I never saw her again after she left the house that night. The home they were renting caught fire in the early morning hours. I have never replaced that book in the series. I guess I keep hoping that one day she will put it back on my shelf.
I want to take a minute to thank you for bringing my stepdaughter and I closer together. Because of your books, I was able to develop a closer relationship with my stepdaughter. Our relationship was so close that she even told me how I was more of a mother to her than her own biological mother. I have never been able to have children and my stepdaughter (daughter) is the closest I have ever been to being a mom. I just wanted to thank you because knowing now that my time with her was cut short; I am so thankful that, because of Outlander, our relationship was bonded for a lifetime.
Dear Jennifer–
Oh, I’m _so_ sorry to hear about your step-daughter. What a truly horrible thing to have happened! I’m glad(and very honored) that you can remember her with joy in your shared reading.
Thank you so much for your reply. It means the world to me and I know Karmin would have been thrilled too!
Blessings to you,
Hello! I just have a quick question, but I must thank you first! Thank you for giving me/us these stories! I, like everyone else, have fallen complete and hopelessly in love.
My question is, did you use Sam or Cait’s name in Moby? Someone said you did as a nod to them.
By the way the show is beautiful too!
Dear Michelle–
Yes, I did. You’ll likely spot them, if you’re looking. [g]