“The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.” —ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
“These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.” —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor
Ok…How in God’s name could you not like widows peaks on men? Especially the one that graces Chris Hemsworths lovely forehead???!!! He is the perfect Jamie. Bonnie Wright would be a good Brianna. Claire would be the hardest to cast.
I love the mini series idea better than a feature film. Way too much to put in a movie. I want to see the mini series go on for years!!!
Same here, Diana! [g] Even seeing Mitt Romney’s new running mate, Paul Ryan, and his widow’s peak (not to mention black hair and pale skin) I thought, Eddie Munster. Lol.
Sorry to be disagreeable but Bonnie Wright is far to small( body type wise) to be Brianna. She is supposed to be a size 14 which probably converts to an 8 by today’s standards. Plus she’s Jamie’s daughter she has to be at least 5’10 if not taller. That’s why I say Laura Prepon:) Physically she’s perfect and shes american so she already has the right accent. P.s I love Bonnie wright just not for Bri:)
That’s a tough one. Sadly I like many chics have such a clear image of him in my mind from the books that I don’t think anyone could live up to it :). I will say that I think it should be someone Scottish and not super well known, and I’ll also say that the idea of Gerard butler playing a 23 year old virgin is laughable:);)
One guy I think comes close to having similar facial features and height is Oliver Jackson-Cohen. But I haven’t seen him in anything, so who knows if he’s a decent actor. Plus he’d have to dye his hair:)
Ah ah ah, totally agree with you, Butler playing a 23 year old virgin is totally laughable
I didn’t know Oliver Jackson-Cohen, he is cute but perhaps not enough viril for my own Jamie…I must see him in kilt !
For me, Jamie looks like a mid between Noah Huntley and Andy Carroll. The problem is that neither is red (for me it’s important, not only for the hair’s color but for the skin’s color), and Andy Carroll is a football playeur, I don’t know if he can play, except to pretend an offense during the match !!!!
You know its funny I always thought Ive never seen anyone who looks like my version of Jaime but Good call on Andy Carrol and Noah Huntley:). Oddly enough I had never heard of Carrol or Huntley but I just looked at at the pictures and they are pretty damn close to what I picture. I always picture Gary Oldman(with the Sirius Black look) for Dougal:). Do you have any ideas for Claire or Roger?
Hi Marcy !
I’m sorry to be late, I’m just coming back from holidays !
I’m so glad you like Hunter and Carrol ! We must share a close imagination
Claire is difficult to find, for me it’s important that she has not a “classic beauty” but an intelligent look. For playing her in her middle age, I imagine Olivia Williams and sometimes, I imagine a french actress who is naturaly curly and very smart : Marion Cotillard. Both have a strong personnality and could be very femimine.
For Roger, It’s difficult to find someone with his dreamy green eyes, so I just take Keanu Reeves when he wears a beard and long hair and add green eyes on him !!!!
I agree with you about Laura for Brianna. From Brianna’s first appearance in the series I always pictured her to look like Laura Prepon. Laura is capable of portraying the correct attitude, intelligence and strength that we all love in Brianna.
Definitely agree with Laura Prepon for Brianna! And definitely not on Girard Butler for Jamie; he’s just way to old for Jamie. Now I could see him for Dougal though. And for Claire I could totally see Kate Beckinsale even though her hair is too dark. She has that Claire attitude. I have no idea who I’d cast for Roger. And am I the only one who pictures Neil Patrick Harris as Lord John? I don’t know why, but I always get him stuck in my mind. It does help that he actually is gay too. Maybe that’s it. But he’s good-looking and polished like Lord John, but alas, not British.
OH and let’s not forget Black Jack Randall/Frank. The only person I could see playing both of them is Jason Isaacs! If you haven’t seen “The Patriot”, stop what you are doing and watch it. He is totally Black Jack Randall!
Hmmmmmmm. Not sure. Isn’t Laura Prepon in her thirties? Brianna is 20 years old when we meet her. I don’t think Laura can pull off a 20 year old. Plus you would have to make Claire and Jamie that much older to match Laura’s look. You need to find someone who can play 22 year old Jamie as well as 50 year old Jamie. Sometimes I wish they left us (the readers) to our own imaginations and not make movies out of every popular book
Congratulations, Diana! My hopes are that you are allowed considerable input and are allowed to assist them in the writing process. This series will mean a great deal to so many readers that I believe it’s important that you retain creative control by reviewing the script and/or act as producer on the series.
Oh my!!! This is indeed a blessing! Though I know I would be stepping too far in advance, since I am not in the US I can only wait for the screen adaptataion on DVD.
I hope for the best for the possible mini-series (or whatever the project might really turn out to be…).
I became a fan of the books a little over a month ago and I have read all the books in that short period of time because I love the story/stories so much!!!
Diana, thank you for bringing this story to me… I simply just adore The Outlander Series! Maraming Salamat! (Thank you very much in my native Filipino.)
So glad to hear it will be a miniseries – Much too Much for a single movie ( 8 movie series, may be ) Move Over JK !!!
Can’t wait ! I did not like reading the GAme of thrones ( not a fan of George Martin’s writing), but I am enjoying the way the video version has been done. As always – some details will be lost – Hang on to editing control, Diana!
can’t wait! Oh now I will HAVE to get HBO on cable ( or whichever cable channel buys it)
I am so very happy to hear this news. To see ‘our’ wonderful novels brought to life on the small screen would be complete. I absolutely love the suggest of Jamie Bamber as Jamie and Tricia Helfer as Claire.. they are what I see in my minds eye Diana. I hope you like that thought too! We’re all looking forward reading MOBY when you’re ready to let us.
This is the very best news. I am sure now the Internet will be alight with speculation as to which young hunk will be (or should be) contracted for the role of Jamie.
I have been a fan since Outlander was first published, and have in turn, made rabid fans out of other friends and family. When in Scotland several years ago, the favorite sport of the other ladies on the tour was to search the Scottish countryside for Jamie. It certainly was entertaining!
Diana, this is wonderful news, and certainly kudos belong to you for writing a series that has never diminished in quality and readability.
Have read all many times. The very best of stories. Have been wanting to see on screen. How fun to think who we would all like to play the different characters. Most of my favorites a bit old and don’t quite have the right Jamie look. Jared Padalecki. After reading a few bits off your site and the descriptions I have read of Jamie’s features he could fit well. Just not sure of his height. Happened to be watching “Supernatural” on this lazy Saturday evening and thought that he was pretty Jamie-ish.
This is great fun. You must be thrilled! I cannot wait for the story to continue.
Congrats! Tv makes more sense but i pray they stick to your version of the story. I have up given up on some many novels that are turned to tv/movies because hollywood just destroys the strong e.g. True blood the books n tv show just got confusing. I pray they get jaime n claire right.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!!!!! There are no actors on this earth that could satisfy everyone’s mind’s-eye vision of these characters. They are private and personal to each and every one of the millions of readers who love this series. I would be most unhappy to have mine usurped and ruined. I don’t care how wonderful the director is, no movie or series could capture your vision and characters. I can’t believe you would allow this to happen to your creation.
I would not watch any movie or mini series made of Diana gabaldons books. To me nothing could EVER come close to the complete and total aweSomeness of the outlander books.
My co-workers and I would like to humbly submit an idea for Jamie and Claire. We think Chris Hemsworth would do very well as Jamie and Racheal McAdams would be lovely for Claire. Again these are just our ideas.
Have to add that I hope the people they choose are British, and not super well known, I hate seeing movie star after movie star. Unknowns are usually better!
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Ok…How in God’s name could you not like widows peaks on men? Especially the one that graces Chris Hemsworths lovely forehead???!!! He is the perfect Jamie. Bonnie Wright would be a good Brianna. Claire would be the hardest to cast.
I love the mini series idea better than a feature film. Way too much to put in a movie. I want to see the mini series go on for years!!!
Dear sky–
I’m old enough that I can’t see a pronounced widow’s peak on a man without thinking of Eddie Munster.
Hunh. There was supposed to be a in there, but somehow it posted blank. As in less than sign – snort – right hand sign. Computers…
And I cannot think of false eyelashes without thinking of Yvonne deCarlo
greater than sign that is – on the right hand side. I guess I need some sleep…
Same here, Diana! [g] Even seeing Mitt Romney’s new running mate, Paul Ryan, and his widow’s peak (not to mention black hair and pale skin) I thought, Eddie Munster. Lol.
Sorry to be disagreeable but Bonnie Wright is far to small( body type wise) to be Brianna. She is supposed to be a size 14 which probably converts to an 8 by today’s standards. Plus she’s Jamie’s daughter she has to be at least 5’10 if not taller. That’s why I say Laura Prepon:) Physically she’s perfect and shes american so she already has the right accent. P.s I love Bonnie wright just not for Bri:)
Very good choice Marcy ! Laura Prepon will make a perfect Brianna. Who do see as Jamie ?
That’s a tough one. Sadly I like many chics have such a clear image of him in my mind from the books that I don’t think anyone could live up to it :). I will say that I think it should be someone Scottish and not super well known, and I’ll also say that the idea of Gerard butler playing a 23 year old virgin is laughable:);)
One guy I think comes close to having similar facial features and height is Oliver Jackson-Cohen. But I haven’t seen him in anything, so who knows if he’s a decent actor. Plus he’d have to dye his hair:)
Ah ah ah, totally agree with you, Butler playing a 23 year old virgin is totally laughable

I didn’t know Oliver Jackson-Cohen, he is cute but perhaps not enough viril for my own Jamie…I must see him in kilt !
For me, Jamie looks like a mid between Noah Huntley and Andy Carroll. The problem is that neither is red (for me it’s important, not only for the hair’s color but for the skin’s color), and Andy Carroll is a football playeur, I don’t know if he can play, except to pretend an offense during the match !!!!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen!! <3 http://www.facebook.com/OliverMansourJacksonCohen?ref=hl
You know its funny I always thought Ive never seen anyone who looks like my version of Jaime but Good call on Andy Carrol and Noah Huntley:). Oddly enough I had never heard of Carrol or Huntley but I just looked at at the pictures and they are pretty damn close to what I picture. I always picture Gary Oldman(with the Sirius Black look) for Dougal:). Do you have any ideas for Claire or Roger?
Hi Marcy !
I’m sorry to be late, I’m just coming back from holidays !
I’m so glad you like Hunter and Carrol ! We must share a close imagination
Claire is difficult to find, for me it’s important that she has not a “classic beauty” but an intelligent look. For playing her in her middle age, I imagine Olivia Williams and sometimes, I imagine a french actress who is naturaly curly and very smart : Marion Cotillard. Both have a strong personnality and could be very femimine.
For Roger, It’s difficult to find someone with his dreamy green eyes, so I just take Keanu Reeves when he wears a beard and long hair and add green eyes on him !!!!
And you ? I look forward to hearing your opinion
PS : very good choice too for Sirius Black look !
I agree with you about Laura for Brianna. From Brianna’s first appearance in the series I always pictured her to look like Laura Prepon. Laura is capable of portraying the correct attitude, intelligence and strength that we all love in Brianna.
Definitely agree with Laura Prepon for Brianna! And definitely not on Girard Butler for Jamie; he’s just way to old for Jamie. Now I could see him for Dougal though.
And for Claire I could totally see Kate Beckinsale even though her hair is too dark. She has that Claire attitude. I have no idea who I’d cast for Roger. And am I the only one who pictures Neil Patrick Harris as Lord John? I don’t know why, but I always get him stuck in my mind. It does help that he actually is gay too. Maybe that’s it. But he’s good-looking and polished like Lord John, but alas, not British.
OH and let’s not forget Black Jack Randall/Frank. The only person I could see playing both of them is Jason Isaacs! If you haven’t seen “The Patriot”, stop what you are doing and watch it. He is totally Black Jack Randall!
I totally see Jason Isaacs as Frank/ Black Jack Randall! I can’t picture anyone else playing him. I doubt we will be so lucky.
I agree he’s got the look that I’ve imagined but I’m kind of tired of him catching all the bad guy rolls. lol!
I agree with Kate Beckinsale. I thought of Michael Fassbener for Lord John.
Hmmmmmmm. Not sure. Isn’t Laura Prepon in her thirties? Brianna is 20 years old when we meet her. I don’t think Laura can pull off a 20 year old. Plus you would have to make Claire and Jamie that much older to match Laura’s look. You need to find someone who can play 22 year old Jamie as well as 50 year old Jamie. Sometimes I wish they left us (the readers) to our own imaginations and not make movies out of every popular book
Congratulations, Diana! My hopes are that you are allowed considerable input and are allowed to assist them in the writing process. This series will mean a great deal to so many readers that I believe it’s important that you retain creative control by reviewing the script and/or act as producer on the series.
Good things actually do happen to those who wait! I never believed until now! Can hardly wait!!! Thanks Diana for making it happen!!!
I’ve read all your books several times and would LOVE to see a movie or series! Please consider Ryan Burns as Jamie. THANK YOU!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Jamie. He would be great! http://www.facebook.com/OliverMansourJacksonCohen
Oh my!!! This is indeed a blessing! Though I know I would be stepping too far in advance, since I am not in the US I can only wait for the screen adaptataion on DVD.
I hope for the best for the possible mini-series (or whatever the project might really turn out to be…).
I became a fan of the books a little over a month ago and I have read all the books in that short period of time because I love the story/stories so much!!!
Diana, thank you for bringing this story to me… I simply just adore The Outlander Series! Maraming Salamat! (Thank you very much in my native Filipino.)
So glad to hear it will be a miniseries – Much too Much for a single movie ( 8 movie series, may be ) Move Over JK !!!
Can’t wait ! I did not like reading the GAme of thrones ( not a fan of George Martin’s writing), but I am enjoying the way the video version has been done. As always – some details will be lost – Hang on to editing control, Diana!
can’t wait! Oh now I will HAVE to get HBO on cable ( or whichever cable channel buys it)
Patiently waiting for “my heart’s blood”
I am so very happy to hear this news. To see ‘our’ wonderful novels brought to life on the small screen would be complete. I absolutely love the suggest of Jamie Bamber as Jamie and Tricia Helfer as Claire.. they are what I see in my minds eye Diana. I hope you like that thought too! We’re all looking forward reading MOBY when you’re ready to let us.
This is the very best news. I am sure now the Internet will be alight with speculation as to which young hunk will be (or should be) contracted for the role of Jamie.
I have been a fan since Outlander was first published, and have in turn, made rabid fans out of other friends and family. When in Scotland several years ago, the favorite sport of the other ladies on the tour was to search the Scottish countryside for Jamie. It certainly was entertaining!
Diana, this is wonderful news, and certainly kudos belong to you for writing a series that has never diminished in quality and readability.
Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Jamie!! His perfect!! http://www.facebook.com/OliverMansourJacksonCohen?ref=hl
Kevin Mckidd from Grey’s Anatomy would make an awesome Jami
And Alex Kingston from ER would be great as feisty Claire. Can’t wait for the new novel !
Have read all many times. The very best of stories. Have been wanting to see on screen. How fun to think who we would all like to play the different characters. Most of my favorites a bit old and don’t quite have the right Jamie look. Jared Padalecki. After reading a few bits off your site and the descriptions I have read of Jamie’s features he could fit well. Just not sure of his height. Happened to be watching “Supernatural” on this lazy Saturday evening and thought that he was pretty Jamie-ish.
This is great fun. You must be thrilled! I cannot wait for the story to continue.
Congrats! Tv makes more sense but i pray they stick to your version of the story. I have up given up on some many novels that are turned to tv/movies because hollywood just destroys the strong e.g. True blood the books n tv show just got confusing. I pray they get jaime n claire right.
Disappointed its going to be a TV series, movies would have been far better…it will just drag on and on and on!!!!
Dear Dee–
Well, if it does, you can just stop watching it, you know.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!!!!! There are no actors on this earth that could satisfy everyone’s mind’s-eye vision of these characters. They are private and personal to each and every one of the millions of readers who love this series. I would be most unhappy to have mine usurped and ruined. I don’t care how wonderful the director is, no movie or series could capture your vision and characters. I can’t believe you would allow this to happen to your creation.
Dear Susan–
Um. Did the notion of Not Watching it not occur to you?
I would not watch any movie or mini series made of Diana gabaldons books. To me nothing could EVER come close to the complete and total aweSomeness of the outlander books.
YES!!! So excited I could go dance in the street naked!!!!!!!
Dear Lindsey–
I’m very flattered! [g]
My co-workers and I would like to humbly submit an idea for Jamie and Claire. We think Chris Hemsworth would do very well as Jamie and Racheal McAdams would be lovely for Claire. Again these are just our ideas.
I totally agree with Chris Hemsworth. He’s who I pictured from the first book.
Oh I definitely vote for Jamie Bamber, he is such a good actor, and not hard to look at!
Have to add that I hope the people they choose are British, and not super well known, I hate seeing movie star after movie star. Unknowns are usually better!