Many, many thanks to the kind folks at Recorded Books and, who rushed to put together a contract, and who pushed THE FIERY CROSS to the front of the 170-book queue waiting to be uploaded to!
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So happy to see that the Fiery Cross is available!!!!! Cant wait to download it…Will they be doing A Breath of Snow and Ashes?? I have bought both on CDs and loaded them. Will get this now sweet!!!!!!
Dear Kimberly–
They’ve had A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES for the last six months or so.
A Breath of snow and ashes is still abridged in :(. But VERY HAPPY to here that fiery cross is now Unabridged. Thank You for such great novels. Is Davina Porter still the Narrater? She has done such a great job and brought your story to life for me. Thank you
Dear Adelaide–
Check again. They may still _have_ the abridged version (temporarily), but _should_ also have the UNabridged.
A related question about Davina Porter… Does the departure of Recorded Books from the consumer market affect the contractual arrangements that they have with Davina Porter to narrate books for them? Specifically, is there still hope that she will be able to do the narration on MOHB when you have it ready to be recorded? She certainly brings your books to life, and it’s impossible to imagine going to another reader at this stage in the series! Love your stories–and love Davina Porter’s narration! I’ll soon start working my way through the entire audiobook series for the fourth time! No other series comes close. Thank you!!
Dear Patricia—
I certainly hope so, too! I’ll ask Recorded Books about it.
Both versions of a Breath of Snow and Ashes are available on!
Please could you tell me when it will be available in the uk?
Dear Jules–
No, I’m afraid I don’t know that. I’ll ask the Recorded Books people, though.
Hi Diana,
A Breathe of Snow and Ashes Unabridged is still not available on Audible in the UK, although it shows on the US site. Please could you ask Recorded Books and let us know when we can expect it ? I have owned An Echo in the Bone for some time and was excited to hear The Fiery Cross was out. But A Breathe of Snow and Ashes has still failed to appear on Audible in the UK….
Dear Mick–
The license for the abridged version of A Breath of Snow and Ashes expires in 2014. At that point, we can (thank GOD) chop off all sales of the atrocious abridgement and can sell the UNabridged version anywhere. In the meantime, we’re struggling to make what accommodations we can to get the Unabridged version made available, as widely as we can. (We did manage to get it made available in the US, and–oddly enough–in South Africa (or so I’m told).) Don’t know about the UK, but I’ll ask and see what I can find out.
Audible still saying that Fiery Cross not available in Australia?
Annoying that book 5 isnt available on audible in australia but 6 & 7 are
How brilliant that The Fiery Cross is coming to Audible unabridged – I’ve emailed to ask them for this several times! I’ve only been able to get it unabridged on cassettes: takes up half a suitcase when I need to take it anywhere!
Hope this isn’t restricted to the USA: just seen your answer to Kimberly and I’ve only seen the abridged version of A Breath of Snow and Ashes in their UK listings.
This is turning into a wonderful day – all this and a date for the Scottish Prisoner too!
I have had the abridged version for a long time. I Am soooo glad to have the unabridged version now
Isn’t Diana A wonderful writer?
I don’t even remember how many times I have read all the outlander books and listened to them over and over too. : )
Fiery Cross unabridged on, too, please!
Haven’t read through all of the comments but would like to ask all of you to push that the unabridged versions will also be made available at audible.DE refuses to sell audiobooks to european listeners because of copyright constrictions.
It’s available now Sabine
Link to it or it didn’t happen…
I have searched for title, author, narrator, new titles – not there.
The Fiery Cross (Unabridged)Audio
Its a shame that its not available in the UK. The version available (which I purchased, doh) is by a narator called Geraldine James. It’s not a patch on Davina and only 8 hours 42mins instead of over 50!! Thank you Karen Henry for your comments on its US availability. is it on sale in Austrailia I wonder? I am visiting there in April…
Trying to obtain an unabridged ABOSAA (in UK) by DP sooo hard to get hold of….
Have already added it to my wishlist, so happy I can now have the whole set on my iPod! Must be a lot of Gabaldon fans out there for them to push it ahead of that many other books!
Going to right now to get it!! Thanks for making this happen so fast. My collection is now complete!
That’s so awesome! I asked Audible if they had the unabridged version after accidentally listening to the abridged version in September. I couldn’t wait for my request to be resolved so I borrowed the book through inter-library loan and loaded the 46 disks into my computer so I could listen to the whole book. It was worth it! Thank you for your writing.
I just did the same thing with my library… borrowed the 47 discs of Fiery Cross, downloaded them to my computer and then put them on my ipod which, because of its size and already nearly filled capacity, would only hold three discs at a time (rather than than the full version of the book form that I normally download from audible). The library method may be cheaper (free) but I have to say not nearly as convenient!
Having said all that, this book was fantastic. Davina Porter is an amazing narrator… I have tried to describe to my friends why I enjoy these books so much. The excellent writing, cross genre content, and seeming attention to accuracy are all very good reasons. Davina Porter brings them to life, in the same way that a well written novel or play is brought to life on stage and screen. I drive a lot for my job and I find myself sitting in the car once parked for long periods of time (don’t tell my boss), just listening to the story! I look forward to doing mindless tasks like ironing, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, etc. because I pop on my ipod and listen to the adventures of Jamie, Claire, Brianna, and Roger.
Thank you Diana Gaboldon!
I also borrowed the CDs form my local library and uploaded them into my iTunes.
I only regret that Voyager does not come in the unabridged version, at least not at my library or libraries in NY state.
I too am a huge fan of the Outlanders/Lord John series. Presently I am reading/listening to “A Breath of Snow and Ashes”. I like to read and listen to the CDs along so when I encounter one of the gaelic words I know how they are pronounced.
Since book 7 “An Echo in the Bone” is leaving us hanging, I am planning on waiting to read it until book 8 is being relesed. (If I can take it!)
I recently finished “The Scottish Prisoner” (Reading and Listening). As all the other books, I absolutely love this one, as well. I wanted to read slow to make it last but it just didn’t work out that way.
Dear NouNou–
Yes, VOYAGER is certainly available in the unabridged audio format. I hope your local library can get it for you!
I can’t believe my luck! I’ve been re-listening to The Outlander series and just finished Drums yesterday. I checked Audible and voila The Fiery Cross was there. I love to listen to audiobooks on my IPod when I run – us moms have to multi-task! Does anyone know if The Scottish Prisoner will be available on Audible with the release of the book?
Already there Barbara
I joined Audible just to get the Outlander books(because of course having the actual books and on my Kindle wasn’t enough.) I have been checking several times a day for months and I got it right away. Thanks to everyone who made it happen!
I downloaded it the day it was posted. I’m glad to finally have all seven audio books to compliment the books themselves.
As one who (mistakenly) bought the abridged copy on, yay! I would never, never, never read an abridged version of any of Diana’s books. They take out all the good parts!
So happy that The Fiery Cross is available unabridged. I wouldn’t get the audio of A Breath of Snow and Ashes until I could listen to The Fiery Cross unabridged.
I am SO excited that they finally did this. I have listened to them all and found it so weird that this one was left out! I am downloading as we speak!
Booya! Already got in and have spent the day listening to it. What a sweet reward for the waiting.
Now I’m just crossing my fingers and hoping that Scottish Prisoner is immediately available on audio after its release in hardback.
Oh sweet! I am so excited and glad to hear this! My audio collection can now be completed. :o)
Yesssss! Can’t wait to download it!
Such good news! For members… Strangely, it isn’t available on! Any idea when it will be?
Dear Catherine–
No, sorry, I don’t know anything about audiobook availability in the UK–but will try to find out!
Thank you! I’ll patiently be waiting!
Right now the release seems to be for the US only – I can neither get it on nor on (with knows that i’m living in germany) …
Can’t get it on either… very sad…not even the abridged version is available.
Hello fellow Gabaldon devotees!
I am seeking help/advice particularly from tech clever Australian fans.
I am desperate to purchase an electronic version of the ‘Scottish Prisoner’ for my Ipad2 Kindle app.
Despite my best efforts I don’t seem to be able to trick any of the American e-distributors into selling me ‘Scottish Prisoner’.
I have purchased electronic versions of the entire ‘Outlander’ series through Amazon.UK but Amazon.UK doesn’t have pre-release orders for ‘Scottish Prisoner’.
Any advice would be most appreciated.
With thanks for your consideration of my email and warmest regards
Hi, Janet!
I have pre-ordered it through, from Spain, no difference with the other Gabaldon’s books.
I first bought ruede books thanks to tour hints. I hope you can get the Scottish Prisioner soon.
Regards, Angela
Hello Angela,
Thank you very much for responding. I am glad that you have been able to pre-order ‘The Scottish Prisoner’. I really appreciate your empathy and concern.
I am afraid that I tried again, and amazon just keeps coming up with “Product Not Currently Available”.
I guess that I will just have to be patient and wait for my paper copies to arrive from the ‘Poisoned Pen’ in Arizona.
Warmest regards from the other side of the world
Janet : )
I thought I would preorder The Scottish Prisoner for my Kindle…
Can’t. “no pricing info”. Probably because I’m in Australia, distant land of the oft- ignored Kindle customer (you wouldn’t believe how many titles are unavailable to Australia).
Thought I’d finally be able to get The Fiery Cross unabridged from Audible…
Can’t do that either.
Hugely disappointed.
If your publishers are happy for you to tour Australia, why not have not just your print books, but all audio and digital editions available to Australian customers as well? Since August 2011 they’ve finally got on Kindle for us, still not all on Audible, (if you’re in Australia).. And we speak English, so no translation issues. Can’t your agent or publishers solve this?
I’ve had a print copy of TSP preordered since May, just in case you wonder. To add to my complete collection in hardback.
Just an accessibility note of another kind: the very low contrast of black type on dark teal background is really hard to read. I find this on multiple computers looking at your website, so it doesn’t seem to be just one computer’s settings.
Hello Ruth,
I purchased audio CD’s off ebay in the States and the U.K and transferred them to my Iphone device. You need to keep a constant eye on ebay, as the option to purchase audio doesn’t come up often. You can contact me personally on if you would like more info. I opened an account to purchase most of the ‘Outlander’ series in e-book format.
I do share your frustration in not being able to pre-order an e-version ‘Scottish Prisoner’ here in Australia.
Cheers from Janet in Oz
Thank you, Janet. Appreciate your time and suggested solutions (although uploading dozens of CDs….not fun, when compared to a couple of audio files, is it?). Cheers.
Hi, dears!
I have a big question about ‘The custom of the army’ (maybe this is not the exact place to set this question! My apologies if it is a bit bothersome, I’m quite new here).
My questions are a few:
Do you plan to publish tris novella by itself? If yes, when?
I’ve looked for ‘Warriors’ through, but it seems that they don’t have an electronic (kindle) version of the boom yet, is there any way to push Amazon to release the e- book soon?
if you know, pelase, tell me.
Than you!!
Hi Angela!
Diana has said that she would like to (at some point) collect the short stories into a collection (or 2) and/or make them available individually as ebooks. I checked Amazon (US) and Warriors is available for Kindle at $14.99. If you are using the UK site, there is a small link under the picture of the cover that says “I’d like to read this book on Kindle”. I believe Amazon then informs the publisher that there are requests for this book in ebook format. Good luck!
I agree with one of the posts here that I hope Davina Porter is doing the narration. She did an absolutely fantastic job bringing the personalities of the characters to life–especially Claire and Jamie..
Another fan here who is disappointed that the UK Audible website still doesn’t have the Fiery Cross in unabridged version. Hope you can find out something soon!
I am lucky – I have the CDs of it and have transferred them to my iPod but it would be so much nicer to have it in 4 or 5 parts instead of this booming voice saying “this ends Disc (whatever the number) and then on to the next disc.
Same with ABOSAA – only the abridged version available on the UK version of Audible. Any chance you can investigate that as well? it seems bizarre that the US site can have it but not the UK site.
E-Book – ‘The Scottish Prisoner’
To all the Aussie devotees out there,
I should advise that I have had responses from both and ITunes, who politely and regretfully state that ‘The Scottish Prisoner’ will not be available as an e-book in Australia due to publishing considerations.
I write to save other Aussies the hours of effort in trying and failing to obtain e-versions of some of Diana’s books.
I even tried to open an Amazon.US account using my husband’s computer and email address but the system recognized the Australian ISP and blocked me.
I have learnt that the world of international publishing is an absolute minefield. One more reason to admire our hero Diana with having to deal with all the nuances of publishing, editing, etc whilst simultaneous juggling husband, family and being a creative genius.
Don’t know how you do it! We appreciate your efforts all the more! Wishing you energy and inspiration as you weave ‘Written in my own Hearts Blood’ for us.
Warmest regards from sunny Brisbane, Australia