In honor of Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser’s birthday–October 20, 1918– here’s Claire’s first scene from WRITTEN IN MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD. (NO, I don’t have pub date for this book. I’m not done _writing_ it, for heaven’s sake. When it’s done, I’ll tell you, OK? (I’m hoping to have it finished by the end of 2012. Meanwhile, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER and Jamie will perhaps help tide you over–that one comes out next month–November 29th))
Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon
Mrs. Figg was smoothly spherical, gleamingly black, and inclined to glide silently up behind one like a menacing ball-bearing.
“What’s this?” she barked, manifesting herself suddenly behind Jenny.
“Holy Mother of God!” Jenny whirled, eyes round and hand pressed to her chest. “Who in God’s name are you?”
“This is Mrs. Figg,” I said, feeling a surreal urge to laugh, despite–or maybe because of–recent events. “Lord John Grey’s cook. And Mrs. Figg, this is Mrs. Murray. My, um…my…”
“Your good-sister,” Jenny said firmly. She raised one black eyebrow. “If ye’ll have me, still?” Her look was straight and open, and the urge to laugh changed abruptly into an equally strong urge to burst into tears. Of all the unlikely sources of succor I could have imagined… I took a deep breath and put out my hand.
“I’ll have you.”
Her small firm fingers wove through mine, and as simply as that, it was done. No need for apologies or spoken forgiveness. She’d never had to wear the mask that Jamie did. What she thought and felt was there in her eyes, those slanted blue cat-eyes she shared with her brother. She knew me, now, for what I was—and knew I loved—had always loved–her brother with all my heart and soul–despite the minor complications of being presently married to someone else. And that knowledge obliterated years of mistrust, suspicion, and injury.
She heaved a sigh, eyes closing for an instant, then opened them and smiled at me, mouth trembling only a little.
“Well, fine and dandy,” said Mrs. Figg, shortly. She narrowed her eyes and rotated smoothly on her axis, taking in the panorama of destruction. The railing at the top of the stair had been ripped off, and cracked banisters, dented walls, and bloody smudges marked the path of William’s descent. Shattered crystals from the chandelier littered the floor, glinting festively in the light that poured through the open front door, the door itself hanging drunkenly from one hinge.
“Merde on toast,” Mrs. Figg murmured. She turned abruptly to me, her small black-currant eyes still narrowed. “Where’s his lordship?”
“Ah,” I said. This was going to be rather sticky, I saw. While deeply disapproving of most people, Mrs. Figg was devoted to John. She wasn’t going to be at all pleased to hear that he’d been abducted by–
“For that matter, where’s my brother?” Jenny inquired, glancing round as though expecting Jamie to appear suddenly out from under the settee.
“Oh,” I said. “Hm. Well…” Possibly worse than sticky. Because…
“And where’s my Sweet William?” Mrs. Figg demanded, sniffing the air. “He’s been here; I smell that stinky cologne he puts on his linen.” She nudged a dislodged chunk of plaster disapprovingly with the toe of her shoe.
I took another long, deep breath, and a tight grip on what remained of my sanity.
Mrs. Figg,” I said, “perhaps you would be so kind as to make us all a cup of tea?”
[end section]
Happy Birthday Claire!!!
Buon compleanno Claire!!!
Adoro questa donna che riesce in mezzo a quel caos a tentare di prendere le redini in mano, con il proprio sarcasmo, per aquiettare la situazione con una tazza di the.
It’s more much time for to wait the end of 2012 for to read a new book.
I read your books for the second time, because I love its.
Thank you 1000, Diana!
I hope to see you in Italy next time.
For many, Jamie is the best character in this serie, but for me, the best character is Claire.
Happy bday Claire and thank you Diana!
Got to agree. Claire is my favorite. One of the best characters in literature. Smart, spunky, lots of mad skills- she’s an excellent role model in ever so many ways. An admirable creation and appreciated by reams of readers ’round the world. You rock ladies (Claire and Diana)…write on!
Perfectly stated Belinda!
I have always been an on & off reader. I got all wrapped up in the Twilight Saga, finish the books, then reread, at least 10 times, then was lost. So Christmas 2009, a family member got me Outlander & Dragonfly in Amber, I picked them up, here, and there, then thought, She wouldn’t get me something horrible to read, well long story short… By New Years Day, I was starting Dragonfly, it was done, and I panicked, went to barnes & noble, got the rest of them, except Echo in the Bone, which had just come out around that time. I read that one, then called Debbie, and said what the hell is going on, how is she going to end it this way? She then told me a bit about you, and that this wasn’t going to be the end, and that now, I’d have to wait for the next book like everyone else. I love your book & you for opening my life up to your writing! My Husband, and my Children, they hate when I am reading one of your books, they say I’m crazy obsessed, and that their going to suffer, and have burnt dinners, or frozen dinners till I’m done with my book, luckily for them I’m a fast reader. Lol. But Thank you, you have also taken me through some tuff times, when I’ve been bedridden and didn’t even mind having to stay in bed, because Jamie, and everyone else was there with me too! I’ve lost numerous amounts of sleep due to your books, and haven’t minded once! My Husband said It’s like im on a drug, and I’m up tweaking all night reading! Love it’s, and thank you….
November 29 can’t get here fast enough. Diana thank you for the intro to MOBY and for everything else you do for us. Great travels and hurry home and write (:
I have always been an on & off reader. I got all wrapped up in the Twilight Saga, finish the books, then reread, at least 10 times, then was lost. So Christmas 2009, a family member got me Outlander & Dragonfly in Amber, I picked them up, here, and there, then thought, She wouldn’t get me something horrible to read, well long story short… By New Years Day, I was starting Dragonfly, it was done, and I panicked, went to barnes & noble, got the rest of them, except Echo in the Bone, which had just come out around that time. I read that one, then called Debbie, and said what the hell is going on, how is she going to end it this way? She then told me a bit about you, and that this wasn’t going to be the end, and that now, I’d have to wait for the next book like everyone else. I love your book & you for opening my life up to your writing! My Husband, and my Children, they hate when I am reading one of your books, they say I’m crazy obsessed, and that their going to suffer, and have burnt dinners, or frozen dinners till I’m done with my book, luckily for them I’m a fast reader. Lol. But Thank you, you have also taken me through some tuff times, when I’ve been bedridden and didn’t even mind having to stay in bed, because Jamie, and everyone else was there with me too! I’ve lost numerous amounts of sleep due to your books, and haven’t minded once! My Husband said It’s like im on a drug, and I’m up tweaking all night reading!lol. Love it, and thank you….
Happy Birthday Claire! I’ve missed you. I’m on round two of the series and biding my time.
Happy Birthday Claire! and many thanks for the teaser, Diana. I’m patiently waiting…
Happy Birthday Claire! I hope at 93 you are still enjoying your garden (as my 93 yr grandma does) With your love by your side, and this evening have a luxurious relaxing bath.
Diana, Thank you for Claire’s first scene from WRITTEN IN MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD! I had a huge sigh of relief for Claire and her “good sister”.
BTW I do read a lot but I am perfectly fine and happy with my Outlander obsession : )
I am with Fawn.
There’s nothing wrong with having an ‘Outlander’ obsession.
Problem, what problem?
LOVE IT!!!!! AND CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to believe it’s been 20 years since I first met Jamie & Claire. Your books are so wonderful on so many levels, it’s no wonder we can’t get enough. My father’s family left Scotland and settled in the mountains of North Carolina even earlier than Claire & Jamie, so besides the great stories, the books give me a very clear picture of what my ancestors’ lives would have been like. My birthday is one month after Claire’s (Nov. 20), so “The Scottish Prisoner” will be my gift to myself. (Stephen King gives me a new book every year for my birthday, wish you could do the same lol!)
I just wanted to say Thank you for writing the Outlander Series or as I call them “my Jamie books”. I was first given Outlander to read when I was fourteen years old (I am now twenty-eight) and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read the entire series. My mom was the person who suggested I read Outlander and she encouraged me to continue reading the whole series. (After she read them them first of course!) We have a formed and special bond through our love for Jamie and Claire, and we cannot wait for the next installment. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!
Happy Birthday Claire!
Happy 93rd Birthday Claire….and Hapy 113th Birthday Ellen Elizabeth Vail (my grandmother) LOL
Thank you so much Diana.
Looking forward the next “installment” by re-reading the first seven.
This is why I spotted double rainbows over Vermont!!!! TY, so very much, Diana. Happy Natal Day, Claire oooooooox
What? That’s it? Really??
It’s almost not fair to just give us that much. That’s just a tease, now isn’t it? Not to be ungrateful, you understand, but we are desperate to find out how all of this turns out. Thanks for the fun peek. And write fast, please.
Just a note to say how much I love the series which I have read over and over always finding something I missed, always find a place to laugh or cry. Can’t wait for the next installment.
I have seen some of the suggestions of who to play Jamie and my vote would go to David James Elliott. I have seen him in a kilt and he would be perfect.
Happy Birthday Claire!
I really miss Claire and Jamie. I am so glad another book is coming up in November. I love the Outlander series. I will download it in my Kindle and read it again.
Happy Birthday Claire! I started this series with “Dragonfly in Amber” it seems like forever ago and have the entire series now. I have had to replace the first 3 books because unfortunately I read them to shreds! I love the characters, history and the way it is all woven together. I tend to re-read the entire series after I buy the newest book but before I read it. This let’s me keep everything fresh and keeps the anticipation building. With other authors and series this often ends badly, not with Diana and the Outlandish series. I downloaded Echo to my Thunderbolt this summer and always had it with me but wouldn’t even ‘crack’ it until I read all of the others. Oh, the torture!
Please keep writing about such amazing lives for us, Diana. We love you, Claire, Jamie and the family! Thank you and your family for the time and effort you put into these wonderful stories.
I LOVE the Outlander Series!!!! I have never read a book that makes you feel that you are in the story along with them. You feel every emotion as its happening in the book. THANK YOU Diana for sharing your wonderful gift with us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!!!!
Dear Diana, there’s no words to describe my love for your work, thank you for the passion, dedication, love and hard work you put into each book. I feel alive because of your books. If I was granted only one wish, it would be to meet you (even though I would pass out before We shaked hands) because of your story I wish I was Claire and wish I had Jammie. Sending you genuine love and wishing Claire Fraser (Sassenach) a happy birthday! Your fan, Yarah
I was so excited when I found out that Claire and I and my second daughter all share the same birthday! I have gone back to read these books several times, some more than others, but they are the only series I reread on a regular basis. Thank you so much for the hours of pleasure they have given me.